Title: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on July 21, 2011, 10:11:41 pm Some years ago there was an initiative where SPC fans created an SPC comic. The setup was as follows: every week another fan would draw a page of the comic, taking the story in whatever direction he/she imagined. The next artist had to take over where the last one ended, so to say.
Does anyone know what the website was called? I'm pretty sure it was actually hosted on edoropolis.org so shame on me for not being able to find it... Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on July 22, 2011, 07:15:05 am I believe that was the SPC Impromanga, started by runningfromgodot.
It would be neat if we could finish that or start another one, but I'm not sure how many artists with free time we have in the community these days, and something like that is even harder to keep going than a fanfic chain. But who knows? Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on July 22, 2011, 03:32:19 pm As I recall, the storyline ended up so screwy that no one could really think of a way to continue it.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on July 22, 2011, 03:35:50 pm It would be neat if we could finish that or start another one, but I'm not sure how many artists with free time we have in the community these days, and something like that is even harder to keep going than an fanfic chain. But who knows? On paper it sounds nice but it's all too easy for it to hit a fatal snag when someone in the chain doesn't update. I would love to be on board for something like this but it would depend on if you could pull away enough of the community from pony related crap and over to something like this. NoName, Von, I'm looking at you... >:[ Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on July 23, 2011, 06:50:22 pm I sort of remember that.. and sort of recall it being off the wall... but I only remember because it was brought up.
I'd probably jump in on a new one if we could get some others involved. Maybe our COLD pal would enjoy contributing, too... * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on July 29, 2011, 05:58:55 am Well, if/when our resident artists get some free time, I'd love to see a new one get started. And if it gets too tricky doing straight-up improv, maybe a very loose script could be worked out beforehand while still leaving enough room to change things around if desired.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on July 30, 2011, 04:50:09 pm I remember the setup was like, if you wanted to participate you asked and were then scheduled in for a page somewhere in the future. It was supposed to be a weekly affair, however I think some artists took longer so you never really knew for sure 'week 4' was starting date + 4 weeks as it could just as well be + 5 weeks or + 6.
I think some improvements could be: * no artist queue; artists can only register to draw next week's page, applications open when this week's page is published. Either on 'first come first serve basis' or a 1 day open subscription where the next artist is chosen randomly from the applicants. To counter true randomness*1 a slight favor might be granted for every time an artist applied but wasn't chosen (so over time, it becomes more and more certain that you'll be picked, if you keep applying). * as Tigriss suggested, have a very loose script, and have a set number of pages for the parts of the story arc. Like, 1-4: introduction; 5-12: story arc unfolds; 13-18: climax; 19-20: conclusion. Number of pages are just examples (based on a 2:4:3:1 ratio, which I just made up as well). Point one would help artists plan and avoid them being caught in real life issues just when they're supposed to create their page. Another advantage would be that artists would know what they applied for as they'd be free to refrain from applying when they'd have no idea how to continue the story at a given week. Point two would help them determine 'where' the story is and as such, how much and in what direction they can develop the story. It certainly would take away some freedom, however I suppose the benefit would outweigh that. *1 true randomness means that one could throw dice for a month and never roll a six. Very, very improbable, but still a possibility. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Fureon on July 31, 2011, 08:38:00 am So I wasn't first to come up with this idea ?:|
Oh well. We have this kind of thing (http://spc.0sites.net/extras.php) currently rolling on my Russian SPC site (you might remember it) since March 2010. It's more of a roleplaying game, though. Each player has their own character who they control, and... eh, I would give you the ruleset rather then telling, but it's in Russian. Anyway, we don't have a strict schedule or a set number of pages, but we do have an order of players' turns and a set of rules. Back to the topic... I'm looking forward to see how this turns out. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on July 31, 2011, 09:30:01 am So I wasn't first to come up with this idea ?:| Oh well. We have this kind of thing (http://spc.0sites.net/extras.php) currently rolling on my Russian SPC site (you might remember it) since March 2010. It's more of a roleplaying game, though. Each player has their own character who they control, and... eh, I would give you the ruleset rather then telling, but it's in Russian. Anyway, we don't have a strict schedule or a set number of pages, but we do have an order of players' turns and a set of rules. Back to the topic... I'm looking forward to see how this turns out. Sounds a lot like what Vi started way back in the day on AOL. Good times, good times.. 8) * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on July 31, 2011, 02:55:28 pm I still have the page I did
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Romero Anchovy on July 31, 2011, 03:50:32 pm I'm not sure what came before or after that page but that's funny none the less. That's a really good job Vi. and Purrcats idea for the format seems even and fair also.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on July 31, 2011, 04:12:13 pm As I recall, that page took me over a week to do (I'm not a good artist, but I can fake it by doing it over and over until it looks right) and that was when I didn't have a full time job.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Romero Anchovy on July 31, 2011, 06:49:19 pm that brings up a question...for the comic would it be better just to have it all B&W? or is it gonna be colored? I think either or it should be consistant
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on July 31, 2011, 10:20:23 pm that brings up a question...for the comic would it be better just to have it all B&W? or is it gonna be colored? I think either or it should be consistant I think it's really up to the consideration of the artist since it will be impossible to be consistent due to the varying styles of each artist. If they want colorgasmic effects or lines from MSpaint then that should be up to them...though I would prefer anyone who did this not use paint because that's just silly. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Mr.NoName on August 01, 2011, 01:52:03 am I think it's really up to the consideration of the artist since it will be impossible to be consistent due to the varying styles of each artist. Heh.. and you should know that, if I do partake in this, I'd barf everything... just like I do with everything else. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Expresso on August 02, 2011, 05:36:39 am As I recall, that page took me over a week to do (I'm not a good artist, but I can fake it by doing it over and over until it looks right) and that was when I didn't have a full time job. That's all I do too =D Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 09, 2011, 12:02:35 am (http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/220/3/8/impromanga_or_else_by_razgrizblaze-d45xep8.jpg)
Peoplez on here should start letting me know if they're interested...before I come bother them. I'll start making a list... Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: vonhorz on August 09, 2011, 10:26:24 am that brings up a question...for the comic would it be better just to have it all B&W? or is it gonna be colored? I think either or it should be consistant I think it's really up to the consideration of the artist since it will be impossible to be consistent due to the varying styles of each artist. If they want colorgasmic effects or lines from MSpaint then that should be up to them...though I would prefer anyone who did this not use paint because that's just silly. i kinda got to take it personal that you said smth against paint...paints awesome. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: KageReneko on August 09, 2011, 10:42:25 am Paint isn't so bad... I made this back on 1998 with MS Paint of Windows 95 and a mouse...
(http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj160/kagereneko/BishojoSenshiSeraMunSuperS.jpg) Damn it... IT'S A PONY!!! Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 09, 2011, 11:20:54 am that brings up a question...for the comic would it be better just to have it all B&W? or is it gonna be colored? I think either or it should be consistant I think it's really up to the consideration of the artist since it will be impossible to be consistent due to the varying styles of each artist. If they want colorgasmic effects or lines from MSpaint then that should be up to them...though I would prefer anyone who did this not use paint because that's just silly. i kinda got to take it personal that you said smth against paint...paints awesome. I say that because it's not hard to obtain a decent image manipulation program for free...*cough* Gimp *cough* Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: vonhorz on August 09, 2011, 11:29:59 am since im stuck to my sketchy way to draw i dont really need gimp...only if a decent outline is needed...however...i would like to participate as well...but its my final year(which means the same work plus final-exams within a 2 month shorter year) so it might be that i have to skip from time to time
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 09, 2011, 11:35:31 am since im stuck to my sketchy way to draw i dont really need gimp...only if a decent outline is needed...however...i would like to participate as well...but its my final year(which means the same work plus final-exams within a 2 month shorter year) so it might be that i have to skip from time to time Well, we'll try and work a week for you when you're not so loaded. Try and let us know if such a time comes up once we get going. Title: Impromanga 2011 - confirming the guidelines? Post by: sans soul on August 09, 2011, 03:56:43 pm MSPaint can indeed be awesome. I used to mouse all my old works in it before all the big names in graphic software were created.
Anyway, I'm doing some promotion for the Impromanga on Deviantart. I'm posting in my journal and calling on all the SPC artists I know across the site. As of now, there are 10 confirmed artists, and more who are interested but undecided. I feel like if I had more information about it to throw around, it'd be easier to talk to people about it. Does anyone want to agree on a set of guidelines for the comic pages and order of artists so that I can let everyone on dA know as well? I don't want to move forward on this until I know we're all in the same boat. * [edit] link to my dA page w/ journal, and there's a few SPC doodles down the bottom in the comments ^^ http://astercrow.deviantart.com/ Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 09, 2011, 04:27:42 pm Uhh.. This is suddenly picking up steam. And I just brought it up since I wanted to see how the previous one fared and ended ;)
Anyway, this might be a good time to think up some general plot. I'd say it'd be easiest to place the story somewhere within the general story arc of the series and make it a "monster of the week" episode. That might not be very ambitious, however there's plenty of room there to improvise a fun story around it. Now I don't suppose this is enough of a plot; a little more and it'd be a sound foundation. If you all like the idea of a no-queue random artist selection for next week's page, I'll start programming it. I was thinking to interface it with the EE forum to prevent lots of nonsense registrations which could (would) mess up the system, however after reading Aster's post, I think it'd have to interface with both DeviantArt and the EE forum. So: you log in with your EE or DeviantArt credentials and are then able to register for next week's page. I estimate it'd be a couple of days work to have it fully working, but it'd be a fun distraction from normal work. However, I'd love to know if you all do NOT like the idea since I'd rather work on fun distractions that actually get used :P If you've already got 10 people interested (which is great btw!), a 20 page comic might be a bit on the short side. How about 30 pages? Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: KageReneko on August 09, 2011, 06:48:18 pm It sounds great, I'm a bit rusty now and this would be a good way for practicing a bit...
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on August 10, 2011, 02:16:56 am Monster-of-the-day-episode scenario seems perfectly fine to me.
I think we should probably find out how many artists want to be involved before we choose how many pages long it should be. Usually the shorter the better (because then it has a better chance of getting finished). Plus you never know if someone who said they will do it drops out, and others might not want to contribute more than one page. * [edited so as not to double-post] Nyanki has informed me that he has a few pages already drawn for a comic he was going to write. They don't have text yet, and he was wondering if he could contribute them to the Impromanga project if we wanted him to start it off. I told him that I would at least pass along what he said: "Like I mentioned, it doesn't have the text yet, but I could have 6 pages ready to go pretty quick. First page as a sample. http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://img227.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=296471633_ts1_122_493lo.jpg (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://img227.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=296471633_ts1_122_493lo.jpg) Basic plot is that Vi "has nothing to wear", so she hosts a fashion show with a prize for the winner, and Big Cheese enters. He wanted to model the clothes himself, but Jerry talks him into letting a special Ninja Crow robot designed to appeal to Vi be the model. The Pizza Cats show up to see what Cheese is up to. And that's about where I left off, so anyone can pick it up from there." Maybe we could use one or two instead of all of them if you guys wanna go in that direction. But, I told him that we were were probably going to stick with the previous Impromanga's guidelines. *shrug* Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 10, 2011, 04:20:26 pm That's a very nice page! It'd probably be best to just use 1 page I suppose. Or all artists would have to create a few pages. Which is a fine format by me, but might be too much work for others. To be clear: I'm all for equality here.
Off-topic: That "without text" gave me an idea.. Probably a bit to extreme to actually do, however here goes: there could be the 'drawing' impromanga project and a separate 'texting' project, where the pages produced by the drawing team, which would be without text, would be appended with text by the texting team. A double-impro manga so to speak. Very "SPC", however I think practically impossible to execute properly.. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on August 10, 2011, 05:48:25 pm 6 pages ready to go (almost ready at least), I say take it. No one should feel obliged to draw more than one page, but if someone wants to do more, then by all means do not hold them back. The more the better.
I do kind of like Purrcat's idea, of using the un-texted comic and letting other people add text, (sort of like TSW Deluxe) but, I have the feeling that unless it was coordinated very well it would just end up as a bunch random stuff and not really make a story. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 12, 2011, 04:08:11 pm Heh, sometimes I become too fixated about a detail; on second thought, allowing all participants to submit 1 or more pages is, of course, just fine.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on August 12, 2011, 11:10:09 pm Basic plot is that Vi "has nothing to wear", so she hosts a fashion show with a prize for the winner, and Big Cheese enters. He wanted to model the clothes himself, but Jerry talks him into letting a special Ninja Crow robot designed to appeal to Vi be the model. The Pizza Cats show up to see what Cheese is up to. And that's about where I left off, so anyone can pick it up from there." That sounds pretty fun. If we're going to combine our project with this one, I've been thinking of ideas for the robot and came up with the name "MetroCrow 3000". I can't decide if it's too cheesy, or just cheesy enough as far as SPC is concerned. ;) I do kind of like Purrcat's idea, of using the un-texted comic and letting other people add text, (sort of like TSW Deluxe) but, I have the feeling that unless it was coordinated very well it would just end up as a bunch random stuff and not really make a story. Yeah, that might get a little confusing, but it did give me an idea for a project separate from the Impromanga. It could be, like you mentioned, a "They Said What!?" caption contest, but with fanart. One person creates a short comic without text, people enter their ideas for what the text should be, and the winner gets their text added to the comic. How about that? Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 15, 2011, 03:30:00 pm Alright, the entries have come to a grinding halt so I think we have our grand cast for the impromanga. They are...
Aster Crow Romero Anchovy Mechadon NoName Expresso PizzaCat SulanaJay KageReneko Von Myself So...I suppose we should move on to the next phase. Any luck with a script Purr? Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 15, 2011, 03:43:28 pm I don't have DeviantArt and as such didn't register, but you can count me in also provide some art. I doubt I'm the last to say I'm in though.
But ehh to make something clear; somewhere along the way it got from hypothetical ideas that might make one more successful than the last (and I don't consider the last a failure; the community is fairly small) to something like "we can almost start drawing" ;) The message I tried to give off was "please expand the script a bit to make it enough to work with," not "I'm almost done with it," sorry if I wasn't clear about that. I've got time this week to create the site and registration stuff though, more on that on wednesday or thursday. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 15, 2011, 08:16:36 pm The message I tried to give off was "please expand the script a bit to make it enough to work with," not "I'm almost done with it," sorry if I wasn't clear about that. I've got time this week to create the site and registration stuff though, more on that on wednesday or thursday. You're getting confused again Purr...by 'script' I mean a logic script for randomizing the artist selection. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on August 17, 2011, 11:57:01 pm So we're adding InsaneCrayola to the list of artists as well, and Burkey is interested in contributing some writing. I told him that he collab with me for my page(s) since it's kind of hard to insert non-visual artists at this point without being speculative over the possibilities.
Are we gonna start with Nyanki's first 6 pages and go from there? That would definitely get the impromanga going and give a starting point story-wise. * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on August 18, 2011, 12:16:19 am 6 pages is a good start. That would get things started and may get other people interested.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 18, 2011, 03:22:14 am The site is almost done and ready to be shown, I expect to be able to link to it later today (it's a quarter past 8 in the morning here now). I'm not that much of a website designer, but I'd say it looks adequate enough to at least start out with.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 18, 2011, 09:28:22 pm When I said "almost done," I somehow forgot about Internet Explorer.... IE6 is really ancient history so I'm not supporting that, but IE7 might still be in wide use... It's crazy this thing read CSS so differently from any other browser, or well, compared to current browsers might be better put.
Anyway, head over to http://www.edoropolis.org/impromanga/ (http://www.edoropolis.org/impromanga/). It still doesn't look like much, but considering most text and other elements at least overlaps the space I want them to occupy, it's a real improvement as it is. I've disabled the ability to login for now; what's behind that isn't finished. Also, the pages you see on that site now aren't going to be used in the real impromanga; it's just stuff I tested with. DeviantArt blocked access to their login authentication stuff from edoropolis.org while I was testing (suppose I made too many logon attempts, maybe too many failed) and DeviantArt isn't providing tools to interface with them 'the right way' so I can't offer DeviantArt integration after all :( You'll need an EE account to be able to participate. Is this a problem for anyone? The first time you login (disabled atm), the Impromanga will copy some info from your EE profile, for example your avatar so it can be shown alongside your contribution. If you've got a homepage, the location will be copied as well and a link to your site will show up in the Links section. Anyway, please comment on the general setup of the site, it might be better layout yet. If you were going to say that it's ****-ugly, that's fine but also provide a complete set of images and all to replace the current theme with :P Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on August 19, 2011, 09:10:57 am Comic: I like where it's going, while the first page doesn't look drawn well, it sorta adds to the charm of it, and I like that.
Site: The site layout is OK, I wouldn't say great, but, it works well enough. Anyway, I am of no use, and my brother wouldn't participate, even if I begged him to. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 19, 2011, 11:13:49 am Comic: I like where it's going, while the first page doesn't look drawn well, it sorta adds to the charm of it, and I like that. Sorry to say that those 2 pages aren't going anywhere, it's just there to test the site with (I ripped them from the previous impromanga).Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 19, 2011, 12:56:24 pm I like the direction this is taking. Much appreciation for the effort you're putting in for this Purr. Also, saw your DA account...emptyyyyyyy... =]
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on August 19, 2011, 02:20:46 pm Nyanki's adding the text to his comic pages, and then we'll have the first 6 ready to go. He'll link me when it's done.
Are we going to have a random drawing for the order of the artists, or have a sign-up list on a first-come first-serve basis? I think the latter might be better, so then everyone knows where they are in line and can request a later date if they know they're going to be busy. * [UPDATE] These are so awesome. Page 1) http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d474zkd (http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d474zkd) Page 2) http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zpy (http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zpy) Page 3) http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zu4 (http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zu4) Page 4) http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zyd (http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zyd) Page 5) http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d475024 (http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d475024) Page 6) http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4750dn (http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4750dn) Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 19, 2011, 05:00:14 pm Great news ;)
I was using the random selection idea I suggested earlier since nobody appeared to disagree. Being able to postpone 'your' week is a good idea, but it means that for some artists, their place in line is now actually 1 place sooner, so they would only have the illusion to know their place in line. I also suspect pre-registration might lead to people just forgetting they ought to contribute, seeing this could span anything in excess of 2 months. Lastly, having to try your luck again and again pretty much makes sure only people apply who're still interested in the project. In essence the idea is to try your luck and you might win a prize. So it's gambling. So people get addicted ;P The site will bother people with emails anyway (unless disabled), so some of these reasons might not be that important. A disadvantage is that it might be felt too tedious to have to retry every week and people would just give up after 4 tries no matter what's said about improving chances. Anyway, whatever would be best for the project. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on August 19, 2011, 07:53:06 pm Very nice, I like where this is going very much so. Keep us updated on the site Purr and let us know when we're ready to roll.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on August 19, 2011, 08:53:43 pm So it begins-
A lot of potential here, this could go in many different directions. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 19, 2011, 08:57:22 pm Cool! I've added the pages to the site so there's final stuff to see, instead of my test stuff. I noticed a problem with the text though; on page 4, Guide says "Don't worry, Al, we'll all those supermodels are protected." ("make sure" is missing). I've filled out the stuff that would otherwise be automatically filled, like nyanki's name, deviantART avatar and link to it.
I'd be very uncomfortable if the site isn't ready before monday, will update (hopefully soon). Current site isn't final design. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on August 22, 2011, 05:32:50 pm Cool! I've added the pages to the site so there's final stuff to see, instead of my test stuff. I noticed a problem with the text though; on page 4, Guide says "Don't worry, Al, we'll all those supermodels are protected." ("make sure" is missing). I've filled out the stuff that would otherwise be automatically filled, like nyanki's name, deviantART avatar and link to it. I'd be very uncomfortable if the site isn't ready before monday, will update (hopefully soon). Current site isn't final design. Looks like that text has been fixed since then http://nyanki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d474zu4 Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 22, 2011, 07:10:57 pm What service ;) I'll update the picture soon.
The site is ready! Well.. No it's not ready. But it's ready enough so that you all are able to apply for next week's page(s). There'll be about 1.5 days to apply so be sure not to miss it! http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/ (http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/). You can use your EE username and password to login on that site. A bit of information will be imported into your impromanga profile the first time you log on, like your name, your website (if specified in your avatar) and your current avatar image. Most of that info can be edited at any time. It's recommended to leave email notifications on, so you'll get warnings and/or reminders when it's time to apply or this week's page(s), and get notified when the lucky winner is picked. I've added some explanations in the About page, http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/About (http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/About), however the About page is really an afterthought and so it's no more than just a collection of things I thought about while writing it. If you find things you don't agree with, or like other stuff better explained, or missing things etc please let me know in this thread or by PM or email or so-- chances are whatever it was, you'll have a clearer idea about it than I just had when rushing to get that page in a sort of "complete" state. A better or clearer explanation than I managed is also valued ;) And yes I'm aware that the new page design is depressingly gray. ;) It's been rushed to kind-of be ready to at least serve its function. If you've got better art to decorate the site with, I'm all ears. Likewise if the site's acting strange with your browser, or some thing isn't working or it's shouting errors at you. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on August 22, 2011, 07:12:36 pm It works in neither IE nor Firefox. Can somebody tell me what's going on?
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 22, 2011, 07:16:08 pm Can you tell me what isn't working? Getting a blank page? Or just a chaos of what seems like UI images? Or are the problems related to logging in?
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 22, 2011, 07:24:14 pm Found out what it is; I'll fix it now but it might take up to a number of hours for your provider's name server to update its info to the correct stuff
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on August 22, 2011, 09:48:49 pm It works now. Thanks.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on August 23, 2011, 03:47:45 am Good work on the web page, Purrcat. Yes, it looks a little plain now, but it is a base to build on. Just one issue; when I click on the "manga" I get the "SPC impromanga 2011" title, but it took me a moment to figure out how to start reading it, so maybe add a "click here" or something.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on August 23, 2011, 11:01:05 am Something I noticed...
When I registered my account and ticked the box to register for the current week's drawing, there was no option to save the information. As a test, I left to visit the Links page, then came back to my profile, and the box was once again unchecked. I tried it once more with the same result. Am I entered in the random drawing, or not? Not sure how that works. * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Crow on August 23, 2011, 12:29:13 pm It means you fail.
<3 ~Burke Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 23, 2011, 12:33:06 pm Drat! There goes my plot to guarantee me being the first to get picked :P
Seriously though, that's a pretty serious error! Look into it asap. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 23, 2011, 01:00:32 pm Fixed.. Later today I'll notify everyone who logged in on the site. Tnx for noticing that admittedly very minor bug in the registration code :P
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Blackcat on August 24, 2011, 10:15:31 pm I just can't believe the impromanga is back...
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on August 25, 2011, 08:22:44 pm It has begun. Aster happens to have been picked, from 4 folks who applied. Happy drawing!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on August 26, 2011, 02:05:25 pm :O
Uhh.. okay.. I guess I didn't expect to be picked first. I'll try to make the deadline best I can. Preparing for the hurricane so I'll do my best to come up with something.. maybe drawing by candlelight won't be such a bad way to pass the time confined indoors ^^; * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: KyoZaber on August 27, 2011, 12:08:19 am Everything looks nifty so far.
Glad to hear that everyone's having fun. ^_^ Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on September 02, 2011, 01:45:13 pm ... And sans soul's contribution is online! Have a look at
http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/ (http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/) (page 7) Everyone who wants to have a chance at creating the next page(s), please log in with your EE user/pass at impromanga.edoropolis.org, click 'Manage account' and click the checkbox at 'Apply for a contribution'. Good luck ;) You'll have 2 days to apply. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on September 02, 2011, 03:05:01 pm Wonderful job, Aster!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on September 02, 2011, 03:59:35 pm d'aw shucks... thank ya :7
the next artist will have to decide on Polly's outfit ;] * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on September 02, 2011, 04:08:57 pm You did great Aster. :D
Glad you could pull it off with such flair and style. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on September 02, 2011, 06:14:26 pm Amazing Aster!
Very good style and it's a pleasure to look at and read :) Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on September 02, 2011, 11:16:48 pm You guys are humbling me! :-*
Anyway, best of luck to whoever gets the bid for the next page! I wonder what will happen next... * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: KyoZaber on September 03, 2011, 02:16:46 am Greatly enjoying this. Both of our artists have done awesome work. ^_^
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Mechadon on September 03, 2011, 08:16:15 pm the next artist will have to decide on Polly's outfit ;] * I'd be envyous of who ever gets to explore the art of the dress. I, personally, would go for something along the lines of traditional French haute couture over prêt-à-porter. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on September 03, 2011, 09:21:21 pm Oh hey, Purr, would it be possible to add a link for "First" and "Last" comic page?
Lemme know if I'm being pushy ;7 * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Mr.NoName on September 04, 2011, 03:55:20 pm the next artist will have to decide on Polly's outfit ;] * I'd be envyous of who ever gets to explore the art of the dress. I, personally, would go for something along the lines of traditional French haute couture over prêt-à-porter. ....I see what you did there, Mechadon.. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on September 05, 2011, 03:42:42 am The impromanga picked Romero anchovy to create the next page. Happy drawing!
EDIT: good point Aster, I'll add a first and last button sometime in the coming days. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Mechadon on September 10, 2011, 11:28:21 am Um... is it alright if I work on an "insert image" for the manga. Just a page that has nothing to with the story. I can't work on the manga if I don't know what proceeds my portion. But I have this idea, and it would be cool to start working on it now.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on September 10, 2011, 03:33:11 pm Um... is it alright if I work on an "insert image" for the manga. Just a page that has nothing to with the story. I can't work on the manga if I don't know what proceeds my portion. But I have this idea, and it would be cool to start working on it now. Just do it and post it here. If it doesn't work as part of the manga, we can still enjoy it here, and if it does work, maybe we can put it in. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on September 10, 2011, 03:48:28 pm Romero has already finished his page, it's posted on his deviantArt. If you know you're going to be next (have we picked that yet?) You can go look at it there.
Otherwise, it kind of defeats the purpose of "improv" page by page... but a filler page wouldn't be so bad I guess. Something's better than nothing :) * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Mechadon on September 10, 2011, 04:08:02 pm Just decided I won't put my idea as part of the manga. I'll still try to draw it though.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on September 11, 2011, 07:59:10 pm Romero's page is online! Sorry Romero, due to some unforeseen circumstances I haven't had time to add your page until now.
Also, the "first" and "last" links need to be added still.. Will try to do that soon as well. Have a look at http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/ (http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/) Everyone who wants to have a chance at creating the next page(s), please log in with your EE user/pass at impromanga.edoropolis.org, click 'Manage account' and click the checkbox at 'Apply for a contribution'. Good luck ;) You'll have 2 days to apply. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on September 12, 2011, 04:55:54 pm Good job Romero, round of applause goes out to you. :D
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on September 12, 2011, 05:05:11 pm Great work!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on September 23, 2011, 04:43:23 am Expresso's contribution is online! Have a look at
http://impromanga.edoropolis.org/ Page 9. Everyone who wants to have a chance at creating the next page(s), please log in with your EE user/pass at impromanga.edoropolis.org, click 'Manage account' and click the checkbox at 'Apply for a contribution'. Good luck You'll have 2 days to apply. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on September 23, 2011, 06:31:00 am This has greatly inspired me...Expresso, you are THE MAN! =]
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Violet on September 23, 2011, 03:23:08 pm Great page, Expresso
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on September 24, 2011, 09:03:08 am Nice work ;)
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on September 27, 2011, 02:02:15 am Curse you Purrcat...I call shenanigans!
oh well, better luck next week for me I guess...at least the system is working and we have sooooo many artists! :D Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on September 28, 2011, 02:38:20 pm Lol sorry ;) Tell you what, I'm pretty sure my page won't interfere with your ideas how to continue the story!
And as the one 'in the know' about the people who participated until now, I can say with certainty that you're next. Unfortunately you've been just a tad more unlucky than I was. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on October 03, 2011, 10:40:22 am Sorry, gonna ask for 1 more day to complete the page...
*runs away and hides for the board moderator* Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on October 03, 2011, 04:28:57 pm Sorry, gonna ask for 1 more day to complete the page... *runs away and hides for the board moderator* *starts the timer* Every hour the scythe will swing a little closer to your desk...muahahahaha... >:[ Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on October 04, 2011, 12:52:36 am Just thought I'd stop by and say good work to everyone who's contributed so far. I'm really enjoying this.
*runs away and hides for the board moderator* You can run, but you can't hide. =] Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on October 04, 2011, 03:48:16 pm Sorry people, I just couldn't get it done in time. Due to some techniques I used, my page isn't even in any comprehensible state at the moment.
Razgrizblaze1, to you the honor of making the page you've always wanted anyway ;P Thought I had a nice weekend to work on it, but that's the problem with being self-employed. If things need fixing, there's no-one to relegate work to but you. Sorry for letting this drag on, but I thought I was closer to a solution yesterday than I actually was (got it now though). Anyway, success Razgrizblaze1! Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on October 05, 2011, 01:43:37 pm *tossing aside other art projects, falling to the floor with a clatter* Hazzah, now nothing else matters!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: runningfromgodot on October 12, 2011, 09:30:12 pm It's awesome to see this project running (and doing better than last time!)
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Expresso on October 21, 2011, 04:38:14 am Why don't any other pages want to play with my page? It's so lonely.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on October 21, 2011, 06:47:14 am Really hope Raz will send his page today...
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on October 24, 2011, 01:00:20 am Sorry, got caught up and busy with crap over the weekend (out of town trip.) The art is done and I'll send it to purr as soon as I get the text in which will hopefully be shortly after this post!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Romero Anchovy on October 24, 2011, 09:24:08 pm Nice Jorb derr HomeRaz
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on October 25, 2011, 04:47:15 am The latest page is online, and there's a new round for applications! Everyone can join again and since every active artist has done a page, everyone has an even chance again.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on October 25, 2011, 01:13:43 pm Nice page Raz.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tyler5566 on October 28, 2011, 08:12:33 am I got ready for my comic it is at my deviant art accout and it is page 11. http://tyler5566.deviantart.com/
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on October 28, 2011, 02:13:45 pm I got ready for my comic it is at my deviant art accout and it is page 11. http://tyler5566.deviantart.com/ What part about paying attention didn't get through? Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tyler5566 on October 28, 2011, 03:56:52 pm Page 11 is here. http://tyler5566.deviantart.com/#/d4dzswn
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on October 28, 2011, 04:02:17 pm Tyler, here's a friendly reminder of part of a mail I sent you yesterday:
Quote However, with the way it's set up right now, it's not certain you'll be picked to provide next week's page: when more than 1 artist applies, one will be picked randomly. Not saying you won't be picked of course, it's just that there isn't really a guarantee. Please stop claiming it's already decided who will make the next page. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on October 31, 2011, 10:23:47 pm I believe I started the wrong script just now, so please disregard the 'a new page has been submitted' mail.
After swallowing this FAIL I started the correct script, which chose Tylor. Now I must stress that it was a random choice by a machine, uninfluenced by any claims a person could make on whatever media. It is, however, built into the system to grant a bit of favor to people who haven't yet contributed. Since most artists have shown their art by now, others applicants were a little less-favored. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on November 02, 2011, 11:26:29 am And Tylor submitted his page already! So, yet again, people can apply for the next page. Please do so on or before 2011-11-05.
Activities surrounding the impromanga have been a little chaotic lately. I'll try to keep things in check better again. Anyway, good luck! Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on November 05, 2011, 07:32:09 pm Lady Luck smiled on me and said
Quote Hi sweetheart, here's the second chance you've been hoping for. Use it well or I'll hunt you like the mere mortal you really are, bloody bazooka you down and haunt you! All the best, ❤ Lady Luck .. Suppose it's best to get it ready asap then.. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on November 13, 2011, 08:23:17 pm Urgh.. You've got to be kidding... Some family matters have recently emerged and I suspect I'll be pretty occupied (not the nonsense protest thingie ;)) with that. So again, promises promises... Tuesday!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on November 14, 2011, 06:11:40 pm Urgh.. You've got to be kidding... Some family matters have recently emerged and I suspect I'll be pretty occupied (not the nonsense protest thingie ;)) with that. So again, promises promises... Tuesday! My reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDNmLPATW0sAw well, whatever it takes to get out the next page. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on November 15, 2011, 04:45:50 am Take your time...we're all awaiting your page. Again... >:[
But don't dally too long or Polly's gonna smack ya. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on November 20, 2011, 05:47:50 pm Another week has passed...weeeeee'rrrrrre waaaaaaitiiiiiiing. (Not to sound rude or anything just curious on status)
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tyler5566 on January 28, 2012, 04:24:14 pm Purrcat. We know that we have been waiting. But it has been many weeks and you didn't post the next page. So can you please post the next page so anyone else can get a turn? I didn't want to sound rude. Okay.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Someone who does Something on February 01, 2012, 08:24:23 pm THIS... IS... TAKING... WAY TOO LONG!
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Crow on February 02, 2012, 05:17:26 pm As an old saying goes:
"Hurry up and wait." ~Burke Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on March 01, 2012, 06:06:23 pm Back. Will forfeit all future chances on a page.
So what happened? First family matters (which had to do with my parents-- no grave outcome though, I'm happy to write), meanwhile earnings from my company decreased more than I had anticipated and I needed to get busy finding a job. I'm sure some other stuff came up, uhh like a broken boiler around newyear and such, but anyway, my attention wasn't with this forum for a while.. :/ Having said that, I was far from able to create what I intended for the impromanga: I'd be sort of lying were I to omit that. (http://quickdekay.net/tmp/shame.png) To get back on topic, I'll start up another invitation round for the next page in a few days. I really hope my **** up hasn't squashed all enthousiasm for the manga.. Sorry to have abandoned the project just when it received that much attention in the community. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on March 03, 2012, 07:48:19 am Well, life happens. Not all of us have the free time we used to anymore. But I hope your situation starts improving.
Sorry to have abandoned the project just when it received that much attention in the community. Seems like a lot of projects in the community end up getting put on hold or remain unfinished, so this wouldn't be the first time, whether it's art, games, or something else... But don't get discouraged. There are a lot of talented artists around here, so I'm sure we can get the ball rolling again. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on March 14, 2012, 02:37:19 am This took quite a hit and we were wondering why you weren't getting back to us on this. Glad to know there's still life on your end...I'm hoping we can get this back up to pace if we actually put the time into it. I'll see what I can do on my end...
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on March 24, 2012, 08:13:45 pm Urgh.. You know what.. There's something peculiar sometimes.
Sometimes.. You somehow "know" that when you express something, say something in the open, there's going to be repercussions. The repercussion being, the thing you say definately getting faulted, if you catch my drift; you have that feeling that exactly the thing you're saying is going to be proven wrong in the near future, however the reason for it isn't definite or clear to you as yet. Somehow, I had that feeling that the beginning of the end began started when I expressed everything to be fine, work-related, in my previous post. A lot has happened since I posted that last message, causing more delay in restarting the impromanga effort. I'll send invites for the next page, before next thursday anway-- I have enough time on my hands to do so as of a few days ;) Furthermore, whatever will follow from the next impromanga selection process, the next artist will have until april 8th to send in her/his work. I'll be on vacation in Kiev, Ukraine, from march 30th until april 5th. EDIT: why oh why does this OSX autocorrect correct correct stuff and not correct incorrect stuff... Insofar that it incorrectly corrects correct text while incorrectly not corrects incorrect text. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on March 29, 2012, 06:04:14 pm Something went wrong while mailing the results of the next artist selection (gee I really need to include a "how to use this script in case you haven't used it in a few months" manual when I make stuff..), but the selection itself went OK.
The script said, "Razgrizblaze1, I choose youuuuu!!" So if you want to make the next page (or not), please let me know so I can make other arrangements (or not). Is april 8th to publish OK? Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on March 30, 2012, 09:54:51 pm Good thing I checked back on the site...I'll do my best.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on April 06, 2013, 07:01:54 am I see Raz's page 10 has been up for a while now on his DA page. So who's next? Let's revive this project already. I can make it worth your while (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=7036.0)... ;]
Edit: Yikes, has it really been over a year already? :O C'mon, let's bring this thing back from the dead! Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on April 06, 2013, 03:38:08 pm Ahhhhh I wanna see moreeeee!! *pokes Purrcat nonstop until he opens it back up again*
*pokepokepokepokepokepokepokepokepoke* * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on April 06, 2013, 10:20:58 pm I see Raz's page 10 has been up for a while now on his DA page. So who's next? Let's revive this project already. I can make it worth your while (https://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=7036.0)... ;] Edit: Yikes, has it really been over a year already? :O C'mon, let's bring this thing back from the dead! I've already participated in the impromanga so does that mean I'm already eligible? Hehe... Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Romero Anchovy on April 09, 2013, 02:23:30 pm same question
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on April 09, 2013, 05:20:35 pm Yes! Let's start this again!
Please everyone, make some noise for the continuation of this effort! And thanks you guys for giving it another go! How about tuesday next week is the last day you can volunteer for the next page in the comic? I need to check the scripts I've made for it, so please just reply to this post if you want to be eligible for the next page of the Impromanga! Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on April 09, 2013, 05:48:01 pm Count me in for this iteration.
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on April 10, 2013, 01:23:30 pm Yep, I'm down for this again. Prob can't manage it this week though. But I am definitely getting back in!
* Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Purrcat on April 20, 2013, 04:56:48 pm Where can I view Raz' page? I'll get it online asap. It might be easier to just use this thread for updates and artist choices etc. Who wanted to have a go? Raz and Aster? Or did I miss someone?
Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on April 21, 2013, 06:01:15 pm Raz's page 10 is here: http://razgrizblaze.deviantart.com/art/Impromanga-Page-10-265038678
You can count me in, but let someone else jump in first. I've got a long list of other things going on at the moment. :) I think Romero also wanted to do a page? Possibly one or two others. * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Tigriss on April 27, 2013, 08:48:18 am I've already participated in the impromanga so does that mean I'm already eligible? Hehe... same question Sorry guys, but after giving it some thought, I don't think that would be fair. But if you want to do more pages for the Impromanga, then that would count. So, it looks like we have a few people volunteering, although they've all participated in this project previously. Anyone else want to give it a shot? Don't be shy now. Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: sans soul on April 08, 2014, 03:03:50 pm Forgive me for poking at this thread again.
Can I get a headcount for artists interested in contributing a(nother) page to the Impromanga? Tell your friends we're hiring! ^^; :violet: Or else! * Title: Re: SPC Fan-made serial comic Post by: Clover on April 11, 2014, 12:28:11 am *shrug* I started it, I suppose I could do another page. It's been awhile.