Edoropolis Emporium

General Discussion => Off-Topic Discussion => Topic started by: ItsGotSugar on July 30, 2013, 11:21:09 pm

Title: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ItsGotSugar on July 30, 2013, 11:21:09 pm
Yes, "the other Vi fan" is still alive!  ;-)  I haven't visited since September 2011 and a LOT has changed for me since then.

Two years ago I got tired of living with my mom and moved south to another city, where I stayed with my grandparents until I found an apartment. But things didn't go as I planned. I was lonely and miserable a lot of the time, working lousy retail jobs. My salvation, apart from my dog being with me, came from discovering My Little Pony. I never watched the old versions but FIM is just magical. I was totally wrapped up in it for the better part of seven months. Finally, last Christmas I got fed up and quit my job. I moved out less than two months later and went back up north to stay with my brother.

Around the same time I got involved in the Daria fandom as well. I discovered the show in the summer of '11 but was never an active member. Now I'm all over their message board and writing quite a bit of fanfiction. They still have a very robust online community, and I'm heading down to Iowa this weekend for the Midwest Dariacon. Should be a blast!  :D

I'm working a much better job now as a hotel clerk, and Daria and MLP are pretty much my main focus. It's been a long time since I watched Samurai Pizza Cats, though the memories and  my favorite character were never far from my mind. I'm watching an episode right now and it's as funny as ever.

So that's my story for the last two years. I feel bad about not getting back here sooner, especially with it being so slow now. So this thread is for everybody else who hasn't been on recently to tell us what's going on in your life, too.  ;)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Violet on July 30, 2013, 11:32:02 pm
We're glad to have you back

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ItsGotSugar on July 31, 2013, 12:01:35 am
We're glad to have you back
Thank you! Good to see you as well.

I feel a story coming on about all this, a Vi story.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: sans soul on July 31, 2013, 12:18:38 am
Quote from: ItsGotSugar

I feel a story coming on about all this, a Vi story.

I like this.

Welcome back. Also Dariacon? xD I didn't know there were that many fans. That was indeed a great show... hehe.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ItsGotSugar on July 31, 2013, 07:49:21 pm
Quote from: ItsGotSugar

I feel a story coming on about all this, a Vi story.

I like this.

Welcome back. Also Dariacon? xD I didn't know there were that many fans. That was indeed a great show... hehe.
Well, that one won't be a true convention so much as a gathering of friends.  ;-) The eastern one will be bigger. It'll never be something like a BronyCon, but ultimately that fandom is defined by its longevity more than its numbers.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on August 02, 2013, 12:59:37 pm
Yep, not dead at all, least I hope it continues that way; anything can happen out in this damn country.

Keep it real, all.


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: sans soul on August 02, 2013, 07:50:14 pm
Quote from: ItsGotSugar
Well, that one won't be a true convention so much as a gathering of friends.  ;-) The eastern one will be bigger.

So I randomly came across this today and thought of you. http://faultyframe.deviantart.com/art/Jane-Lane-Trent-Lane-Daria-cosplay-389698452

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Cloud-Boy on August 06, 2013, 09:43:42 am
Well, How convenient. Behold, I have returned from my 9 month pilgrimage to the far off mysterious land of Mexico.... and I was reminded why I left in the first place. so yeah....'MERICA!

 All is going well with me, I guess. 1st Civ Div is treating me well, and I even got good news, and my discharge from the military was upgraded to Honorable from the OTH discharge I had and even got my rank back plus a lot of juicy back-pay. Common sense and justice prevailed on that one, score one for the Enlisted side of the house. But yeah, not going back to that clown show again.

On more forum related topics, got my dvd set of KNT in the Mail today (more or less the reason I remembered this place existed), and while I may say that I feel cheated at the quality of the translations at times, I feel like I have obtained closure on the fact that I wanted to know what really went on in that show, after all these years. Hopefully now that I'm back in a first world country and my interest in the shows has been re ignited, I'll drop by more often.

And Burke, Have a nice plate of that Mongolian Stir fry stuff they serve in DFAC 6 on Fridays for me. Unless it burned to the ground....like most things in Leatherneck and Bastion tend to do.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on August 06, 2013, 01:26:59 pm
Ha, 1st Civ Div... You're new MOS is 0069 TV Remote Control Operator based out of Camp Couch. I'm jealous. I was supposed to get promoted to Cpl in October, but they floored my pro/con down 30 points, so I'm extremely pissed. I was a rocking a 4.5/4.5 and everything.

Ah well, life is a b****, then we go to Afghanistan. DFAC 6 is still around, but it's tiny, I work over at Yurista, so I eat at DFAC 5 with all the officers and such, right next to the MEF compound. LSA 6 sucks ass, too, haha, the AC is broken some times and the door locks are screwed up. Good times.

Aster got our box set of DVD's few days ago, can't wait to go home and watch it.


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Cloud-Boy on August 06, 2013, 06:53:04 pm
Hey, I did my 9 years. I rate to lounge around in my underwear all day living off beer and pizza for a week or so before diving head first into the job market. also, Pro/Cons above 4.0 ain't bad, regardless of what you think. Many a times, they are base on who's kissed up to Staff Sergeant or LT more. I have combat Vs on my Nam and more on the job experience that you can't possibly fathom, and yet my average never went up past 4.3 4.3. The way it works is like this
3.9 or lower= S***bag...or NJP'd grunt Lance Corporal.
4.0-4.4= Avarage
4.5-4.6= Above avarage
4.7-4.9= the lovechild of the forbidden love affair between Chesty Puller and General Mattis.
5.0= Unicorn, will (or should) never happen.
That's your period of instruction for today, you may write that in your training jacket as counseling training. It should show up on MOL under education.
now, get back to work.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on August 08, 2013, 02:16:32 pm
I'm at 4.5/4.5 average in grade right now, so I'll take that.

I'm, in a way, wish I could see combat, but I'm so POG I'll never see that type of action, nor get any combat devices on any of my ribbons.. I dunno, but I do what I have to do for mission accomplishment out here; besides, I'm one of the more important guys out here; I control the AC and power. >=7

At ease, you've earned it. Salty Lances for life, I suppose.


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Cloud-Boy on August 18, 2013, 02:06:24 am
You'll never be as POG as an Admin or Bulk Fuel Marine. And especially those darn Water Dogs, so you can rest easy. Freakin idiots make Sergeant in 2 years and correct people for having their hands in their pockets. I wish I could go back to 'Stan, But a winding down war and Demilin Patrol Bases and such is not worth 4 more years in that clown show as it transitions into Peace tie, even if I got Staff if I went back.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Daisensei on September 29, 2013, 04:05:24 pm
I'm not sure if this thread is the proper place to posting this but I did it anyway. It has been such a long time since I left this forums. It's not likely my interest for KNT vanished at all, but now I'm spending most of my spare time with other hobbies (reading mangas and doing programming in some obscure ancient computer (http://cantinhotk90x.blogspot.com.br/)). Nevertheless it's really nice to see that Edoropolis Emporium is still active and some known members are still posting.

I can assure that I had good times posting and doing a lot of work for fandom. I remember all this and am proud of the things made by a small number of loyal fans. I'm not making any promises that I'll return sooner or later because I'm unsure if this really would happen. I'm here simply to a brief visiting and to say 'hello' .

Have a nice day, friends.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: felineki on September 29, 2013, 05:19:29 pm
Good to hear from you, Daisensei. And happy birthday, by the way! :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on October 06, 2013, 12:37:54 am
I never really died, and probably never will.

I became a hop of an irc channel, and got Animal Crossing New Leaf. Also some Autistic kid is trying to get others to kill me, but that's a completely different and unrelated story, lets leave it at that

As for KNT, yeah I'm still into it, though I sorta am wanting to get into Neon Genesis Evangelion, but DVDs of the Television series are hard to come by (I've seen volumes 3, 7 and 9 lying around, but I sorta want to watch it from the beginning)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ItsGotSugar on November 20, 2013, 03:12:22 pm
I've been renting a room from a woman since October. Both are nice, and it's next to a lake.  :D  In other news, I gave a speech to the faculty at a transitional special ed school and obtained the SPC DVD set, which I am watching now!  :-* My quest to recover all my childhood favorites on physical media (including Garfield & Friends, Sonic SatAM, DBZ original dub) is coming full circle.

BTW sans soul, I love those pictures. Best Daria cosplayers I've seen so far! I think they're from Russia.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on November 21, 2013, 02:55:35 am
I'm still alive although I'm having a bad time right now... My wife and I aren't living together anymore, I lost my job and I'm living with my mom again after 9 years of independence...

I'm waiting for a break in order to put myself together and start again...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on November 23, 2013, 12:15:04 pm
Damn, Kage, hope things work out for you. Be strong, brother.


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on November 24, 2013, 02:39:47 am
Thank you Burke... I just hope to get a good plan soon; i'll keep you all informed...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: spartacat on November 26, 2013, 09:41:14 pm
The one advantage of keeping the same username for 17 years... I can at least pretend I'm memorable.

Up until very recently, I was the News Director and Morning News Anchor for a group of radio stations in BC.

Now I am a political communications specialist (ie: spin doctor) working in the Canadian Government.

 =] Living the dream

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on December 18, 2013, 02:24:46 pm
I'm home from that wretched desert. A little worse for wear, but alive none the less. Nice to see all you suckers again. <3


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: spartacat on December 19, 2013, 03:39:28 am
Marvelous news, Burke! Welcome back

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: NeoMikey on December 20, 2013, 06:38:10 pm
Hey, Edo!

I graduated from college with a Broadcasting degree, and if it hadn't been for the SPC, I wouldn't have gotten so invested in video editing in the first place.  Thank you  :D

I'm getting married in February, then I'll be moving to Canada, and hopefully we'll be able to live happily ever after in Vancouver doing video production.

I hope all who read this are doing well, and Kage, I hope everything improves with you  :(

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Tigriss on January 06, 2014, 01:26:58 am
Hey, Edo!

I graduated from college with a Broadcasting degree, and if it hadn't been for the SPC, I wouldn't have gotten so invested in video editing in the first place.  Thank you  :D

I'm getting married in February, then I'll be moving to Canada, and hopefully we'll be able to live happily ever after in Vancouver doing video production.

It's kind of late, but congrats, NeoMikey! I wish you all the best.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Matt Pushinka on January 09, 2014, 10:47:21 pm
I  don't even know if I'm alive anymore. Well, at least I remember my password to edo. Hello again, everything ok?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on March 12, 2014, 12:46:34 am
Hey, Edo!

I graduated from college with a Broadcasting degree, and if it hadn't been for the SPC, I wouldn't have gotten so invested in video editing in the first place.  Thank you  :D

I'm getting married in February, then I'll be moving to Canada, and hopefully we'll be able to live happily ever after in Vancouver doing video production.

I hope all who read this are doing well, and Kage, I hope everything improves with you  :(


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Romero Anchovy on April 27, 2014, 01:56:01 am
Been gone for a while but i'm back. Not the same Romero i once was but this place still holds a special part of what's left of my heart. I'll be around. and if needed i'll post.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: sans soul on April 27, 2014, 06:45:31 pm
Nice to have you around, Romes :)


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Romero Anchovy on April 30, 2014, 09:24:27 pm
it feels good to be back. feels like home

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KitlingLD on April 30, 2014, 09:28:18 pm
Speaking of people who aren't dead... I'm back after, like, 1-2 years. In case you can't figure out who I am, I went by the alias "Mr.NoName" before I left.

At any rate, I'm back now because I miss this place and the SPC fandom. So I'll be around from now on.  ;)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Romero Anchovy on April 30, 2014, 09:42:40 pm
haha NEWB! LOLOLOLO xX720nocatseyeslashXx

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KyoZaber on April 30, 2014, 10:19:49 pm
Speaking of people who aren't dead... I'm back after, like, 1-2 years. In case you can't figure out who I am, I went by the alias "Mr.NoName" before I left.

At any rate, I'm back now because I miss this place and the SPC fandom. So I'll be around from now on.  ;)

Glad to have you back Kit. :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: sans soul on May 04, 2014, 03:05:09 am
Ditto ^^

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KitlingLD on May 08, 2014, 02:46:51 pm
Speaking of people who aren't dead... I'm back after, like, 1-2 years. In case you can't figure out who I am, I went by the alias "Mr.NoName" before I left.

At any rate, I'm back now because I miss this place and the SPC fandom. So I'll be around from now on.  ;)

Glad to have you back Kit. :)

It's good to be back. :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Matt Pushinka on July 08, 2014, 07:29:29 am
Sup dudes. I'm not dead yet. And I'm now employed on an experimental game development agency inside my university... Guess all that training with SPC fan games are finally being useful.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Blackcat on August 11, 2014, 02:24:50 pm
I am not dead, is just that there has not been much to do since the chat room died and we don't get together online to watch episodes anymore. But if you guys wanna talk with me just sent me a pm.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: AlienCat on August 12, 2014, 01:59:57 am
I'm not quite dead.  In fact I'm feeling much better since leaving my job. It was an impossible environment with way too much stress.  OTOH, it was a good paycheck...... Wait! Is that the icy cold hand of Death I feel? Hmmmmm, nope. Just the air conditioning coming on.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 02, 2014, 12:56:29 am
I guess it's my turn.

I've been going to college since August 18. This is my first year, and I'm loving it so far. I like working hard, and I've been taking it seriously. See, I went back for two reasons:

1. To work hard and earn an Associates Degree in English/Creative Arts. I'm looking to become an author, and I think this would help a lot. If nothing else, it would be a nice notch under my belt.

2. I was a slacker when I was younger. When it came to school, I definitely feel I could have done better. I went back to prove myself and to redeem myself. That's definitely one of the reasons why I take it so seriously.

I also have a Youtube channel where I do video reviews on comics, video games, and movies/TV shows. I also do vlogs and videos on nostalgia. I will also be doing LPs and Q&A videos in the future. One of the video reviews I'll be doing is of Samurai Pizza Cats, and that is one review that I'm really looking forward to doing, as it was a fond memory of my childhood.

I do hope that everyone is doing well.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: adam808 on April 21, 2015, 08:01:28 pm
In early 2011, I got my first real IT job maintaining VoIP. I have been away on the journey of life and I may now report that I am still alive.
I have a moment to breathe at last. I found my old password hidden in an archived txt file.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 13, 2015, 03:32:06 am
It's always good to read what my fellow SPC/KNT fans have been up to.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on October 04, 2015, 03:54:03 pm
13 years today I joined the community.. Now it just seems like a dried up desert here..


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on October 05, 2015, 12:35:42 pm
Good to see you're still around Burk


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 05, 2015, 01:34:51 pm
13 years today I joined the community.. Now it just seems like a dried up desert here..


I would have to agree with that. But with me, I joined in 2010--instead of joining in 2005, which is the year that I started watching the show again; a part of me regrets not joining back then.

It's good to see you, Burke.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KitlingLD on October 11, 2015, 05:30:38 am
It certainly does seem that way lately... I try to check in every so often and provide what little support that I can, but there's only so much that can be done about that..  :-\ It saddens me to see a once very talkative community turn into a ghost town.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 11, 2015, 03:51:06 pm
It certainly does seem that way lately... I try to check in every so often and provide what little support that I can, but there's only so much that can be done about that..  :-\ It saddens me to see a once very talkative community turn into a ghost town.

It saddens me too. Honestly, the reason I love this show, and I show up as much as I do for that reason; that, and I am also making up for the fact that I didn't sign up in 2005, when I got back into the show.

My hope is that this place does get more life soon.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 11, 2015, 03:51:45 pm
It certainly does seem that way lately... I try to check in every so often and provide what little support that I can, but there's only so much that can be done about that..  :-\ It saddens me to see a once very talkative community turn into a ghost town.

I do appreciate your effort to keep this place alive.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: LadyFlame on March 04, 2016, 06:09:54 pm
It certainly does seem that way lately... I try to check in every so often and provide what little support that I can, but there's only so much that can be done about that..  :-\ It saddens me to see a once very talkative community turn into a ghost town.

Yes, that is a real shame.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Cloud-Boy on March 07, 2016, 11:42:40 pm
It was bound to happen. A large chunk of us are in our 30's already and beyond.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on March 08, 2016, 02:34:59 am
It was bound to happen. A large chunk of us are in our 30's already and beyond.

That's true. And as they say, all good things must come to an end.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on April 28, 2016, 01:15:10 am
Forgive me if I disagree.  :D As Glenn Frey of the Eagles once put it: "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation." (Yeah, I'm a bit stubborn when it comes to the things I like.)

Still, life has a way of dragging a guy through the mud. College; moving out of state; getting a job; alternating between apathy, creativity, procrastination, and flat-out tiredness; being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (and suspected to have Asperger's, but that's something else entirely); shifting through multiple interests; getting introduced to Touhou and 4th-gen MLP... I've been through all that since 2002 (though I like to think I've at least matured a little since then; for the curious, I became an honest-to-goodnes fan in late 1998, 1999 or thereabouts). I abandoned my website in 2007, deleted my SPC fanfics from my Fanfiction.Net account because I felt they were an insult to the Pizza Cats, and (I'm ashamed to say) forgot about this very site for long periods of time.

I'm still interested in the Pizza Cats, though, and at the very least I have both the SPC and KNT disc sets. (Ironically, it's my cats that are preventing me from watching the KNT discs from start to finish, as they like to lurk behind the television and threaten to chew on all the wires back there if I don't pay attention to them. Crazy critters.  :/ ) I'd like to be able to write an SPC/Touhou crossover sometime, but the trick is mustering up the time and energy to do so, as well as getting myself reacquainted with the characters.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on June 27, 2016, 06:06:37 pm
Forgive me if I disagree.  :D As Glenn Frey of the Eagles once put it: "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation." (Yeah, I'm a bit stubborn when it comes to the things I like.)

Still, life has a way of dragging a guy through the mud. College; moving out of state; getting a job; alternating between apathy, creativity, procrastination, and flat-out tiredness; being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (and suspected to have Asperger's, but that's something else entirely); shifting through multiple interests; getting introduced to Touhou and 4th-gen MLP... I've been through all that since 2002 (though I like to think I've at least matured a little since then; for the curious, I became an honest-to-goodnes fan in late 1998, 1999 or thereabouts). I abandoned my website in 2007, deleted my SPC fanfics from my Fanfiction.Net account because I felt they were an insult to the Pizza Cats, and (I'm ashamed to say) forgot about this very site for long periods of time.

I'm still interested in the Pizza Cats, though, and at the very least I have both the SPC and KNT disc sets. (Ironically, it's my cats that are preventing me from watching the KNT discs from start to finish, as they like to lurk behind the television and threaten to chew on all the wires back there if I don't pay attention to them. Crazy critters.  :/ ) I'd like to be able to write an SPC/Touhou crossover sometime, but the trick is mustering up the time and energy to do so, as well as getting myself reacquainted with the characters.

Yeah, it sounds like you've been through a lot. For what it's worth, I'm sorry you were diagnosed with that disease.

I do think it's true what you said, though. I remember watching the Pizza Cats briefly, on TV, in the Summer of 1997, and then I stopped once it was taken off the air--it was taken off the air two days after I started 4th grade, which I thought was weird at the time. I then again got into it in November/December of 2005 with the magic of torrents and all that stuff. Since then, I haven't looked back.

It's good to hear from more and more members.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on June 29, 2016, 01:44:22 am
Thanks. I appreciate that a lot.  :)

I think you had a better start to it than I did; I saw two episodes when I first found out about it, and that was it.  :O

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on June 30, 2016, 05:51:23 pm
Thanks. I appreciate that a lot.  :)

I think you had a better start to it than I did; I saw two episodes when I first found out about it, and that was it.  :O

You're welcome.

When did you watch your episodes? Also, which episodes did you watch?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on September 01, 2016, 01:07:54 am
It was back during Thanksgiving Break of... I think 1996. I was able to catch "Samurai Charm School" and "Drumming Up Trouble With A Big Bad Beat". Until I found SPC Labs a few years later, that was it; the episodes only aired at 8:30 in the morning, and school for me started at 8.  :(

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on September 11, 2016, 01:18:09 pm
I'm not dead! :D Just, yeah, took a long break. Glad this place isn't completely abandoned. Right? Anyway, I've been computer-less for eleven months, but now yeah, I'm back. :) What's new?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Supersonic on September 11, 2016, 10:12:26 pm
"For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation."


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: felineki on September 11, 2016, 11:14:26 pm
I've been computer-less for eleven months, but now yeah, I'm back. :) What's new?
Well, both SPC and KNT are on Crunchyroll. The KNT fanbook will be getting a translated release. Speedy and Catatonic figures are due for release within the coming months, and Polly and Guido figures are set for release next year. So quite a bit has actually happened recently now that I think about it.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on September 12, 2016, 10:22:17 pm
Sweet! Good to know! I'll be looking forward to those figures, and if I still had crunchyroll, I'd be watching. Maybe I should get it again... :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on September 22, 2016, 09:59:35 pm
Im still around good to see many of you are still here  :D. I need to say something importante. the forum has an issue that is not allowing any connection from this área or with my isp. I have made a thread for this in technical section. So if its as it seems to me many people willing to enter for the 1st time or willing to return like me just cant. Please comment this to the admin or person responsible of tech stuff as soon as possible because we are loosing people due that error

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on September 24, 2016, 12:29:30 am
It was back during Thanksgiving Break of... I think 1996. I was able to catch "Samurai Charm School" and "Drumming Up Trouble With A Big Bad Beat". Until I found SPC Labs a few years later, that was it; the episodes only aired at 8:30 in the morning, and school for me started at 8.  :(

Samurai Charm School was the last episode I saw before the show was cancelled. Granted, this was when I was a kid, so the idea of a show getting taken off the air was a new concept for me.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on September 25, 2016, 02:01:53 am
It was back during Thanksgiving Break of... I think 1996. I was able to catch "Samurai Charm School" and "Drumming Up Trouble With A Big Bad Beat". Until I found SPC Labs a few years later, that was it; the episodes only aired at 8:30 in the morning, and school for me started at 8.  :(

Samurai Charm School was the last episode I saw before the show was cancelled. Granted, this was when I was a kid, so the idea of a show getting taken off the air was a new concept for me.
Yes thats a good one. They should have made more episodes. I think thats why the producers are mentioned in SPC. By the way have you read what i posted about technical issue not allowing people here? I think the one in charge (DMac if memory works but sorry if wrong) should fix this really Quick. I have been unable to enter for years and i bet many suffered same trouble. If you talk to himno please tell himno about this

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on September 28, 2016, 02:39:01 am
It was back during Thanksgiving Break of... I think 1996. I was able to catch "Samurai Charm School" and "Drumming Up Trouble With A Big Bad Beat". Until I found SPC Labs a few years later, that was it; the episodes only aired at 8:30 in the morning, and school for me started at 8.  :(

Samurai Charm School was the last episode I saw before the show was cancelled. Granted, this was when I was a kid, so the idea of a show getting taken off the air was a new concept for me.
Yes thats a good one. They should have made more episodes. I think thats why the producers are mentioned in SPC. By the way have you read what i posted about technical issue not allowing people here? I think the one in charge (DMac if memory works but sorry if wrong) should fix this really Quick. I have been unable to enter for years and i bet many suffered same trouble. If you talk to himno please tell himno about this

I thought that was a memorable episode, not just because it was the last one that I saw (at the time), but also because it was a good episode.

I'll definitely keep my eyes out for the issue. But, in all honesty, I'm not having that issue, so I think a good thing to do would be for you, or anyone else, to ask how common the issue is.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on September 28, 2016, 02:39:46 am
I definitely hope to see more people here. Maybe some familiar faces from yesteryear?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on September 28, 2016, 02:11:56 pm
It was back during Thanksgiving Break of... I think 1996. I was able to catch "Samurai Charm School" and "Drumming Up Trouble With A Big Bad Beat". Until I found SPC Labs a few years later, that was it; the episodes only aired at 8:30 in the morning, and school for me started at 8.  :(

Samurai Charm School was the last episode I saw before the show was cancelled. Granted, this was when I was a kid, so the idea of a show getting taken off the air was a new concept for me.
Yes thats a good one. They should have made more episodes. I think thats why the producers are mentioned in SPC. By the way have you read what i posted about technical issue not allowing people here? I think the one in charge (DMac if memory works but sorry if wrong) should fix this really Quick. I have been unable to enter for years and i bet many suffered same trouble. If you talk to himno please tell himno about this

I thought that was a memorable episode, not just because it was the last one that I saw (at the time), but also because it was a good episode.

I'll definitely keep my eyes out for the issue. But, in all honesty, I'm not having that issue, so I think a good thing to do would be for you, or anyone else, to ask how common the issue is.
Well for me the error happens Always in any computer from 7 diffetent cities before even entering nick so its very common in my country i should say., those not seeing it live in diffetent áreas of course . That is for sure a reason for some users dissappearance because the forum is banning some  IP rangos. So please someone contact the one in charge to fix this

Edit if you have a minute or so maybe you could Check my site at http://mordazah.com/spc/ im eager to hear thoughts about it. Mainly the CG but well anything

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 13, 2016, 06:06:01 am
I'm glad that this place is still around. For one thing, SPC is a fun show that, yes, is entertaining, but the show itself also represents good times. For another thing, I remember seeing this place back in 2005, but I didn't become a member until 2010. I'm glad that I am able to contribute to this place.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on October 20, 2016, 03:02:06 am
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 20, 2016, 05:46:51 am
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

Well, it's good to hear from more people.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on October 20, 2016, 05:23:53 pm
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

now that you mention it, the irc chat does not work, right? I mean I tried several times and is not working currently however might be my lost irc skills

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on October 21, 2016, 01:04:21 am
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

now that you mention it, the irc chat does not work, right? I mean I tried several times and is not working currently however might be my lost irc skills
Just checked it... it's empty. Kind of sad how a good amount of this site has sort of broke.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 21, 2016, 02:21:35 am
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

now that you mention it, the irc chat does not work, right? I mean I tried several times and is not working currently however might be my lost irc skills
Just checked it... it's empty. Kind of sad how a good amount of this site has sort of broke.

Yeah, this place is overall dead, but I keep coming back because I like it. That, and I enjoy this place.

I also regret not joining before 2010--I actually discovered this place in 2005, right when I discovered the show again. I guess I'm making up for lost time.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on October 21, 2016, 07:34:29 pm
Hi Mitch! Glad to see you're still around! :D

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 21, 2016, 08:32:46 pm
Well, since this thread is all about updates, I'll give an update on me. I'm still going to school, I'm almost done with junior college, and I might very well transfer to a University (complete with my AA degree and or AA degrees). I also have a Youtube channel, but I'm taking a break from it to concentrate on school and family.

I like being here, and I like contributing to this site because, in all honesty, it's a good website.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 21, 2016, 08:34:57 pm
Hi Mitch! Glad to see you're still around! :D

You know, that's a really good question about Guido. When I watched Pizza Cats again in 2014, I believe I watched all 52 episodes when I got the DVD set for my birthday, I asked myself that question. I think it's kind of weird that he never had a bell when Speedy and Polly did.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on October 22, 2016, 12:53:55 am
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

now that you mention it, the irc chat does not work, right? I mean I tried several times and is not working currently however might be my lost irc skills
Just checked it... it's empty. Kind of sad how a good amount of this site has sort of broke.
Yes I checked and irc room is empty and unmoderated, in fact looks like when you open a new room, they should add some welcome text so that we know we arrived at the right place, or maybe they could add a chat widget (ie chatango) here to the site that would work too and Im sure many people would love it me included

Rcom88 the good thing is that you finally registered and like the site so you are coming back =), I also regret I couldnt do other thing before (for the last 5-7 years) when hostname ip common here was banned and I was left outside like many, just I was totally unable to communicate or tell what was happening like I did now, so I hope more people comes back like you and I are doing =).

Edit As a little test I tried making a chatango room it took me 5 minutes really and this is a lot easier and more accesible to people, they could join being anonym users too and later make an user name themselves if they want with avatar etc which is straight forward too, wel I dont know if its ok if I post the link to my test room here so I will await confirmation, it took me many years to be back to the forum to be banned now for something like posting a link (which I think is legal but prefer to ask... is it?)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 22, 2016, 03:34:04 am
Well, I guess I should chip in and say I'm not dead, been through lots of drama as usual, but not dead.

No longer hop of that irc channel I mentioned, but I own about 2 irc channels on ponychat.net, a discord server, and moderator on an NSFW mlp forum.

now that you mention it, the irc chat does not work, right? I mean I tried several times and is not working currently however might be my lost irc skills
Just checked it... it's empty. Kind of sad how a good amount of this site has sort of broke.
Yes I checked and irc room is empty and unmoderated, in fact looks like when you open a new room, they should add some welcome text so that we know we arrived at the right place, or maybe they could add a chat widget (ie chatango) here to the site that would work too and Im sure many people would love it me included

Rcom88 the good thing is that you finally registered and like the site so you are coming back =), I also regret I couldnt do other thing before (for the last 5-7 years) when hostname ip common here was banned and I was left outside like many, just I was totally unable to communicate or tell what was happening like I did now, so I hope more people comes back like you and I are doing =).

Edit As a little test I tried making a chatango room it took me 5 minutes really and this is a lot easier and more accesible to people, they could join being anonym users too and later make an user name themselves if they want with avatar etc which is straight forward too, wel I dont know if its ok if I post the link to my test room here so I will await confirmation, it took me many years to be back to the forum to be banned now for something like posting a link (which I think is legal but prefer to ask... is it?)

Yeah, that's true. I mean, sure I didn't register when I originally discovered this place, but I do keep coming back and I keep trying to keep this place alive. I also like that this website has other forums for different TV shows or even video games. As much as I love the Samurai Pizza Cats, there's only so much that I could say about it.

I'm sorry that the ban was for that long, but I'm glad you're back.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on October 22, 2016, 10:30:17 pm
Well at least the ban wasnt applied due any of my actions, an user did something and his hostname was banned but that host is common here so from many computers it was impossible to enter, well as said its solved now so its fine, thanks for your support =).

Also you did well coming back and contributing to the community all this time =). And i think that as you said its great how the fans are still around and making new media inspired by the SPC

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 23, 2016, 01:32:37 am
Well at least the ban wasnt applied due any of my actions, an user did something and his hostname was banned but that host is common here so from many computers it was impossible to enter, well as said its solved now so its fine, thanks for your support =).

Also you did well coming back and contributing to the community all this time =). And i think that as you said its great how the fans are still around and making new media inspired by the SPC

Yeah, that's true. I mean, the good thing is that you weren't banned due to what you did.

Yeah, I love coming back and contributing to a good site.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ronin on October 23, 2016, 04:21:45 pm
Well at least the ban wasnt applied due any of my actions, an user did something and his hostname was banned but that host is common here so from many computers it was impossible to enter, well as said its solved now so its fine, thanks for your support =).

Also you did well coming back and contributing to the community all this time =). And i think that as you said its great how the fans are still around and making new media inspired by the SPC

Yeah, that's true. I mean, the good thing is that you weren't banned due to what you did.

Yeah, I love coming back and contributing to a good site.
Indeed, I bet the user who was really banned didnt feel bad or remorse for what he/she did and because of that jerk many people were banned at the same time not just me, sad truth is that maybe many people not coming back is because they were banned with that or other hostname ban.

Indeed this is a good site and its cool to come back so I hope you and many present and future users keep making it a better place =)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 23, 2016, 06:03:57 pm
Well at least the ban wasnt applied due any of my actions, an user did something and his hostname was banned but that host is common here so from many computers it was impossible to enter, well as said its solved now so its fine, thanks for your support =).

Also you did well coming back and contributing to the community all this time =). And i think that as you said its great how the fans are still around and making new media inspired by the SPC

Yeah, that's true. I mean, the good thing is that you weren't banned due to what you did.

Yeah, I love coming back and contributing to a good site.
Indeed, I bet the user who was really banned didnt feel bad or remorse for what he/she did and because of that jerk many people were banned at the same time not just me, sad truth is that maybe many people not coming back is because they were banned with that or other hostname ban.

Indeed this is a good site and its cool to come back so I hope you and many present and future users keep making it a better place =)

If there are users that left and never came back because of that reason, then that is really sad.

I will definitely continue to do my part to make this a better place.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ANE on October 23, 2016, 07:53:18 pm
OK, I'll pop something up here. I am still alive and paying all the bills you would expect.
Glad to see this place is still ticking over. Are you lurking? Log in and say hello  :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on October 23, 2016, 11:09:14 pm
OK, I'll pop something up here. I am still alive and paying all the bills you would expect.
Glad to see this place is still ticking over. Are you lurking? Log in and say hello  :)

Well, it's good to see you. Hope you're well.

Yeah, I'm glad this place is still around. It's a good website with a bunch of dedicated fans--that's the one quality, above all else, that I love about the community.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on December 17, 2016, 11:25:03 pm
I'm not.

Still kicking around.

In fact, I'm quite surprised that I remembered my password for this place.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on December 18, 2016, 03:01:08 pm
Classic Burke...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on December 18, 2016, 04:36:15 pm
Well, it's good to see some familiar faces around here.

Happy Holidays to all.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Crow on December 20, 2016, 12:36:46 am
Classic Burke...

Always with the entrance, huh?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on January 15, 2017, 03:15:30 am
Oh hey, glad tidings and season's greetings. Happy Life Day, and all that. Glad to see you're alive, Burke. :) Sorry I'm like three weeks late...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on January 18, 2017, 06:24:10 am
This is a good site dedicated to a good show, and I've met some good people on here. I'm glad to see some people posting on here.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MM007 on February 05, 2017, 04:10:48 pm
First time back here in a number of years.  Glad the place still lives.  ^^

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on February 08, 2017, 04:51:46 am
First time back here in a number of years.  Glad the place still lives.  ^^

Me too. I love this place.

When was the last time you were on? Just curious.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MM007 on February 23, 2017, 07:43:48 pm
Not even sure, really.  Sometime last decade.  :P

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Tigriss on February 24, 2017, 09:21:05 am
So let's see, I've disappeared for, what three(!) years now?

I guess I should start off by apologizing. It was never my intention to be gone for so long. Things just happen. I have poked my head in here once in a while to see how things are going, but never really felt compelled to say anything. However, I still love this place too much to leave or retire forever, so I thought I'd finally let you all know I'm still alive. I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but always found one excuse or another to put it off.

This place seems like it's a little dusty, but still more or less alive and active, relatively speaking, so that's good. It doesn't look like there's been anything going on that requires my mod powers, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. While I'm here, I think I'll move a few threads into more appropriate sections, but some other stuff I won't mess around with until later.

Anyway, hope the rest of you are doing well, and if there's anyone else lurking about, step out of the shadows and say "hi" once in a while. ;)

Edit: Well, that was odd. I got a "database error" when posting, though it still went through. Is that a thing now? I thought I saw someone else mention an error when skimming new posts.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on February 25, 2017, 05:32:32 am
Not even sure, really.  Sometime last decade.  :P

That's cool.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on February 25, 2017, 05:35:13 am
So let's see, I've disappeared for, what three(!) years now?

I guess I should start off by apologizing. It was never my intention to be gone for so long. Things just happen. I have poked my head in here once in a while to see how things are going, but never really felt compelled to say anything. However, I still love this place too much to leave or retire forever, so I thought I'd finally let you all know I'm still alive. I've been meaning to do this for a while now, but always found one excuse or another to put it off.

This place seems like it's a little dusty, but still more or less alive and active, relatively speaking, so that's good. It doesn't look like there's been anything going on that requires my mod powers, but please do correct me if I'm wrong. While I'm here, I think I'll move a few threads into more appropriate sections, but some other stuff I won't mess around with until later.

Anyway, hope the rest of you are doing well, and if there's anyone else lurking about, step out of the shadows and say "hi" once in a while. ;)

Edit: Well, that was odd. I got a "database error" when posting, though it still went through. Is that a thing now? I thought I saw someone else mention an error when skimming new posts.

Well, it's good to hear from you, Tigriss.

Yeah, I love this place too much to leave forever. So, I check site once a week or so and see if there are new messages. I have definitely done my part in trying to keep this place alive.

It's definitely a thing for me. I always get "database error," even though my messages always go through.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on February 25, 2017, 01:17:14 pm
Well, I have a couple of quick access icons in my browser and every day I check them all before starting my job... EE is one of those icons so I visit this page everyday even knowing anything is happening here...

I'm glad to see all you ol' chums are still around... Take care people  ;)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on February 27, 2017, 05:31:46 am
Well, I have a couple of quick access icons in my browser and every day I check them all before starting my job... EE is one of those icons so I visit this page everyday even knowing anything is happening here...

I'm glad to see all you ol' chums are still around... Take care people  ;)

Yeah, checking this page on a regular basis is something that I do, too.

I feel the same way about just seeing people around.

You take care, as well.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on March 25, 2017, 08:34:48 pm
Just gonna make a post today, because why not?

What has been going on with everyone anyways?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on March 27, 2017, 08:24:00 am
Just gonna make a post today, because why not?

What has been going on with everyone anyways?

Yeah, that's...pretty much the same reason why I decided to check this site.

I have been going to junior college since 2014. It's been a long road, and despite it being hard, it feels right to have gone back to school.

How about you?

What has everyone been up to?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on April 06, 2017, 02:31:54 pm
Yeah, that's...pretty much the same reason why I decided to check this site.

I have been going to junior college since 2014. It's been a long road, and despite it being hard, it feels right to have gone back to school.

How about you?

What has everyone been up to?

Mostly, struggling to write and draw. I got the urge to do the latter within the past few days, so... here's hoping.

Which reminds me, I'll have to change my signature when I get home from work later...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on April 08, 2017, 08:05:46 pm
Yeah, that's...pretty much the same reason why I decided to check this site.

I have been going to junior college since 2014. It's been a long road, and despite it being hard, it feels right to have gone back to school.

How about you?

What has everyone been up to?

Mostly, struggling to write and draw. I got the urge to do the latter within the past few days, so... here's hoping.

Which reminds me, I'll have to change my signature when I get home from work later...

Well, for me, the best feeling (in terms of writing, drawing, anything creative) is when you feel the itch to do it again. I don't want to feel as if I'm "going through the motions", you know?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on May 05, 2017, 12:55:19 am
I've got a job now! :D Yay... Like, I'm really glad this place isn't dead yet. So many memories, and of course SPC is still a great show, even though I haven't watched it in years... But yeah, I've been largely unemployed for a long time up until a couple months ago. It doesn't pay much, but it's something, and I'm pretty happy doing it. So, that's the big new thing in my life. Still unlucky in love for the most part sadly, but it's not all bad. The new Gorillaz album is awesome, and I'm still skateboarding, and the MLP movie comes out in the autumn of this year, so there's a lot good coming in the near future, I'd say... How is everyone?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 08, 2017, 08:53:32 am
I've got a job now! :D Yay... Like, I'm really glad this place isn't dead yet. So many memories, and of course SPC is still a great show, even though I haven't watched it in years... But yeah, I've been largely unemployed for a long time up until a couple months ago. It doesn't pay much, but it's something, and I'm pretty happy doing it. So, that's the big new thing in my life. Still unlucky in love for the most part sadly, but it's not all bad. The new Gorillaz album is awesome, and I'm still skateboarding, and the MLP movie comes out in the autumn of this year, so there's a lot good coming in the near future, I'd say... How is everyone?

Congratulations on the job.

I'm glad that this website is still around as, like you said, there's a lot of memories with this place. The SPC is also a great show filled with memories, so I think that fits.

I'm definitely glad that you got a job that you enjoy doing.

I'm okay. I'm going to school, hanging out with friends and family, and doing my thing.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on April 25, 2018, 05:36:25 pm
I'm actually currently on Twitch.tv. I stream retro games, and I just love chatting about all things retro.


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on April 29, 2018, 10:23:52 pm
Nice, Rcom. I'll check out your twitch. :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 03, 2018, 04:45:36 am
Nice, Rcom. I'll check out your twitch. :)

Thank you.

Yeah, I love the idea of streaming retro content. It's a subject that is dear to my heart and it's a LOT of fun for me.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on May 22, 2018, 08:26:43 pm
Been writing fanfiction off and on, watching Red Vs. Blue reaction vids on YouTube, and posting playthroughs of the Classic Mega Man series on said website. I'll include a link to my channel in my signature for anyone who's interested.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on May 23, 2018, 11:12:53 pm
Cool, CRB. :)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 26, 2018, 06:23:52 pm
Been writing fanfiction off and on, watching Red Vs. Blue reaction vids on YouTube, and posting playthroughs of the Classic Mega Man series on said website. I'll include a link to my channel in my signature for anyone who's interested.

Right on, CRB.

It's cool to be doing your own thing.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on June 08, 2018, 02:19:14 am
Happy June! I'm not dead. :P I should probably find some new forums to lurk on... Hmm...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on June 13, 2018, 04:02:20 am
Happy June! I'm not dead. :P I should probably find some new forums to lurk on... Hmm...

Happy June to you, too. It's been a good month so far for me, so that's something to be grateful for.

I do know what you mean. It's always nice to find other great places to inhabit. Me? I'll check this place every now and then.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on June 22, 2018, 10:04:57 pm
I think it's really cool that the SPC/KNT fans are doing some cool things on their own.  My Twitch channel is going pretty well, and I'm doing it while I play the games that I love, so that's something to be proud of.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on July 04, 2018, 12:22:16 pm
I think it's really cool that the SPC/KNT fans are doing some cool things on their own.  My Twitch channel is going pretty well, and I'm doing it while I play the games that I love, so that's something to be proud of.

Cool, yeah. :) I'm glad to hear your Twitch is doing well.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on July 07, 2018, 11:14:43 am
I think it's really cool that the SPC/KNT fans are doing some cool things on their own.  My Twitch channel is going pretty well, and I'm doing it while I play the games that I love, so that's something to be proud of.

Cool, yeah. :) I'm glad to hear your Twitch is doing well.

Thank you. I appreciate that.

The really cool thing about it is that I am doing it as me, you know? I have a huge passion for Retro, and that's what I stream. People just get behind me, and that's just amazing.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on July 17, 2018, 05:02:19 pm
Nice! :) Also it looks like it's just you and me on this site these days, heh... *sigh*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on July 18, 2018, 01:23:37 am
Nice! :) Also it looks like it's just you and me on this site these days, heh... *sigh*

Nice indeed. Yeah, it looks that way. I feel that I should have joined back in 2005, probably would have gotten more mileage out of this place. In any event, it is what it is.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ANE on July 26, 2018, 02:33:03 pm
Hello to everyone - and that includes any lurkers out there  :)

...moved to a flat, made redundant, moved out of a flat, paid off a loan, visited Tokyo, worked some temporary work in the UK justice system, and as of now, 95.6% sure I will be back in permanent employment in a chemical plant by the start of next month.

Also been writing - very slowly and more often I end up with a notebook of notes rather than any chapters, but still, I seem to enjoy it, and that's the main thing.

I'll make sure to keep a better eye on this place and follow up on any links posted here...

Hope all is OK and  :-* to all

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on July 27, 2018, 08:04:11 am
Hello to everyone - and that includes any lurkers out there  :)

...moved to a flat, made redundant, moved out of a flat, paid off a loan, visited Tokyo, worked some temporary work in the UK justice system, and as of now, 95.6% sure I will be back in permanent employment in a chemical plant by the start of next month.

Also been writing - very slowly and more often I end up with a notebook of notes rather than any chapters, but still, I seem to enjoy it, and that's the main thing.

I'll make sure to keep a better eye on this place and follow up on any links posted here...

Hope all is OK and  :-* to all

Well, it's good to hear from you.

You sound like you've been super busy. How was Tokyo? I've wanted to go to Japan for so long, but I've never been.

You're certain to have permanent employment in a chemical plant? I definitely hope so. Please keep me updated.

That's cool that you've been writing. And, yes, the most important thing is that you enjoy it. What exactly do you write?

So, my Twitch channel is doing pretty darn well. I enjoy streaming Retro games, adding retro alerts, etc. I just like playing games and vegging out with people. It's a lot of fun.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ANE on August 01, 2018, 04:52:33 pm
Tokyo - Only there for over a week, and need to go back again. Amazing place, was there in May 2017 and the shops were never-ending...Donki (http://www.donki.com/en/) in particular. Think of something, and they sold it. I managed to track down a shop selling a little something (https://artstorm.co.jp/esgokin_kyattonindenteyandee_nyagoking.html) which I think was on 7F here (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@35.6981947,139.7719662,3a,89.8y,180.47h,123.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssUrExYCqW9BpavLjawHlnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) (but checking now reveals that store may have closed)... While there I seemed to eat mostly pizza. I can also say that the lift in the SkyTree (http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/en/) is the smoothest I have ever been in.

Back to the present, and my first day in Chemical Plant Zone went very well, for the first time I have my own office, door and everything :) (After working in open plan offices or factories since 2001, to work in an office room is quite odd and takes a bit of getting used to.)

Writing - ah yes. I had an idea way back in 2007-8, sketched it out more a few years after, then since then I've been slowly making may way through chapters, but mostly writing pages of notes on character backgrounds, plot threads and even more notes. It's...kind of connected to SPC, but not from the start.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on August 01, 2018, 09:02:53 pm
Tokyo - Only there for over a week, and need to go back again. Amazing place, was there in May 2017 and the shops were never-ending...Donki (http://www.donki.com/en/) in particular. Think of something, and they sold it. I managed to track down a shop selling a little something (https://artstorm.co.jp/esgokin_kyattonindenteyandee_nyagoking.html) which I think was on 7F here (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@35.6981947,139.7719662,3a,89.8y,180.47h,123.64t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssUrExYCqW9BpavLjawHlnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) (but checking now reveals that store may have closed)... While there I seemed to eat mostly pizza. I can also say that the lift in the SkyTree (http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/en/) is the smoothest I have ever been in.

Back to the present, and my first day in Chemical Plant Zone went very well, for the first time I have my own office, door and everything :) (After working in open plan offices or factories since 2001, to work in an office room is quite odd and takes a bit of getting used to.)

Writing - ah yes. I had an idea way back in 2007-8, sketched it out more a few years after, then since then I've been slowly making may way through chapters, but mostly writing pages of notes on character backgrounds, plot threads and even more notes. It's...kind of connected to SPC, but not from the start.

That's awesome that you had a blast in Japan. The stores having such a wide variety of stuff makes me want to go even more. Thanks for the in-depth response.

You have your own office? That's awesome.

What you're writing is kind of connected to the SPC? I'm very curious now. It's good to get background information before you start, though, so good idea.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on April 11, 2019, 09:24:17 pm
Came here again just to say I'm still alive... some how
My discord (since everyone is using that now) is Mitchy#0937
Also here are pictures of my pony oc that I should share (https://derpibooru.org/tags/oc-colon-mitchy)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on April 13, 2019, 07:22:52 pm
Yay!!! Hi Mitch!!!  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on April 14, 2019, 09:39:24 pm
Came here again just to say I'm still alive... some how
My discord (since everyone is using that now) is Mitchy#0937
Also here are pictures of my pony oc that I should share (https://derpibooru.org/tags/oc-colon-mitchy)

Hey, Mitch.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on April 19, 2019, 10:53:48 pm
Yes, hello. I do feel quite a bit sick at the moment though  :O

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 09, 2019, 04:42:27 pm
Hope you all are doing well.

I'm doing pretty well, just in the process of looking for work and making a better stream schedule for my Twitch. All in all, life is pretty good over here.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Tigriss on May 18, 2019, 09:50:58 am
I still poke my head in here from time to time, just to make sure you kids are playing nice and that nothing's blown up. It seems EE is pretty much a ghost town these days, which is why it's nice to see a handful of you are still trying to keep things going.

This would be where I'd mention I'm going to try to post more often myself, but I've been saying that for years and it never quite happens, but who knows, I could surprise you some day. I think I might be one of the few staff members still around, as it looks like Purrcat disappeared again. (Say hi if you're lurking, Purr.)

Random fun fact: According to the site, I've only spent a little over a week total logged in to this site, despite all the years I've been here. (7 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes.)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on May 19, 2019, 03:39:49 pm
Nice to hear from you and see that you are fine Tigriss... I am still checking the forum sometimes but I don't have too much to say so I don't post anything...

My stats show that I have been here 15 days, 5 hours and almost 20 minutes; not so much having in mind that I joined this page in 2005.

14 years... Damn!!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on May 19, 2019, 06:56:40 pm
I'm just glad you're both still alive and lurking! :D  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 21, 2019, 09:26:28 am
I'm just glad you're both still alive and lurking! :D  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on May 21, 2019, 09:29:00 am
It's good to see some activity around here. I understand that this place is pretty much a ghost town, and I've accepted that fact a long time ago. Still, it's nice to get updates from people and, if nothing else, see familiar faces.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: D-Mac on May 28, 2019, 05:13:05 pm
Well hello there, all! Had trouble accessing the forums for a good while.
Not sure why I suddenly can now, but very grateful for it! I'm hoping to be around a lot more often as Pizza Cats and this community were so instrumental in shaping who I am.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on May 30, 2019, 11:20:11 am
Well hello there, all! Had trouble accessing the forums for a good while.
Not sure why I suddenly can now, but very grateful for it! I'm hoping to be around a lot more often as Pizza Cats and this community were so instrumental in shaping who I am.

AHH!!! Great to see you!!!  :-* :-* :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on May 31, 2019, 06:10:42 pm
Glad to read you D-Mac!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on June 17, 2019, 08:46:06 am
Well hello there, all! Had trouble accessing the forums for a good while.
Not sure why I suddenly can now, but very grateful for it! I'm hoping to be around a lot more often as Pizza Cats and this community were so instrumental in shaping who I am.

Great to see you, brother.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on October 26, 2019, 11:55:08 pm
I figure since Discord is the go to IM software these days, I'd share my Discord handle. Mine is Mitchy#0937

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on October 27, 2019, 04:42:47 pm
I think mine is Ripley Hannah#2186   ;]

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on December 02, 2019, 12:38:14 am
I have a bit of a bad history where chat programs are concerned (including an incident last year where I got banned from the only Twitch channel I ever really watched  :O ). I use Discord from time to time, but I prefer to stay off of it when I can. It's why I prefer forums over IMs; thinking things through before I say them does me a world of good.

At any rate, I've been recording small-time Let's Plays (which I like to call Casual Failure runs) and the odd bit of audio readings on my YouTube channel in recent years. Doubt anyone's too interested, but the link's in my signature regardless.  ;)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on January 10, 2020, 09:04:00 pm
Ended up building a new computer with a Ryzen 9 3900x cpu and a Radeon VII... and because I'm literally insane, 64gb of ram

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Cloud-Boy on May 25, 2020, 06:01:18 pm
I’m still alive. Which, when all things considered, it’s pretty darn surprising.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on July 16, 2020, 12:43:49 pm
I'm still around.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: LadyFlame on May 24, 2021, 05:09:42 pm
Just found my way back here again today!  How's everyone been?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on May 30, 2021, 01:55:19 pm
Just found my way back here again today!  How's everyone been?

Older and wrinkly but still kicking around

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Daisensei on June 11, 2021, 08:55:26 pm
Edoropolis is still alive!  :-* I'm fine but have not made anything related to SPC or KNT anymore.  :-[

Now I'm spending most of my spare time with VOCALOID stuff.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on July 14, 2021, 12:51:59 am
Just found my way back here again today!  How's everyone been?

I've been doing okay, just been focusing on myself (including writing more).

I think SPC is...special because even though it's been off the air since 1997 (the last episode that was on was Samurai Charm School), but it's still a show that I found again in 2005 randomly and that's also when I found this place; I think SPC is just one of those passionate projects that you come back to because it's something special, and I know that's for sure my case.

How are you?

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on December 07, 2021, 09:46:19 pm
If all goes well, I might be done with community college in about a week or so, hard to believe I have been a member of this site since I was in 7th grade.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on December 28, 2021, 03:01:47 pm
If all goes well, I might be done with community college in about a week or so, hard to believe I have been a member of this site since I was in 7th grade.

That's awesome! I'm proud of you, Mitch. :)  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on January 12, 2022, 03:41:37 pm
I'm still around, if barely. I've been spending the bulk of my time recently watching Worms Armageddon videos on YouTube, working on Casual Failure, playing The Sims 4, and writing a Mega Man Zero/MLP crossover.

Sadly, the idea I had for an SPC/Touhou crossover didn't hold water, so I had to put the kabosh on that.  :(

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on January 16, 2022, 09:45:50 pm
I finished Community College, so that's great.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on February 03, 2022, 01:59:33 pm
I finished Community College, so that's great.
  Yay Mitch!  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on May 19, 2022, 10:40:34 pm
I graduated, will get my associates mailed to me soon.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on May 29, 2022, 03:30:39 pm
Oh awesome!! I'm proud of you!  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on August 04, 2022, 10:43:56 pm
And my Associates got mailed to me not too long ago.
I've been spending some time lately live streaming games and such, mostly point and click adventure games

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on September 04, 2022, 05:50:46 pm
And my Associates got mailed to me not too long ago.
I've been spending some time lately live streaming games and such, mostly point and click adventure games

Woohoo, well done!  :-*

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Supersonic on December 04, 2022, 12:33:30 am
I'm not dead! And I hope you all are doing well. ;)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: D-Mac on December 07, 2022, 07:30:49 am
I'm not dead! And I hope you all are doing well. ;)
HEY! I was just thinking of ya! I hope *you* are doing well!

For those not in the know, I've been working closely with a hedgehog lately...


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ANE on December 13, 2022, 06:07:53 pm
I'm not dead! And I hope you all are doing well. ;)
HEY! I was just thinking of ya! I hope *you* are doing well!

For those not in the know, I've been working closely with a hedgehog lately...


Hope all here are doing well!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on December 22, 2022, 09:48:47 pm
Nice to see that you all are still around... Have a good new year!!


Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on January 03, 2023, 03:28:08 pm
Happy new year everyone!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on January 04, 2023, 02:19:55 pm
Yay! Happy new year!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on October 13, 2023, 11:49:18 am
I was scared this forum was dead forever when I saw that it had errors for god knows how long, nice to see it taken care of.

My Discord is now: Mitchy

Yeah, that's it, just Mitchy, I was there first to the name.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: Methid Man on October 16, 2023, 11:00:09 pm
No way, this place is still alive?! O_O

I was just thinking of this place after someone on Discord happened to ask if I wanted to become a mod at a server, to which I declined, mainly because I don't think I'm the mod type. And yet, here I am, at a site that I thought had completely become a ghost town by now still alive somehow...and still a global mod. Although looking back, I don't think I ever was an effective mod... I'm not sure how I feel about being a mod today because it's a big responsibility and not something you can just use like some fancy new toy or anything. That and it's a thankless job with virtually no reward (and no pay) so it's something that requires a lot of personal motivation, motivation that I'm not sure I really have.

...But enough about my ramblings. I'm just somewhat pleasantly surprised this place still has some activity here and there.

In case anyone wishes to contact me on Discord, it's methidman. Yeah, that's it, just methidman.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on October 17, 2023, 11:58:45 am
The forum is still here!! I was sad when it wasn't showing, just decided to check again today and here we are! Now that you mentioned Discord, it would be nice to transfer the forum there just in case; I hope this community will never die!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: ANE on October 24, 2023, 04:04:12 pm
Yay! Glad to see this is back :-) Hope everyone is as OK as can be.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on October 25, 2023, 11:25:19 am
I'm okay. Still here, still queer. Got a cold, but not a terrible one. Still skating, still love animation.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on November 17, 2023, 07:15:17 pm
The forum is still here!! I was sad when it wasn't showing, just decided to check again today and here we are! Now that you mentioned Discord, it would be nice to transfer the forum there just in case; I hope this community will never die!
I'd like a discord group, could be pretty cool.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on December 27, 2023, 06:55:19 pm
Merry Christmas and happy new year everyone!

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on January 13, 2024, 10:54:42 pm
2024 is off to a rather rocky start, but I just saw the new Wonka movie (Yeah, I know it's over a month old) and it was pretty great. Hopefully this year has some nice movies and such

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on January 29, 2024, 12:48:48 am
One of the things that I love about this community is that we're very loyal to the franchise, even if we may not be here much.

I am glad that a lot of you are doing well, and it's always nice to hear what you guys and gals have been up to.

I've been working out and getting back into fitness last year after being inactive since 2006. I've been having fun doing it, and I feel a lot of the benefits coming in--both physically and mentally. I'm even going for a certificate in fitness, and hope that'll help my career aspirations.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: rcom88 on January 29, 2024, 12:50:19 am
My love for SPC will never die because not only do I enjoy the show, but the show represents good times in my life that I will never want to forget.

It's good to see this place is still around.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on June 01, 2024, 01:10:47 am
I'm sure 13/14 year old me would be happy that people look back fondly on "lolsorandom" stuff now

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on June 07, 2024, 11:01:57 pm
I keep checking here sometimes, every time any of you old geezers post anything, I smile...

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on August 06, 2024, 07:09:43 pm
Still alive, been watching each Pixar feature film in chronological order, finished Up and now onto Toy Story 3.

I'd say most of them hold up... except Cars, which I didn't watch then, but I felt was very slow paced as I watched it for the first time a week or so ago. I guess I can understand that little kids could like it, but I just never saw the appeal... and eventually I'm going to have to get to Cars 2

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: CRBWildcat on August 09, 2024, 08:28:34 pm
Can't remember the last time I posted here. Anyway, I'm dong more or less alright, normal health issues notwithstanding.

I find it difficult to believe that I'm 40 now. When I had my own little fan-site, I was in high school and college. Feels weird looking back on that...

Anyway, I'm stilll doing more or less the same stuff I mentioned the last time (https://forums.edoropolis.org/index.php?topic=7056.msg51398#msg51398) I posted in this thread. I also got to sit down a few years ago and finally watch KNT in its entirety, which was nice.  ;)

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: KageReneko on August 12, 2024, 01:12:29 am
Haven't watched TV or movies in years; I just don't care anymore... I hear about remakes of classic shows and I just say meh...

Anyway, there are rumors about a Gravity Falls revival, I totally would watch that

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on August 26, 2024, 06:55:03 pm
Finally caught up with everything pixar, so far all movies hold up, except cars... and Toy Story 4, the ending still sucks... and Lightyear, that was just plain lame.

I guess I'll watch the new Pixar films, Toy Story 5 will probably suck, but I might as well witness the downfall of a childhood franchise.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on December 31, 2024, 12:19:05 am
Figured I'd pop in before New Year's, I'm still alive.

Lately been watching various furry vtubers on twitch, playing stuff on my steam deck and getting into linux. Games I've enjoyed so far are Hypnospace Outlaw (https://store.steampowered.com/app/844590/Hypnospace_Outlaw/) (though I think I played that mostly in 2023... oops, still a good game), Maid Cafe on Electric Street (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1789030/Maid_Cafe_on_Electric_Street/) and On Your Tail (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132560/On_Your_Tail/) (it's glitchy at the moment, but the devs are really nice and supportive on their discord). I've also been playing Beatmania IIDX at Round One lately.

For more serious issues, I've had problems keeping food down lately, and end up vomiting, very embarrassing when I do so in public, no one knows for sure why. Sinuses, slightly spicy food (although it happens with not spicy foods too), stomach ulcer? Who knows, Doctor isn't exactly helpful and feels a bit condescending about it.

I'm surprised the discord got a bit of attention, and even newer non-Edo emporium friends have found it on their own, which is nice.

Hope 2025 will be a good year for us all!

Oh yeah, I also had a dream about Violet's website last night, where I just browsed it and emailed her... could it be some premonition type thing again? Last time I had premonition type dreams, I got THAT microwave.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: MitchZer0 on January 01, 2025, 02:27:34 am
Officially 2025 for me, had a nice conversation with Methid earlier and hope to reconnect with the community.

Title: Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
Post by: blind2d on January 02, 2025, 07:48:50 pm
Hey everyone, happy 2025! I'm still around here lurkin', like I do. Hope everyone's doing okay. Hope your digestive issues get better, Mitch.  :-*  :francine: