Edoropolis Emporium

Samurai Pizza Cats => General SPC Discussion => Topic started by: D-Mac on April 15, 2005, 05:12:11 am

Title: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on April 15, 2005, 05:12:11 am
Every forum needs a thread like this, and of course, Edo Emporium will be no exception.
(I'll be posting my info... Eventually. :P)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Pink Puff on April 15, 2005, 12:01:44 pm
I was in Junior High, waiting for the bus with a friend of mine. He told me about the show and said I'd like it, but I didn't believe him. It sounded to me like some kind of cheap rip-off of Ninja Turtles. I eventually agreed to watch one episode. When I saw it I couldn't stop laughing. I loved it so much and watched it every day and started taping it when it went into reruns.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ApacheMan2K on April 15, 2005, 12:17:09 pm
when i was 9, i was watching VR Troopers, and halfway through that episode i saw a clip of Samurai Pizza Cats being played on the monitor of their HQ. i was like, "Huh? I don't remember hearing of that show before."

two years later, i was waking up in my bedroom, early in the morning at 6:00. luckily, i had a small TV (although it was b/w) and a pair of headphones. on most mornings, i'd wake up to SPC's theme and put on those headphones so i could hear it without waking anybody up. occasionally, i'd sneak downstairs so i could have a look in color. sometimes, though, i'd sleep in and miss it :'(

then, five more years later, i checked out Princess Vi's web site -- the first actual SPC site i ever saw -- and ever since i'd come back often. upon visiting Princess Vi's site, as well as SPC Polly's, i became more and more addicted to SPC.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on April 15, 2005, 01:43:37 pm
The first time I ever saw SPC was at a friends house way back in '96. We were both sick on a school day and were bored so we decided to watch TV and were flipping channels. Then when we came to channel 11 (which is the WB station in the NYC metro area), I saw some weird anime show.

The first thing I saw was this cat in white armor using his sword slash to split the ocean and rescue some big, fat panda guy (BTW, this was 'Emperor Fred Does Hard Time') Now, at the time I wasn't aware of what anime was even though I had known of several on Nickelodeon, but this one grabbed my attention. I loved the characters and the way they acted. I loved the action. I wanted to see more. The 'Fan Club Oath' part was cool too. The more I watched, the more I grew interested in the animation style.

I was pissed that I wouldn't be able to see the next episode because it would air at a time when I had school and I had to go back to school the next day and miss it. Luckily, I had Thanksgiving recess a day later so I was able to see a little more of it. I learned that the show was called 'Samurai Pizza Cats' and the white-armored cat was named 'Speedy'. I found out more of the show's story the more episodes I watched.

Back when I was 14, I was a depressed young teenager burnt out by middle-school life. Soon after experiencing SPC, my whole life took another turn. It revealed to me that there are some good things in life worth living for (no seriously, I thought life really sucked). It would later develop into a new hobby as soon as I found out it was anime, an art style made in Japan. From there I started watching other anime shows such Dragonball Z but that's another story...

It scares me to think that if one of so many factors didn't occur that day (i.e. if I hadn't been sick, if my friend hadn't been sick, if I hadn't paid my friend a visit, if we hadn't been flipping channels)...I probably would've turned out to be a much different person today, probably worse than I am now...

-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 15, 2005, 05:38:29 pm
It was June 5th, 1991. I was in British Columbia, Canada. I got up for Saturday morning cartoons, and at 9:00 am, boom, SPC came on. I had NO idea what it was, so I continued to watch it. The episode was "Let the cellar beware" ever since then... I was hooked, and you know all know the rest of the story from there. ^_^


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on April 17, 2005, 12:31:10 am
My memory of specifics of that time is a bit fuzzy, but I think it was '96 or '97 that I watched it. Since I only had area stations, not cable, I came across it on one of those by chance and watched it on my old b/w TV in my room. I thought the show was the weirdest, funniest cartoon of the time and watched it until it got cancelled. I mostly forgot about it until I saw a flash animation that made reference to it (Arfenhouse 2). That brought it flooding back. Good times.

I remembered something else about that time recently. I think that must've been when I had decided to throw out all my toys (star trek ships/hotwheels, etc, don't worry they didn't actually get thrown out I later recovered them from their laying about in a box) and didn't watch TV as much. I was in an overserious phase thinking I was all grown up or something, so I was embarrassed that despite that I secretly liked SPC a lot at age 14-15 or so. Nowadays I don't care, but back then it was my guilty pleasure. I remember turning off the TV if I thought my parents were coming. My sisters watched it with me a bit later and I didn't mind then, but upon singing the theme song as an act for joining our cousin's impromptu "Club" I was given strange looks. Some time afterward I checked to see if the show still was running and it was gone.

Cool, Vi joined in! Welcome.  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 17, 2005, 03:39:25 am
Misteroo made an awesome flash, glad he kept some SPC references in there, quite good.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Marurun on April 23, 2005, 01:49:37 pm
OK, my story is a bit on the different side because I never actually got to watch SPC on TV. I post in this board for a certain program(Burke might remember since that's how he introduced me to more SPC ;-) ) and then when I made this thread on what everyone's favorite anime was, one of the girls on the board said she liked SPC. She then included a link to a site for downloads of the episodes, so I checked it out, downloaded a few and next thing you know I was hooked. I think that happened about 3-4 years ago but it seems like yesterday. Actually, the other reason I really found out about SPC is when I found the game Kyatou Ninden Tenyandee for the Famicom and I decided to "attempt" to translate it but that didn't go over very well so I just stuck to watching the shows ;-) ::)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Sinder on April 27, 2005, 08:46:52 pm
I had an experience similar to Methid Man.  I was home from school--sick with the flu, if I remember correctly--and was just channel-surfing, looking for something to watch.  SPC aired on FOX around 2:30 at that time, and I didn't get home from school until 3:00, so I never caught an episode.

By chance, the episode that aired on that particular day was "The Big Comet Caper"--the best in the series.  It was enough to get me hooked.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Polly SPC on April 27, 2005, 10:27:43 pm
Hmmm... well I was one of the original fans, with GuidoDan, Expresso, AsterCrow, Violet, Lil Polly, Chaos Fox.... as you all already know. I was flipping through one day, saw it on... sat down and watched it. Hated it at first, but yet found myself coming back to watch more. After a few more episode I was hooked and it was also the gateway that lead me into the wonderful world of Anime. That was back when we had AOL 2.5, Super Nintendoa nd Gameboy were the in things, and people actually liked Power Rangers... O_o

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on April 27, 2005, 11:16:58 pm
I guess most of you know me already.  I've been pretty much avoiding message boards, except my own Nihonbare board, which is just a few of my friends and not really an official "SPC Board".  I have my own web pages and a monthly newsletter, so I don't really need a message board if I have something to say.  But on the other hand, maybe I can help my fellow SPC fans more if I'm not hiding away and only working on my own projects.  So, I will give this a chance.

My first "SPC Experience"?  1990: A relative of mine who was into anime gave me copies of a few model sheets from the show.  I had seen some anime before, I lived in Japan for a bit when I was a kid, but I wasn't really an anime fan at the time.  I thought the characters on the model sheets were cute and interesting, but they were put away and forgotten for a few more years until 1997 when SPC was on American TV.  Saban's commercials made SPC look like some stupid Ninja Turtle rip-off, so I didn't go out of my way to try and watch it at first.  But eventually happened to catch an episode and I was hooked!  I think the first episode I saw was "Pizza Delivery of Doom".  Eventually, I realized  "Hey, that's the show those pictures came from!" 

This was also about the time I was first starting to use the internet, dialing up AOL on my first computer which I had got for Christmas in '96, an HP with a Windows 3.11 and massive 2 GB hard drive ("I'll never use up a whole 2 GB" I used to think) with my 33.6k modem.  I didn't even like computers, and I only had an AOL account because my family gave it to me so they could e-mail me, I had no interest in the internet.  But my interest in SPC compelled me to use this to search for more information.  So, due to my interest in SPC, I learned to use the internet, make web pages, write better than I ever did in school, started studying Japanese, and I now know computers better than any of my relatives.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on April 28, 2005, 01:35:06 pm
Well, for those of you who don't know, I'm Kyo.
I'm just a simple Samurai Pizza Cat's fan that some-how stumbled upon a Samurai Pizzza Cats forum, and... well... ^^;
The rest speaks for itself~

My First SPC Experience~
I can't exactly remember how in the good world I stumbled upon Samurai Pizza Cats, but I can sum it up in 1 word... Accident.
I believe it was back durring my Elementary School years... namely 6th grade.
I was a lucky youth, in the fact that I had a VCR, and a Cable TV outlet in my room.
Chances are I was trying to record Power Rangers or something, anyway, I had the timer set too early, and so I caught most of the ending credits, and possibly some of the episode.

And so, I strived to see what this neat looking show was... and thus, I was hooked.
It was a favorite past-time of mine, coming home, and watching the recorded episodes...
Unfortunately, I made 2 mistakes...

1) I recorded all of them in EP instead of SP
2) I re-used the tapes, mainly because I didn't have any spair blank tapes.

Some of the episodes I know I've seen, I lost, and some of the episodes I have... Well... They're ok~ ^_^
Another thing about my episodes that make's 'em special would be the severe weather bullitens that run accrost the screen~
*Laughs* They'll always bring back memories~

In the end though, my collection may not be complete, but it's got the episodes I love...
And that... is... my long-winded story~

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Beranme on April 29, 2005, 04:25:02 am
oooooooooooooh new board... I likes. :D

My first spc experiance wasnt like everyone else's who actually saw the show on tv.
I dont even remember why i was searching for the show, but one day I was and I found Vi's and Tigriss' sites and SPClabs.
Now i have at least 10gigs of my HD reserved for all things SPC/KNT.
(If anyone remembers why i was looking up SPC please let me know...... 8O )

To all those who missed me, sorry bout not joinin sooner, I got a new job, and started  doin alot of other things, mostly playing world of warcraft  8)  and as all my DA stalkers know i just finished the entire Ranma 1/2  DVD collection....7 series is a lot (thats 20 DVDs btw) :P
oh yeah funny note about a Ranma episode... RANMA SAYS TEYANDEE!!!!!!....well in only one episode :D
....... did anyone else notice that the english voices for Ranma and Inuyasha are the same
(for those who dont know Yattaro's voice actor was the same one who did boy-type Ranma and Inuyasha so its  kinda funny that the english voice actor did 2 outta 3)

hmmm well that was kinda sorta almost off topic, oh well .

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on April 29, 2005, 12:20:53 pm
I must collect the Ranma series as well sometime. Yeah and Goemon in Mystical Ninja for N64, I swear he says Teyandee sometimes when you do the character switch.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ApacheMan2K on April 29, 2005, 12:29:03 pm
that sounds familiar. i vaguely recall hearing Goemon say that myself

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: xatz on May 01, 2005, 10:54:16 am
Well, I was young, I can remember that.  All other specifics I can't remember.
It must have been the early 90's, I can't remember first seeing it or last seeing it but it was on the TV.
All I can remember is them jumping into there holes and it being a really enjoyable experience.
I found this community when I was reflecting one day on the 'old days'.  I also looked for information on the series The Tick.  Anyway I still haven't downloaded any of the SPC or KNT episodes.  I am very much looking forward to watching the series again though as I can't remember anything about it.  And with KNT being a different story it is like getting 2 for the price of one.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Guido64380 on May 02, 2005, 01:35:28 am
Sup. I'm Guido (no, I did not get the name from the show, but a garfield comic)

Anyways, I first caught pizza cats when I was...about 4 years old. I can remember seeing: "Quit dragon my cat around" "No tallent Guido" "Son of the big cheese" and "gone with the ginzu" (thanks to _____ for telling me what ep it was) I remembered it earlier this year and it just kinda went from there

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on May 07, 2005, 06:22:08 pm
Thank you D-mac

My SPC experience would be around in the early 90s on a saturday morning, the first episode I've seen was possibly the underground hostage one.
I have also seen "Pizza cats are only human part 1", well the end of it.
I saw SPC again in 1997, when we had cable and Fox kids premier, at 7.00 am in weekday mornings and I remember seeing "Samurai charm school", "Princess Vi's Hippy-Dippy mum" and "The Great comet caper" which the latter I found moving.

I like all of the characters and the women are beautiful, particurly Polly :-*, which I had a crush on.
Can't blame me really ;)  Heehee!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TimeCat on May 08, 2005, 11:30:38 pm
It was a school holiday in Junior High, and I was flipping through the tv guide because I was curious about what was actually on that early in the morning (when I was normally in school). I stumbled upon the name Samurai Pizza Cats and thought "what in the world is that?" It wasn't too late to watch it, and I was curious so I did. My first reaction was that it was the craziest show I've ever seen and "who would watch that?" But then I realized that that it was ment to be funny and have loved it ever since.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on May 09, 2005, 02:11:10 am
The first time I can remember seeing SPC was before school one day (high school at the time). My friend was late picking me up, and I happened to catch part of an episode. I thought it was hillarious and made it a point to set up my VCR to tape it and watch it after I got home from school. I just became an addict after that ;) To this day I thank SPC for introducing me to some great friends, and for inspiring me to draw and keep a constant character for 8-10 years and counting ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Pizzacat on May 09, 2005, 02:56:00 am
For Me it started as a fiant childhood memory, and all I knew was it was anime and I loved it, but not much else. Until about 2yrs ago I found a 12yr old video in our cabinet and right at the end of a taped movie was most of an SPC ep "Those Transforming Felines" and since I watched that I became infatuated with SPC and wanted to know more thats when I fell in with the SPC community and its been going great ever since.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PkerUNO on May 09, 2005, 02:44:34 pm
I can't quite remember THE very first time, but it must have been in 1991, when I was 7 or so. I do remember waking up early to watch it on TV and hope my mum didn't beat me to it, since at that time she really didn't like me watching anime. :D

I'm not new to the community BTW, only that I've changed names a few times... some of you might remember my Italo-centric website, SPC.net, which I more or less abandoned when I started university. Three years on, I'm about to graduate in Multimedia Technology and Design, so I might be doing something with it soon. Don't count on it too soon though, because unless something goes horribly wrong, I'll be helping to teach English in Japan for a year.

I still love SPC though, it's the first series that really got me into anime, and it's still funny now. Must give the DVDs another viewing soon... :)

Title: Hey all. Guess who's here and ready to chat.
Post by: Andy on May 10, 2005, 10:41:35 pm
Hey everybody. The one and only get around guy and the person who everybody loves is here. I'm sorry I haven't been chatting much with you guys. Been busy with school and family and plus, not much going on in the old chat room. Anyway, I'm glad that we got a brand new board to use and now we can have more fun. Also, I don't know if all of you have looked at the old board, but I've mentioned that I have been accepted to work at the Walt Disney World Resort. Yay for me. So, I can't wait to see what's been going down and see what new stuff will happen. See ya guys a lot more.  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on May 11, 2005, 06:38:24 am
Ah... Glad to see that you've arrived here, Andy! And that things are going well for you, with the Disney World job and all.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on May 11, 2005, 09:22:01 am
Thanks, D-Mac.

Anyway, I would say that the first time I saw the SPC was when I was 13 years old and living in Hawaii at the time. They were on at like 5 or 6 in the mourning. I caught a few episodes, but couldn't get up early enough to see all of them. Then I move and forgotten all about the SPCs. But then a couple years ago during my first year in college, I was browsing Kazaa and I found a few SPC episodes. Then I met Burkeworld and he tought me everything there is to know about the SPCs and I was stuck with them since.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on May 11, 2005, 10:06:55 am
Yeah, back in 2002 I hooked you up with the eps.

What a ride it has been.

Welcome aboard, Andy!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on May 11, 2005, 04:18:19 pm
Thanks, Burke. I owe my entire SPC knowledge to ya. It has been great times.

Also, I like to ask a question to anybody here. Do any of you know the names of the rest Rude Noise? I only know one and that's Bad Max. I really need to know so that my fic could work. 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Beranme on May 11, 2005, 04:25:18 pm
 ;) COOL someone else whos lived in Hawaii!!!!! what Island? Oahu, Maui?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on May 11, 2005, 05:44:33 pm
Oahu. On a tiny island in Pearl Harbor called Ford Island. The place where most of the Dec. 11th attach took place.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on May 11, 2005, 06:18:19 pm
Do any of you know the names of the rest Rude Noise? I only know one and that's Bad Max. I really need to know so that my fic could work. 

This should be helpful...


Strangely enough, with all the episodes they've been in, Big Cheese's High Definition TV is the only one where their names are actually mentioned.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on May 13, 2005, 07:00:32 pm
I'm again with ya guys!! Well, my priorities are different now but as I already said in the another forums I never will forget my dear Pizza cats...

I meet the SPC in 1992 after finish my homework; after that first episode my life changed totally knowing that the stupid guys also can be powerful...

Thanks a lot YattarôSensei!!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on May 13, 2005, 07:16:40 pm
Even if your involvement won't be what it once was, I'm really happy to see you're still active in the SPC community, and I hope ypu like this new place.  ;)

By the way, I miss your old Reneko avatar. It was so cool.  :'(

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Puutarou on May 17, 2005, 06:00:26 pm
Hiya folks! Er... I used to be "NekoNinja" on the old board (wasn't very active on there though). However, it really touches my heart to see that people are still using the old icons I made back then.

These new forums really look great. I'll try to check in here every now then and see what's up.  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: leamur on May 17, 2005, 07:08:40 pm

Hi all, I'm new round these parts but I'm familiar SPC.  First saw it when I was a kid way way back when it was first aired in the UK.  After that i forgot about it as Starcom, TMNT and Transformers took prime position.  It was only last that year that I had my first rediscovery and then recently I looked into it again and afer watching a few episodes, the randomness and jokes of this crazy cartoon of comedy capers, actually made more sense!

I think its a great cartoon, shame its so hard to get hold of.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on May 17, 2005, 07:50:29 pm
It's grand to know there are fans in the UK that remembers SPC.
Glad you can join us leamur.

I'm from the UK too, you know.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: leamur on May 17, 2005, 08:58:03 pm
It's grand to know there are fans in the UK that remembers SPC.
Glad you can join us leamur.

I'm from the UK too, you know.

Thanks.  Your from the UK to eh 8)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on May 18, 2005, 05:31:00 pm
That's right mate. A fellow Brit.  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: leamur on May 18, 2005, 09:26:04 pm
Nice one...so two pints of lager and a packet of crisps then? 

I have plans for some sort of fan-comic in the pipeline...so watch this space ;-)

See ya round the forums.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on May 19, 2005, 05:05:29 am
Oy, shame Z/ero hasn't been here. He's probably the truest UK SPC Fan that ever walked the earth..

Maybe I should convince him to sign up here, not so many jerks as last time.. (Least I hope not.)


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on May 19, 2005, 05:33:02 am
not so many jerks as last time.

Elaborate please.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on May 19, 2005, 09:56:31 pm
I'll draw another KageReneko Pizza Cat version for this forum... Anyway this one fits me perfectly...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Dasai on May 24, 2005, 06:19:42 am
My name is Dasai, and I first experienced the series when it was playing on UPN way back in the day.. I was only up because I had to be at work a half hour after it was over. I was late SO many times. Good show.

I used to hang around as ACiDFiSh or AJ_Lotus, wirting <deity>-awful fanfic. And I'm back to write <deity>-awful but slightly more legible fanfic and rediscover the series for what it is.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: hikaritail on May 24, 2005, 10:01:56 am
My name is Dasai, and I first experienced the series when it was playing on UPN way back in the day.. I was only up because I had to be at work a half hour after it was over. I was late SO many times. Good show.

I used to hang around as ACiDFiSh or AJ_Lotus, wirting <deity>-awful fanfic. And I'm back to write <deity>-awful but slightly more legible fanfic and rediscover the series for what it is.

hehehe funny me too and then i got hooked on it  :P
anyway enjoy you`r stay

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on June 04, 2005, 06:11:08 pm
Like Marurun, I never watched the serie on TV and never heard about it in 90s (I doubt that the TV show was ever aired in Brazil). In 2004 I bought to my son a cheap NES Cartridge with label containing a Garfield pic and the title "Ninja Cat". The game impressed me very well, and I become interested to know the origin of its characters. After doing few Googles, I found informations about the SPC, and with more work finally got the full episodes for downloads (thanks, Tigriss). I am amazed how the fans are so loyal and active after 15 years.  8O  I'm  very glad to join to this message board.  :D
BTW I alway was a fan of the japanese cartoons, since when I was kid my parents had bought me a lot of Japanese manga books. More, the first time I met a cartoon quality animation on computers was the Eric Schwartz work, on my old Commodore Amiga. His animations show anthropomorphic animals like SPC does (well, actually Speedy and pals are a kind of animal robots).
Sorry my bad English, my mother tongues are Portuguese and Japanese. Perhaps my knowledge of Japanese could be useful for the SPC fans, I'm at your service.  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Marurun on June 05, 2005, 04:18:30 pm
In 2004 I bought to my son a cheap NES Cartridge with label containing a Garfield pic and the title "Ninja Cat".
Oh neat! You found out about the game through a pirated game :D That's partially how I found out about it too.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on June 06, 2005, 02:26:36 am
So those pirated cartridges that have other cartoons on them are still the KNT game? Ahh...

I saw one with foxes on it, from that Disney movie (forgot the name).

Got it, thanks! I'm glad I still tried for the real thing then. I hope it arrives soon.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on June 06, 2005, 11:59:03 am
So those pirated cartridges that have other cartoons on them are still the KNT game? Ahh...

I saw one with foxes on it, from that Disney movie (forgot the name).

My cartridge is really an untouched KNT game, once I downloaded a ROM image to my NES emulator to compare, and both games are virtually identical. However there are many ROM whose sprites are swapped, maintaining the same gameplay of the older games. Therefore one can purchase NES cartridges titled 'Pokemon', 'Sonic', 'Dragonball Z', and other characteres that appeared officially only in the SNES, GB or newer consoles (sorry if I am going off-topic  :-[ ).

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on June 07, 2005, 10:36:14 am
A couple of months after start see GATOS SAMURAI (I'm Colombian, remember) I could got a Famicom cartridge of the Teyandee game; I got it in the Christmas of 1992 and that must be one of the games that I most have played... I remember that beautiful catridge, was black, with the japanese logo (And I could undesrtand it)but unfortunately somebody stole it from me 2 years later... T_T

I always liked the music and I was shocked when I firstly saw the japanese opening in 1998 cause had the same music that the game (Otodokkoi Nihonbare)... Well thanks this I returned to my pizza Cat fever cuz I didn't remember them... (I was not sure that they were an original japanese series)


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Meggy on June 08, 2005, 04:03:11 pm
i have to admit, when i was first exposed to the cats, i was a mere young'n~ i think it was some time in the early nineties, when the show was all fresh and new to north american audiences. i watched it every day, after i came home from school. ytv was the channel airing it, at the time. oh, the days of pj phil and jenn... how i miss those two. then, the show disappeared from the ytv lineup, only to reappear on fox, years later. by that time, i was in middle school... so before i left for school each day, i would set the timer on my vcr to record the show. this continued until the show ultimately got the boot from fox, too. -then-, the show got some ill-timed slot on ytv, latelatelate at night. i think it was about 3:00-or-so in the morning, so i had to be extra careful watching it in the morning, because my mom got furious with me, when she found me up -that- late. but that is a part of this that is irrelevant.

so, in the midst of all of this, i eventually created a spc website. yes, i was that little chica that most knew as otama/francine. and yes, i did leave on bad terms with a couple of people that were in the community, that -continue- to pester me, to this day. i also aided the background production of the savespc website... which i also plan to work on in the near future.

either way, i still have -another- virtually unknown website that i -really- need to update sometime in the future:


sometime in the near future, i'm looking into updating that site, and adding/removing/modifying some links.

and, to make the show -even more- special to me, through the spc web community, i met the love of my life... <3

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Naruto on June 15, 2005, 05:34:33 pm
Sup all , dunno if you remember me or not :P
I was here a while back ago , started a SPC project that was about remastering the eps.
I quit when my pc crashed and I lost all of my eps.
But I thought of spc today , so i decided to come back and download them ALL!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mota on June 18, 2005, 04:41:06 am
hey didn't know we moved , well i got into it back on my island bahamas in 1991 i was 9 and i saw it early int he morning when i was making cereal, the tv was up so loud i didn't know what was playing when i heard "WILL SOMEONE PLEASE CUE THAT BIRD?" i ran tot he tv and had this catchy tune i was dancing to it every morning was happy i like it and i love the show and i taped the reruns but they got ruin couldn't protect them for half the decade but i'm glad i found this site last year, glad to be back.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: oonai2000 on June 21, 2005, 08:33:52 am
OK, this is gonna be my first post! I remember SPC from about 12 years ago. I always watched cartoons in the afternoon and one day this came along! At first I thought it was kinda weird, but soon I learnt to love it. Like everybody at my school! We used to sing the theme song so often! Those good old days! :-* It seems that SPC was only a hype at my school. :huh: It has been so long since I've seen an episode, but now I've started to collect them! :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Dasai on June 21, 2005, 03:13:40 pm
OK, this is gonna be my first post! I remember SPC from about 12 years ago. I always watched cartoons in the afternoon and one day this came along! At first I thought it was kinda weird, but soon I learned to love it. Like everybody at my school! We used to sing the theme song so often! Those good old days! :-* It seems that SPC was only a hype at my school. :huh: It has been so long since I've seen an episode, but now I've started to collect them! :D

Welcome to the fanbase, friend.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: oonai2000 on June 21, 2005, 04:20:35 pm
OK, this is gonna be my first post! I remember SPC from about 12 years ago. I always watched cartoons in the afternoon and one day this came along! At first I thought it was kinda weird, but soon I learned to love it. Like everybody at my school! We used to sing the theme song so often! Those good old days! :-* It seems that SPC was only a hype at my school. :huh: It has been so long since I've seen an episode, but now I've started to collect them! :D

Welcome to the fanbase, friend.

Ah, thanks so much! :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Hioshen on June 23, 2005, 11:14:17 pm
My first SPC experience really isn't too long ago. It was thanks to my favorite artist that I got hooked to it.I did watch one episode long time ago but I didn't really get hooked into it becasue I only watched like the ending of it. Anyways the artist does outstanding pieces of work ^_^. Right now he only has three artworks of Polly(I will post the links to them below). When I first found his place and look through his old works I found two of his Polly drawings(his three one he did today jun. 23). And at first I was like who is polly and he had a link to the original image of her and said she was one of the Samurai Pizza Cats. I was like what in the world was that. So I did some reserch to find out what it was and I found serveral sites. Then I came arcoss the SPC LAB2 site and decided to download a episode and I was so hooked after that(it was the first episode btw). Now I try to find as much as I can about it(and all the episodes) and I found this place and joined. ^_^  


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on June 23, 2005, 11:41:22 pm
Hmm, these pics were posted in the Fan-Works section. (Read my reply, I wasn't too pleased with those pics, hehe)

I checked the devinart page you gave; the person has some nice colouring skills, but all the characters look almost identical with the same post, and same facial expressions, got kinda boring seeing the same thing over and over again with different file names. But whatever, art is art.

But anyways, welcome aboard!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Marurun on June 24, 2005, 12:58:29 am
Hmm, these pics were posted in the Fan-Works section. (Read my reply, I wasn't too pleased with those pics, hehe)

I checked the devinart page you gave; the person has some nice colouring skills, but all the characters look almost identical with the same post, and same facial expressions, got kinda boring seeing the same thing over and over again with different file names. But whatever, art is art.

My my, negative aren't we? 8)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Hioshen on June 24, 2005, 01:42:32 am
Hmm, these pics were posted in the Fan-Works section. (Read my reply, I wasn't too pleased with those pics, hehe)

I checked the devinart page you gave; the person has some nice colouring skills, but all the characters look almost identical with the same post, and same facial expressions, got kinda boring seeing the same thing over and over again with different file names. But whatever, art is art.

But anyways, welcome aboard!

Yea I just saw it. First off I'm new here so I haven't seen every topic in this forums here so sorry for posting the first two links. Second, if you don't like it, you don't like it. People have different taste and not everyone in the world likes what others people like. You were right I never noticed it but he does used the same-type expression on most of his works, meh o well I still love his art. ^_^ Also thanks for the welcome, I'm glad to be part of this place :D *Also were proably off the topic I think so back on track*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on June 24, 2005, 02:05:33 am
My my, negative aren't we? 8)

Negative? I didn't say anything bad in my post, just saying how I felt about it. And if you actually look at all the pics, they're basically the same thing! I was only saying truth, nothing negative.

If you want negative, I could always say: WHERE ARE MY SPC FIGHTING GAME SPRITES?! Oh yeah, you ditched that one, my bad.  ::)

That's negative, don't get them confused.

Burkey 8)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Marurun on June 25, 2005, 06:31:27 pm
My my, negative aren't we? 8)

If you want negative, I could always say: WHERE ARE MY SPC FIGHTING GAME SPRITES?! Oh yeah, you ditched that one, my bad.  ::)

That's negative, don't get them confused.

Burkey 8)
Dang, you still remember that?  ::) I don't regret quitting either!(Haha, I'm being negative!)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on June 25, 2005, 06:54:35 pm
Hehe, I know, it was a failed project from the start, but it was at least fun to try for a little while ^_^


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Marurun on June 25, 2005, 10:37:58 pm
Hehe, I know, it was a failed project from the start, but it was at least fun to try for a little while ^_^

Yep, it was! I still have the few sprites I did make of Speedy too!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yoshi-1up on July 17, 2005, 06:16:41 am
i em yoshi1up @_@!!!

omg spc!!!!!!!! i remember watching them everyday after school when i was little XD so awesome!!!
must make a flash movie soon of the nes game :0

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Roxy90 on July 18, 2005, 12:33:11 pm

As of seeing and hearing the show for myself, I could only remember a glimpse of it. And I only saw it once, when I was very young and very sick. And when I tried to find it, I couldn't.

But I stumbled across what that website claimed to be 'the first pizza cat page' two years ago, and my interest was piqued in them. Soon after did I find the following: Jonas Miles' pizza cat page, Polly Ester's fan page,  a very neat-looking Princess Vi page, the Samurai Pizza Cat section in Fanfiction.net; and I used to wander around SPC forums when in its' proboards form.

I suppose I'm a minor fan, simply 'cause I never really seen them for myself[On tv...though I'll admit, I recall seeing a hilarious video clip on Jonas's page and on Vi's...I think. o.0]; but I've grown to like them the more I've learned about them.

*Coyly eyes the 'Episode Download' section*


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: DashStPierre on July 18, 2005, 12:46:28 pm
I may not remember specifics of what episode I saw, but I saw my first SPC episode in 1991. I was at a little music store near my house where I took piano lessons. They had a TV which we would watch to pass the time before lessons started and this show came on. I didn't know what it was but I thought it was funny, so I watched it again the next week and found out it was called Samurai Pizza Cats. I watched it every chance I got until it went off the air in my area :'(

Then I found a few SPC sites while just randomly cruising the internet around my freshman year of high school. I would visit them often but eventually forgot about it until I started college and found another SPC site (Jonas Miles' site I believe) and then it got me interested in fic writing. well I ended up not writing my first fic until last year

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 22, 2005, 02:20:18 am
i em yoshi1up @_@!!!

omg spc!!!!!!!! i remember watching them everyday after school when i was little XD so awesome!!!
must make a flash movie soon of the nes game :0

Welcome to the forums, but next time, clean your posts up some, seeing all the "!!!!!!!!!" is annoying as sin.

Have a nice day ^_^


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on July 22, 2005, 06:51:21 am
Welcome to the forums, but next time, clean your posts up some, seeing all the "!!!!!!!!!" is annoying as sin.

No! No! No!  @_@
That is the Yoshi-1up! As in, the guy I've been working slave labor for!  :O :O :O

Oh, great master, I apologize on Burkey's behalf. Please spare me for I am not woooorthyyy!!! x_x

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on July 22, 2005, 04:29:57 pm

As of seeing and hearing the show for myself, I could only remember a glimpse of it. And I only saw it once, when I was very young and very sick. And when I tried to find it, I couldn't.

But I stumbled across what that website claimed to be 'the first pizza cat page' two years ago, and my interest was piqued in them. Soon after did I find the following: Jonas Miles' pizza cat page, Polly Ester's fan page,  a very neat-looking Princess Vi page, the Samurai Pizza Cat section in Fanfiction.net; and I used to wander around SPC forums when in its' proboards form.

I suppose I'm a minor fan, simply 'cause I never really seen them for myself[On tv...though I'll admit, I recall seeing a hilarious video clip on Jonas's page and on Vi's...I think. o.0]; but I've grown to like them the more I've learned about them.

*Coyly eyes the 'Episode Download' section*


Nothings wrong with being a simple fan. Sometimes its just good to be a fan.
Welcome to the boards, and don't forget to stop by the SPC downloads section. At least 1 or 2 episodes are up an ready for download I do believe~  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 22, 2005, 07:10:31 pm
Welcome to the forums, but next time, clean your posts up some, seeing all the "!!!!!!!!!" is annoying as sin.

No! No! No!  @_@
That is the Yoshi-1up! As in, the guy I've been working slave labor for!  :O :O :O

Oh, great master, I apologize on Burkey's behalf. Please spare me for I am not woooorthyyy!!! x_x

Whatever. *Whip crack sound*



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Luna on July 24, 2005, 12:24:12 pm
Oh! Oh! Reminiscing~

It was a bright and sunny day.. despite the cries of my brother who was upset to wake up on a Monday morning before going to school. I was in junior high then, while my brother was still but in grammar school. Since we live quite a bit a way from the magnet school we both attended, bus transport was not available in our area, and we were forced to commute every day to school.

So, every morning while waiting for our father to pick us up, we would tune into the TV and watch whatever cartoons came on. Back then it was stuff like The Highlander (animated series), Mighty Max, and other old cartoons.. but one that we happened to hear about on commercials on Fox, was Samurai Pizza Cats. I loved it. My brother loved it. And every day, when we were getting ready for school and waiting for Dad, we would watch Samurai Pizza Cats each morning.

It got to the point where after watching so many episodes, I just had to have anything Samurai Pizza Cats related that I could. I would end up surfing endless websites for SPC pictures, print them off, and stick them all over my school folders and such while all of my classmates would wonder why the heck I was into cartoons and the like.

Gosh, those were the days.

I also was around back when Violet started her SPC mailing list, watched the beginnings of Samurai Saving Time, and admired the webmasters of those who won the Supreme Pizza Cat Page award. Although I kind of disappeared for awhile due to college and stuff, recently I've watched a few episodes for old times' sake, and realized that my fandom never really faded away.  ;]

 :speedy: :polly: :guido:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on July 24, 2005, 10:48:04 pm
This isn't properly a introduction, since I did it before, click here to see (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=74.msg968#msg968). I am here to anounce the change of my name, I used to be FMatsumoto but from now please call me Matsumoto Sensei instead. The new name reflects better who am I.  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 25, 2005, 03:09:48 am
Egotistical, aren't we...?

From now on, you should all address me as Burke-sama, as I deserve the title.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on July 25, 2005, 04:58:28 am
I don't really consider it to be that egotistical when it's someone who is a chemistry professor and is fluent in Japanese. :O

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on July 25, 2005, 11:50:23 am
I don't really consider it to be that egotistical when it's someone who is a chemistry professor and is fluent in Japanese. :O

I have to agree.  "Sensei" is appropriate for a professor or teacher, it just refects someone with an education, it's not like "Master" or "Lord" or anything.  But if Burkey wants to be Burkey-sama that's ok with me.^.^   How about Burkey-no-kami?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Marurun on July 25, 2005, 12:21:46 pm
I don't really consider it to be that egotistical when it's someone who is a chemistry professor and is fluent in Japanese. :O

うん、 日本語はいいですよ.

*bows to sensei*  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on July 25, 2005, 12:23:11 pm
Thanks, D-Mac and Violet, you are very kind.  :-*
Actually I intended to name myself Daisensei...  :D Ha, ha, ha, just kidding! Seriously, I take the term "sensei" to impersonate myself as Guru Lou (and you must admit that he isn´t the brightest character of the series :P).
Burkey-dono, konkai no goburei wo oyurushi kudasaimase.
EDIT: typos.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ApacheMan2K on July 25, 2005, 12:28:00 pm
i'm sorry about the remark. i made the same misunderstanding Burkey made before, so now i'll just erase that post.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 25, 2005, 02:55:49 pm
I'm down with the whole sensei thing and bein' a professor is cool and all, but I still stand by my title ^_^

Lets see here.. I've been playing piano for 17 years now, the trumpet for 5 years, the guitar for 5 years, and the drums on the side for fun for a few years. I ran my own garage band which did rather well in my hometown, doing shows and whatnot. I have a 2nd degree black belt in Goju-Ryu karate (which I have also been doing for 17 years) I now teach piano lessons to a few students on the weekeneds while I'm not busy earning my degree in Police Foundations, THEN completing University level music courses. Oh, I weight lift, I run, I'm a professional magician for hire, I'm going to play University football again while being accepted into a 2nd Univeristy for a Bachelor of arts. And I can juggle too. I teach karate to younger kids and I ran a number of magic workshops over the summer to spread my gift around. I contribute much to this community and too others, spening my own money to spread around a long gone series AND write fiction for all you people and trying to host a contest or too.

So yeah, I think I got a little bit of weight as well to be respected.

Good day.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on July 25, 2005, 07:43:47 pm
Yeah, that's all well and good, and I do respect many of the things you've done, but bowing down (in the fashion your title implies to me at least) is usually associated with someone who is of royal nobility, or umm... holy.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 25, 2005, 08:17:21 pm
That's right, I'm holy.

And my title is a parody of other titles I've seen on other forums.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Unblessed_Zaku_MKII on July 26, 2005, 03:52:57 am
My first experience with SPC was actually in the early 1990's, to early for me to remember. But I do remember that I have watched it in Mexico several times. I remember getting up early and watching it with my Little brother and cousins. I watched it  as much as I could. It came on TV in the USA around 1996 I believe, on UPN 13 network. I watched it again, until it was off the air. After that, it stayed in the back of my memories, forgotten , much like old fashioned values. It wasn't until recently last week, sitting down on a table at work  that SPC\KNT slapped me in the face once more. I don't know why I suddenly remembered it, but I did realize that when I stood up, I was sitting on spilt grease. It was at that time that I said to myself, I  "I will have the entire SPC series, no matter what the cost." I guess that you can say I like things from the past. I like things from an older era.....

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 26, 2005, 04:30:23 am
That's EXACTLY how it happened to me. Sitting in my dorm room one night, it just got up and smacked me in the face.

Been here ever since. ^_^

First saw it in 1991 out in British Columbia on July 5th and 6:30 am. I'll never forget it.

It was "Let the Cellar Beware"

Rock on.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Valkyrie on July 26, 2005, 12:12:40 pm

I think it's kind of sad to say this, especially around here, that I first learnt of Samurai Pizza Cats by buying the SPC Movie.  I was like 10 and didn't realize that it was just 2 episodes, but non-the-less, I thought it was hilarious!  It was the best $5 I ever spent!

But now, I'm trying to get to see atleast half of the shows (or just like the critical ones) to see all the character development.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on July 26, 2005, 12:27:56 pm

I think it's kind of sad to say this, especially around here, that I first learnt of Samurai Pizza Cats by buying the SPC Movie.  I was like 10 and didn't realize that it was just 2 episodes, but non-the-less, I thought it was hilarious!  It was the best $5 I ever spent!

But now, I'm trying to get to see at least half of the shows (or just like the critical ones) to see all the character development.

Actually, that "SPC Movie" tape from Saban is something of a collector's item with SPC fans, and getting one for $5 was a pretty good deal.  But now there is that DVD on eBay all the time, so I don't think the VHS tape has the appeal it used to.  I think I paid about $30 to get one for my SPC/KNT collection a few years ago.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Valkyrie on July 26, 2005, 12:44:11 pm
Yeah, the coveted DVD has taken over the market, and for good reason.
-massive size
-"Animated Menus!"

that is until bluetooth takes over...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ragnar on August 08, 2005, 10:06:55 pm
The first episode I saw was when I was about in third grade. A friend who knew I liked cats reccomended the show to me, so I tuned in one morning. It was "The Nuclear Potato," and I still vaguely remember watching it for the first time.

I keep meaning to get myself one of those DVDs. The number of SPC animation cells selling on EBay is remarkable as well.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on August 08, 2005, 11:12:19 pm
Want me to add you to the DVD list?


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Chuunin on August 10, 2005, 01:31:50 pm
The first time that I saw SPC was when I was something like 5/6 years old. I turned on the tv and watched Fox kids and they were broadcasting SPC. after that I watched it multiple times but now I can't remember anything from that episodes. So now i'm downloading them to watch them over again.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on August 19, 2005, 02:27:39 pm
I was in primary school, saw the show, liked it, rented a SPC vid, then forget about it. Then in 2002 I couldn’t download more Digimon Tamers episodes because of metropoliglobal ”Pay us money or wait a lot of time” download system, so I searched for something else and found SPC labs 2. You should know the rest of the story.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Kitsune on August 19, 2005, 06:45:12 pm

Have they gone out of business yet?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Threaux on August 23, 2005, 12:24:25 am
It's about time I got around to this, ok here is how it happened.

Snow Day(yay, no school) = me up early watching the T.V.
I was flipping the channels and there was some crazy cat in blue armor getting chased through a subway tunnel by a missile.  I was drawn to this concept for unknown reasons, I just thought "this show is the coolest thing I've ever seen".  I watched every ep I  came across from then on. 

After it went off the air I continued through my Jr. High years by signing the old S.O.S (maybe one of the first 100 to sign) and visiting Vi's page and the SPC Lair on a regular basis.  In 8th grade I even made a T-Shirt with one of those iron on kits, but it got ruined in the wash. :'(
in the last two years I have focused on obtaining eps, and most recently found this place. :D this concludes my epic, thank you

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: LordInfamousYattaro on August 27, 2005, 02:02:33 pm
actually i diddnt see SPC until like 95 96 sumethin i know it came out in 90 91 but i know i love those cats & im a furry lover so i love SPC^^ But you may not love cute furry anime cats like me tho but i could be wrong tho^^ Is anyone else a furry here? There may be other furries on here i think hee^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on August 27, 2005, 08:55:30 pm
I'm a furry. (http://graphics.gaiaonline.com/images/template/smiles/icon_3nodding.gif)

-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: LordInfamousYattaro on August 28, 2005, 06:24:16 pm
Cooly cool^^ its cool to see another furry lover^^ if u diddnt know yattaro is speedy's name in JP lang. what furry are u? im yattaro so im a cute furry pizza cat, nice ta meet ya^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on August 28, 2005, 09:08:15 pm
I'm a cat furry. (Edit: You can click here (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=284.msg3039#msg3039) if you wanna know more about my fursona.)

-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Indiana on August 29, 2005, 08:06:33 am
I can't remember specifics I just remember that it was during the summer holidays and me and my brother were watching cartoons and it came on. I thought it was brilliant, it was just so funny. I knew it was a good show when my brother started laughing and didn't make me change the channel, the guy had no sense of humour.
I haven't seen it in ages and today the theme song just popped into my head while I was working, so I decided I would have a browse on the net and see whats about. I'm going to have to try and get some copies of it, there must be DVD's available.
I realise I'm not as avid a fan as everyone else here, but I did enjoy the show.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SBaby on August 30, 2005, 01:59:29 pm
I was about 12 years old when I first saw SPC.  They had advertised it a day or two before and I initially passed it off as another 'kiddie' show.  (I'm sure everyone remembers Saban's terrible ad for the show.) 

It was only a couple days later that I caught the last minute or so of an episode, where Speedy was about to use the Ginzu Sword.  At first, it looked kiddish, but then I heard it...  the Narrator's voice...

"The Maaagical Ginzu Sword will cut through anything, the toughest steel, the hardest cement, Barbara Bush's hairspray!"

This was the first full line I heard in SPC and from then on, I was hooked.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tasuki on September 05, 2005, 02:47:46 am
It's been a really long time since I've watched any SPC episodes but it's always been a series that I kind of consider special, since I was really into it when I was a kid. ^^ I can't really remember how I found out about it or what TV channel I first saw it on but since I'm in Canada, I'm guessing it was on YTV that I just casually decided to see what it was about. I was pretty much instantly hooked on the show and I'd record the episodes onto VHS tapes so that I could watch it when it wasn't on TV at the time. XD; I remember sitting at home on the weekend afternoons, drawing nothing but SPC characters.

I kept getting interesting in SPC a few times over the last five years or so and it was only recently that I discovered Tsuneko's AVIs... I gotta say, watching it now is like a whole other experience! I don't remember the series being nearly so witty with so many political jokes... XD I love it~ I'd really like to get more involved with the SPC community, but I'm afraid I'd have to wait until I saw more episodes (dubbed and subbed). I just wish that the series would get its chance to be on DVD at some point over here~ :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 05, 2005, 03:15:22 am
Hiya, Tas, welcome to the forums.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AttackSloth on September 05, 2005, 03:47:49 am
I don't remember when I first began watching SPC, but I do remember watching it religiously. That's all I can really say, I've always loved the Pizza Cats, its just that I didn't have such a source until now...I've found paradise!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 05, 2005, 04:09:02 am
Ah yes, this place is a great place for sources, fan works, episodes and the whole discussion thingy.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sousuke on September 05, 2005, 07:42:59 pm
I first watched the pizza cats when I was about 9 (I'm 22 now). I'm from Mexico so I watched the spanish dub. I remember watching them all the time on tv right after I came back from school, I think it aired at around 4:30 pm. I absolutely loved it, it was my favorite show at the time. During all these years I've had some images engraved in my mind, especially the opening and the ginzu sword sequence. It wasn't until a few months ago that I discovered Nyanki Fanatics, and now I've discovered this site! Its really suprising to see there are still dedicated SPC fans out there  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on September 06, 2005, 07:47:17 pm
Bienvenido amigo latinoamericano!! Ahora vitorea a los Gatos Samurai y haz sonar tu cvascabelau nque tiembles de miedo... Sabem,os que ellos lucharàn como Gatos Samurai!!


Welcome to the forums...


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PsychoRipper on September 11, 2005, 10:28:17 pm
when i first saw SPC was....last night....yes and i found this site after i woke up this morning and now i want THEM ALL! i dont think i saw an episode of this... it could of been a movie, if there is a movie.. so at the moment im dl the first 15 episodes of KNT(btw..this is in english right? or is it sub?) and i just found a SPC music video and the song is by the Gorillaz. its ok..but its still cool!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 11, 2005, 10:35:06 pm
Yep, this is an older video, been kicked around the community for a number of years now.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Supersonic on September 12, 2005, 12:24:06 am
when i first saw SPC was....last night....yes and i found this site after i woke up this morning and now i want THEM ALL! i dont think i saw an episode of this... it could of been a movie, if there is a movie.. so at the moment im dl the first 15 episodes of KNT(btw..this is in english right? or is it sub?) and i just found a SPC music video and the song is by the Gorillaz. its ok..but its still cool!

The KNT eps floating around are all raw. :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PsychoRipper on September 12, 2005, 02:09:32 am
as long as the resolution is ok and has sound its all good!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Supersonic on September 12, 2005, 02:27:06 am
as long as the resolution is ok and has sound its all good!

I hope you understand the language. :O

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 12, 2005, 01:12:13 pm
LoL... All I can say.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PsychoRipper on September 12, 2005, 07:43:56 pm
heh.heh...heh...^.^; little bit..

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Anonymous on September 13, 2005, 11:06:04 pm
indeed there were two "movies" (which actually were just a few episodes put together without the credits in between.

The ones i know of which came out in England (i have them on VHS) were, "Bad bird uncaged", and the "big comet caper"

They really should have released ep 12+13 for a movie (the pizza cats are only human) as that in my opinoin had a slightly better plotline.

eps 12 and 13 will come in due time. I am working on eps 14, 15 and 47 as i want the christmas release to be "how the big cheese stole Christmas"


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Kazzie on September 14, 2005, 05:20:21 pm
Hi there. I'm Kazzie, been a huge fan of Samurai Pizza Cats since I was around... 8 years old? And the love is still going strong. I'm really happy to see that there are still places online where fans of the show can gather. Especially sites I used to visit when I was younger.. I'm happy to see them still up and running, too. XD I'll try and stick around.

I used to get up at 7am every morning just to watch and record Pizza Cats on TV. This was a big feat for me, since I had to go to school on the same day. It's not so special when I think about it now, but back when I was little, 7am was pretty good. XD

I've always had a huge love for the characters. Every one of them has a place in my heart! Especially Bad Bird, Princess Vi, and Francine. I used to draw them all the time. (I really need to get around to doing some more fanart...)

Anyway. That's my introduction, and I may just lurk and post occasionally. :3

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 14, 2005, 05:42:33 pm
Hello and welcome to the freakin' SPC community! (Inside joke)

Enjoy your stay and don't feed the Tigriss ^_^


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Atari on September 16, 2005, 12:41:01 am
My first experience was in fact, the first time it was aired in Canada on YTV.  Strange enough, I'd try to watch it the first year on Sat mornings but household life was always in the way (my parents always vaccumed while it was on).

Fortunately, after that, I was able to watch it day after day when it finally hit syndication not too long thereafter.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Invertigo on September 18, 2005, 01:36:45 pm
Sup all, I first got into spc when i was a kid. Loved the show but then didnt see it for the longest time ... i always thought bout the show wishing it would magicaly be back on tv. but never happened. I also figured no one ever liked the show sides me so no one would have any copies of it online, so i never bothered to search it. Then about a week ago i was bored and wanted something to watch badly, so i finaly searched samurai pizza cats, and found this place !  and i hope to have a nice stay here with all of u  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 18, 2005, 03:57:09 pm
Welcome to the forums ^_^


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Neko Baka on September 21, 2005, 11:56:37 am
Hi!  I'm Neko Baka!!   After much prompting from Burkeworld, I finally joined  (I was meaning to anyways, just kept on forgetting).      SPC was one of my favorite TV shows when I was a kid.   I can't remember much from back then, just that it was more fun that a lot of other shows, and of course, the opening song.   Really, how can anyone forget that song?   
Burkeworld has been kind enough to let me borrow his SPC episodes, but I'm still not finished watching them.   But I think that the world needs more shows like SPC;  simple, untainted humour. 

I'm a university student, so there's a lot of stress, procrastination and so on in my life.   I'm an English honors major, with an undeclared minor in Fine Art, and I'm probably going into Library Science so that I'll have a job until I become a full-time writer.   
Oh yes, I write Fantasy.   And I draw.   I write/draw a webcomic calll Amhelaki Misadventures, with another comic in the works that I'm co-authoring.    I don't draw a lot of fanart, period, but every once in a while I'll make an exception.   
Mostly I'll lurk, but not always.  So here I am! 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 21, 2005, 01:53:39 pm
Yay, Neko Baka is here! ^___^

Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SuperSonic.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Oscar86 on September 21, 2005, 07:11:47 pm
Well. Don't remember much. All I can say, I was about 9-10 years old, and the show was aired at the local polish TV channel called "Polonia 1". It was translated from the french version, so it had one hell of misconceptions and errors. But I still found it funny. About 4 years later I seriously got into anime. And I was going crazy thinking: "What the heck was that show with those ninja cats... I must find it. I must have it. It rocked." But I had no luck. Years have passed. I have stumbled upon a fanart on Deviantart.com. and I went like:"Holy S***! That's the show!". Then it all went downhill from there. Just a quick  search at google. Some site jumps, and I ended up here. Currently I'm expanding my SPC collection. Hope to have all some day  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Thunderbees on September 24, 2005, 06:00:19 am

I watched SPC when I was eight or nine. I think it was on FOX Kids or something along those lines. I watched that show religiously before going to school, and my friends really liked it too.

When I discovered on a torrent site (mininova) that episodes were still being circulated, I was ecstatic.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: CRBWildcat on October 24, 2005, 07:29:34 pm

Sometime in the mid-to-late 90s (it might've been December 1996, but I can't remember), I read a short "Cat Fancy" article about the Pizza Cats.  Since I'm a cat person at heart, it sounded like a neat show; but I was only able to catch a few episodes some months later (during Thanksgiving break, since I was still in middle school), the first of which was "Samurai Charm School".

After that I pretty much left it at the back of my mind for a while.  Not long after, I searched around for SPC sites, just for laughs.  Those sites rekindled my interests, and, well...I think that's all that needs to be said, in any case.

I mean that seriously; I need to get dinner now.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ilikepizza+cats on November 17, 2005, 05:44:49 pm
hi i'm new but not new to samurai pizza catz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love kurt

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 17, 2005, 09:48:32 pm
OMG SWEAT!!!!!!!11111

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Threaux on November 17, 2005, 10:11:49 pm
haha, looks like "ilikepizza+cats" needs to take a good old chill pill because that is a very large amount of exclamation points he has going on there and we would not want him to die of excitement. 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 17, 2005, 11:45:38 pm

Rock on.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ilikepizza+cats on November 20, 2005, 04:24:05 pm
haha, looks like "ilikepizza+cats" needs to take a good old chill pill because that is a very large amount of exclamation points he has going on there and we would not want him to die of excitement. 

how can one not express their love for the SAMURAI PIZZA CATZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Exclamation points reduced... No need to stretch the reply - MM]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ApacheMan2K on November 20, 2005, 05:35:05 pm
we could never not express our love for the SPCs. but, um...i think using all those "!"s is a bit too much...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ilikepizza+cats on November 20, 2005, 05:40:31 pm
maybe in your minds.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 20, 2005, 09:58:20 pm
maybe in your minds.

Yes, I like drugs too!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tora_Chan on November 27, 2005, 03:49:33 pm
Hi there. My first SPC experience was as a 7 year old, when the SPC were shown on saturday mornings (in Germany).

Sadly they were only shown once  :'( , but I've never forgotten and re-dicovered them when I became an anime fan at age 14.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on November 27, 2005, 10:18:07 pm
I have one episode of SPC in German on my computer

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tora_Chan on November 28, 2005, 05:45:22 pm
I have one episode of SPC in German on my computer

Which one? I have almost all of them on tape, except a few. Asked my grandparents to tape them for me when the show was on Pay-TV.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Alistair Erie on November 28, 2005, 09:56:38 pm
I have one episode of SPC in German on my computer
You have a German SPC episode?! I'm taking German in school. So I've been wanting to see one.
Is there any way that I could get you to send me it? Please?
(Sorry if I'm being rude. I'm still new to internet ettiquite.)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on November 29, 2005, 04:24:20 am
I have #3 "Die Geisterbahn" (Underground, Underwater, Undercooked).  I don't know how to start a torrent, if someone has web space, I can upload it.  Maybe Tigriss will let me use Nyanki Fanatics, she wants to put some non-English SPC episodes out.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: DarkMatter_Zero on December 02, 2005, 05:06:24 pm
I remeber my first SPC experience well to, I remeber i was in 9th Grade, i was boredly sitting in my study class as i had no homework to finish. Me and this Senior girl decided to hop on the internet to look up anime stuff. We headed to Anime Turnpike and began looking up different series and when scrolingl down the "S" Page I happened upon "Samurai Pizza Cats", I was like "WTF, what is this" I clicked the links and found Vi's Site and Polly's site, i loved the style of the show and decided to explore it some more that night when i got home, and found Jonus Miles page and his fanfiction "Endgame" even though i had very limited knowledge of the show i read it through anyway and became an addict and began DLing every episode off SPC Labs i could find.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ViRuS on December 12, 2005, 10:57:37 pm
Hi, I'm kinda new here so i dont really know what I' meant to talk about, but basically first saw SPC a few years ago and though it was amaizing. bad bird especially was fantastic. Which kind of leads me to a question as i havent seen SPC for a while, been busy with school and so on. Was it bad bird who discovered some ancient armor which took all 3 pizza cats to defeat in the end. And if anyone has any pics of bad bird in that armor id really appreaciate a link.
Thank you in advance and nice to meet you all!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Rurouni Wolf on December 13, 2005, 06:27:27 am
    You know it kinda seems like yesterday that I first watch an episode of the Pizza Cats. This happened durring the mid 90's. I remember the terrible advertisement of the Cats that me and my brother saw on one of our local broadcasting channels (I still get nightmares of the one I saw of Sailor Moon). The T.V. ad turned us off so bad, it would be almost a full year before we would actually sit down and watch the show from start to finish.

    One day when we were visiting our grandmother and grandfather, we were watching T.V. in another room trying to pass the time. While looking for something decent to watch, we found something that looked remotely like anime. Since there wasn't anything else to watch, we decided to watch this poor attempt at cartoon animation. However, our opinoins about the show began to change as we continued to view that day's exciting episode. In this episode, Bad Bird had captured Speedy, Polly, and Guido inside some kind of floating barrels. These barrels were equipped with force-fields that blocked all attempts of escape both on the outside and the inside. The only way the Pizza Cats survived that encounter was through a strange fluke of luck named Lucille. Speedy told her all about the so-called "nice things" that Bad Bird said about her. In a fit of anger, Lucille let loose a salvo of missles in the direction of Bad Bird (in which to this very day I still can't figure out how she can do that). This destroys the giant robot that was under the command of Bad Bird and demolishes the barrels that held the Pizza Cats captive (who also suffered collateral damage from the explosion). Me and my brother laughed our butts off through that entire episode. Since then, we have tried to do whatever it takes to preserve our memories of the show.

    But, one can't help but wonder what would happen if Saban had created a better advertising campiegn? Perhaps the Pizza Cats would be more reveared than they are now. Maybe we would still see them on T.V. just like the good ol' days. But, we will never know for sure. But make no mistake. I almost missed out on this anime thanks to that advertisement. If I ever find out who was personally responsible for that T.V. ad, that meatbag will surely pay! Just kidding!  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on December 13, 2005, 09:46:48 am
Welcome, you two. Yes, there was an episode with the armor. I could make screenshots of it, or send you the whole episode. Bad Bird Uncaged.

I wish it had been marketed as well as in KNT's country. That episode was Speedy's Double Time Trick.  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Rurouni Wolf on December 13, 2005, 02:43:08 pm
Hey thanks for the warm reception. 8) The name for that episode I described escaped me for awhile. Needless to say it became my favorite episode second to "A Wet and Wild Weekend".  =]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Peteroski on December 25, 2005, 04:51:26 pm
Hello ^^
I'm the newest addition to this forum =P (i've been looking around for several days though :o)

Hmmm my first episode, must have been around 97/98! I'm from the Netherlands so it was english with dutch subtitles. (the way it should be, not the dubbing they do now here -.-)
Loved it the moment I saw it! Can't remember which episode, but i can remember the theme

Well a friend of mine reminded me of SPC and all the memories came flooding back.
So i tried to find a few episodes to download and found this place (thank god ^^)

PS: Well i've been downloading the high quality ones and if anyone needs them seeded, i could start them up again.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on December 27, 2005, 12:22:25 am
Welcome aboard.

Just don't piss me off and we'll get along great.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Peteroski on December 27, 2005, 04:06:08 pm
I'll be very cautious ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on December 28, 2005, 05:45:11 pm
I'll be very cautious ;-)

Haha, all in good fun, people are always welcome here.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: fjdfjtj on January 11, 2006, 02:39:22 pm
As far as I know, the first time I've ever heard of SPC was about a week ago while reading the webcomic Funny Farm.

It sounded interesting, and after a quick search I downloaded some of the really horrible quality episodes.

Now I'm obssessed. :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on January 11, 2006, 03:56:15 pm
As far as I know, the first time I've ever heard of SPC was about a week ago while reading the webcomic Funny Farm.

It sounded interesting, and after a quick search I downloaded some of the really horrible quality episodes.

Now I'm obssessed. :D

And so it begins....


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on January 13, 2006, 02:15:50 am
I found this board through reading at another anime board, and it was mentioned.  I can never keep a constant screen ID for myself, so it'll be hard to for you folks to believe that I have been an on-and-off contributor to the Pizza cats/Teyandee fanbase.

Hopefully I can put all the confusion to a halt here, and do some more constant things.  SPC was one of those gateway anime for me, and still holds a place within my memories.

I once did run a website under the id 'aniemfan_25' and it did have a pretty thorough section on SPC/KNT in it, but I  had let that die off, even though the evil Google caches have it perminantly in memory now.  Meh. ~_~;;  I also was the one who gave that petition to bring this series on DVD a go.  I found out that 'online petitions' are pointless....to get companies or other folks to notice, you actually have to write or type up a letter to them.  Letters speak louder, period.  (I'll admit, I have not done so yet, due to time).  The petition did do something good early on though, before spammers and jerks flooded it.  It showed me just how many die-hard Pizzacats fans wanted to see this series out on a long-lasting media format.  I'm sure many are in this board now, so my thanks to you.

To say the least, I was VERY disappointed that it took a bootleg company to put out one volume of the series out....with out-of-order episodes on it.  What can you do though, when the big suits at Disney won't push an official release....not much.  Right now, we are in the thick of a '1980s revival', so once a '1990s revival' happens.....who knows...and with the things the next-generation DVD formats will bring....only time will tell.  Hopefully things fall into place.

Anyways, enough negative stuff.....where to begin?  My first experience with SPC...

For you folks outside the U.S., keep in mind that we were one of the last countries to land SPC on our airwaves...the 1996/1997 TV season to be exact.  Mostly on local FOX, WB or UPN affiliates at some rather ackward timeslots.  For me, it was on at 9:30am on a UPN station, and at 2:30pm on a WB station. (Yay for me, since I got a double-helping of this show)  Saban did not feel it would go over well back in 1991/1992, when it was premiered in Canada and in European countries, thus why the long wait.

September 1996:  Another anime title, Dragonball, on early Saturday AM on my local WB station (then, still an independant channel), was canned since the station went through all 13 eps probably a dozen times over.  I caught a bit of this but it's too insignificant to count it as my gateway anime, but still it introduced me to the artstyle.  In any case, I was channel surfing like most do, and froze the remote upon this show that took up the 10:30am timeslot...the ep was "If You Knew Sushi Like I Knew Sushi".  Watched the last 15 minutes and I was hooked...somewhat.  I didn't catch the Cats' names at first (except Polly's...who could forget a punned-name like "Polly Esther" any day?).  I do recall myself thinking the show was 'quirky and insane, but in a good way' as well as 'funny'.  I also appreciated that this bit of animation (Didn't know the 'anime' term just yet) was more mature than what was being run around it at the time.

Obviously, I wanted more, but the trouble was...I could never find it again after that one viewing, so I gave up and moved on, going through the autumn and into winter  I do recall watching something else from Saban in the 10:30am slot, but it was no Pizza Cats.

January 1997:  New year, and I made one resolution right away....to find those quirky Cats again.  Back then the TV Guide was ones' friend when trying to find a show, when and where it aired.  I noticed it moved to weekday mornings and afternoons (explained above).  So on my day off from class (Monday Jan. 13, 1997...I was a junior in HS at the time), I tuned in.  This was U.S. ep 13 "Candid Kitty"...one of the few clip-shows SPC had.  That little episode helped me play catch-up, and I was then, hooked for good. 

The rest goes down in history.  I've seen all 40 U.S. aired SPC episodes at least once, some twice, and two of the 'banned' episodes (One had Francine as the focused character, the other was about how Polly gained her flute with its magic powers) soon after gaining Internet access.

Time has gone so fast, and SPC spurred my anime fandom into many other series.  Some have been better, a couple were worse, but as I said before, these Cats will always hold a place in my mind.

My anime library will not come full circle until SPC is put out there OFFICIALLY.

I shall sniff around the forum backlog and see what else I can learn.  I'll share what I know and memories as well.  Should be fun and I look forward to reading everyone else's memories and information.  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on January 13, 2006, 03:02:01 am
Longest intro ever.

Welcome aboard.

(I already like this newbie way more than some of the vets here.)


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on January 13, 2006, 03:18:27 am
Veteran SPC fan, just a newbie to this particular message board.

Thanks for the greeting, Burkey.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ApacheMan2K on January 13, 2006, 03:29:02 am
welcome aboard, PCF! it is okay if i call you PCF, isn't it? j/k

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on January 13, 2006, 03:32:46 am
Veteran SPC fan, just a newbie to this particular message board.

Thanks for the greeting, Burkey.

Longer time SPC fan here. ^_~

1991 baby!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on January 13, 2006, 04:02:35 am
Welcome. Your site was one of the first few I looked to for info I think. :)
I have it bookmarked and look at it still.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on January 13, 2006, 04:27:02 am
Welcome. Your site was one of the first few I looked to for info I think. :)
I have it bookmarked and look at it still.

If I had the userID/password yet for my Tripod account, I'd be back to updating it ASAP.  Sadly I lost that information.  Consider that information as 'archival' for now.  I like it though, that people still find it useful and informative.

Good news though.  I have the pages, images, and what have you, backed up on CD.  I've switched computers twice since I built that site originally.  Someday soon now, I shall redo it into just a SPC-themed site, and also a short section on anime.  That should give me less work, but allow me more time to make things look more updated.  The dark look has to go.

I do not have any graphics specifically for me to make an SPC themed site design. (ie: gaphics, backgrounds, fonts.)  If anyone knows of anything out there, I'd like to know.

Once the new one is set up and I find a good host with as few ad intrusions as possible...or possibly a paid host, which would allow me to nail down a domain name, the link will be posted here first.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on January 13, 2006, 10:01:39 am
'AnimeFan'? That name does sound familiar...

-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Artemis-kun on January 14, 2006, 06:58:13 am
Hmm, seeing as I've already made some posts, I guess I should make a mention here. This is the first time I can recall actually getting involved in a forum on SPC though I do recognize a person on here, and I'm gonna wait and see if he remembers me lol.. But anyways, I think the first recolection of SPC for me was.. a long time ago lol. I don't think I can pin any sort of date to it, but I'd imagine very early 90s. I remember seeing it in a standard timeslot on YTV as a kid and then it just disappeared, only to happen across it playing at 3am one sleepless school night in elementary. lol I remember writing to YTV asking if there was anything to be done about the timeslot SPC was shown in. They sent a post card with all the network personality signatures on it back to me.
Anyways, as far as actual skills I could lend to the community, I suppose if anyone has any need of help in the encoding department, I can lend my skills, as I used to do encoding for some private channels on mIRC back in the day, and they say it's like riding a bike, you never forget lol. Also, I'm very proficient at all things computing... dunno if that helps much with an online forum though lol.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Hibernian on January 17, 2006, 05:20:17 am
spc was my first anime i was 3 when i first saw it on kids wb ever since i was obsessed with the furry fighters and the evil avians

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on January 17, 2006, 07:44:26 am
spc was my first anime i was 3 when i first saw it on kids wb ever since i was obsessed with the furry fighters and the evil avians

Pretty good memory if you can recall watching SPC at the age of 3.

I was 17-18 when it was shown.  I can't recall what I was watching at 3.  Sesame Street, probably. lol  (Hey, it beats that purple dino any day, especially the old-school stuff)

I'm sure I was into anime back in the 1980s, but I have just faint recollections.  Thundercats probably doesn't count, but it's close enough..Voltron a close second.  Couldn't find where and when Robotech was on, so I never saw it.

Thundercats....Samurai Pizza Cats.  Geeze, I have a liking for anything feiline that is animated.  Well, I'd be into Tokyo Mew Mew as well, but never with the English hackjob it recieved.  Those poor kittens got mauled by the same folks who many One Peice fans loath with a passion.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on January 17, 2006, 10:58:37 am
While SPC was my first anime that made me realize what anime was all about, it was not the first anime I laid eyes upon. Looking back in hindsight, I remember watching some shows back in the 80's that I would later realize to be anime. I'm not sure which one of them was the first, but the one I remember the most well was Voltron so I guess that would be my real 'first' anime.

Heh...I also remember when Nickelodeon used to have this show where they had anime versions of those fairy tales. I learned fairy tales through anime before I even learned them in school. :D

-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on January 18, 2006, 12:21:19 am
Here's a little SPC-related look back in time for you.

Nickelodeon was (literally) Saban's home in the 1980s.  Two exceptions..."Mysterious Cities of Gold" and "The Little Prince", which were different productions altogether (Still anime, but not localized by Saban).  Basically any anime they dubbed from 1984, the company's startup, through their shift over to the big FOX network with the Power Rangers and Digimon bookending that period (1993-2001) and syndication with a block of shows including our favorite feilines and DBZ's early seasons (1995-1997), was thrown on the Nickelodeon channel, usually in one big block in the mid-morning period.  I don't have their entire Nick output on hand.  I do recall watching some Saban-dubbed anime titles on Nick.  They ran a lot of things aimed at younger kids, I remember that much also.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Rurouni Wolf on January 21, 2006, 04:41:19 am
Now if only I can download the Japan version of Tokyo Mew Mew on LimeWire sans Divix. Then, I could die happy! I agree with PCF. The English version of Tokyo Mew Mew is suffering from what I call "Sailor Moon's Syndrom". The voice directors basicly took Excel from "Excel Saga" and stuck some cat ears and a tail on her. Why must cat girls suffer so? How I count the ways voice directors botch anime. One one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand, four one-thousand...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Battousai on January 31, 2006, 05:53:31 am
G'day ALL

I've been an SPC fan since forever ago.  I first came across it back in ninety .......two.  I think,  and I absolutely loved it.   I mean,  back in those days I also loved Disney classics like DuckTales,  and Chip n Dale - Rescue Rangers.   The latter I espcecially love with those cute,  what do you call them....chipmunks,  but this(SPC) was different.   I mean this was(and still is) absolutely hillarious.   Those cats always managed to crack me up.  Their jokes are (to me anyway) ....how shall I put this .... always hit the spot.   Nooo,  not the G-spot.   The H-spot.   The hillarious spot.  :)   And those cats are cute too aren't they ??  I mean look at Speedy,  together with his(English-dubbed) voice,..  chasing after Lucielle, ... having his heart broken, etc .... just looks cute n cuddly.  :)   

I dunno ...... maybe its just me. 

I was sorting out my last survivng tape collections the other day (mom discarded most while I was away in college  8O) ,  and found 2 tapes filled with 6 hours of SPC.  yaay  :-*  .  Soon after,  I decided to find more people who are also into it on the net.   I was never  "net-savvy" back then.  Internet gathering is kind of a new interest for me.  Hope I'm not too late to join in on the fun.

Anyway,  its good to be here.   Nice to meet you all.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on January 31, 2006, 08:19:30 am
Hello! Welcome. I only just realised this is where you introduce yourself. Everybody knows be by now ... if you don't, you should! ;)

I like SPC. It's way cooler than Astro Boy. He was weird...


G'day ALL

Do I suspect another Aussie?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on January 31, 2006, 09:32:04 am
Never too late to join in on the fun.  ;)

The H-spot hehe...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on January 31, 2006, 12:20:47 pm
Nice to meet you guys. Make yourselves at home.  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: NPC on February 01, 2006, 08:38:53 pm
Ahem. Kinda rushing right now, so I'll have more time to chat further on.
(Did that make sense?? Oh well.)
I am the one and only Stikman Casket, artist, procrastinator, Sonic fanboy, school-hater and SPC lover. I actually watched the show when I was about six, and saw about eight episodes. The first I saw was Underground Underwater, etc... and the last episode I saw before our tv blew up was The Big Comet Caper part 1. I then survived without a tv until I was 13. 8O Then, only a couple months ago I finally got off my butt and searched the web for Spc material.(Note: I procrastinate.) I could only rember that the show was called Samurai Pizza Cats, Speedy's name, The first five words of the intro, Bad Bird's name, Big Cheese's ability to blow up, and that's it. Oh, I also remembered I loved it with passion, but I couldn't remember why. So when I watched the first episode at last, I loved it with a BURNING passion. Heck, I liked it even better than Sonic X. 8O I immediately downloaded as much as I could from this place "SPC Lab" or something along that. I've only seen about the first half of the series (because I STILL can't figure out bittorent. T_T). What else can I say? I love da Pizza Cat! And I just noticed the time its 5 and I gotta split thanks bye See ya in a few days.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: The Catatonic on February 02, 2006, 12:36:25 am
i feel as though i should finaaly post hre for some reson.
The year; 1992,
The place; my couch in Canada
The episode; Singing Samurai Sensation
The story behind it all; i was really hungry early in the morning (6 am) so i went for cerial, turned o the T.V. and there it was. for 3 months i woke up at 6 just to see SPC and then my alarm clock broke, darn made in japan piece of.... wait SPC is made in.... dose not compute. FATAL ERROR!
*head explodes*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 02, 2006, 02:37:58 am
Drugs are fun.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy Cherviche on February 02, 2006, 03:20:38 pm
First Samurai Pizza Cats experience, huh...-Contemplates.- It's been too long, I don't exactly remember it like it was yesterday, but I do remember some glimpses of when I watched it for the first time. I think I was on my couch at home when it came on suddenly, and in anybodies right mind, you'd be thinking "What the heck is this?" Then again, I soon became attached to the anime cartoon and decided watching it every day when I came home from school, knowing it was on every evening where I lived. I pretty much watched the entire english television series, but now that I know people are trying to revive the Samurai Pizza Cats, I'm quite pleased. Anyway, this forum has been on for a long time now, but if I can help in any way possible, I'll gladly jump in. By the way, My name is Mathew, Nickolas, Brian, Joseph, Gagnier. I have too many middle names, lol. Anyway, you can just call me Matt for a nickname. I live in Canada, and I'm proud to be a part of this awesome community, so I think I've said my peace. Ciao.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 02, 2006, 08:06:05 pm
Ohh, we have a different Cherviche here.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Battousai on February 05, 2006, 04:28:14 am

Thanks for the friendly reception "formallykat' , "adam808" , and "Andy".   

Been busy lately.    I just started to download the eps,  and I seem to be having trouble with this torrent thing. 

Anyone with the expertise here can give me a few pointers ??   :D

Btw,  where do you guys meet for chat ??

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 05, 2006, 04:52:07 am
The IRC has been pretty empty lately.

People mostly converse on AIM or MSN.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on February 05, 2006, 04:08:06 pm
The IRC has been pretty empty lately.

People mostly converse on AIM or MSN.


*nods* Yep, put your chat screen names on your profile here and you might meet some nice SPC fans to chat with.  I use AIM mostly.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Battousai on February 05, 2006, 05:14:58 pm

  *nods* Yep, put your chat screen names on your profile here and you might meet some nice SPC fans to chat with.  I use AIM mostly.

Oh .... I see.   Never actually used AIM or MSN,  only YIM.   But I suppose all instant messengers work the same way don't they ?

Say,.... Violet,  you wouldn't happen to be THE Princess Violet from SPC would ya ??   ;) lol

You must be all grownup by now huh ?!?!   :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on February 05, 2006, 11:14:43 pm
How many other bunny princesses do you know?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 06, 2006, 12:30:25 am

I actually know 4 of them.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Battousai on February 06, 2006, 05:59:15 am

  How many other bunny princesses do you know? 

I was referring to your name only,  actually.  But, yeah ....

And you know 4 bunny princesses  Burkey ??      Wow,  that's a record .....

I only know two ................
no wait, ............ she's a cat ......  Make that one then.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: FOB on February 14, 2006, 02:25:15 am
Hi, I have been searching for days to find a good SPC resource. Glad you guys are here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 14, 2006, 03:04:40 am
Welcome aboard.

Hmm, I think I shall guess that FOB stands for, "Fighting On Butter."


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: dfd3657 on February 14, 2006, 02:23:49 pm
Man, I think I watched the show when it first came on in 1996 (or was it 1997?), and I loved it. It is probably one of the whackiest shows I have ever seen (next door Excel Saga). I'm glad to see there's still so many SPC enthusiasts here! ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: FOB on February 15, 2006, 05:16:53 am
Welcome aboard.

Hmm, I think I shall guess that FOB stands for, "Fighting On Butter."


Whatever floats your boat. I'm more favorable towards "Fine Oriental Boy"

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 15, 2006, 07:59:47 am
...... I still prefer mine.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: kitfox on February 24, 2006, 09:37:02 am
I'd have to say...my first spc contact happened when I was 7. I was at my nan's house and I watched an episode on tv. Obviously I subconsciously knew it would be an important event which is why I still remember watching it XD Not that I remember much, although I do remember thinking that it was the same narrator as the one that did the where's wally cartoon show...which by my deductive reasoning would mean it was a very early episode XD

On deviantart I have always had a friend who drew pretty much nothing but pizza cat stuff, and eventually after some art trades, he gave me the series on dvd which I am in the process of obsessively watching. Its awesome! I cant get over it. I was a late bloomer but now I am definitely a diehard fan XD

I have done one fanart pic and another is on the way, and the first can be seen at my deviantart gallery. Its where I got my avatar from.

This forum looks awesome. I look forward to meeting you all and..yeah XD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on February 24, 2006, 10:59:30 am
Hey, hey. Welcome to the forum, Kitfox. In case you didn't know. This is The_Cat_Man from your SG/RG forum. I'm glad that you are able to join this place. Make yourself at home. I have to warn ya. Many of us are pretty crazy. But, we're cool people. So, hope you enjoy the experience here.

Andy (The one of many SPC/KNT fans around here)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on February 25, 2006, 08:41:41 am
It's another australian person! I think?  :P Great artwork kitfox, though I think Speedy looks rather pretty also ;)


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Battousai on February 26, 2006, 01:11:23 am
It's another australian person! I think?  :P Great artwork kitfox, though I think Speedy looks rather pretty also ;)


Ooooh,  Kat's excited.   I can hear her go meeow. :)

Well,  make yourself at home mate.   Never too late to join in on the fun as Adam said.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Pizzacat on February 26, 2006, 03:52:02 am
I'd have to say...my first spc contact happened when I was 7. I was at my nan's house and I watched an episode on tv. Obviously I subconsciously knew it would be an important event which is why I still remember watching it XD Not that I remember much, although I do remember thinking that it was the same narrator as the one that did the where's wally cartoon show...which by my deductive reasoning would mean it was a very early episode XD

On deviantart I have always had a friend who drew pretty much nothing but pizza cat stuff, and eventually after some art trades, he gave me the series on dvd which I am in the process of obsessively watching. Its awesome! I cant get over it. I was a late bloomer but now I am definitely a diehard fan XD

I have done one fanart pic and another is on the way, and the first can be seen at my deviantart gallery. Its where I got my avatar from.

This forum looks awesome. I look forward to meeting you all and..yeah XD

Mwhahaha That very person being me. But since this is the right place for greetings Id like to say its awsome to see you here Matt, and hope you enjoy it to.

And also its good to have more Aussie SPC fanartists onboard.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on February 26, 2006, 05:13:16 am
Drawing aussie's every where, it is most exciting :)

Many of us are pretty crazy. But, we're cool people. So, hope you enjoy the experience here.

We're not crazy, it's just a rumour!

*spacemonkeyishkabibblepiiiiiiiing*  ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 26, 2006, 05:20:13 am
Aren't we all a little crazy? I know I am...

Welcome aboard fellow SPC fan.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on February 26, 2006, 08:06:08 am
Yeah, we know you are Burke  ;) (Couldn't resist ... :) )

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: kitfox on February 26, 2006, 12:51:03 pm
yeah I'm working on more fanart now XD

Yes ta Marco for all the cats merchandice you have bestowed upon me XD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 27, 2006, 01:58:01 am
Yeah, we know you are Burke  ;) (Couldn't resist ... :) )

Difference between me and other crazy people is.. I KNOW I'm crazy.

Ohh, I got a nice fanfic idea brewing, might have to get writing again...


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Polly the Cute on March 05, 2006, 11:48:54 am
I was 11 (not so young, heh? ^^") in october of 1996, when brazilian Fox Channel had a special children day with 12 hours of cartoon and animes! \o/ In that age, I liked only one anime: Sailor Moon (prejudice of others, it's true! XD). But when I watched for the first time these cute-funny-energetic (and a little bizarre too!) cats; I fall in love!!!  :-* I began to like more animes because of them too. Later, the Fox Kids channel was created, with animes from Saban's international; including SPC! I leave running of the school to assist the show every afternoon! Huahhahaha!  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on March 08, 2006, 07:09:43 pm
Welcome Polly the Cute! I was 9. 11 ain't so young  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Polly the Cute on March 11, 2006, 10:47:23 pm
Welcome Polly the Cute! I was 9. 11 ain't so young  :)
Thanks!  ;] I know...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on March 11, 2006, 10:53:41 pm
In 1996 I was older than your current age. :gurulou:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Polly the Cute on March 11, 2006, 10:58:59 pm
In 1996 I was older than your current age. :gurulou:
Cause this you are the oooollllddd sensei!  :D heuhehehhe!!!  ;-)
(Agente não pode falar em português aqui? o.o)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on March 11, 2006, 11:22:10 pm
Cause this you are the oooollllddd sensei!  :D heuhehehhe!!!  ;-)
(Agente não pode falar em português aqui? o.o)
[lang=portuguese]Acho melhor conversarmos em português no fórum apropriado.[/lang]
[lang=english]I think it's better to talk in Portuguese in the right board.[/lang]

Title: Reinforcements have arrived. Mechadon
Post by: Mechadon on March 20, 2006, 11:28:18 am
I have a lot to say. Where do I begin? First things first. My name is Connor Howell (Callsign: Mechadon). I am 19 years old. I was 7 years old when I had my first glorious encounter with the Samurai Pizza Cats way back in 1994. I would watch the same episode twice each day. I liked the series so much, when YTV re-aired it at 2 am in the morning, I would set my alarm to wake me so I could watch it. Years pass by. As I grew up I gained many other interests such as new video games, new movies, and new cartoons. Then the Internet arrives. It allows me to explore and talk about these interests with others. It allows me to help build communties around them. SPC is all but forgotten. When I do go seaching for my long lost series, all I find are old websites that haven't been updated for half a decade. There are signs that a SPC community did exist but it looked to me that SPC was dead. Nobody cared anymore. This made me sad. Fast-forward to 2006. For some reason I go searching again. I find the same neglected websites and just when I'm about to give up, when all glimmers of hope seem to be gone, I find this place. The Edoropolis Emporium. An active message board! A brand new SPC community. A community I want to be part of. Mechadon has come to stay. I promise to always fight like a Pizza Cat. :speedy:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on March 20, 2006, 03:20:06 pm
Welcome aboard.

BurkeWorld is glad to welcome you.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on March 20, 2006, 03:31:49 pm
Glad that you could join us. It must've been tough on trying to find this place. I'm glad that you were able to finally found the place you are looking for. Hope this place is what you are expecting and more.  ;]

Andy (The Cat Man)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Threaux on March 20, 2006, 05:02:18 pm
That intro was epic, I liked it.  Welcome to EE Mechadon.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Julayla on March 20, 2006, 08:46:26 pm
When I was about let see...seven to eight back in the 1990s, I usually watch Samurai Pizza Cats after school on UPN. It was really a cool show to me back then...and for some reason, I started liking Bad Bird...and I can't believe his Japanese voice when I watched the Jap version just now was the same guy who did Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop! I didn't know until now! That's so cool!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on March 21, 2006, 07:28:51 am
...and I can't believe his Japanese voice when I watched the Jap version just now was the same guy who did Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop! I didn't know until now! That's so cool!

I did not know this either. Most cool! Welcome  8) (p.s. Spike Spiegel is hot)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andrew_Fireborn on March 23, 2006, 09:24:46 pm
Awsome-awsome-awsome! Finally a site with a vast majority of the episodes! *dances*

Er- Heh, sorry, I just miss this series so much. I don't remember exactly, but I first found it around the mid-nineties... and by that time, my locals were jerking it's air time all over the day. (It was on around 1pm most of the time... and since I was in school...)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on March 23, 2006, 11:21:35 pm
Awsome-awsome-awsome! Finally a site with a vast majority of the episodes! *dances*

Er- Heh, sorry, I just miss this series so much. I don't remember exactly, but I first found it around the mid-nineties... and by that time, my locals were jerking it's air time all over the day. (It was on around 1pm most of the time... and since I was in school...)

Welcome aboard good sir, enjoy your stay.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SnufStyle420 on April 13, 2006, 01:44:41 pm
To start, an introduction:

My name is Miles, and I was a religious fan of Samurai Pizza Cats back when it was shown on FOX around 4 PM on weekdays in the mid 90's. Over the past year or so, I have been looking back into my old school obsession, and have gladly come across quite a few sites such as this. Spurring on my renewed interest was when I purchased the DVD produced and distributed by Jade Entertainment. My interests to seek further communities of SPC fans were also pushed along when I was admited as a leader of the Samurai Pizza Cats clan of www.kingdomofloathing.com and started to rally members for events. Among one of our current ideas is that of offering our help towards episode uploading and/or helping with the making of or making a permanent SPC site with consistent episode downlaodability. Overall, I am looking to be a helpful member in any fashion possible to the extent of mine or my fellow clan members' abilities, and it appears this site is an excellent place to look for such an ideal.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on April 13, 2006, 03:53:17 pm
Welcome aboard. :)

You'll enjoy here.  8)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fullmetal on April 23, 2006, 06:42:02 pm
I remember that first time I watched Samurai Pizza Cats. It was in '96 or '97. I was in first grade, and didn't know about it because it came on at 8am, right after I had to catch the school bus. One day, I was sick, and my mom had to watch the kid down the street until his bus came about 8:40.

So, I pass by the TV to see a show I had never seen before. I asked what it was, and he says "Samurai Pizza Cats". (Heh, I couldn't say samurai right until I got to watch the opening theme.) After that, well, let's just say I was sick a little more often.

When summer finally came, I couldn't find it on TV anymore. But I held onto the memories, waiting for the day to watch it again. About a year ago, something sparked those memories......and here I am today. Age 16 and becoming known for in high school for being the SPC fan.

 :guido:  <--- My favorite Pizza Cat

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 23, 2006, 09:25:44 pm
Welcome. I guess you're our new Fullmetal Pizza Cat.  :D Hey! How's that for a cool title!?
I'm also a bit of a newcomer myself. And just like you something just sparked my memory.
It's good to hear that you promote Pizza Cats at your school. It is my hypothesis that a lot of people watched SPC and, just like me, they simply forgot. It is our job to spark their memories and make SPC popular again.

P.S. I absolutly love your avatar.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 24, 2006, 12:07:52 am
Interesting mix.. FMA and SPC

Dunno if it could work or not.

Welcome to our community!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on April 24, 2006, 12:31:37 am
Hello newbies! Welcome. Enjoy our insanity ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on April 25, 2006, 02:59:51 pm
Interesting mix.. FMA and SPC

Dunno if it could work or not.

Welcome to our community!


Maybe if they use the alchemy for prepare pizzas; that would save time and Francine would love this...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 25, 2006, 08:37:26 pm
Interesting mix.. FMA and SPC

Dunno if it could work or not.

Welcome to our community!


Maybe if they use the alchemy for prepare pizzas; that would save time and Francine would love this...

Haha.. mix one part pepperoni, 2 parts lead, and 1 part cheese = money in the bank.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: JennyTablina on April 30, 2006, 05:10:21 pm
Well I'm a newbie right off the presses. My introduction to SPC was last night XD. My boyfriend had recently remembered the cartoon when he saw it and had downloaded a few eps. I myself had never seen the cartoon, it did show over here in England but it was at some unearthly time in the morning I'm told. Now I'm hooked and want more XD.

But yes Hello! Nice to meet you all ^_^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Alistair Erie on May 01, 2006, 01:11:52 am
Hey nice to meetcha too!
Welcome to Edoropolis Emporium.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on May 01, 2006, 09:49:44 am
Welcome! Another new one joins the fold. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fullmetal on May 02, 2006, 12:22:49 pm
Welcome! Hope you like this place and have fun. I'm new too and I love this place.

Interesting mix.. FMA and SPC

Dunno if it could work or not.

Welcome to our community!


Maybe if they use the alchemy for prepare pizzas; that would save time and Francine would love this...

Haha.. mix one part pepperoni, 2 parts lead, and 1 part cheese = money in the bank.

I think Francine would prefer to have the lead made into gold.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SMEDIA on May 05, 2006, 11:23:19 pm
Hi, I'm new to the board  :)

My first experience with SPC was when I was six or so and was watching tv in the early morning.  I remember watching most of "Speedy's Double Time Trick" which was really funny and after downloading most of the episodes, it's my favorite. I remember also seeing "Singing Samurai Sensation" and "Samurai Charm School", but I never saw or heard of it again until I stumbled upon its wikipedia article. From there, I just started downloading episodes and now I'm a big fan  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on May 06, 2006, 02:38:12 am
Hi, I'm new to the board  :)

My first experience with SPC was when I was six or so and was watching tv in the early morning.  I remember watching most of "Speedy's Double Time Trick" which was really funny and after downloading most of the episodes, it's my favorite. I remember also seeing "Singing Samurai Sensation" and "Samurai Charm School", but I never saw or heard of it again until I stumbled upon its wikipedia article. From there, I just started downloading episodes and now I'm a big fan  :)

Welcome aboard good sir, do enjoy your visit.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: blackpantherking on May 06, 2006, 08:26:48 pm
*cheesy enterence music*

Hello, folks! This is the B.P.K. saying "hola" to all my fellow SPC fans  :D

And for the first SPC experience I was 4-5 years old, so the only thing I remember about the show is that it was awesome and would like to get back to watching my favorite show from when I was a kid. From watching the show, I think it has changed my personality for the better, but when it stopped playing, I totally spazzed out and have been sorta keeping the SPC spirit alive ever since.

Also, I've downloaded some episodes, but they were of low quality. Does someone know where I can get a DVD or something?!?!?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on May 07, 2006, 10:21:51 am
There's a DVD by Jade Entertainment that shows up on eBay pretty regularly.  It's of questionable origin, but it's not too expensive, and quite watchable.  There's a newer DVD that's been showing up that claims to have all the episodes, but I think the person selling it just copies them all off tapes recorded off tv.  A friend of mine bought one and said it wasn't so great, but I guess it's still better than nothing.
And, of course, while you wait for a decent, official DVD set to come out, you can download the excellent high quality episodes encoded by Tsuneko and hosted by the folks here at EE.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: smoore on June 13, 2006, 09:49:08 am
Hey guys, long time no see, some of you might remember me from the old boards :)

Been away for a while now but decided to come back to the fold and mingle with my fellow SPC fans once again :D

I first got my taste of the SPC back in '92 when it aired here in Australia, when I first watched it i thought of nothing more than a parody of the TMNT which was still going fairly strong here, the more i watched of it though I became thoroughly intrigued by the sheer humor of the characters and couldn't help but love that exploding rodent known as the big cheese :p

It came back on the air here in '94 and I managed to tape most of the eps, can't say i've enjoyed a series more than it which i'll go back and constantly watch...

When I discovered SPC_FAN's site a few years ago i once again got my fix of SPC and discovered a lot of people who also shared my happiness at a great series and also got my hands on some eps that never made it to the aussie shores :)

Lookin' forward to talking with all you SPC fans once again...


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: NPC on June 13, 2006, 06:23:53 pm
Hey, welcome to my the forum.

Hey guys, long time no see, some of you might remember me from the old boards :)I first got my taste of the SPC back in '92 when it aired here in Australia, when I first watched it i thought of nothing more than a parody of the TMNT which was still going fairly strong here

Personally, I NEVER thought of TMNT when I watched SPC, even though I like the Turtles.

Turtles makes you do this- 8)

SPC makes you do this- 8O :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Niles on June 20, 2006, 01:54:36 am
My first experience was back in 1997(or was it '96) anyways. I had the day off from school and was flipping through the channels and decided to give it a shot. I fell in love right away. I thought it was very hilarious.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on June 20, 2006, 01:55:12 pm
Turtles makes you do this- 8)

SPC makes you do this- 8O :D
Shortsighted with big mouth?
Ha, ha, just kidding! :gurulou:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on June 21, 2006, 07:45:25 am
Welcome to the madness newbie people :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: daizyujin on July 03, 2006, 03:10:48 am
Hi all.  I think my first experience with the pizza cats was seeing the clip of it on Power Rangers.  I didn't really watch it much till this recently when I saw the torrent of the first five eps on a bittorrent site a few weeks back.  Ever since then I have been tracking down SPC and KNT eps like mad.  I really love the OST to KNT, the blend of old and new is a really great sound.

I am from the midwest(Indiana) and I am 26 years old.

Don't know what else to say.  :D

 :speedy: :polly: :guido: :francine: :lucille: :badbird: :jerry: :catton: :batcat: :spritz: :meowsma:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on July 03, 2006, 07:14:56 pm
Well, I got four words for you.

WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!! :speedy: :polly: :guido:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on July 05, 2006, 02:50:45 pm
The OST is probably what got me started researching it again. I think I tried to download SPCPolly's mp3s before I got many episodes of SPC. XP did not like my network card and I kept getting most of my downloads back then cut off. Remember a little program called NetVampire? I had to use that to resume my downloads from SPCPolly's site every few seconds. And it was so slow. It took many hours to get a few mp3s, but it was worth it. :)
I hope you had a much easier time getting into SPC than I did back then with my messed up devices. Welcome.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KunimasaKunimasaOiOiOi on July 27, 2006, 12:37:08 am
Man, this show brings back some good memories.  I think I was in between Kindergarten to Grade 2 when the show came out (forgot exactly), but the minute I saw the episodes on YouTube, I almost fell out of my seat.  Samurai Pizza Cats and G Gundam are good memories from my elemetary school days.

By the way, I just joined this group a few minutes ago.  My name's Brian.  Nice to meet everyone!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 27, 2006, 04:09:47 am
Man, this show brings back some good memories.  I think I was in between Kindergarten to Grade 2 when the show came out (forgot exactly), but the minute I saw the episodes on YouTube, I almost fell out of my seat.  Samurai Pizza Cats and G Gundam are good memories from my elemetary school days.

By the way, I just joined this group a few minutes ago.  My name's Brian.  Nice to meet everyone!

I think you win the award for "Most Bizzare User Name Ever."


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KunimasaKunimasaOiOiOi on July 27, 2006, 05:58:08 pm
Man, this show brings back some good memories.  I think I was in between Kindergarten to Grade 2 when the show came out (forgot exactly), but the minute I saw the episodes on YouTube, I almost fell out of my seat.  Samurai Pizza Cats and G Gundam are good memories from my elemetary school days.

By the way, I just joined this group a few minutes ago.  My name's Brian.  Nice to meet everyone!

I think you win the award for "Most Bizzare User Name Ever."


Thanks!  It's my middle name twice, then, since I was hardcore into most punk music, I added the Oi Oi Oi.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on July 27, 2006, 11:53:29 pm
Haha, right on.

Welcome to the forums my friend, you can call me RW or Reizche; it doesn't really matter.

Enjoy your stay and don't feed the Tigriss.


EDIT: I see you study Kenpo, I've been practicing that for 12 years and have reached my 2nd Degree black belt. Always nice to meet a fellow Martial Artist. Awesome.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KunimasaKunimasaOiOiOi on July 28, 2006, 02:41:20 am
Haha, right on.

Welcome to the forums my friend, you can call me RW or Reizche; it doesn't really matter.

Enjoy your stay and don't feed the Tigriss.


EDIT: I see you study Kenpo, I've been practicing that for 12 years and have reached my 2nd Degree black belt. Always nice to meet a fellow Martial Artist. Awesome.

Thanks!  I look forward to my time here.
That's awesome you're a 2nd degree black belt.  I've been working on my weapon's belt for two years because of laziness, but right now I'm a 3rd brown.  I used to hate teaching days so much (I just got off my shift about 2 hours ago), but compared to working, it's much better.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: fish sandwich patrol on August 01, 2006, 03:13:59 am
I first saw SPC sometime in my 1-4th grade years.  Since I was homeschooled, and finished my shcoolwork between 11-1, I could watch it everyday.  It quickly became one of my favorite shows, though I didn't watch it very often because I was afraid people would make fun of me for watching such a silly show >_>

Soon after it went off the air where I live, I completely forgot about it until last year, when I read a topic about it on another forum.  I downloaded and watched all the episodes and remembered how awesome the show was.  I searched for an SPC community, and found this site... so here I am.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on August 01, 2006, 02:36:01 pm
Welcome aboard. This is the place where you make fun of those who DIDN'T watch such a silly show.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: NPC on August 01, 2006, 05:00:02 pm
Welcome aboard. This is the place where you make fun of those who DIDN'T watch such a silly show.

Ha, that's right.

We're the new order.

Welcome to the community.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Emerald Chaos on August 13, 2006, 07:40:06 am
Hi I'm new here!  ;)

I can't really remember my first experience I just remember seeing it and being hooked.

Most people seem to say they want SPC on DVD. I couldn't really care less if it never became DVD what I want is WAY more far fetched. I want series 2 of SPC. That'll probably never happen though :'(

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: usagisailor on August 17, 2006, 10:46:08 pm
I believe it was the summer before my 8th grade year...  My little sister and I were channel surfing, and I suddenly stumbled across some sort of anime on Fox Kids.  (Oh, the good old days when TV lineup names made sense.)  After the first five minutes of SPC, I couldn't stop laughing, and my little sister (only about 3 or 4 at the time) loved watching it as well.  And my gawd, who knew a middle schooler would cry at the final episodes.   :O

So now I'm 22, and have a little girl of my own, just over a year and a half.  My husband thinks I'm crazy for watching it, but heck...  I think HeMan is more "dumbed down" for kids than SPC.   ;]

As for favorite characters...  I'm a BadBird fangirl at heart.  :badbird:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on August 18, 2006, 11:31:12 pm
Welcome. I love your avatar. I'm sure you'll fit in just fine with our crowd.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: felineki on August 19, 2006, 04:10:16 am
I remember my very first time seeing anything Pizza Cats-related was a commercial on Fox, I think, stating the air time for the show. I've always liked cats, and from what I saw in the commercial, it looked like it might be worth watching. However, it was going to be on while I was at school, so I set the VCR to record it and watched it later that day.

I think I only ever saw a handful of episodes, because the station stopped carrying it shortly after I discovered it. I think my last memory of actually watching it on TV was while we were on vacation many years ago, the hotel we stayed at apparently received a station that aired it. But I found it a very amusing show, with hilarious writing, memorable characters, and an interesting setting (Take 1/2 modern metropolis, add 1/2 feudal Japan, sprinkle with giant robots, and populate with cybernetic animal-people. Mix in large bowl. Heat for 30 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes. Serve with pepperoni.), so it stuck with me. It will definitely be one of those shows I never forget.

Fast-forward a few years, to the Internet age. I was pleased to find that there was a substantial fanbase for the show on the web. And knowing now how anime are often changed quite a bit for localization, I became interested in seeing what the original show was like. And thanks to the work of the subtitlers here, I've been able to do just that!  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: R-Gemini on August 30, 2006, 11:29:25 pm
Hi. I'm new to the board.

Don't really remember too much about my first experience. What I do remember is this. By this point, watching Sailor Moon was a regular thing for me. It was on whatever channel 64 was called back then. I don't remember what I originally thought was coming on, but after Sailor Moon went off, the first thing that caught my eye was missiles coming out of Luciel's hair. Unfortunately, for me, I had to get ready for school that day.

The episode that made the show a favorite for me was when Walkie Talkie was spitting out tongue twisters. Ever since, up until they stop showing it, I made it a point to watch this show.

Which brings me to today. Found out about this site while looking for some Sonic the Hedgehog pictures. Glad to know that sites for the cats still exist. Thanks a lot for it and I hope that I won't be an annoyance to anyone here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on August 31, 2006, 04:02:49 am
Welcome aboard!! :D
I love that episode with "Walkie-Talkie" too.
Don't fear about being an annoyance,  Annoyances rarely happen.
Folk who love the cats are always welcome here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on August 31, 2006, 08:22:53 pm
Welcome. I find it very amusing that you found this place while looking for Sonic pictures. I find that SPC tends to attract mostly Sonic fans.

If your STILL looking for Sonic pictures I would recomend these websites:


I look forward to many future discussions with you on these boards.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Alistair Erie on August 31, 2006, 09:57:32 pm
Welcome. I find it very amusing that you found this place while looking for Sonic pictures. I find that SPC tends to attract mostly Sonic fans.

It is interesting that SPC fans seem to have very similar interests.
Welcome!  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: MattStriker on September 01, 2006, 11:55:05 pm
Hey all, I'm new to the board and just thought I'd say hello. Can't remember much about the first time I saw the show, but Cheese and Jerry quickly became my favorite characters. Glad to see that the fanbase for the show is still going strong.

 :bigcheese: :jerry:

The cats always won, but Jerry got the great lines and Cheese had all the stylish kimonos, who needs to win when you got class?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 02, 2006, 04:06:44 pm
Welcome aboard Mr. Striker

Always nice to see new recruits for my ever growing army of the... I mean, nice to see new fans come here ^_^


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Valkyrie on September 03, 2006, 01:18:07 am
Whoa nelly, Burke is back to Burke

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 03, 2006, 02:27:28 am
Whoa nelly, Burke is back to Burke

I never changed.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Doctor Scraps on September 03, 2006, 05:02:34 pm
I was in 5th or 6th grade (and am currently a senior in college), and I stumbled on it completely by accident. You know how it goes...Kid has the day off, folks are off at work, and there's cartoons on in the morning. So I plant my rear end, and turn on the Channel 45 UPN at 7am. First was Transformers: Beast Wars. Then it was Bruce Willis's short lived cartoon, Bruno The Kid. Then, it was the Samurai Pizza Cats. At that time the only Anime I'd ever been exposed to was Sailor Moon (which I admit I watched behind baricaded doors to prevent any heckling from my younger brother). And from there, as they, was history.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 03, 2006, 06:00:15 pm
Welcome aboard Dr.

Enjoy your stay and don't feed the Tigriss.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: littlebadwolf on September 04, 2006, 01:34:36 pm
Hello.  I'm new here, also.

I used to watch the Pizza Cats back in the day when they were on Fox.  At the time, I thought it was an American-produced cartoon making fun of Japanese animation (which was only a half-truth, sort of), but it perfectly synched with my sense of humor.

I just got back into the show again -- I don't even remember why, now.  But it rocks.  Yay!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Doctor Scraps on September 04, 2006, 01:41:01 pm
Welcome aboard, me hearty,  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: NPC on September 06, 2006, 04:25:43 pm
Transformers: Beast Wars.

I watched that show too!  :D I'd get up before school and watch it at 6 AM, a bit before SPC.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on September 07, 2006, 12:56:04 pm
I can't remember what channel it was on anymore. Can anyone answer me, in the city of Jacksonville, FL in like the summer of '97 what station would have played SPC? Had to be a UHF station. Although I am curious what Continental Cablevision channel # it would have been on. I think right before SPC came on was Bananas in Pajamas. I sat through that show waiting anxiously for my fix of SPC craziness.
The first episode of SPC I saw was most likely Underground Underwater Undercooked. I think I missed the day the sushi one came on.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Takila on September 19, 2006, 12:19:13 am
From what I remember, I watched SPC on YTV (canada) at 8:30 on saturday mornings. (I was 8ish at the time)  From there, I gradualy forgot about SPC until 2-3 years ago.  Anyways, I just happened to stumble onto the board.

Its amazing that a fanbase can last so long.  I'm hoping it stays that way.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on September 19, 2006, 01:22:40 am
From what I remember, I watched SPC on YTV (canada) at 8:30 on saturday mornings. (I was 8ish at the time)  From there, I gradualy forgot about SPC until 2-3 years ago.  Anyways, I just happened to stumble onto the board.

Its amazing that a fanbase can last so long.  I'm hoping it stays that way.

Welcome aboard then, Takila.

I'm your not-so friendly neighbourhood BurkeWorld.

Always remember to wipe your feet when you come in, and don't feed the Kyo Zaber.



PS, A fellow Canadian! Represent!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cartoonking10749 on September 19, 2006, 11:42:06 am
Hey Takila, great avatar!! :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: vvthedemon on September 19, 2006, 06:07:10 pm
hello people  the names vv i just joined todoy soo no great experences yey

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on September 19, 2006, 09:20:41 pm
Howdy, man. Welcome.


You've never seen the series at all?  ?:|

Not even one episode?

Come on. Everybody on this thread and in this forum has at least seen it once in their lives or even saw it by downloads today. So?

Andy (The one who is confused by this)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: vvthedemon on September 20, 2006, 04:33:39 pm
nope i havent but i want to see an episode sooo badly

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: adam808 on September 21, 2006, 12:41:44 am
One person has posted a few episodes on YouTube:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on September 21, 2006, 12:50:13 am
I thought people aren't allowed to post full episodes on that place.

Andy (The one who likes to follow rules)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on September 21, 2006, 04:22:41 pm
Hello, all! (*?*)
I'm Stephen C., but I usually go with my nickname 'SteC' in the internet world. Sounds much better!

My first SPC experience dates back to the spring of 1998 when it was on Fox Kids in the UK, which featured other shows like Sailor Moon, Spiderman, Power Rangers and those other shows produced by Saban. Now by reducing my memory of the SPC down to an eleven-year old  :D...
I can definately remember the 3 feline heroes and I always laughed out loud whenever Big Cheese does something silly, like blowing himself up. Gosh, I was so young I almost forgotten which kitty gets angry the most: Polly or Francine? Can't remember what was the first episode I watched either - I payed more attention to the animation 'cause it was the most bizarre show I ever watched back then (that was probably my first contact to the anime craze. Before TV, I read about them in dozens of videogame magazines.  ;-) )

Back to the present... I recently renewed my interest in SPC and even anime by watching those old cartoon clips on YouTube (The English opening = good reminiscing!!) a month ago. Since then I recollected my knowledge of the show by checking out other SPC websites out there and now I stumbled over here! That's my backstory!

I'm looking forward to chat with other SPC fans in this Emporium as I thought it was a very, very entertaining anime to get into!

Favourite Pizza Cat?  =]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Unleashedfreak on October 05, 2006, 09:06:28 pm
My names Unleashedfreak.  Feel free to call me Unleashed.  Anyway I got into the Pizza Cats when I was in 4th grade.  I remember it was around 7 in the morning and I was flipping through channels to see what was on.  I stopped at channel 10 on the cable box (Bostons WB 56) and saw these funny anime looking cats (I was first getting into anime at this point, Ronin Warriors being the first one I saw around a year earlier).  Sadly the credits came on.  I was like "well there is always tommorow".  I woke up at 6:30, snuck down stairs, and not even 5 miniutes in I got caught by my parents.  I was wicked mad.  But I was in luck.  I was home schooled at the time by a friend of the family.  So I always got home at around 12 or 1.  Anyway, around 2 I flipped on WB 56 and sure enough the Pizza cats were on a special Saban tv show block (forgot the name) that had other shows like Masked Rider, Oliver Twist and the most famous....DBZ!  I watched it every day it was on (three or four days).  I watched it until it was pulled off the air.  The next time I saw it was like two years ago when I downloaded the first episode off Kazaa.  Then I saw a few things including the first episode on Youtube in the past month.  Thats my story.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on October 05, 2006, 09:23:04 pm
Wicked cool, welcome aboard here my friend.

Always remember to wipe your feet, and don't feed the Aster Crow.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Unleashedfreak on October 05, 2006, 09:35:25 pm
Thanks for the welcome.  Yes I was 10 when I saw it for the first time.  I am 19 now.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Truro on November 14, 2006, 08:39:43 pm
I think I was about 3 or 4, when I first saw it. I hardly remember anything from back then (except Thomas the Tank Engine), but I remember my brother, sister and I used to watch the program a lot.
When Fox Kids first came on the air (I was in High School by that time) I saw their advert, and much to my surprise, they were going to Broadcast SPC! I remember getting up at about 7am to watch it. Soon afterwards I started taping it. I now have most of the series on video.

A couple of weeks ago, I came across the Japanese intro to KNT on Youtube, and it sparked my interest in SPC again. So I got out my SPC videos, and became obsessed once more.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 15, 2006, 02:18:25 am
Welcome aboard Tru.

Mind if I call you Tru?

Too late, it's stickin'


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on November 15, 2006, 03:15:27 am
My names Unleashedfreak.  Feel free to call me Unleashed.  Anyway I got into the Pizza Cats when I was in 4th grade.  I remember it was around 7 in the morning and I was flipping through channels to see what was on.  I stopped at channel 10 on the cable box (Bostons WB 56) and saw these funny anime looking cats...

Boston's WB 56!!! *cheers for Bostonian SPC fans* Where are ya from specifically?

*elbows Burkey* Don't listen to him, you can feed me. I like chocolate frappes ^_~*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 15, 2006, 04:19:50 pm
My names Unleashedfreak.  Feel free to call me Unleashed.  Anyway I got into the Pizza Cats when I was in 4th grade.  I remember it was around 7 in the morning and I was flipping through channels to see what was on.  I stopped at channel 10 on the cable box (Bostons WB 56) and saw these funny anime looking cats...

Boston's WB 56!!! *cheers for Bostonian SPC fans* Where are ya from specifically?

*elbows Burkey* Don't listen to him, you can feed me. I like chocolate frappes ^_~*

*Steals said chocolate frappes and runs off.*

Mwahaha, she'll never catch me!



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on November 15, 2006, 05:42:57 pm
Honestly man, don't feed AsterCrow. Remember that episode about the pig from space?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Helios on November 19, 2006, 12:15:49 pm
Hey guys, I'm Will. From Australia (a town called Albury), 20 years old and about to start uni next year.
My first experience was watching a before-school cartoon show in 91, and 'Underground, Underwater, Undercooked' came on. Apart from the Turtles, it was the first anime that I watched and I loved it. Sadly, it was only shown once here and I never got to see more than a third of the episodes.
About two months ago I suddenly thought about SPC again, and went on YouTube and watched the precious few episodes they have. This led to some searching, which led me to Princess Vi's page, which led me here. Unfortunately, I can't download any episodes so I'll have to get a mate with Broadband to get them for me.
'Underground, Underwater, Undercooked' still is my favourite episode and =] is my fav pizza cat. I'm also trying to get my paws on collector's items as well.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on November 19, 2006, 12:34:26 pm
Welcome, dude. Now we have another guy from Australia who's an SPC/KNT fan. Make yourself at home. And don't worry, we're not that bad and weird. Well........most of us. ;)

Andy (The one who likes Australia and want to visit there)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on November 20, 2006, 09:07:06 pm
Honestly man, don't feed AsterCrow. Remember that episode about the pig from space?

*snort* No idea what you're talking about!

But I'll remember you said that next time i'm 200 feet tall and on a tirade >:D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on November 21, 2006, 10:30:45 pm
Honestly man, don't feed AsterCrow. Remember that episode about the pig from space?

*snort* No idea what you're talking about!

But I'll remember you said that next time i'm 200 feet tall and on a tirade >:D

*hides under his bed*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Black Dragon on November 27, 2006, 08:36:27 pm
Greetings, one and all, I'm Black Dragon. Unlike most of you, I never viewed SPC when it was airing around ten years ago. Actually, I had never even heard of it back then, so unfortunately, I don't get all fuzzy and nostalgic when viewing it (lucky sods, you :P). Over a year ago, when visiting some forums, I stumbled upon a thread describing the posters' favourite animes. Obviously, you can see where this is going as one poster mentioned SPC, and sometime during this summer, it suddenly popped into my mind for reasons unknown. After checking a few clips and the first episode on YouTube, it was enough to entrance me completely. Thanks to the intarnets, I viewed each episode and could only wonder what impression it could have left upon me about ten years ago. Anyways, enough with my rapidly spiralling out of control rambling, I hope to enjoy my time here. Also, I hope none of you TyPE LiEK ThIS!\!1 ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on November 27, 2006, 10:57:04 pm
Welcome. Do not feel bad for your late exposure to SPC. Better late then never.
Samurai Pizza Cats does terrible things to the minds of children. Finally someone is here to bring order to this madness.

Praise Cheeze Boat!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 27, 2006, 11:19:31 pm
Also, I hope none of you TyPE LiEK ThIS!\!1 ;-)

Eye tyPe liEk thIS alL t3h tYme!!1eleven!



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Matt on November 29, 2006, 09:49:14 pm
Ayo, I'm Maginn. I'm 16 and I'm from Newcastle, England. Your not gonna believe this, but my first SPC/KNT was on Saturday. I watched some 'do you remember the 90s' thread and saw Samurai Pizza Cats and I certainly didn't remember that. I don't think it was aired. So, I goonto Youtube and watch the first 4 episodes and fell in love. I can't believe I missed such a golden show. Gonna watch the rest of the episodes when I can find them, and I have time off from college. (which is being a lamer at the moment x_x)

My other intrests include Video Games, the internet and computer software/hardware. I'm also a MAJOR fan of the old Transformers series. :3 Roll out.

So, yo.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on November 29, 2006, 10:40:58 pm
Suppp, welcome aboard non-spammer!

Enjoy your stay, all I ask is that you wipe your feet and don't feed the AM2k.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Slips on December 10, 2006, 11:46:41 pm
Very glad to meet other SPC and KNT fanatics! I'm Slips. I'm a guy, I'm 19, I'm 5' 8", and have long dark blond hair. But, enough about my boring talk, let me tell you how I was introduced to this facinating and unique anime.

I first heard about it from the furry fandom. The name "Samurai Pizza Cats", made me think that a lot of what they were talking about was a joke. I didn't believe it was actually real at first! Someone though gave me a link to a page that gave me all the info I needed about this series. Before I knew it, I was totally enjoying the series. I found full episodes and laughed myself silly. I usually don't like anime if it goes outside "Osamu Tezuka Territory". But, this anime is one of the exceptions.

I am a HUUUGE fan now. To give you an idea of how big of a fan I am, I bought a collar at Hot Topic last week and bought a bell to go with it as Petsmart today! I not wearing it until Christmas however!

Anyways, it's a pleasure to meet you. Especially you, Princess Violet. It is an honor, your higness. (I bow my head in respect to the princess.)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: felineki on December 11, 2006, 12:13:01 am
Nice to have you join us! Once you start wearing that bell, maybe you should try ringing it when you get in sticky situations and see if anything happens.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AkitaEvita on December 11, 2006, 01:37:41 pm

I don't really remember the first time I saw SPC.  I just remembered that it was a show I really enjoyed.  Recently I've been reliving my childhood, watching all my favorite shows like Space Cases, the Tomorrow People, and Tiny Toons, to name a few.  So I decided to look up this show on Youtube, and after watching the first 4 episodes I decided to go looking for other fans and that brought me here.

I guess thats all I have to say.  I look foward to talking to you all. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ragnar on December 13, 2006, 01:05:07 am
Well, I registered here some unknown time ago, and never did anything >_>
Soo, I'm Ragnar, and I have memories of watching SPC in my early childhood, and later downloading the episodes from SPC Labs.
Nice to meetcha.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on December 13, 2006, 03:25:07 am
Your avatar makes me laugh.

A lot.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KausTeyandee on December 19, 2006, 03:19:24 pm
Hello eveyrone! im Kaus, im 18, male, and measure 6'3"

  the first time i ever saw SPC/KNT, was at my grandmothers old house but i cannot exactly remember how long ago,But i do know how i recently remembered it. I was browing around the wikipedia, and look at anime and info on them, i was looking at the Voice actors for Ranma 1/2 and checked the info on ranmas voice actor, turned out that the voice actor played Yattarou of KNT, at first im not sure what KNT was, but when i clicked on the name i got none other then the Samurai Pizza Cats! this of course flooded my memories back to me, so once again i became hooked on theSPC/KNT and looked around websites for info on them, Fanfics, picture galleris etc. then i stumbled upon this site, im glad i stumbled upon this site, because most of the people i live around dont even know what SPC/KNT is. anyways thats my itroduction of my SPC/KNT experiance. thank you for reading! ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on December 19, 2006, 05:19:32 pm
Welcome! We got ourselves another Stumbler just like me. It all starts with something sparking your memory. (In my case, it was seeing SPC on a Top Cartoons of All Time list on my friend's personal website. Funny how it's me on these forums and not him. I guess that makes me a bigger fan than him) And those memories flood in (or out?). Then it's the brutal search for a fan community. You find nothing but old sites. The old sites laugh at you. They say: "Hey kid, There WAS an SPC fanbase but it's gone. You're too late. You missed it. Nobody cares for Pizza Cats. Move on with your life." It seems that all hope in the world is gone.

...and then you find this place.

Congratulations, you've made it to Emerald City.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on December 20, 2006, 02:32:39 am
Hello eveyrone! im Kaus, im 18, male, and measure 6'3"

  the first time i ever saw SPC/KNT, was at my grandmothers old house but i cannot exactly remember how long ago,But i do know how i recently remembered it. I was browing around the wikipedia, and look at anime and info on them, i was looking at the Voice actors for Ranma 1/2 and checked the info on ranmas voice actor, turned out that the voice actor played Yattarou of KNT, at first im not sure what KNT was, but when i clicked on the name i got none other then the Samurai Pizza Cats! this of course flooded my memories back to me, so once again i became hooked on theSPC/KNT and looked around websites for info on them, Fanfics, picture galleris etc. then i stumbled upon this site, im glad i stumbled upon this site, because most of the people i live around dont even know what SPC/KNT is. anyways thats my itroduction of my SPC/KNT experiance. thank you for reading! ;)

Welcome aboard then.

Wipe your feet and don't feed the Mechadon.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: maniaxe on January 27, 2007, 04:30:22 pm
Hello to all of you guys  :D. My Names Robert and I'm 17.

I first watched SPC when I was around the age of 5-6ish, back when it was on UPN. I can't really remember much except for the fact that I really liked the show. I do remember that me and my sister (who claims she doesn't know what the show is) used to watch it during our vacations and to get in to the mood of the show we would eat flavor pizza stuff (yes, I know, it's weird  ::)). Fist show i watched i can't remember (but there was a part in the show where Speedy or Guido fell from from a wall where he was sitting at  :O- if anyone can tell me what episode it was i would really appreciate it).  I eventually forgot all about it until about a year ago when like a hammer to the head it just hit me really hard.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Truro on January 27, 2007, 05:31:46 pm
Welcome to the forums Rob.  :) The title of the episode in question, is, I believe 'King of a Drag'

Always happy to welcome more fans abord the SPC train.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on January 27, 2007, 11:49:54 pm
Hello to all of you guys  :D. My Names Robert and I'm 17.

I first watched SPC when I was around the age of 5-6ish, back when it was on UPN. I can't really remember much except for the fact that I really liked the show. I do remember that me and my sister (who claims she doesn't know what the show is) used to watch it during our vacations and to get in to the mood of the show we would eat flavor pizza stuff (yes, I know, it's weird  ::)). Fist show i watched i can't remember (but there was a part in the show where Speedy or Guido fell from from a wall where he was sitting at  :O- if anyone can tell me what episode it was i would really appreciate it).  I eventually forgot all about it until about a year ago when like a hammer to the head it just hit me really hard.

Welcome to the Emporium Sir. I hope you have a pleasant stay with us. Truro here will take your coat and I'll park your car for you.
Make yourself at home and, please, don't feed the Burke.  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on January 28, 2007, 12:30:51 am
please, don't feed the Burke.  ;-)

But... But I'm hungry!



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on January 28, 2007, 02:22:50 pm
First finish your fish heads and then we will talk about that Burke...

Title: New guy
Post by: Rein on February 11, 2007, 11:59:31 pm
Hey everyone Hmmm *thinks* Ahh my name is rein I'm new here I make Icons and sigs as a hobby to as well glad to be here I gotta upload my Icon and tag soon so I'll be posting soon.

P.S Love the SPC Icons

Title: Re: New guy
Post by: BurkeWorld on February 12, 2007, 01:21:06 am
Hey everyone Hmmm *thinks* Ahh my name is rein I'm new here I make Icons and sigs as a hobby to as well glad to be here I gotta upload my Icon and tag soon so I'll be posting soon.

P.S Love the SPC Icons

Welcome aboard, I've moved this to the proper "Intro Thread" so everyone can welcome you.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on February 12, 2007, 01:25:46 am
"Hi welcome to the Hi hi Puffy....ehh I mean, you are wellcome to da house, this is going to be your room, please ignore  the blackcat, feed the Kyo, ignore the ninjas and have fun!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on February 12, 2007, 01:26:13 am
Hey! Rein! Welcome aboard! I've always wanted a custom sig. I'll ask you when I'm ready.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cuchulain on February 12, 2007, 05:37:25 am
Hello, regular posters.  Anyway, I just stumbled on this site last week... I'm currently a college student, and a friend of mine and I were talking about Samurai Pizza Cats, when I mentioned that I had some old episodes I'd taped off of television, and we subsequently rewatched them.  I hadn't tried to track down the show online since about 2001 or so, and upon checking Wikipedia found this site and am now furiously downloading the eps from Supersonic's FTP (actually, if you read this Supersonic, I've been keeping up with Ideon ever since you guys started fansubbing that and infrequently post on the Shin-Getter boards).  So anyway, it's truly amazing that SPC fandom has come this far since I was last into it, and I'll hopefully try to add something here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on February 12, 2007, 06:44:48 am
Welcome, cuchulain and Rein! Both of you are welcome in this glorious forum. It's like no other SPC forum, mind you! *nods*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Rein on February 12, 2007, 11:36:05 am
Hey! Rein! Welcome aboard! I've always wanted a custom sig. I'll ask you when I'm ready.
Sure you can ask let me get some SPC Fanbars made and some icons for you guys to use.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Some1Else on February 12, 2007, 04:12:55 pm
Posting here seems to be the rite of passage in this community, so I might as well do so as I intend to stick around for a little while.

I first heard about this show in middle school during lunch time. A couple of mild acquaintances I typically chatted with during this period were talking about it amongst themselves and I listened to their conversation without much interest. They spoke of this show quite enthusiastically, specifically mentioning how intriguing "the one with red armor" was, whose name escaped them at the moment. A little while later I caught the opening of the show while flipping through channels and almost passed up the opportunity to watch it. I figured the show was going to be an extreme cartoon along the lines of Ren and Stimpy because stuff like that was popular among the people I socialized with. I wasn't a fan, but that's just me. I decided to give SPC a chance anyway and quickly became quite attached to the show. The first episode I saw was Big Cheese's IQ Coral.

My father later explained to me that I was watching anime. I wasn't very familiar with this type of medium back then. One could argue that SPC is a cartoon, but I consider it an anime. Anyway, I taped a few episodes just before the show was pulled. That tape was later destroyed and I was left without anime for a very long time until Hastings decided to open up a store in my town. I was disappointed to learn that SPC never made it to DVD and quickly went about trying to find an anime that was more entertaining since Hastings rents anime, although nobody does it better than Netflix as I later found out. I still haven't managed to find an anime better than SPC. As time went on, I discovered this board and learned of the FTP servers. Over the course of two weeks I collected just about all of the episodes and have wound up where I'm at now.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: coffeewombat on February 12, 2007, 08:21:51 pm
I guess it couldn't hurt.

I was in second or third grade when I started watching SPC.  It was my favorite show.  I didn't know anything about anime at all back then, it was just incredibly silly and awesome.  I used to stand about a foot away from the tv and watch it (I needed glasses, but didn't quite realize it yet.  My family moved away and the show wasn't on where we were.  I forgot about it completely.

Then along came freshman year of high school.  A friend introduced me to anime, and I ended up getting back into the show.  Made a few online friends and watched episodes of the show that were about the size of a postage stamp, but I was thrilled even with that.  I think I even watched a few raw episodes of KNT out of curiosity.   Stuff happened, I didn't really forget about the show, it kinda fell to the wayside though.

Then a few days ago I was kinda talking about the show with a friend, trying to look for pics of Fran for some reason.  Ended up looking for the show on YouTube and holy poop!  Subbed KNT!  I looked at the opening credits.  Super holy poop!  Tigriss had been working on it!  And then I found the forums on Edoropolis.  It was a good day.  A good day when I should have been studying for my Civ II exam.  I think I still did okay.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Rein on February 13, 2007, 12:28:23 am
Well my First Experience with the SPCs is when I was in Fourth grade and I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from my grandmas house so I had a hour to do something so I scanned through the TV to UPN and saw it for the first time. It was Those transforming felines that was my first episode so yeah.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 17, 2007, 10:40:28 am
my 1st exoerience, came from a dutch friend, who i asked in "person above you" thread, "will tell me what Samurai Pizza Cats" is, so he told me & from then on i was sorta liking it, from the discrbition, & then i decieded to see if there was any video of SPC on Youtube, & after i seen the seein the 1st episode, "stop dragon my cat around", i could tell that i was a fan SPC, & thats how it all started from me, back in 2006!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ItsGotSugar on March 01, 2007, 09:18:26 pm
I don't quite remember how old I was when I first saw Samurai Pizza Cats. I was young enough for most of the pop culture references to go right over my head. In fact, I was young enough to take the show quite seriously. It was probably the first anime I'd ever watched, and I loved it to death. Now, years later, this site has given me the opportunity to see the episodes all over again. This time I'm old enough to appreciate all the details, the voices, and the quirky dialogue. Without a doubt, SPC was one of the most awesome anime dubs ever made (mainly because the entirely new dialogue and characterization make it entirely different from KNT).

One thing that hasn't changed, though, is my favorite character. I thought Princess Vi was awesome; perfect voice, cute design and outfit, temperamental, and a spoiled brat. I liked her instantly. My second favorite was Jerry Atric; then Polly, then Francine, then Speedy.

It's nice to meet all of you, and unless you insist on messing with the Princess' munchies, I believe we shall get along famously.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on March 01, 2007, 09:23:43 pm
Hmmm.... This could be a problem. Do we have room for TWO hard-core Princess Vi fans?  :huh:

Well of course we do! Welcome! Welcome! Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SteC.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on March 02, 2007, 04:22:33 am
*sloooowly steps aside*

Just in case anything happens, I've got my yen on PrncssVi. o_o

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on March 02, 2007, 05:38:30 am
Well of course we do! Welcome! Welcome! Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SteC.

Under ONE condition - it has to be a pizza.  ;-)  :D Welcome!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ItsGotSugar on March 02, 2007, 06:05:29 pm
No sweat, guys; even if there are other members challenging my position as Princess Vi's biggest fan, I'm sure nothing will go wrong...heh heh heh.

Ha HA ha ha...


...Just kidding.  :violet:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on March 03, 2007, 09:51:44 am
Hmmm.... This could be a problem. Do we have room for TWO hard-core Princess Vi fans?  :huh:

Well of course we do! Welcome! Welcome! Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SteC.
O_O...i think we might have to have like a Princess Vi quiz, to see who's the BIGGEST Princess Vi Fan :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on March 03, 2007, 12:41:31 pm
Hmmm.... This could be a problem. Do we have room for TWO hard-core Princess Vi fans?  :huh:

Well of course we do! Welcome! Welcome! Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SteC.
O_O...i think we might have to have like a Princess Vi quiz, to see who's the BIGGEST Princess Vi Fan :D


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on March 03, 2007, 05:12:36 pm
Hmmm.... This could be a problem. Do we have room for TWO hard-core Princess Vi fans?  :huh:

Well of course we do! Welcome! Welcome! Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SteC.
O_O...i think we might have to have like a Princess Vi quiz, to see who's the BIGGEST Princess Vi Fan :D

O_O or a YU-GI-OH! DUEL, with Samurai Pizza Cats Trading Cards!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ItsGotSugar on March 03, 2007, 10:59:36 pm
Hmmm.... This could be a problem. Do we have room for TWO hard-core Princess Vi fans?  :huh:

Well of course we do! Welcome! Welcome! Enjoy your stay and don't feed the SteC.
O_O...i think we might have to have like a Princess Vi quiz, to see who's the BIGGEST Princess Vi Fan :D
Hmm...I'll have to ask Her Highness if it's okay first.  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on March 04, 2007, 04:27:29 am
No need to fight, everyone is welcome to be a Princess Vi fan.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on March 04, 2007, 09:39:04 am
No need to fight, everyone is welcome to be a Princess Vi fan.
but i want to find out, who's a better Prince Vi fan :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on March 04, 2007, 11:56:46 am
I think I'm stepping this one out. <^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on March 04, 2007, 03:25:06 pm
No need to fight, everyone is welcome to be a Princess Vi fan.
but i want to find out, who's a better Prince Vi fan :D

"Prince" Vi?!  You're going to Extra's Island.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on March 04, 2007, 03:36:22 pm
No need to fight, everyone is welcome to be a Princess Vi fan.
but i want to find out, who's a better Prince Vi fan :D
o_o...it was a DELIBATE mistake *dodges move to extra's island, by goin to N.Sanity island, home of CRASH BANDICOOT*

"Prince" Vi?!  You're going to Extra's Island.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on March 04, 2007, 11:04:27 pm
"Prince" Vi?!  You're going to Extra's Island.

Don't worry Princess, I got this one.
*Drags TGL to the boat*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on March 05, 2007, 03:57:22 am
"Prince" Vi?!  You're going to Extra's Island.

Don't worry Princess, I got this one.
*Drags TGL to the boat*


btw, love the quote in your sig. Ah...Spaceballs...... good times, good times. ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ItsGotSugar on March 05, 2007, 01:18:09 pm
"PRINCE VI?!?! How dare you mistake me for a boy when I'm the cutest character on the show with obvious feminine characteristics?? Send him to Prisoner Island!"

Sorry, TGL, but what the Princess says goes. If it were up to me, I might be more lenient. Maybe.  :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on March 05, 2007, 02:17:31 pm
IMO, i think we've gone a bit off topic :D

its best, doin a "role-play" like this, in THIS thread -----------> http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=1302.0

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TobeyWolf on March 28, 2007, 02:09:18 am
Hello I just came across this forum by chance. But I used to watch this show before going to middle/junior high school. I believe I was 11 at the time. (Wow I'm starting to feel old) But it was one of the better anime (or what I would call cartoons at the time) out there. After about a year it stopped airing, I'd come across it again on the internet and it's rekindled again.  :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on March 28, 2007, 02:29:48 pm
Hello I just came across this forum by chance. But I used to watch this show before going to middle/junior high school. I believe I was 11 at the time. (Wow I'm starting to feel old) But it was one of the better anime (or what I would call cartoons at the time) out there. After about a year it stopped airing, I'd come across it again on the internet and it's rekindled again.  :-*
Not old like me, of course. :gurulou: Welcome to the forum.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: ItsGotSugar on March 28, 2007, 03:11:39 pm
Welcome to the forum, Tobey. Hope you have fun.  :violet:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on March 28, 2007, 03:49:22 pm
Welcome all newbies to the forum.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ripner on April 02, 2007, 05:34:03 pm
Wow. I just found this website, through a You tube video link, that someone else has posted in there myspace account, and it's awesomeness. I can't believe I hadn't discovered it before, I've been a big Pizza Cat fan since it's original syndicated run, and it's so great to see a SPC community again. =^_^=

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 02, 2007, 07:30:18 pm
Wow. I just found this website, through a You tube video link, that someone else has posted in there myspace account, and it's awesomeness. I can't believe I hadn't discovered it before, I've been a big Pizza Cat fan since it's original syndicated run, and it's so great to see a SPC community again. =^_^=

I know exactlly how you feel. Welcome aboard and don't feed the TGL.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 02, 2007, 09:08:42 pm
Wow. I just found this website, through a You tube video link, that someone else has posted in there myspace account, and it's awesomeness. I can't believe I hadn't discovered it before, I've been a big Pizza Cat fan since it's original syndicated run, and it's so great to see a SPC community again. =^_^=

I know exactlly how you feel. Welcome aboard and don't feed the TGL.  :D

Don't copy my expressions.

Hang your head in shame.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 02, 2007, 09:37:46 pm
Wow. I just found this website, through a You tube video link, that someone else has posted in there myspace account, and it's awesomeness. I can't believe I hadn't discovered it before, I've been a big Pizza Cat fan since it's original syndicated run, and it's so great to see a SPC community again. =^_^=

I know exactlly how you feel. Welcome aboard and don't feed the TGL.  :D

Don't copy my expressions.

Hang your head in shame.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Takila on April 02, 2007, 11:28:29 pm
How about: Welcome to the board and l)0N7 SP34K 1N 1337?

Welcome to the board and keep on Leonidas' good side?

Welcome to board and make longer Longest Thread?

'Welcome, brother/sister, to the magnificent Internet Empire of Princess Vi.  One day, by Scammell, the whole world shall know the true glory of the holy trinity; of Samurai, Pizza, and Cats combined!  (and if you feel like it, a hearty Villain Laugh) 


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on April 04, 2007, 03:13:42 am
I know exactlly how you feel. Welcome aboard and don't feed the TGL.  :D

He meant "don't feed Takila sugar."

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 04, 2007, 09:03:34 am
I know exactlly how you feel. Welcome aboard and don't feed the TGL.  :D

He meant "don't feed Takila sugar."

Um... NO.
I meant "don't feed TGL".

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Takila on April 04, 2007, 02:45:49 pm
Aster, the only reason that I posted that was to diffuse whatever tension there was beforehand.

Mechadon, though I'm sure that Aster meant that in reasonably good humour (emoticons would have helped, though), your response was out of line.  Even if you were kidding (though it looks like you weren't),  she still didn't deserve that. 

Also think of it this way: this thread is going to be the first or second thing that new people will see on the forum.  So the best way to turn these people out is to post hateful and/or demeaning comments towards others.  If either of you should need to act like this(not that you have yet to Aster), it would be best for the community if you kept it to PMs.

^----Takila, who has obviously overstepped his authority.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 05, 2007, 05:59:48 pm
Aster, the only reason that I posted that was to diffuse whatever tension there was beforehand.

Mechadon, though I'm sure that Aster meant that in reasonably good humour (emoticons would have helped, though), your response was out of line.  Even if you were kidding (though it looks like you weren't),  she still didn't deserve that. 

Also think of it this way: this thread is going to be the first or second thing that new people will see on the forum.  So the best way to turn these people out is to post hateful and/or demeaning comments towards others.  If either of you should need to act like this(not that you have yet to Aster), it would be best for the community if you kept it to PMs.

^----Takila, who has obviously overstepped his authority.

Absolutely right. I was fully aware that Aster meant what she said in good humor. And I was kidding.  On further inspection, I see now that it looks like I'm not.
I was also assuming Aster would think I'm kidding. So I've taken the comment down. I guess what I see as "friendly/humorous hostility" doesn't translate properly in text-based communication. Hope I didn't offend anyone, especially AsterCrow.


Guess I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.  :-[

And yes, I greatly appreciate the changing of my avatar and such.

I'd like to inform everyone that I am a girl.
And I like ribbons in my hair.
And I want to kiss all the boys.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 05, 2007, 06:01:33 pm
No, you're not sleeping on the couch tonight, you're going to the pound.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AsterCrow on April 05, 2007, 06:08:24 pm
I wasn't offended, I knew we were both joking around. However I did take much enjoyment in watching Burkey change your icon to the obnoxious LOL ^_^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BurkeWorld on April 05, 2007, 06:09:23 pm
Aster, the only reason that I posted that was to diffuse whatever tension there was beforehand.

Mechadon, though I'm sure that Aster meant that in reasonably good humour (emoticons would have helped, though), your response was out of line.  Even if you were kidding (though it looks like you weren't),  she still didn't deserve that. 

Also think of it this way: this thread is going to be the first or second thing that new people will see on the forum.  So the best way to turn these people out is to post hateful and/or demeaning comments towards others.  If either of you should need to act like this(not that you have yet to Aster), it would be best for the community if you kept it to PMs.

^----Takila, who has obviously overstepped his authority.

Absolutely right. I was fully aware that Aster meant what she said in good humor. And I was kidding.  On further inspection, I see now that it looks like I'm not.
I was also assuming Aster would think I'm kidding. So I've taken the comment down. I guess what I see as "friendly/humorous hostility" doesn't translate properly in text-based communication. Hope I didn't offend anyone, especially AsterCrow.


Guess I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.  :-[

And yes, I greatly appreciate the changing of my avatar and such.

I'd like to inform everyone that I am a girl.
And I like ribbons in my hair.
And I want to kiss all the boys.

You missed one, you're also a Xenomorph Moron!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on May 01, 2007, 05:54:36 am
Um, despite the past posts here, my name is Streets (just toss in the Easy for a laugh.) SPC is a recent finding of mine, as I like to dig up old shows from the past, I forgot about this one until recently. A quick google search dug up this forum here so I thought I'd start posting. Hello everyone.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on May 01, 2007, 09:34:23 am

Andy (The one who likes to greet the new members. :P )

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 01, 2007, 12:18:06 pm
Hiyah ES, hope ya like the forum ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on May 01, 2007, 02:45:29 pm
Welcome to the best dang Pizza Cat forum out there, Easy Streets!  :gurulou:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Alistair Erie on May 01, 2007, 10:24:45 pm
Welcome to the best dang Pizza Cat forum out there, Easy Streets!  :gurulou:
Yes...the best out of a multitude of others.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: LonePhantom756 on May 02, 2007, 10:33:55 pm
Hey, everybody! LonePhantom here! Aspiring fanfic writer, man with active imagination, and not enough time on his hands to put it all down on paper...but enough to share with other creative minds.  :P

Ahem...my first experience with SPC came when I saw a few episodes of it when on vacation at a hotel. In those few episodes, which were my first real introduction to anime, I soon found myself hooked. When I got back home, I began taping episodes whenever I could, and started looking for other anime series to feed my awakened interest.

Years later, when looking through a list of anime links, I found a link to Jonas Miles' SPC lair, and found my interest in the series awakened anew when I saw the man's awesome character profiles, show triva, and his awesome fanfic "Endgame: Crimson Dawn." His work inspired me to write a few SPC fics of my own, and I've since come up with a bunch of fan ideas based on Kyatto Ninden Teyandee (the original form of Samurai Pizza Cats) that I wouldn't mind sharing with other fans with creative minds.

Well...uh...I think that's it. Glad to meet you all! :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 03, 2007, 06:58:30 am
Hiyah, welcome to EE ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Flash Kid on May 06, 2007, 04:14:56 pm
A guy told me who D-Mac double was and as we talked I asked him about the show, he linked me a few episodes and I loved them!  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 07, 2007, 11:25:22 am
lol, thats a weird way to get into SPC, but welcome

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: NPC on May 08, 2007, 12:17:00 am
Yes, welcome to the SPC Community.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 17, 2007, 01:01:47 am
I was watching TV up in my room one morning, on a day that happened to be Day 1 of a week-long bout of the Flu, and my joints and muscles were aching so bad that I could barely walk. I flipped the TV on at around 6am, just as the school bus was pulling up outside my house (I was in high school at the time, my dreaded Junior Year). Anyway, I happened upon the beginning of SPC, and loved it. I watched it whenever I could from that point on, especially when it started to air in the afternoons in my area.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 20, 2007, 12:08:13 pm
nice, so welcome to the forum!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 21, 2007, 02:25:24 pm
Thanks. I was looking around on Youtube, and found a bunch of Pizza Cats eps. on there, so I've been watching them there, as well as downloading the eps. from this site and saving them to a DVD-R. I really wish that the TV execs would stop replacing great shows like Samurai Pizza Cats with some of the trash that they call cartoons these days. I miss seeing the cats kick butt on the Ninja Crows, and seeing the Big Cheese blow up every time his schemes got foiled.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on May 21, 2007, 09:42:44 pm
Thanks. I was looking around on Youtube, and found a bunch of Pizza Cats eps. on there, so I've been watching them there, as well as downloading the eps. from this site and saving them to a DVD-R. I really wish that the TV execs would stop replacing great shows like Samurai Pizza Cats with some of the trash that they call cartoons these days. I miss seeing the cats kick butt on the Ninja Crows, and seeing the Big Cheese blow up every time his schemes got foiled.

I know what you mean. What ticks me off sometimes is when I see networks re-air crappy shows. Just today I saw that crappy "Stick'n Around" cartoon was on. WHAT!? :O

I hated that show! What's worse is my old arch-nemesis* from elementary school loved "Stick'n Around"; it was his favourite cartoon. Just the idea of that obnoxious jerk having any saticfaction over me makes me wanna puke! How the heck does that piece of crap get to be re-aired and not SPC?

Same goes for DVD releases. Why, just last month I saw "The Ghost Busters" ( not "The Real Ghostbusters", the Filmation's version) on store shelves; I almost went postal right there in the store!

Bloody Feck! It ain't fair MAN! I wan't my SPC back!

*yes that's right; I have an arch-nemesis. Two in fact. Maybe I'll elaborate on that in the future.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 21, 2007, 11:56:33 pm
No kidding. I wish we could let Polly Esther unleash her vicious temper on the guys at Saban, unless they agree to give us back our beloved Samurai Pizza Cats. I guess we'll just have to settle for writing letters of petition to them, and hoping they find it in their hearts to listen to us, the fans.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 22, 2007, 01:05:17 pm
ROFL, or just riot outside there workplace until they give in, or just set fire to the place xD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on May 22, 2007, 05:13:29 pm
ROFL, or just riot outside there workplace until they give in, or just set fire to the place xD

I like the way you think. But setting fire to the place will destroy the original tapes. I got a better plan. All I know is whoever owns Pizza Cats also owns Power Rangers. So, we find ourselves a child who's into Power Rangers  and we kidnapp him. We tell him were going to take him to see where they make Power Rangers. We take him to Saban's (or however owns SPC) head office and kneel him down on the front grass. We put a gun to his head and with a bullhorn we say: "HEY! You give us Pizza Cats! or we will kill this child!"

Or we can raid the head office ourselves, steal the tapes, and key their cars on the way out. And we spraypaint on their front window: "SPC ain't nothing to Feck with! Teyandee!"

Mechadon: Community Zealot.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 22, 2007, 08:09:33 pm
I think letters of petition would work better. Less chance of getting arrested. Let's try and stay on topic here, so the mods don't get angry with us.

From the first time I saw SPC, which happened to be the first ep., I was hooked. Seeing the unbridled, rampant stupidity of the Ninja Crows, and Big Cheese's temper tantrums and resulting explosions after Speedy, Guido, and Polly put his schemes to an end every day, not to mention Princess Vi's hilarious outbursts, made me wish that they'd never stopped airing such a fine cartoon.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 23, 2007, 12:31:37 pm
meh, just call Osman Bin Larden to do it instead


set-up our own TV station, showing Cartoons & Anime, from years ago, it'll be called TGL TV xD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on May 23, 2007, 06:30:41 pm
Tsuneko can make the whole episodes in very high quality, they we start to donate money until its has enough for a lawyer, then it can get the rights for a LEGAL DVD release.

Every day you dont visit the chatroom, a kitty dies, you dont want to kill kitties, do you?

Visit the only place in irc left for SPC maniacs at



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on May 23, 2007, 06:56:09 pm
I find it odd that many of you can remember which episode you saw first, because I don't. Though, if I think hard enough now, something is starting to surface. Hold on a sec…

Yes! I’m starting to remember. My first memories are… a really giant robot attacking the city! Bigger than normal I mean. Actually… it’s a really giant robot NOT attacking the city. It’s not the Catatonic because I definitely remember seeing many episodes before the Supreme C. was introduced. I remember the first time I saw it, I thought, “Dude! They have their own Megazord!”

Now I remember! It was The Great Golden Cluck!
Horray! I know what my first episode was!  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 23, 2007, 10:58:30 pm
The first time I saw Speedy's Ginzu swords unleash the "Cat's Eye Slash", I thought to myself "I'd love to be able to unleash that kind of force on some of those bozos that make school a living nightmare for me every day". I also wished that I could retaliate like Guido does, with the Samurai Sunspot Umbrella. I'd hypnotize those bozos, and make them do all kinds of embarrassing things. Ahhhhhhh........the wonderful memories of watching Samurai Pizza Cats. Watching that show after a hard day at school always made me feel better.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on May 24, 2007, 12:05:12 am
The first time I saw Speedy's Ginzu swords unleash the "Cat's Eye Slash", I thought to myself "I'd love to be able to unleash that kind of force on some of those bozos that make school a living nightmare for me every day"

Well, I guess its' better than using a gun.....  :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 24, 2007, 01:47:59 am
Yeah......too bad stuff like that doesn't exist in the real world. :(

Alas.........if only they'd give us back our Pizza Cats, then all would be well again. ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on May 25, 2007, 06:41:10 pm
The first time I saw Speedy's Ginzu swords unleash the "Cat's Eye Slash", I thought to myself "I'd love to be able to unleash that kind of force on some of those bozos that make school a living nightmare for me every day". I also wished that I could retaliate like Guido does, with the Samurai Sunspot Umbrella. I'd hypnotize those bozos, and make them do all kinds of embarrassing things. Ahhhhhhh........the wonderful memories of watching Samurai Pizza Cats. Watching that show after a hard day at school always made me feel better.

I think I like you…as I have posted a lot of times, by the time I got interested in the show, it wasn’t aired anymore. You know, the whole thing about the tape I rented?. Ah the old times, like When I wasted a whole weekend downloading everything from the old SPClabs2...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 25, 2007, 10:16:52 pm
Yeah. It really ticks me off that they put such retarded, mind-rotting trash on the airwaves these days. I mean, the execs don't even care about what the fans want, all they care about is making money. I miss the good old days too, when American cartoons were high quality, and were ALWAYS amusing. BRING BACK THE PIZZA CATS!!!!! LISTEN TO US, THE FANS (unless, of course, you want to receive Polly Esther's fury!)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ksim3000 on May 25, 2007, 10:39:50 pm
Hi there,

The name's Ksim3000 and I've been viewing this forum for a few months but I decided to finally come on and join. I must admit though, it does seem pretty quiet which is a shame although I do hope to make a few pals here, afterall, I have noticed that the age group for SPC lovers is around my age (I'm the ancient 19 years of age :p) so it is something dear to our hearts.

Anyway, I'll see what happens and I do like to RP on AIM sometimes so if anyone is interesting, even just chatting about SPC, that'd be good. Too much of this Metal Alchemist and not enough Pizza Cats!

Seriously, it's the only Anime/Cartoon that I can get into really.

Cheers, Ksim.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on May 26, 2007, 12:53:02 am
I like FMA, but Samurai Pizza Cats is the way I was introduced to anime. It was the only good thing about being home sick from school with the flu, since I got to watch 5 comedy-packed episodes of Speedy, Guido, and Polly kicking Ninja Crow tailfeathers, and seeing Cheese blow up from his tantrums every time he lost. I swear, the Big Cheese is probably one of the dumbest cartoon villains ever.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ksim3000 on May 26, 2007, 11:42:02 am
I like FMA, but Samurai Pizza Cats is the way I was introduced to anime. It was the only good thing about being home sick from school with the flu, since I got to watch 5 comedy-packed episodes of Speedy, Guido, and Polly kicking Ninja Crow tailfeathers, and seeing Cheese blow up from his tantrums every time he lost. I swear, the Big Cheese is probably one of the dumbest cartoon villains ever.

Well from watching the couple of fan translated KNT episodes, the Big Cheese seems more sharper than on the English series. I think it's generally down to that with the English series, they made it more into a cartoon where as with KNT, it did have it's more mature elements. On the first episode, the Big Cheese recommends all the members commit suicide (seppuku) with failure to deal with the dragon. For English and other Western kids, that wouldn't excately be appropriate.....

I guess they just dumbed down the Big Cheese a bit. But still, he is one of my favourite characters.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: The Jack on June 10, 2007, 09:18:30 pm
for me i would say it was during my high school years
i believe i was working on my writing at some early hour in the day when i saw it
almost instantly i was hooked
the animation was awesome
the writing hilarous
the characters were all funny!
*magical ginsu sword*
after being exposed to the cats,
life just was never the same
so when are they gonna put out a box set of dvds of those kitties so i can feed my addiction daily??

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on June 11, 2007, 03:06:38 pm
There are some funny things in the media, like Full “Metal PAnic? FuMoFu”, that is a parody of Full Metal Panic, one authorized by the author. And Avatar, And "Hyperforce" (Short name for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Robot_Monkey_Team_Hyperforce_Go!) too bad that when the Skeleton King revives and he looks like a freaking clone of you know who.


server: irc.esper.net

channel: #SPC

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 11, 2007, 03:20:05 pm
*shudder* DONT REMIND ME OF THAT HORRIBLE SHOW....those monkeys where EVIL!

& the sad thing is...i kinda remember watchin it...b4 it came back...its either that...or a weird episode of Sonic Undergroud!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on June 11, 2007, 08:11:56 pm
its either that...or a weird episode of Sonic Undergroud!

Oh... ...dear god... ...no.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on June 11, 2007, 11:00:39 pm
Let's get back to discussing our first experiences of the greatness that is Samurai Pizza Cats. Anyone else care to share their memories of how they were introduced to this awesome show?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: runia24 on June 15, 2007, 03:57:39 pm
I've only been a fan for about a month, but I can safely say this is my new favorite anime.

Anyway, I was feeling nostalgic, so I went on YouTube and searched for a whole bunch of old anime/american cartoons, when I found this show called Samurai Pizza Cats. Well, I thought Samurai were cool, I liked pizza, and my family has two cats, so I thought "What the heck?" and watched an episode (the first one.)

Needless to say I was hooked instantly. Right now I've seen the first four episodes.

But yeah, SPC is awesome3.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on June 15, 2007, 04:43:38 pm
You can download a bunch of the episodes at the following link, then save them to a blank DVD-disc, which you can probably find at most electronics stores. http://www.edoropolis.org/spclabs2/Eps.html

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: runia24 on June 15, 2007, 04:46:21 pm
You can download a bunch of the episodes at the following link, then save them to a blank DVD-disc, which you can probably find at most electronics stores. http://www.edoropolis.org/spclabs2/Eps.html

That's where I got them. I've already DLed 5-8 (except 6 doesn't work for me), I just need to watch them.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on June 15, 2007, 04:49:51 pm
It's too bad that they haven't released a DVD set of the eps. They release DVD's of cartoons that never should have existed, but the good stuff like Samurai Pizza Cats gets forgotten, except for the memories of the fans like us here on this and other SPC sites. I wish something could be done to get a DVD boxed set released for Samurai Pizza Cats.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: LadyFlame on July 06, 2007, 02:46:13 pm
I first saw SPC when it first appeared in the UK.  It was 1991, I was 10 (that makes me 26 now, in case you're wondering) and it was on the old Saturday morning show Motormouth.  At the time, they described it as "taking the UK by storm" but in reality, it never really did that well over here as far as I could tell.  I was hooked straightaway and I never forgot it, even after Motormouth finished and the show disappeared.  A few episodes were shown during the summer of 1995 but then it sadly vanished again.  Then late last year, someone posted a "nostalgic cartoons" thread on another forum and SPC got a mention.  I started checking out Web sites, got watching some episodes and fell totally back in love with the show (not that I ever really fell out of it).  So here I am! 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 06, 2007, 03:21:18 pm
That's an interesting story. Thanks for sharing, LadyFlame, and welcome aboard! I know what you mean about so many good shows going out before their time. It's the same way here in the States. Cartoons in America were really cool from the 80's up to and including the mid-90's, but after that, every channel has since been flooded by stuff that I can't bear to watch. Youtube is a good place to watch Pizza Cats eps., if you want to check that out. ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 06, 2007, 04:06:25 pm
its either that...or a weird episode of Sonic Undergroud!

Oh... ...dear god... ...no.
yes, teh evilness!!!

Welcome, nice story, if i remember correctly, from Wikipedia, SPC was shown on ITV & BBC i blame the Big Cheese & his High Def TV's!!!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 06, 2007, 04:33:15 pm

One of my favorite memories of Samurai Pizza Cats was the part of the Ep. "Pizza Delivery Of Doom", when Jerry Atrick insults Cheese about his breath, and Cheese fails to realize that he'd just been insulted. He's so stupid, it's no wonder he looses all the time.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: LadyFlame on July 08, 2007, 01:41:21 pm
Welcome, nice story, if i remember correctly, from Wikipedia, SPC was shown on ITV & BBC i blame the Big Cheese & his High Def TV's!!!

As far as I know, it was never shown on the BBC, just ITV.  I'm willing to be proved wrong, though!  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 08, 2007, 02:39:46 pm
Check Wikipedia, and type "Samurai Pizza Cats" in the search box. It should list somewhere in the article all the networks in each country that have aired it.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 09, 2007, 10:20:30 am
yup, its was shown in israel on "Jetix" & jetix is also in england as well!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 09, 2007, 09:06:36 pm
It's a real shame that none of the networks these days care about showing QUALITY cartoons like Samurai Pizza Cats. All they want to show, for the most part, is trash that looks as if it was done by someone that had been up all night, and was half asleep while doing the artwork and animation. (Just my opinion of MOST of today's stuff).

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 10, 2007, 01:22:02 pm
Uka Uka style (from Crash Bash, intro): For once, i agree

normal voice: take for example, Bobobo bo-bo bobo, that in its right mind is rubbish, its about nose-hair, the current cartoons/anime hae no imagenion, its like choosing 3 randomwords, like help fish meat, ya can make, "Help, I'm eating fish meat" thats how poor the cartoons r these days!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 10, 2007, 10:38:45 pm
My thoughts exactly. That's why I'm so glad I was able to burn the Pizza Cats episodes onto recordable DVD's. That, and I also watch the ones on Youtube, both the English language ones, and the two eps. that they have of KNT.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 11, 2007, 01:37:35 pm
well, i just download the SPC episodes, more easy for me, IMO

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 11, 2007, 01:49:55 pm
Well, whatever works. As long as you're able to see the eps. of this great show, that's all that matters. ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Kits'Okami (fr. Dragonfox) on July 11, 2007, 04:12:50 pm
Yo! Dragonfox here, new EE forum member and new SPC fan!

To be honest, I didn't really get into Samurai Pizza Cats until sometime last week (::)). My dad introduced it to me a really long time ago when I tuned in to an episode incidentally(back when Jetix was called Fox Kids UK), but I didn't bother to watch it (I was just getting into Digimon at the time). It was only when I saw a member from another forum I frequently visit get into it (he's on this forum too. Truro anybody?) when I decided to finally give it a try.

I joined this forum so I could find out a bit more about it (and get better at drawing the characters). I've gotta say, it's a really addictive show! ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 11, 2007, 10:38:01 pm
What's your fave ep. so far, and which characters do you like best?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Kits'Okami (fr. Dragonfox) on July 12, 2007, 08:12:57 am
I don't have a favourite episode yet, but Guido is my favourite character. He reminds of a guy I knew.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 12, 2007, 01:40:01 pm
I like Speedy (#1), Polly (#2), Guido (#3), Lucille (#4), Francine (#5), and Bad/Good Bird (#6). Princess Vi is also a fave of mine. I love her hilarious outbursts.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SolarState on July 25, 2007, 07:19:39 pm
My first viewing of pizza cats was during one of those ITV children's shows (maybe motormouth as posted earlier) aired back in the early 90's.  I didn't turn into a big fan of it as there wasn't much of a story/plot to many jokes in the episodes, my opinion would change after watching the Japanese version (subbed) recently.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 26, 2007, 12:27:06 am
I've seen both the Japanese eps. on Youtube, and I've got the English series on recordable DVD's. I loved the show from the start.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 26, 2007, 11:11:53 am
My first viewing of pizza cats was during one of those ITV children's shows (maybe motormouth as posted earlier) aired back in the early 90's.  I didn't turn into a big fan of it as there wasn't much of a story/plot to many jokes in the episodes, my opinion would change after watching the Japanese version (subbed) recently.

ah motor mouth, then it became SMTV:Live a few years after SPC was shown on it!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 26, 2007, 04:55:20 pm
I see...thanks for the little history lesson there! ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 26, 2007, 05:27:43 pm
I see...thanks for the little history lesson there! ;)
that info was taken from Wikipedia!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 26, 2007, 11:22:37 pm
Still, thanks for sharing it, so anyone who hadn't seen that info yet could learn it.

Anybody else care to share their first introductions to Samurai Pizza Cats?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Flash Kid on July 27, 2007, 01:26:29 pm
yup, its was shown in israel on "Jetix" & jetix is also in england as well!
And in the U.S. and in Mexico (That's as far as I know. ) :P

EDIT: I originally spelled "far" as "fat" XD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 27, 2007, 01:43:45 pm
yup, its was shown in israel on "Jetix" & jetix is also in england as well!
And in the U.S. and in Mexico (That's as fat as I know. ) :P
yep, its now the uk version of "FoxKids" with that evil X face! BRING BACK FOXKIDS & EEK THE CAT!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 27, 2007, 03:45:56 pm
Amen to that, along with Samurai Pizza Cats! ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 27, 2007, 04:01:30 pm
Amen to that, along with Samurai Pizza Cats! ;)
i can think of MANY more shows:
The Tick
The Mask
What's With Andy
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
Sailor Moon
Kids from Room 402
Flint the Time Detective
(Note: Did not air Series 4; status of Series 5 unknown - will air in US in summer 2007 as Digimon: Data Squad. Status for UK is unknown.)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

those i can remember, well i checked what was on Wikipedia under "Jetix TV Shows UK" & those where what i could remember liking!

@Digimon...damn FTW i miss digimon!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 27, 2007, 11:42:23 pm
Yeah, I know. I hate all these whiny soccer moms these days that cause good cartoons like that to get killed before their time.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 28, 2007, 09:20:24 am
yeah, if some of those, not all of them where back on TV, then i'd be on the internet less, ah well, as the QUEEN song goes, THE SHOW MUST GO ON

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 28, 2007, 11:55:34 am
That is so true, my friend. Unfortunately, as long as the whiny soccer moms and the idiots at the FCC have their way (CURSE THEM  >:[ , we'll probably never see the Pizza Cats on the air again, unless some miracle happens.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 28, 2007, 01:32:45 pm
true, even tho i could try & request SPC to be shown on ITV2 in the morning after septemember, so i can watch SPC while eating breakfast!!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 28, 2007, 01:45:20 pm
I only wish American TV networks would listen to what the fans want to see, and not the whiny soccer moms, and the hoity-toity braindead idiots at the FCC.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 28, 2007, 02:54:54 pm
I only wish American TV networks would listen to what the fans want to see, and not the whiny soccer moms, and the hoity-toity braindead idiots at the FCC.
yeah, but still, i dont know whether it would work, but alas, its worth a try!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Kits'Okami (fr. Dragonfox) on July 28, 2007, 03:52:45 pm
There's a SKY Digital channel in the UK called POP which shows old cartoons a lot. I think if anyone should get the rights to air SPC, it should be them (especially as their choice of programmes are quite dull).

I dunno if the US has this channel, though...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 28, 2007, 04:07:48 pm
There's a SKY Digital channel in the UK called POP which shows old cartoons a lot. I think if anyone should get the rights to air SPC, it should be them (especially as their choice of programmes are quite dull).

I dunno if the US has this channel, though...
ah yes, channel 619, might have them try & show it, they show the American version of Dennis The Menace, which was shown on FoxKids UK back in the '90's!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 28, 2007, 06:30:15 pm
I miss the good times of the 90's, when you could always find something entertaining to watch on America's airwaves during the daytime hours. Now, it's all been taken over by pointless trash.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 28, 2007, 06:39:09 pm
I miss the good times of the 90's, when you could always find something entertaining to watch on America's airwaves during the daytime hours. Now, it's all been taken over by pointless trash.
yes, like on ABC, "Mickey Mouse's PLay house" & "Cartoon Network" *shudder i remember COW & CHICKHEN!

i think its best we continue this convo in " the longest thread" ;) IMO

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on July 28, 2007, 11:40:54 pm
Yeah, I agree. Go ahead and lock this one down.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 01, 2007, 04:32:46 pm
(from the smoke ashura the ninpo appear hi am new   )

the first time i saw  christmas 200  it was the dub version it great but last night i saw the japanese opening and  some of   the first episode  the  man  it blow my mind i  i hope the subb gets on DVD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 01, 2007, 05:22:45 pm
Seeing as Saban went under a few years ago, It's not very likely, unless some other company decides to pick up the slack.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 01, 2007, 06:34:58 pm
ahh well i live in the uk you see  and fox kids just put in on one day it was like celebrate anime day

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 01, 2007, 10:46:34 pm
That sounds cool. Over here in Massachusetts, we've got a couple of channels that show anime, but I haven't seen Samurai Pizza Cats on TV for a long time now. I hate the trash that passes for animation these days in America (At least during the morning/afternoon). I used to watch Samurai Pizza Cats everyday when I got home from school. Seeing the Big Cheese's stupidity always cheered me up after a hard day at school.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 02, 2007, 07:40:31 am
Thats  sad  i feel so sorry for you :(.  KNT is a great anime both dubb and sub andi hope a tv box set comes out on DVD Soon

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 02, 2007, 08:30:07 am
ahh well i live in the uk you see  and fox kids just put in on one day it was like celebrate anime day

O_O what year was that?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on October 02, 2007, 08:57:38 am
ahh well i live in the uk you see  and fox kids just put in on one day it was like celebrate anime day

O_O what year was that?

Yeah, when was it? I remember that Sailor Moon and Flint the Time Detective were on Fox Kids at some point.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 17, 2007, 10:42:56 pm
iti is a good  anime  :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 18, 2007, 12:42:54 am
It most certainly is. What's your favorite episode, and how did you come across it?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 05:00:57 pm
the first time i saw  christmas 200  it was the dub version it great but last night i saw the japanese opening and  some of   the first episode  the  man  it blow my mind i  i hope the subb gets on DVD  and now i hane have sent for the 26 eps box set and i have not see a nuff to give a good anser

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 19, 2007, 05:27:04 pm
I see. Well, after you see a few more episodes, I'll be waiting to hear from you on which ones you like best.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 05:32:53 pm
Thanks man i will.   :polly: :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 19, 2007, 05:49:51 pm
No problem. Who's your favorite character so far?

I personally like Speedy, Guido, Polly, Lucille, Francine, Al Dente, Bad Bird/Good Bird, Carla (Good Bird's gf), and Princess Vi.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 05:54:04 pm
Polly Chan :-* >:[ ;] :polly:  :D  no doubt about it thanks for asking.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 19, 2007, 05:56:51 pm
I can understand why. She's definitely a VERY cool cat! She's strong, brave, and dedicated to her job, not to mention her friends.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 06:57:33 pm
Yeah she great.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 19, 2007, 07:06:00 pm
I can understand why. She's definitely a VERY cool cat! She's strong, brave, and dedicated to her job, not to mention her friends.

you 4got one thing....

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 07:17:28 pm
What thats shes the most beautiful   sexy lovely sweet kind  loveing careing  cute thing that ever walk the earth a thousand and one over.  :polly:  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 19, 2007, 07:22:11 pm
What thats shes the most beautiful   sexy lovely sweet kind  loveing careing  cute thing that ever walk the earth .   :polly:  :D

yes...but..she's in Bat Cats's PlayBoy Magazine :lol:

& i think OVER 9000 would be a much better than 1001

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 07:24:28 pm
Not very funny This guys got no respect for polly chan . >:(

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on October 19, 2007, 07:25:12 pm
yes...but..she's in Bat Cats's PlayBoy Magazine :lol:

& i think OVER 9000 would be a much better than 1001


Just stop.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 19, 2007, 07:28:12 pm
Not very funny This guys got no respect for polly chan . >:(

oh come on...i was actually gonna say ya missed out sexy...but i wanted to fill up my sig...so i'm sorry....

@D-mac....damn you...you cut in when i was about to post...yeah i'll try & stop...geez

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 07:37:34 pm
Well that  kanied of thing is constierd offensive to a big very big polly fan  llke my self.  >:[  >:(

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 19, 2007, 07:42:04 pm
Well that  kanied of thing is constierd offensive to a big very big polly fan  llke my self.  >:[  >:(

well i'm a big polly fan myself..& i try & to poke fun @ others...as you can see in my famous SIG...i keep staring at ur aatar....& Polly keeps staring back...like she's gonna whack Speedy with a frying pan...or something

i think i've bee on the PC for to long 2day...so i'm talking rubbish!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 07:46:16 pm
Yeah it is a is a geart pic of polly  her eyes are really beautiful   in that pic ahh her eyes  just one of the many things i love about pollchan.  :polly:  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 19, 2007, 07:55:40 pm
Yeah it is a is a geart pic of polly  her eyes are really beautiful   in that pic ahh her eyes  just one of the many things i love about pollchan.  :polly:  :D

yeah for "Pollchan" - who the tick & teck is "pollchan"? lol j/k

polly looks like she is gonna do something evil, like i said in my last post...maybe we can think of the random things that she could be doing, like a funny bit :D - i say she's gonna draw glasses & a moustache on Speedy & Guido during the night with obscene images LOL, no offence tis only i joke :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 19, 2007, 07:59:16 pm
well she looks like she geting ready to do some thing lol  :polly:  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 10:28:05 am
well she looks like she geting ready to do some thing lol  :polly:  :D

like what? lol :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 10:29:29 am
geting some pay back  >:[

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 10:53:59 am
geting some pay back  >:[

maybe for Speedy cheatin on her LOL

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 10:58:39 am
nah seepdy likes Lucille

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 11:00:00 am
nah seepdy likes Lucille

in Episode 50 & 51 he admits he's in love with Polly, i think

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 11:02:31 am
yeah i konw i just all ways thort that evan thao he said he loved polly hed some how end up with Lucille

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 11:07:22 am
yeah i konw i just all ways thort that evan thao he said he loved polly hed some how end up with Lucille

naw Guido is with Lucille

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 11:10:11 am
well i always thort  Guido  and Francine  but it all up in the air cos of the manga am not shuer but i think its set some time atfter the anime and no one realy seem to be in to one nuffer

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 11:11:45 am
well i always thort  Guido  and Francine  but it all up in the air cos of the manga am not shuer but i think its set some time atfter the anime and no one realy seem to be in to one nuffer

Francine had a BoyFriend one time...but she didnt much time...its in one fo the episodes...Gender Bender Butterflies

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 11:14:29 am
well mebey the two brock up some relshnships don't last and then Guido swooped in

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 11:39:04 am
well mebey the two brock up some relshnships don't last and then Guido swooped in

yeah...but i dont think that Guido loves Francine...as she cant AIM :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 11:44:34 am
well i think you can still love some one evan if they can't AIM

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 12:03:29 pm
yeah...but the fought of Guido & Francine loving each other.....its inhuman!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 12:13:04 pm
well i don't see how  ?:|

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 12:16:40 pm
well i don't see how  ?:|

they dont anything in common

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 12:19:47 pm
opsits atract

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 20, 2007, 12:23:34 pm
thats not always the case...Guido is the opposite of Speedy...& they dont attact....unless.......NOOOOOO

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 20, 2007, 12:24:30 pm

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 21, 2007, 12:19:17 am
We're kinda drifting off topic again...just a friendly heads-up.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 21, 2007, 07:14:17 am
We're kinda drifting off topic again...just a friendly heads-up.

er Raz, we ALWAYS go off-topic, we cant stay on-topic all all the time, its kinda boring, if you notice, must of the threads here go off-topic, but sooner or later we get back on topic, without being requested

so what i'm saying, ya dont need to say to us, to get back on topic, no offence or anything ;)


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 21, 2007, 01:54:34 pm
Sorry about that.

Anyway, what's goin' on with you lately?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 21, 2007, 02:37:20 pm
Did you me cos if you did then mean me then not much but thanks for asking.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 21, 2007, 02:38:54 pm
Sorry about that.

Anyway, what's goin' on with you lately?

ah no worries...maybe you can join in with the longest thread...as you seem like a good poster...same with you Genji!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Genji on October 21, 2007, 02:40:08 pm
thanks but what is the longest thred

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 21, 2007, 02:44:09 pm

thats the longest thread..its got general chat...so ya can talk about ANYTHING

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on October 21, 2007, 08:58:54 pm
Sounds cool, and I'll check it out.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on November 05, 2007, 06:07:19 am
Well blast me out of that big cannon atop the Pizza Cat pizza parlor....where does the time go?

I've been gone WAY too long.  Yikes!  Trust me, it was an unintentional nearly 2-year hiatus that should NOT have happened.  It took me a while to find this board again, and now that I looked at the few (dozen or so) posts I did before I went 'poof', I should have found my way back here earlier than I did.

It's a long story....so I won't bore you all.  In short form....a hard drive crash, life in general, various work and other odds and ends.....yeah, too preoccupied with other things over the past nearly 2 years yours truely has been MIA.

Rather than repeat my intro I made back on 1-12-06, I'll just redirect everyone new and old to page 8 of this long thread for any newcomers since my joining here.

Scroll down miday on this page for my introduction and First SPC Experience (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=74.msg6567#msg6567)

Time for me to dig in and get back to work here.  Missed this place and I STILL miss the show.

Be seeing everyone on the other boards.  =^-^=

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on November 05, 2007, 07:33:42 pm
It's nice to see that you were able to find your way back to the community. Welcome back! ;)

Title: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: pollygirl on November 23, 2007, 01:14:28 am
Hi there, I'm pollygirl. I've just joined cause I'm a Pizza Cats convert. I vvas introduced to this neat cartoon by a friend via youtube, and novv I love it! It's funny as hell and even touching at some ppoints!

I'm a huge Speedy/Polly shipper!! Come ON,  those 2 belong together! I can name LOTS of eps I've seen besides Big Comet Caper vvhere they shovved LOTS of affection tovvard each other!

But I have to admit, I hate Guido!!! I'm sorry but I can't STAND him!  I hate hovv he treats Speedy! I'm sorry, but I can believe Speedy and Polly are best friends, but I cannot believe  he and Guido vvould be! They do NOT act like best friends at all! I just don't like him.

Anyvvay I do look forvvard to chatting vvith you about this great shovv!

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: felineki on November 23, 2007, 03:55:08 am
Hey, welcome to the forum. We've actually got a topic specifically for new member introductions right here, (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=74.0) which would have been a better place to post this than in a new topic. But you're new, so we won't ship you off to prisoner island this time. :P

As for Guido, I don't like him as much as I like Speedy and Polly, but I don't dislike him. The show wouldn't be the same without him. And even though he and Speedy are often at each other's throats, it's part of what keeps the show entertaning and defines their characters.

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: TGLucario475 on November 23, 2007, 06:12:06 am
welcome to the forum, finally, new blood to bully LOL j/k

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: Daisensei on November 23, 2007, 11:05:35 am
Who? Polly girl? Are you Polly Pocket?  ?:|
Sorry, I'm only kidding!  :gurulou:
:speedy: and :guido: are good friends, except when matter refers to  :lucille:. However when they fight bad dudes, they are inseparable allies.

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: Blackcat on November 23, 2007, 07:31:55 pm
Hi, welcome to the freak show, make fun of Speedy being short, feed the Blackcat and give the Old Guru Lou some dirty magazines!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tsunamidusher on November 27, 2007, 09:54:59 am
I was in Jr High, 4th or 5th grade I think, And it was on at my school in the mornings before school began.

I watched that show religiously up till it went off the air. Still, that show was something that really left it's impression; the jokes, the characters, the color scheme and style... oh yes, great show!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on November 27, 2007, 01:24:02 pm

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on November 27, 2007, 04:22:21 pm
well i don't see how  ?:|

they dont anything in common

That’s why in the I-fic, Guido and Francine are only friends, and I had to invent a girl just for Guido to have a date, but don’t worry, the girl will dump Guido in episode 6, that will be released in like... 20 years. And in episode 3 (estimated release data 2008/2009) Francine is still dating Bucky.

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: Crow on November 27, 2007, 10:10:44 pm
Welcome to Hell.

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: SteC on November 28, 2007, 08:51:28 pm
Sorry I didn't get to welcome you earlier... You'll have a blast here in EE!  :kaboom:

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: LadyFlame on November 30, 2007, 07:00:23 pm
*waves*  Hi Pollygirl, welcome to our little corner of the Web!  Hope you like it here.

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: KageReneko on December 06, 2007, 08:52:21 pm
Welcome to the forum... Why don't you like Guido??? Speedy is my favorite but Guido has the coolest figthing techniques!!! You say Guido doesn't treat well Speedy but you must accept that Speedy treats Guido in the same way... In fact the both of them also treat Polly innthat way and Polly is a REAL pest treating Speedy and Guido... I think all the Pizza Cats treat their mates in that way excpet Francine (I think this just is cause she controls the pay checks...)  :O  ?:|  >:[

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: pollygirl on December 06, 2007, 09:24:52 pm
You say Guido doesn't treat well Speedy but you must accept that Speedy treats Guido in the same way...

True, but Guido starts the vvhole thing usually, like in 'Stop Dragon My Cat Around' and 'Big Cheese shovvs His Filmy Substance'. He just cant mind his ovvn business sometimes! Also in the beginning of 'Polly's Magical Flute', Guido pulls the stool out from under Speedy and causes him to hit his head for no real good reason at all,  all the guy vvanted to do vvas take a small nap!

In fact the both of them also treat Polly innthat way and Polly is a REAL pest treating Speedy and Guido

Actually I think Speedy treats Polly better than Guido does, and she seems to favor him a little bit more ( I named a fevv examples in the couples section.)

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: formallykat on December 10, 2007, 02:55:47 am
You don't like Guido? Don't ever go to Italy :P

Title: Re: Hi. I'm pollygirl
Post by: D-Mac on December 10, 2007, 11:00:49 pm
Can someone please fuse this with the "Introductions / Your First SPC Experience" thread?

Title: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on December 11, 2007, 08:12:03 pm
Can someone please fuse this with the "Introductions / Your First SPC Experience" thread?


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cougar67 on January 03, 2008, 08:29:24 am
Hello all!

In truth, I forgot this show existed. Kinda different though. I didn't forget - it was like I didn't know it existed. I must have been around 4 or 5 when I first saw this show. I wasn't old enough to understand or remember anything.

The other day I was searching for old cartoon intros on youtube. I found a 30 minute amalgamation of 90s clips and sat through them, skipping the ones I didn't know. Near the end, the intro to SPC (as you guys call it) came on - and recollection hit me. I had no idea what this show was, yet I remembered things. I recognised the song, and I recognised certain screens, such as the lead character (apparently called Speedy), the gun-shaped head quarters, the villain, and oddly, the scratch claws. Afterwards, I felt something strange. Nostalgia I guess. I imagine that is what it would feel like if someone removed one of your memories. Then you see something that makes you remember, yet you still don't know what you've seen.

So I youtubed a few clips, that I suspect some of you lot are responsible for. Surprisingly, it was quite funny and refreshing. I bet I didn't get any of those jokes as a kid. I only really remembered the main character and those two moles that look up after the launch and say something silly. Oh and I remembered certain parts of the launch sequence. Anyway, one thing led to another, and now I have found this forum, donated to the Hylia database (after realising there is poor DVD release of SPC), and about to embark on a long journey. There are some other anime I'd love to check out also, but I'll credit SPC and this forum for getting me started. This community seemed so friendly and cool, I had to sign up!

Essentially, I don't remember this show at all. But I do remember loving it. A lot. So I look forward to watching it for what will feel like the first time.

One question: any other Aussies here?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on January 03, 2008, 09:36:51 am
Again has been demostrated that SPC is more than an anime, is a kind of mental trauma that we can't wipe out of our brains no matter if we don't remind it... it just need a little image, video or song for trigger that obsession that has kept this forum open for so many years as far...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Helios on January 03, 2008, 10:34:57 am
One question: any other Aussies here?
*Raises hand* One right here! Welcome to the forums mate and enjoy yourself.  =]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on January 03, 2008, 11:29:17 am
NOOOOO not another Aussie T_T

lol j/k....we have another aussie somewhere, but he's into well...the naughty side of SPC....the HARD stuff soo to speak!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Andy on January 04, 2008, 02:54:36 am
One question: any other Aussies here?

I believe there's one, but he hasn't been active on here for over a year and lately. He hasn't been much active at all as of lately. His name is Kitfox.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on January 04, 2008, 05:17:52 am
One question: any other Aussies here?

I believe there's one, but he hasn't been active on here for over a year and lately. He hasn't been much active at all as of lately. His name is Kitfox.

He's a good artist too, but a shame we haven't heard from him in a while.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cougar67 on January 05, 2008, 05:29:38 am
So far I have only watched the first three episodes. I really liked the second episode, but not so much the first and third. They seemed to be lacking something. Maybe the creators hadn't quite nailed it, but episode 2 was great. I can already see some repeating trends. I remember the bad guy blowing up all the time. Lucille is surprisingly funny. At least Speedy didn't fall into the water again in episode three.

I like the fanclub bit at the end. ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on January 05, 2008, 11:50:48 am
That bad guy that always explodes is Seymour 'Big' Cheese, and you're right, he's hilarious when he blows up, and Lucille is pretty funny too. I hadn't seen this show in years, until I came across it on Youtube, and it's brought back so many fond memories.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Sarahsuke on January 11, 2008, 06:13:51 pm
Hello! I finally decided to join since my friend Truro is here, too. Wouldn't want him to get lonely, after all.  =]

I was in 3rd or 4th grade when Samurai Pizza Cats first aired where I lived; watching it was my main incentive for waking up to go to school. I doodled fan art while in class, and even tried to make an SPC-themed shirt. None of my friends at the time were into the show as much as I was, and didn't really understand what I was yammering on about most of the time.

SPC eventually ended its run, and I felt like there was something missing from my mornings. Years passed, and I moved on to other fandoms. It wasn't until I discovered the internet that my love for SPC was rekindled, but I earnestly wish that I could recapture that childhood magic despite becoming such a huge pervert nowadays.

(Also, I partially blame SPC for attracting me to the Ganbare Goemon series, since they're pretty similar. I wish we had people like Daisensei in that fandom, it'd help out a LOT...)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Truro on January 11, 2008, 06:17:16 pm
Glad to have you with us, at last, Sarah  ;) SPC was pretty much the only reason I wanted to get up on weekdays, too  :-*


Goemon: OMICHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!! Oh wait wrong one. Did you see a girl in a red kimono?
Omitsu (KNT): That way I think.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on January 11, 2008, 08:03:38 pm
Likewise. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you have a wonderful time here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on January 11, 2008, 10:05:27 pm
Hi welcome to the forum, please dont feed the blackcat, it needs to lose weight!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 11, 2008, 10:13:54 pm
Hi welcome to the forum, please dont feed the blackcat, it needs to lose weight!


That quote sounds familiar for some reason... Hmmmm...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on January 12, 2008, 06:33:14 am
Hi welcome to the forum, please dont feed the blackcat, it needs to lose weight!


That quote sounds familiar for some reason... Hmmmm...


dun dun duuun

welcome Sara....i hope Truro isnt as boring in real lie as on here ^_^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Truro on January 12, 2008, 08:37:38 am
Hi welcome to the forum, please dont feed the blackcat, it needs to lose weight!


That quote sounds familiar for some reason... Hmmmm...


dun dun duuun

welcome Sara....i hope Truro isnt as boring in real lie as on here ^_^

So I'm boring, just because I can actually spell the word 'life'? Or am I boring just because I actually took the time to read the forum rules?

Do not antagonize moderators or other members in your posts. - Repeated infractions are bannable. If you have a problem with another member, take it up with them personally, in a mature manner.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Sarahsuke on January 12, 2008, 12:33:35 pm
welcome Sara....i hope Truro isnt as boring in real lie as on here ^_^
Don't be hatin' on my friend, now.  :/

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on January 12, 2008, 02:49:49 pm
(Also, I partially blame SPC for attracting me to the Ganbare Goemon series, since they're pretty similar. I wish we had people like Daisensei in that fandom, it'd help out a LOT...)
I don't know about Ganbare Goemon, but I haven't enough time to work on more new projects anyway. Who knows if eventually somebody that understands Japanese and English would appear there. Welcome to EE, and thanks to Truro for making you joining in. :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on January 12, 2008, 03:21:31 pm
welcome Sara....i hope Truro isnt as boring in real lie as on here ^_^

You don't make it clear whether you're kidding or not with this statement, but either way, I don't at all care for these feeble attempts at humor at other's expense. Cut it out. This is a warning.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Sarahsuke on January 12, 2008, 04:21:32 pm
I don't know about Ganbare Goemon, but I haven't enough time to work on more new projects anyway. Who knows if eventually somebody that understands Japanese and English would appear there. Welcome to EE, and thanks to Truro for making you joining in. :-*
I have an extremely tenuous grasp of the language myself since I'm self-taught, and Ganbare Goemon is notorious for being difficult to translate for some reason. But I digress...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on January 12, 2008, 08:36:36 pm
welcome Sara....i hope Truro isnt as boring in real lie as on here ^_^

Hey now, let's not make any low blows to anyone, Truro's got no beef with anybody here.

And you don't want me beefing on you now, do you? ;3


-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 12, 2008, 10:47:50 pm
I think we all need to relax and merely WELCOME new people, not insult each other. [Right. Let's keep it that way - MM]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on January 13, 2008, 01:23:39 am
Yah. We're all gonna be like a bunch of Fonzies here.

And what's Fonzie like?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Sarahsuke on January 13, 2008, 03:57:51 am
Yah. We're all gonna be like a bunch of Fonzies here.

And what's Fonzie like?
He jumps over sharks and goes "Eeeeeeey!" a lot?  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on January 13, 2008, 02:08:55 pm
Yah. We're all gonna be like a bunch of Fonzies here.

And what's Fonzie like?
He jumps over sharks and goes "Eeeeeeey!" a lot?  :D

lol. You get a polly-point for that!  ;]

Whoever gives me the REAL answer gets two polly-points:  ;] ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 13, 2008, 08:31:09 pm
Yah. We're all gonna be like a bunch of Fonzies here.

And what's Fonzie like?
He jumps over sharks and goes "Eeeeeeey!" a lot?  :D

lol. You get a polly-point for that!  ;]

Whoever gives me the REAL answer gets two polly-points:  ;] ;]

That's right, he's cool. And we're all gonna be cool, aren't we Hunny Bunny.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on January 13, 2008, 11:04:30 pm

That's right, he's cool. And we're all gonna be cool, aren't we Hunny Bunny.


Whoever received polly-points may insert them in their signature if they choose. I'm keeping my own tally, so don't be cheat'n.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 13, 2008, 11:14:12 pm
Sweet, I got 2.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Sarahsuke on January 14, 2008, 01:26:56 am
lol. You get a polly-point for that!  ;]

Whoever gives me the REAL answer gets two polly-points:  ;] ;]
Yay, I got a point of some kind! I don't know what it's for, but I'm happy to win something anyways!  :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on January 14, 2008, 01:28:42 am
Congratulations, and I hope you enjoy your stay here, Sarahsuke! ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 15, 2008, 12:11:12 am
Well.. What can I say.. My story begins a number of years ago. I remember it like it was merely yesterday.

October 4th, 2002.

I was sitting in my university dorm room, board out of my freakin' skull, so I did what any bored university student would do; binge drink then google hilarious content from the past. Turns out, something in the back of my head yelled at me, "PIZZA CATS!" O_O So, I searched them up and found some old pages by long-gone fans.

That night, I added a few people to my IM lists. AM2K and Tigriss were the biggest two I managed to snag. It was 11:00 PM and I exchanged my first words with those two. Then the fiction writing began; and boy was it freakin' terrible. I stayed up until 4:00 AM writing straight with no breaks. When I finally stopped, I had about 13,500 words written. I still have the original copy laying about somewhere.

Years shifted by, more and more people were added to my friends list as my interest grew bigger. Then the big day hit. I got the entire series of SPC in a package from across the world, in DVD form! All 50 some episodes on a series of 7 discs... I was in heaven!

October 9th, 2006.

School was bad for me, so I left and got a job instead, plus fell in love with a fellow SPC fan from these forums. Yay! ^_^ By now, these forums were up and running and I was a benevolent moderator who was fair, just and simply pure evil. And you all knew your places, admit it. You were all scared when I was policing this place. >=3 Mwahaha.

May something, 2007

I quit and gave up the community. Or so I thought. Turns out that after 5 years, the pull of SPC and you people (most of your people) was strong enough for me to stay. But I did under a nick-name; Street Slyde. Haha, hilarious, I know. I told a few of you who I was, but now the time is right for me to come out of retirement and stay within this community of weirdo's, morons, assburgers syndrome-like nit-whits and the like. But I love it!

I don't have, nor want, my moderator powers back, because that frees me from having to stay within the realm of "being a nice representitive of the SPC community." Now, I'm free to do as I please, and have been doing so these past few months. Some of you don't like me, fine, I don't like you either. You can all go fornicate yourselves with long, metal stakes for all I care. I'm going to keep doing and saying the things I have been doing because it's constitutional. HISTORY!

Anyways, I'm back. Sup everyone. Time to wreck havoc and smash some noobs once again. I love it here.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on January 15, 2008, 12:26:49 am

What the...?

Does not compute!!!!!!!!!!


System Shut Down.


Holy Crap!!!!!

BURKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^

You've returned.

This is like the second coming of CHRIST, but better!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 15, 2008, 01:21:57 am
Pssh, it's no big deal. Though it is nice to relive how I found SPC.. Takes me back.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Methid Man on January 15, 2008, 01:49:52 am
::sees Burke's mask fall off:: Hos**t...I never would've guessed it was you... Talk about a twisted entrance. o_o

Welcome back, Burke. ;3

Haha... 'assburgers'...

-- Sam the Methid Man

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Truro on January 15, 2008, 03:26:27 am
 :O It was you all along! Its great to have you with us again, Burkey!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on January 15, 2008, 01:33:07 pm



so....it was actually april 1st you went, as i thought it was a april fools joke...

welcome back you you....THING!1

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 15, 2008, 07:34:45 pm
Naw, not an April Fools joke. I have to re-evalute some stuff. Seems I'm done with that, though I'm going to miss Street Slyde.

RIP Streets...  :'(

May, 2007 - January, 2008


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on January 16, 2008, 01:45:02 pm
dont ya mean Easy Streets?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 16, 2008, 07:15:34 pm
Same thing! I couldn't remember my original name after I changed it to Steet Slyde.

*Wears a black armband in mourning*


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on January 16, 2008, 08:04:00 pm
Welcome back, Burke!! New persona or no new persona, it wasn't the same with your original name, eh?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on January 17, 2008, 09:39:34 am
Same thing! I couldn't remember my original name after I changed it to Steet Slyde.

*Wears a black armband in mourning*


bullied by ya own name

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 06, 2008, 06:23:48 pm
I love how I said in my post where I revealed myself that I've come back to smash noobs and the like.. And that's exactly what I've pulled off here the past few days in the Fan Works board.. D'amn it feels good to be a gangsta.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 07, 2008, 02:19:40 pm
I love how I said in my post where I revealed myself that I've come back to smash noobs and the like.. And that's exactly what I've pulled off here the past few days in the Fan Works board.. D'amn it feels good to be a gangsta.


i think you have ADD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 07, 2008, 06:24:32 pm
I think you have ADHD.

A dirty, huge diaper.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 07, 2008, 06:37:43 pm
Dumb?  Not dirty?



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SteC on February 07, 2008, 08:09:01 pm
Ooooo. Good comeback with that razor wit of yours, Burkey.  8)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 07, 2008, 11:38:21 pm
Ooooo. Good comeback with that razor wit of yours, Burkey.  8)

Hell yeah, bro.   ;)

Unless you were being sarcastic.  >:[

But I don't think you were.  =]


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 08, 2008, 06:11:46 am
i actually HAVE ADHD, so for once you ARE correct

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 08, 2008, 07:28:58 am
i actually HAVE ADHD, so for once you ARE correct

Oh trust me, it shows.

A lot.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 08, 2008, 07:48:26 am
but too bad my Autism doesnt :D
well i hope so anyway

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on February 12, 2008, 01:10:35 am

I don't have ADD. But I do like SPC.  :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgriz27 on February 12, 2008, 01:15:58 am
Welcome aboard! It's always nice to see new members come in to share their love of this great series.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on February 12, 2008, 01:41:44 am

I don't have ADD. But I do like SPC.  :-*

Hello! And welcome to Edoropolis! ^_^

We hope you enjoy your stay
It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day.

We hope you enjoy your stay
Outside the sun is shinin'
It seems like heaven ain't far away.

It's good to have you with us
Even if it's just for the day.

- The Killers, Enterlude.

Don't feed the Harmonex.  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 12, 2008, 01:46:23 am
Don't feed the Harmonex.

I LOVE it so much that everyone copies me. Makes me feel great. :D

Welcome to Hell, new member! Around here is full of fire, brimstone and pizza.

I'd sell my SOUL for a pizza right about now............


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on February 12, 2008, 02:11:15 am
Is it OK to feed the Burkey some Pizza?


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 12, 2008, 02:19:38 am
Is it OK to feed the Burkey some Pizza?


Yes. I am the only one allowed to be fed.


PLEASE feed me! They're killing me here and letting me starve..!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Expresso on February 12, 2008, 07:32:29 am
Guess I can post here for some fun. I think I only know a couple people here from years ago, but maybe more. I've recently gotten back into pizza cats and am working on a 3d speedy that should be usable in games, as a mod or resource for something more serious.

My first SPC experience was probably in 98, was at a friend's birthday party and we all had lots of games and movies going, and one friend brought a tape of SPC to watch. This was at like 3am, which just makes something hilarious even more-so. I've forgotten most episode titles by heart, but I'm pretty sure it was The Nuclear Potato. I soon made it a habit to set my VCR to record at 5:30am.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 15, 2008, 05:56:04 pm
Phoniex Down.....reminds me of....ASTER CROW.....please dont be. her.....ooh?

welcome all newbies

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 15, 2008, 06:03:12 pm
well i didnt really know aster crow that well, but since Burkey returned, i expect EVERYTHING

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 15, 2008, 06:17:00 pm
but saying that, i'm EXPECTING something, which is nothing.....double positive

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on February 15, 2008, 06:35:30 pm
Phoenix Down is a staple item from RPGs, most notably the Final Fantasy series.

Thanks for finding the last piece of the puzzle, I knew Phoenix Down was familiar. And I know that both Burkey and Aster are HUGE FF fans.

Aster isn't an artist.

Not an artist you say?


Furthermore, Phoenix Down is an item used for resurrection. Think about it.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 15, 2008, 06:40:23 pm
Mechadon....you deserve TWO polly points for pwning Ham :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on February 15, 2008, 06:51:36 pm
Mechadon....you deserve TWO polly points for pwning Ham :D

No, I'm quite satisfied with the two I already have.

I seem to remember saying you could have another point.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 16, 2008, 08:48:05 am
mmmm pwned ham.

oh yeah...i must of forgot to add it :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 18, 2008, 02:05:04 pm
 which Quote?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 18, 2008, 02:41:54 pm
looks like it was deleted

now likes move from this thread :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 18, 2008, 04:20:58 pm
now likes move from this thread :D

"Me fail English?  That's unpossible!"


i type to fast for my own good :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on February 19, 2008, 03:13:37 am
Phoniex Down.....reminds me of....ASTER CROW.....please dont be. her.....ooh?
Phoenix Down is a staple item from RPGs, most notably the Final Fantasy series.  The name owns, and so does the picture.  Not surprised that someone would use it.  And, if memory serves (which varies), Aster isn't an artist.

*long, shocked, insulted gasp*


...TGL and Harmonex, you BOTH are twits! Harmonex- I don't care too much about what you said, because maybe you aren't fully acquainted with the founding members of the online SPC community, but TGL... you just opened Pandora's Box. You hoped it wasn't me, hmm? I remembered you as being the most obnoxious posting member here on the forum when I left, and it looks like things haven't changed too much. Hope you aren't too comfy, cause this bird's black feathers are settling in for the long haul.

Thanks for finding the last piece of the puzzle, I knew Phoenix Down was familiar. And I know that both Burkey and Aster are HUGE FF fans. Not an artist you say?


Furthermore, Phoenix Down is an item used for resurrection. Think about it.

*claps* Mechadon, give yourself a pat on the back, and another two polly points for cracking the ff/resurrection symbolism. It's good to know this forum isn't completely full of twits!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 19, 2008, 01:10:22 pm
my god, i was RIGHT, Aster Phoniex WAS, well IS Aster Crow

Me, Right? my god, thats a shock of ALL TwinSanity

yes, obnoxious, what you get is what you see :D

welcome back

my god, its hard not to be happy, that i was right that is :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on February 19, 2008, 09:06:17 pm
Please stay on topic folks.  >:[
All misc. stuff goes back into the General Discussion area.  ;)

Aster, welcome back. Hope you're doing well, and ready to rock'n'roll. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on February 20, 2008, 12:04:03 am
Much thanks Kyo ^_^ *hug* It's good to be back, and very good to see you as well.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ermine on April 09, 2008, 01:29:22 pm
I'm new, but it seems kinda dead here.  Oh well, I can live with that.

I watched Samurai Pizza Cats on YTV at lunch time every day when I was in elementary school (I'm 22 now, don't ask what I'm doing here).  I remember being a big fan of Speedy, though I don't know what I saw in him now that I'm older and wiser.  I also loved Bad Bird, but I can totally see why he was a favourite.  And I flip-flopped with what gender I perceived the Big Cheese as.  I was too young to understand crossdressing (seven or eight and pretty innocent) and his voice threw me for a loop, too.  I think I eventually landed on woman, and watching it now I got quite a surprise.

I'm generally not a big anime fan (with a few exceptions, Miyazaki stuff being one) but I love the ridiculous humour in this show, the dub particularly, and I find it's pretty entertaining for an adult with a warped sense of humour.  And it's one of the few good things in entertainment to come out of Canada. I'm allowed to say that because I'm Canadian.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on April 09, 2008, 01:58:15 pm
welcome, nice to see some fresh blood around here :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 09, 2008, 04:40:21 pm
I'm new, but it seems kinda dead here.  Oh well, I can live with that.

I watched Samurai Pizza Cats on YTV at lunch time every day when I was in elementary school (I'm 22 now, don't ask what I'm doing here).  I remember being a big fan of Speedy, though I don't know what I saw in him now that I'm older and wiser.  I also loved Bad Bird, but I can totally see why he was a favourite.  And I flip-flopped with what gender I perceived the Big Cheese as.  I was too young to understand crossdressing (seven or eight and pretty innocent) and his voice threw me for a loop, too.  I think I eventually landed on woman, and watching it now I got quite a surprise.

I'm generally not a big anime fan (with a few exceptions, Miyazaki stuff being one) but I love the ridiculous humour in this show, the dub particularly, and I find it's pretty entertaining for an adult with a warped sense of humour.  And it's one of the few good things in entertainment to come out of Canada. I'm allowed to say that because I'm Canadian.

Hey! Welcome to EE! I knew you we're Canadian; YTV was the dead give-away. I'm Canadian too. ^_^ I live in Toronto. Lots of people think Toronto is stinky and full of hobos. It only just so happens that all the stinky crazy hobos like to congregate at the bus and train terminals. So, people coming from way out of town are only seeing the hobos first. But once you get past all that, it's a cool city.

I know I've gone off topic, but my point is: never judge a place by the first person to greet you.  :D

We all have a warped sense of humour.  :P

Holy crap! I almost forgot. Don't feed the Cloud-boy. Feeding the Cloud-boy is bad!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on April 09, 2008, 06:15:00 pm
Toronto is a cess pool.

I should know, I created it that way.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Ermine on April 09, 2008, 06:32:37 pm
Mechadon, I went once when I was 7 and I don't recall any hobos.  But then... I was 7.  I'm from Nova Scotia, and most of the stereotypes about us are pretty accurate.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 09, 2008, 07:19:21 pm
Toronto is a cess pool.

I should know, I created it that way.


Yah, he's not making that up.

This guy planted some large spike/thorn thingy right in the center of downtown. It's was right in the middle of the road. You had to drive around it. All attempts of city officials to remove it had failed. Then at first sundown, these ancient runes appear on it's surface, and it sprouts feathers out the top. Legions of crows poured out in swarms and filled the skies with their shadows; that was the last day we saw the sun. Since then the "dark shard", as some people started to call it, has grown into a large citadel rivaling in hight with the Scotia Bank tower and has spawned many monstrosities. Heck, just the other day a Hell-bat stole my hotdog.  :'(

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on April 09, 2008, 08:11:54 pm
Hey, Welcome Ermine. Have fun.

Toronto is a cess pool.

I should know, I created it that way.


Yah, he's not making that up.

This guy planted some large spike/thorn thingy right in the center of downtown. It's was right in the middle of the road. You had to drive around it. All attempts of city officials to remove it had failed. Then at first sundown, these ancient runes appear on it's surface, and it sprouts feathers out the top. Legions of crows poured out in swarms and filled the skies with their shadows; that was the last day we saw the sun. Since then the "dark shard", as some people started to call it, has grown into a large citadel rivaling in hight with the Scotia Bank tower and has spawned many monstrosities. Heck, just the other day a Hell-bat stole my hotdog.  :'(
Sounds like a job for The Royal Canadian Dragoons and the 2 Combat Engineer Regiment. As for the crows, May I suggest a BB gun?

and Mech,  you made me sound like an evil guy. I know you aliens don't like Marines, but I haven't hurt you....yet.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on April 09, 2008, 08:43:12 pm
You're in luck. I've checked Tobin's Spirit Guide. The Dark Shard is Cambodian in origin. I need to find an old subterranean reliquary in Cambodia. I'm assembling a team to take a patrol-boat deep into the jungle. It would help if I had a Marine in my ranks. You know... just in case.  ;-)

That's right, Burkey, soon I'm going to undo what you did!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: smokenbird on May 11, 2008, 08:41:32 pm
hello  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on May 11, 2008, 08:44:00 pm
hello  :D

Sup newbie.

Don't feed the Off-Topic section and be sure to be a troll whenever possible.

Like me!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: smokenbird on May 11, 2008, 08:48:29 pm
hello  :D

Sup newbie.

Don't feed the Off-Topic section and be sure to be a troll whenever possible.

Like me!

haha sure i will
loved this show back in the day :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Helios on May 11, 2008, 11:08:46 pm
Reading back on this topic - seeing the amount of people who make an introduction and then have completely disappeared is pretty sad.  :'(

Welcome smokenbird. Hope to see you sticking around for a long time.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 12, 2008, 03:20:01 am
Reading back on this topic - seeing the amount of people who make an introduction and then have completely disappeared is pretty sad.  :'(

Welcome smokenbird. Hope to see you sticking around for a long time.

aye, but alas, maybe we should email them to come-back lol

welcome smokey!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Pieguy on June 04, 2008, 11:58:33 pm

Interestingly enough, I only learned about SPC a few weeks ago.  Once I found out about it, I decided to check it out because I had nothing better to do; I was instantly won over, and had soon watched every episode in English.  So here I am now, a rabid fan of the show who has joined this board to talk with other people who share my obsession.



*Gives everybody in topic a free pie*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on June 05, 2008, 12:13:40 am
Mmm, pie! Just don't feed the TGL. We have rules around here about that. *grin*

Welcome aboard!!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on June 05, 2008, 12:18:23 am

Interestingly enough, I only learned about SPC a few weeks ago.  Once I found out about it, I decided to check it out because I had nothing better to do; I was instantly won over, and had soon watched every episode in English.  So here I am now, a rabid fan of the show who has joined this board to talk with other people who share my obsession.



*Gives everybody in topic a free pie*

Pie? Is that the best you can offer?

Hmph, these new people know NOTHING of quality or appeasing their elders.

I bid good day to you, sir, or madam.

In other words; welcome to our humble little space on the great web.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on June 05, 2008, 12:24:05 am
It was not impossible to build Edoropolis Emporium at the bottom of the internet. It was impossible to build it anywhere else.

We do things differently 'round here.


I see you've already meet Ryan and one of his goons.

You can call me Fontaine.  ;-)

Welcome aboard. And would you kindly not feed the... oh nevermind.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 05, 2008, 12:15:26 pm
haha i need to eat...i'm ONLY 8.5 stone...i'm serious...maybe if i was 17 stone...you dont feed me :P

welcome anyway

*attacks his long...greased hair*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 10, 2008, 02:14:38 pm
i know...my laptop needs a good stoning

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SBB_GameMaster on June 14, 2008, 11:36:23 pm
I'm the newest member here! ^_^
Anyway, I actually heard about it in an episode of Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series! XD
I wanted to know what the hell they were refrencing so i looked it up, and the idea that they made up their own script sounded intresting. i searched it on Youtube, watched the first episode and loved it!  :D
So now I'm kind of obsesed with finding out, and talking about as much as i can about the Pizza Cats!  :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on June 15, 2008, 12:08:01 am
Well hey there, glad you found us! Welcome to the Edoboard  ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 15, 2008, 12:18:35 pm
wait...YGO:abridged? what episode? tell me!


welcome anyway

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on June 15, 2008, 12:21:52 pm
Heheheheh... The Pizza Cats still doing brain damage after almost 20 years... Thoise are our heroes... Welcome aboard!!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SBB_GameMaster on June 15, 2008, 12:36:40 pm
wait...YGO:abridged? what episode? tell me!


welcome anyway
It's near the end of this episode http://yugiohtheabridgedseries.com/episodes/900498/
"We meet again Yami, I'm Marik, leader of the most feared anime organization known to man."
"The Samurai Pizza Cats?"
"Yes....Wait, no! Not the f***ing Samurai Pizza Cats! I'm talking about the
Rare Hunters!"

And the SPC theme song plays right before the credits!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 15, 2008, 01:21:01 pm
wait...YGO:abridged? what episode? tell me!


welcome anyway
It's near the end of this episode http://yugiohtheabridgedseries.com/episodes/900498/
"We meet again Yami, I'm Marik, leader of the most feared anime organization known to man."
"The Samurai Pizza Cats?"
"Yes....Wait, no! Not the f***ing Samurai Pizza Cats! I'm talking about the
Rare Hunters!"

And the SPC theme song plays right before the credits!


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on June 15, 2008, 07:36:31 pm
I did some research: It's Yu-Gi-Oh Episode 28, 7:40 mins into it here on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyR8mOOY1v8 ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: formallykat on June 15, 2008, 11:17:38 pm
Hehe, that YGO video's great  :D

Welcome to the board SBB_GameMaster, I like your guido icon 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: SBB_GameMaster on June 15, 2008, 11:43:37 pm
Hehe, that YGO video's great  :D

Welcome to the board SBB_GameMaster, I like your guido icon 
Thanks! ^_^
I found it while searching for animated GIF's on google.  :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on June 16, 2008, 09:40:21 am
Wow... Finally something worth for see in Yu Gi oh!! (No offense for the people that like that show but I think this is really stupid)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 16, 2008, 12:40:32 pm
Wow... Finally something worth for see in Yu Gi oh!! (No offense for the people that like that show but I think this is really stupid)

ah no worries...4KIDS epically ruined it...original is better

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D-Mac on June 16, 2008, 06:15:05 pm
To be fair, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged has a tendency to be awesomely hilarious, since it's a parody dubbed in the SPC-like "Let's just make it up" style.
And if the real show were dubbed that way, I would've actually watched it.  :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 17, 2008, 01:02:20 pm
To be fair, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged has a tendency to be awesomely hilarious, since it's a parody dubbed in the SPC-like "Let's just make it up" style.
And if the real show were dubbed that way, I would've actually watched it.  :P
just imganie a Abridged SPC.....think of all the NEW fans....we should get Truro to do that!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on June 30, 2008, 01:31:33 pm
Hi People!
im a guy in sweden who livs in the forest trying to escape reality.
the first time i saw spc was when i was four, i lived in zimbabwe by the time. i loved it ::)...

anyways, then i forgot about it for about 12 years until last week... when i saw a cat eating pizza leftovers in the city... thats when something went click in my head  ;) =] ;]

as soon as i got home i went on to the internet and started downloading all the episodes, and theyre still as good as when i was five :D
about three days ago i was searchig on the internet for more spc related stuff and found this page, i was like  :huh: ...lets see it! and then i was like  8O this page is awesome!

anyway thats me :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 30, 2008, 02:55:18 pm



welcome you swedish Zimbabwean ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on July 01, 2008, 03:10:18 am



welcome you swedish Zimbabwean ^^

well... actually my dad worked there as an agronomist for the red cross :) 
i dont like mugabe either  (>:() he should just understand that the time of ZANU PF is over.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: blind2d on July 22, 2008, 12:46:26 am
Hey, I'm new here! Only good thing to come out of Yugi...  :'(

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 22, 2008, 02:10:25 pm



welcome you swedish Zimbabwean ^^

well... actually my dad worked there as an agronomist for the red cross :) 
i dont like mugabe either  (>:() he should just understand that the time of ZANU PF is over.

Mugabe should be hung IMO

welcome B2D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: blind2d on July 23, 2008, 11:25:03 pm
Thanks!  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yakko Cerviche on August 29, 2008, 11:54:14 pm
Hi.  I first saw the Pizza Cats when the show came over from Japan in '96, at least, that's when I first saw it.  I just recently rediscovered it, and I never realized the hilarity behind it.  Heck, I'm watching it online as I type.  As you can probably tell from my username, I'm also a fan of Animaniacs.  I'm primarily a classic rock fan as far as music goes, but I won't bite anyone who mentions modern music.  My favorite group is probably Queen, so don't get surprised if I should mention them a lot in any music discussion.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on August 30, 2008, 12:19:46 am
Just what we need; another TGL clone.

I REALLY can't wait to get outta here.

No offense to, new member.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on August 30, 2008, 08:15:26 am
Just what we need; another TGL clone.

when i read that, i thought, WTF

then i read the intro

welcome to the madness known as BurkeWorld

i'm the Resident Queen Fan

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yakko Cerviche on August 30, 2008, 08:57:20 pm
I've also learned that it is hard being a Pizza Cats fan when there's not a ton of easily attainable merchandise.  Heck, I've collected action figures of Pokemon and Sonic at a flea market, but no luck with any Pizza Cats stuff.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on August 31, 2008, 12:44:04 am
A friend of mine went to japan recently and asked at 3 different manga shops if they had any kyatto ninden teyandee stuff, and they only sorta remembered the show. didn't have anything on 'em. :/

anyway, welcome aboard YC.

<3 animaniacs

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yakko Cerviche on September 01, 2008, 01:34:09 am
Thanks.  By the way, does anyone get reminded of Lucille when they play Animal Crossing? 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on September 01, 2008, 11:49:01 am
Thanks.  By the way, does anyone get reminded of Lucille when they play Animal Crossing? 
not really, since i dont play Animal Crossing

Title: It's Cloud-Boy's fault I'm here!!!
Post by: Rick on September 15, 2008, 10:37:08 pm
I first discovered the Samurai Pizza Cats after a good "Friend" of mine quite literally begged and bitched for me to watch it. Well, two weeks ago, I did. And now I'm hopelessly hooked on this series. Not in an unhealthy way, but I'm hooked.

I was a bit skeptical at first, Not only because I though that watching a cartoon didn't fit someone like me, but also because I was thinking it would suck, considering it was about bloody cats. Imagine my surprise when I actually begged the bastard to loan me his laptop so I could watch all the episodes.

Anyways, that is my story. He also directed me here. (Actually, no he didn't, I just looked in his favorites and found this site.) I'm quite interested to see what fans of this series are like, though I may not be here much, because our dear pal always hogs the laptop every time we get back from patrols.

Now, "Who are you?" might be what some of you are thinking. (You better!)

My name is... Rick, and let's just leave it at that. If you read the post closely, you will notice that I'm in Iraq with Cloud-boy. (Or Javi, like I call him.) I'm 20-years-old, and this is my 1st year in the Marines. I like Rock (METALLICA!!!!!!) and video games. I'm from N. Dakota, and I'm half Puerto Rican and half white. And just so you know, I may be new to forums, but that doesn't mean I'm a push-over.

 I guess that's about right.


Title: Re: It's Cloud-Boy's fault I'm here!!!
Post by: Gabya on September 16, 2008, 03:23:17 am
Hello Ricky!

Title: Re: It's Cloud-Boy's fault I'm here!!!
Post by: Mechadon on September 16, 2008, 07:01:33 am
I first discovered the Samurai Pizza Cats after a good "Friend" of mine quite literally begged and bitched for me to watch it. Well, two weeks ago, I did. And now I'm hopelessly hooked on this series. Not in an unhealthy way, but I'm hooked.

I was a bit skeptical at first, Not only because I though that watching a cartoon didn't fit someone like me, but also because I was thinking it would suck, considering it was about bloody cats. Imagine my surprise when I actually begged the bastard to loan me his laptop so I could watch all the episodes.

Anyways, that is my story. He also directed me here. (Actually, no he didn't, I just looked in his favorites and found this site.) I'm quite interested to see what fans of this series are like, though I may not be here much, because our dear pal always hogs the laptop every time we get back from patrols.

Now, "Who are you?" might be what some of you are thinking. (You better!)

My name is... Rick, and let's just leave it at that. If you read the post closely, you will notice that I'm in Iraq with Cloud-boy. (Or Javi, like I call him.) I'm 20-years-old, and this is my 1st year in the Marines. I like Rock (METALLICA!!!!!!) and video games. I'm from N. Dakota, and I'm half Puerto Rican and half white. And just so you know, I may be new to forums, but that doesn't mean I'm a push-over.

 I guess that's about right.


Welcome to the team!

Two marines!!!  8O Aw hell, I'm out numbered.  :-[

*retreats into the air vents*


Don't feed the Gabya.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on September 16, 2008, 08:12:30 am
Hello, Rick. It's great to know Cloud-boy got one more recruit for our SPC fan division.  :kaboom:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on September 16, 2008, 11:47:07 am
If you're a Metallica fan, you're cool in my book.

And whoever said my patented line, "Don't feed the ------" You owe me Royalties and a kick in the ass because it's ALWAYS BlackCat or Tigriss. No one else.

Welcome Rick, enjoy your stay and don't feed the TigrissBlackCat.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on September 16, 2008, 01:04:28 pm
screw the royalites ... i've got a rash

welcome anyway!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on September 17, 2008, 08:11:40 am
If you're a Metallica fan, you're cool in my book.

And whoever said my patented line, "Don't feed the ------" You owe me Royalties and a kick in the ass because it's ALWAYS BlackCat or Tigriss. No one else.

Welcome Rick, enjoy your stay and don't feed the TigrissBlackCat.


Hey, don't lump us together... :/

And if you're not going to give me food, that means I'll just have to go steal some...! >:3

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on September 17, 2008, 08:05:45 pm
You owe me Royalties and a kick in the ass
I owe you one, alright.  ::)

You probably might have wanted to reword that.  :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on September 17, 2008, 10:07:19 pm
You owe me Royalties and a kick in the ass
I owe you one, alright.  ::)

You probably might have wanted to reword that.  :P

Well, if that's the case, I really hope you try.

I really do.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on September 18, 2008, 12:45:33 am
Howdie Rick, welcome to the forums.
Hope you have at least some fun here... or learn something... or at least find a place to chill... or something to throw a highball glass at.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on September 20, 2008, 02:50:42 am
Don't you mean Marines SPC division?
Marines SPC Division... *Steals title*

Counting me, there are 7 Marine SPC fans here with me. So watch it, world! The SPC fan base is becoming more powerful than anyone could ever imagine!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: BubbleLoop on October 01, 2008, 11:06:24 pm
i'm new here as you can see! i first saw samurai pizza cats long ago, and just recently i saw some clips on YouTube, so i did some searching and found this place. anyways, that's about it, nice to meet all of you!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on October 01, 2008, 11:08:59 pm
i'm new here as you can see! i first saw samurai pizza cats long ago, and just recently i saw some clips on YouTube, so i did some searching and found this place. anyways, that's about it, nice to meet all of you!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on October 02, 2008, 12:07:33 am
looks like youtube keeps bringing people in. nice to have you aboard :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on October 02, 2008, 12:33:12 am
i'm new here as you can see! i first saw samurai pizza cats long ago, and just recently i saw some clips on YouTube, so i did some searching and found this place. anyways, that's about it, nice to meet all of you!

Haha, Cloud, everyone should have that achievement technically. :D

Well.. Not me, as I'm the master and creator of everything. EVERYTHING.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on October 02, 2008, 01:18:20 am
i'm new here as you can see! i first saw samurai pizza cats long ago, and just recently i saw some clips on YouTube, so i did some searching and found this place. anyways, that's about it, nice to meet all of you!

Haha, Cloud, everyone should have that achievement technically. :D

Well.. Not me, as I'm the master and creator of everything. EVERYTHING.



Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on October 02, 2008, 03:13:35 am
Thanks for the new sig.


Oh, and I almost forgot:

Bubble, welcome to the EE forums, don't forget to wipe your feet or feed the Black Cat.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 02, 2008, 01:03:16 pm
welcome bubble!

hope you enjoy the place

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on October 02, 2008, 03:31:15 pm
hello bubble, and welcome to the forum  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: blind2d on October 08, 2008, 09:57:15 am
Hi Bubble... just ignore me, as I am annoying and insane... but hey, nice ta meetcha anyway!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on October 13, 2008, 01:39:51 pm
I keep missing my chance to mold the fresh meat into something worthwhile.

At least I still have Cloud Boy.

:| you know, if you think about that differently, it'll create a more stupid meaning

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on October 13, 2008, 08:03:19 pm
I keep missing my chance to mold the fresh meat into something worthwhile.

At least I still have Cloud Boy.

:| you know, if you think about that differently, it'll create a more stupid meaning
...You better not be thinking what I think you are thinking.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on December 01, 2008, 12:49:39 pm
I actually can't remember much about the samurai pizza cats. I was so young back then. the only thing I could remember was that it was funny, and know, when I have seen them, I still likeit, I even made a amv about the funniest moments :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on December 01, 2008, 04:14:55 pm
I actually can't remember much about the samurai pizza cats. I was so young back then. the only thing I could remember was that it was funny, and know, when I have seen them, I still likeit, I even made a amv about the funniest moments :P
Welcome aboard, kid.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on December 01, 2008, 04:26:22 pm
thnx I'll try to be a good member of the forums  ;)
soon I shall place some fan art from myself, it is painted and not made on computer, I like paintings more that art that has been made on the computer XD

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on December 01, 2008, 07:42:42 pm
Welcome to the short bus. 2 rules: No biting, and don't feed the Gabya.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on December 01, 2008, 09:46:21 pm
I think I shall make a rule from now until eternity.

If anyone copies anything I say, do, write, text, whatever, etc etc..

I shall be given Power Of Attorney over that said person for the rest of their remaining days. When that said person passes away, Power of Attorney passes onto his/her/it's family for the rest of their days.

If you don't know what PoA is, GOOGLE it.

~The Spy

Also, welcome to hell, new people.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on December 02, 2008, 04:51:54 am
feed me sjonnoh...

It's a reference. 
what he said...

ps. Welcome!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on December 02, 2008, 02:12:06 pm
I think I shall make a rule from now until eternity.

If anyone copies anything I say, do, write, text, whatever, etc etc..

I shall be given Power Of Attorney over that said person for the rest of their remaining days. When that said person passes away, Power of Attorney passes onto his/her/it's family for the rest of their days.

If you don't know what PoA is, GOOGLE it.

~The Spy

Also, welcome to hell, new people.

Are you finished barking, little doggy? or are you gonna bite?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on December 07, 2008, 07:20:40 pm
I actually forgot about the series. then last year in HS one of my friends (Who is a huge DBZ fan) showed me an episode of SPC. then I remembered I liked it and fell in love with the series here. I came across this site this summer when i was looking for the SPC episodes, and i'm sorry that i didn't join sooner. I've learned so much from everyone here about SPC and KNT.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PowerOnyx on December 19, 2008, 04:44:50 am
Hello all.

PowerOnyx here. You can call me PO.  I've been a long time fan of SPC. I am a mod for PowerRangerPlanet (PRP). We host Power Rangers, Big Bad Beetleborgs, VR Troopers, Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. If it has henshin then we most likely have it.

In wait of RPM we were discussing new additions for the site. Samurai Pizza Cats came into the discussion. And we started talking about our favorite episodes. I scoured the net to see if I could find any episodes to give me a nostalgic fix. Then I happened across this site.

I downloaded a few episodes and as I started watching them something crossed my mind. We should host these episodes here. I read this:

Don't make topics just to advertise other forums.  - Sorry! Right now, Edo Emporium needs all the activity it can get!

We get plenty of traffic through our site. And my thought was to make an SPC episode page advertising Edo Emporium (complete with a link to get more people over here). Visitors & members can download at our site or here. This way PRP could help to advertise for you as well as get people back into the world of SPC. And by hosting the episodes at PRP there will always be backups in case they are needed.

In addition to henshin series, we also host forums. Not only would there be an SPC episode page, but you would also have your place in our Top Forums listings.

I'd be proud to add Edo Emporium to our ever growing family.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on December 19, 2008, 07:35:24 am
ooohhhh... thats bad... bad...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on December 19, 2008, 09:37:38 am
I really like this guy's idea. I wouldn't mind having us assimilated into a larger collective. Like the borg.

Aw, hell. Did I just say "borg"? Now I have to watch 4 hours of Star Wars. Jar Jar cures all.

Nixon: I am not a Trekkie.

Big Bad Beetle Borgs? ...oh my God. Don't remind me of that. ::)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on December 19, 2008, 07:43:17 pm
Big Bad Beetle Borgs? ...oh my God. Don't remind me of that. ::)
You know you wanted to be the red one.


I don't have much recollection of BeetleBorgs (thank Hogan) so I don't know what's so special about "the red one".

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on December 19, 2008, 08:18:50 pm
In a sentai, the "red one" in the leader of the team and usually the most powerfull warrior of the team.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on December 19, 2008, 11:35:26 pm
Hello all.

PowerOnyx here. You can call me PO.  I've been a long time fan of SPC. I am a mod for PowerRangerPlanet (PRP). We host Power Rangers, Big Bad Beetleborgs, VR Troopers, Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog. If it has henshin then we most likely have it.

In wait of RPM we were discussing new additions for the site. Samurai Pizza Cats came into the discussion. And we started talking about our favorite episodes. I scoured the net to see if I could find any episodes to give me a nostalgic fix. Then I happened across this site.

I downloaded a few episodes and as I started watching them something crossed my mind. We should host these episodes here. I read this:

Don't make topics just to advertise other forums.  - Sorry! Right now, Edo Emporium needs all the activity it can get!

We get plenty of traffic through our site. And my thought was to make an SPC episode page advertising Edo Emporium (complete with a link to get more people over here). Visitors & members can download at our site or here. This way PRP could help to advertise for you as well as get people back into the world of SPC. And by hosting the episodes at PRP there will always be backups in case they are needed.

In addition to henshin series, we also host forums. Not only would there be an SPC episode page, but you would also have your place in our Top Forums listings.

I'd be proud to add Edo Emporium to our ever growing family.

I will call you whatever the hell I like, Mr. Snugglepants.

Carry on.

Tilde goes here RAWR

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D.W. on December 29, 2008, 12:38:40 am
I believe I was here before a long time ago, but no one cared about my experience, well not just mine but anyways.

I was into iron man and I was eating my cereal in the morning, like any stereotypical american kid in the morning watch and flipping the channel with shi well-planned out schedule to watch ton of cartoons, but as a ritual I watch "Super Human Samurai Super Squad" in the morning. But I ran out of cereal and went back into the kitchen to fix me another bowl, I left it on WB, they were talking about a public service announcement about america's youth, as soon as they were done my volume was up a little loud and I hear:


Decided to watch it, and was very funny, and watch it until it was replace with V.R. Trooper.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on December 29, 2008, 12:42:32 am
i think we can all agree that samurai pizza cats is addicting the first time you watch it.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D.W. on December 29, 2008, 12:46:51 am
i think we can all agree that samurai pizza cats is addicting the first time you watch it.

Has it's moments, wasn't that addicting since the jokes in english goes over your head when you watch it as a young teen, and you rather just bang your lover.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on December 29, 2008, 08:25:39 am
welcome D.W.
Always nice to see a new member who is not a spammer or lurker  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D.W. on December 29, 2008, 01:05:40 pm
"Super Human Samurai Super Squad"

I'm sorry about the "dolt" part.


Whatever, it's old show. Oh yeah sup gabby.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on December 29, 2008, 02:19:37 pm
Oh yeah sup gabby.
its "Gabya"  thank you very much, "Gabby" sounds like a girl's name.
anyway, not much... just chillin'  8)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: D.W. on December 29, 2008, 05:32:25 pm
Oh yeah sup gabby.
its "Gabya"  thank you very much, "Gabby" sounds like a girl's name.
anyway, not much... just chillin'  8)

Sorry sour-puss.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on December 29, 2008, 05:38:47 pm
its cool  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on December 29, 2008, 08:36:16 pm
Holy crap folks. I think Harm must be in love.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on December 30, 2008, 09:48:06 am
Holy crap folks. I think Harm must be in love.

Love? That's worse than rabies! ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on December 31, 2008, 02:18:26 pm
I have a question. what is that yellow looking thing that's on Speedy and Guido when they aren't wearing there armor? (sorry can't get pic up.)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on December 31, 2008, 02:56:07 pm
you mean this?:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: felineki on December 31, 2008, 03:09:45 pm
I had wondered about that, too. Lucille also has one.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on December 31, 2008, 03:30:19 pm
Yeah what is it Mase in case a delivery goes bad?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on December 31, 2008, 03:49:47 pm
every cat has one on their work outfits, exept francine. So I guess it's because they have to wear it because they work.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on December 31, 2008, 04:18:11 pm
I didn't notice that the rescue team had one also. Thanks Sjonnoh, but i noticed that the rescue team's is shorter than Speedy's and the others.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on January 02, 2009, 03:22:27 pm
i always just assumed that was part of the pizza cat uniform. looks like a pin or something.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on January 02, 2009, 07:22:18 pm
wow 8O this is seriously off topic by now

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on January 03, 2009, 06:11:56 am
I'm not sure exactly what they are either, maybe it's something that their armor hooks onto when it goes over their uniform? *shrugs* :huh: Oh, and could someone move these posts to the "SPC Mysteries" topic? It seems better suited there.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on January 03, 2009, 11:01:06 am
I think it's just something that you can compare with a bow, just so they will look more orderly because at those moments they have their work clothes on.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Wannabe4Now on February 05, 2009, 10:01:31 pm
Hello all, I'm new to the board. I use to watch the Cats on YTV after school. I use to write Fanfics, but lost them a long while back. Now I'm diving back into the fandom, great to see it's still active.

Hope to join some discussions with you all in the future.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on February 06, 2009, 01:21:46 am
Hello all, I'm new to the board. I use to watch the Cats on YTV after school. I use to write Fanfics, but lost them a long while back. Now I'm diving back into the fandom, great to see it's still active.

Hope to join some discussions with you all in the future.

Welcome aboard, man. We are always happy to see new members here.

Have fun, and post often.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on February 06, 2009, 03:09:19 am
Welcome wannabe! its always nice to see someone other than a spambot joining the site :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on February 06, 2009, 05:52:16 am
Welcome wannabe! its always nice to see someone other than a spambot joining the site :)

that in the first place, and also that you do some fanfics, a lot of fanfics are here on the board, so write them here if you like  :D (well, not here-here, but in the right topics)
btw, you also do paintings :P?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 06, 2009, 12:13:11 pm
welcome to the forum!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Wannabe4Now on February 06, 2009, 04:12:38 pm
Thanks for the greetings, great to be aboard.

btw, you also do paintings :P?

LOL, I wish. Nope, nothing beyond stick figures.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on February 06, 2009, 04:15:57 pm
alright, well it was to try  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on February 06, 2009, 04:21:45 pm
welcome to da fourm wannabe!

Title: Musashisuya has arrived!
Post by: Musashisuya on April 01, 2009, 07:16:06 pm
I am..... *Insert ancient japanese Background here and Bakunetsumaru's theme here* MUSASHISUYA!!! And I am to teach you the ways of Ninpoken: the art of mid-air sword fight- *Record scratch* Damnit, that's the second time in a row!!

ENough with the stupidity, what's up? And can someone move this topic to the proper section? I'm totally lost...  ?:|

Title: Re: Musashisuya has arrived!
Post by: Mechadon on April 01, 2009, 08:15:41 pm

 I'm totally lost...  ?:|

Aren't we all?  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on April 02, 2009, 01:34:57 am
whoops, for a second I thought I was in china, guess I'm lost again  :D

Title: Re: Musashisuya has arrived!
Post by: Crow on April 02, 2009, 05:36:22 am
I am..... *Insert ancient japanese Background here and Bakunetsumaru's theme here* MUSASHISUYA!!! And I am to teach you the ways of Ninpoken: the art of mid-air sword fight- *Record scratch* Damnit, that's the second time in a row!!

ENough with the stupidity, what's up? And can someone move this topic to the proper section? I'm totally lost...  ?:|

Yeah, I've lost faith in all mankind.

I weep for the future, Fedex'ed to Hell in a handbasket, etc etc.

Whatever, welcome.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on April 02, 2009, 05:45:48 am
I am..... *Insert ancient japanese Background here and Bakunetsumaru's theme here* MUSASHISUYA!!! And I am to teach you the ways of Ninpoken: the art of mid-air sword fight- *Record scratch* Damnit, that's the second time in a row!!

ENough with the stupidity, what's up? And can someone move this topic to the proper section? I'm totally lost...  ?:|

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on April 02, 2009, 12:56:39 pm
Welcome to the forum ^^

Title: Re: Musashisuya has arrived!
Post by: Mechadon on April 03, 2009, 09:17:41 pm
I am..... *Insert ancient japanese Background here and Bakunetsumaru's theme here* MUSASHISUYA!!! And I am to teach you the ways of Ninpoken: the art of mid-air sword fight- *Record scratch* Damnit, that's the second time in a row!!

ENough with the stupidity, what's up? And can someone move this topic to the proper section? I'm totally lost...  ?:|

Alright, kid. You deserve a better reception.

*starts over* ---

Welcome aboard the Edoropolis Emporium!!! I say welcome aboard because under a technicality, these forums are a CCS class Battlecruiser. But of course there really is no Battlecruiser. ;-)

Bureaucracy  ::)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 21, 2009, 10:18:33 pm
hmmmm i saw a youtube poop and it had the pizza cats i really liked this cartoon i didnt know what it is until i saw more of it and it was awsome

blame this ill fated inferior to the pizza cats cartoon for starting my like of pizza cats


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on May 22, 2009, 12:31:38 am
Welcome aboard, mind your P's and Q's (or an H will fall on your head), and don't feed the BurkeWorld (he bites).

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on May 22, 2009, 12:34:52 am
Welcome aboard, mind your P's and Q's (or an H will fall on your head), and don't feed the BurkeWorld (he bites).

Grrr... >=3


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on May 22, 2009, 06:12:09 am
welcome Zacko, Always nice to see someone who's not a spambot ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on May 22, 2009, 06:16:27 am
yeah, and also I hope you're going to like it here and that you'll be more active then most newcomers are  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 22, 2009, 12:45:38 pm
Welcome to the forum  ....

Wacko Jacko Zacko

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 22, 2009, 10:59:43 pm
cheers guys i feel i got a warmer welcome than the one shawn micheals got when he joined the nwo [which are the most powerfull faction in professional wrestling]


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on May 22, 2009, 11:40:32 pm
welcome Zacko hope you like it here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 23, 2009, 11:55:04 am

i love this place  :-*

not like bebo where some users always have to be rude

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 23, 2009, 07:23:20 pm
o sure i will be sjohnoh  ;) i like this place thanks to who made this place  :)

yous are the type of guys i think are good people who are bright and not bigoted

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on May 24, 2009, 04:17:56 am
Zacko, your signature picture is waaay too big. I know some other users like sjonnoh and TGL have big sigs, but this is pushing the limit. Please resize it, thank you.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 24, 2009, 04:41:05 am
thats fine i had a smaller reserve one or another one but i think i would of pissed of sjohnoh because its my version of his idea

smaller one should be up within 15 mins

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on May 24, 2009, 06:01:18 am
you mean the Scottish flag??
I don't mind if you use it  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on May 24, 2009, 01:20:55 pm
scottish... he had the scottish flag...
nah, forget i said anything.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on May 24, 2009, 02:04:20 pm
modified.... sheesh, I don't know but sometimes I get confused by things of some countries, like I said to someone by accident that scotland was the country with the leaf on the flag, I was confused with scotland and canada, actually I wanted to say "scotland is the country with the bagpipe".....

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on May 24, 2009, 02:07:39 pm
heh that happens to me too sometimes    :O
and then i feel totally retarded when someone points it out :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 24, 2009, 05:37:38 pm
hey guys i wanted to ask a question that popped up in my head

has anyone came on this website [with a account] and done several abuse posts or spam posts  ?:|

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on May 24, 2009, 05:43:12 pm
you mean spambots and/or trolls?
yea, but thanks to the awesome mods and admins they get banned pretty quick.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 24, 2009, 09:00:43 pm
Yeah .. but we do have a sever case of Thread Necromancy going on

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on May 24, 2009, 10:00:30 pm
fine enough i will revive the thread

well yeah i think it was the youtube poop that give me my first taste of it i remember i had to spend one night deciding a new charachter guido or speedy i picked guido but then the first place fell to bad bird a few days later

hopefully we can get back on course now

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on May 25, 2009, 05:50:23 am
Yeah .. but we do have a sever case of Thread Necromancy going on

Wow, I never thought I'd see this day where TGL would acknowledge rules bein' busted and pointing it out.

The Devil is now lacing up his ice skates.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 25, 2009, 10:58:39 am
Yeah .. but we do have a sever case of Thread Necromancy going on

Wow, I never thought I'd see this day where TGL would acknowledge rules bein' busted and pointing it out.

The Devil is now lacing up his ice skates.


I'm tired of Screw The Rules myself, so instead I point out that rules have been broken .. mainly due to me having lots of money

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 26, 2009, 10:21:14 am
Vi herself pointed out that posting in old threads isn't an issue.  So as long as it's getting used properly, I don't mind it.  Some things are annoying me, but I'll keep those thoughts to myself.


I hope one of those things is me ... please say it is :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on June 01, 2009, 06:06:37 pm
Meh, another new guy makes his way on to the stage...might as well get this over with.

First off, I will point out that I am many things. A talentless artist, terrible fanfic writer, and general spreader of bad ideas altogether. Okay, that may be subject to opinion, but goggling over my own crap won't improve my work. Anyway, I'm probably a newer (or revived) SPC fan, having caught a short glimpse of it in the 90's and then watched all the english episodes more than a decade later. After a little lurking, I decided to come out of the dark corner that is anonymous and join for real...and so here I am. Now if you'll excuse me, there's content to explore and ideas to shape.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on June 01, 2009, 06:30:45 pm
Hey Blaze!
welcome to the forum!
apparently we have a few things in common, since i too am a talentless artist and fanfic writer :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on June 01, 2009, 10:02:56 pm
Meh, another new guy makes his way on to the stage...might as well get this over with.

First off, I will point out that I am many things. A talentless artist, terrible fanfic writer, and general spreader of bad ideas altogether. Okay, that may be subject to opinion, but goggling over my own crap won't improve my work. Anyway, I'm probably a newer (or revived) SPC fan, having caught a short glimpse of it in the 90's and then watched all the english episodes more than a decade later. After a little lurking, I decided to come out of the dark corner that is anonymous and join for real...and so here I am. Now if you'll excuse me, there's content to explore and ideas to shape.


*Looks at new guys name.*


*Makes connection to a past member with the almost same exact name.*

*Laughs and eats supper.*


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on June 02, 2009, 01:04:13 am
Hmm...I point to coincidence being the case here. I've actually never seen anyone with my exact name, so having this connection made seems unusual. Oh, and I hope your dinner was unbelievably tasty!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on June 02, 2009, 01:07:26 am
Hmm...I point to coincidence being the case here. I've actually never seen anyone with my exact name, so having this connection made seems unusual. Oh, and I hope your dinner was unbelievably tasty!

Indeed it was.

Welcome new members, don't feed the Black Cat and wipe your feet on the way in/out.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on June 02, 2009, 01:22:19 am
Hmm...I point to coincidence being the case here. I've actually never seen anyone with my exact name, so having this connection made seems unusual. Oh, and I hope your dinner was unbelievably tasty!
don't feed the Black Cat


Hey, my Avatar needs to eat eventually.  ::)

Oh, and I think I found the person my name reminded you of. The key word here was Razrgiz and it's rarely ever seen in a username so I'm not surprised a connection was made. Now if you'll excuse me, I have introductory SPC art and prose to make in order to make myself useful through wonderful contributions. Speaking of which, anyone know what happened to Psyguy's SPC cold? Seems to have hit a permanent dead end...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on June 02, 2009, 01:29:59 am
It did but I guess he's still looking for an artist to take over.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on June 02, 2009, 03:42:01 am
Now I can officially use the character "Razgriz" without technically insulting that person.  Boo yah.  Now we just need a Pollygirlfriend to join and I'll be able to get my project back on track.

I can't wait to read that.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on June 02, 2009, 07:59:00 am
Wow. Just three posts, and we already love ya. I think that's a record.

Please, don't leave us.  :-[ I have abandonment issues.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 02, 2009, 09:01:57 am
Wow. Just three posts, and we already love ya. I think that's a record.

Please, don't leave us.  :-[ I have abandonment issues.

After my first 3 posts, everyone hated me ...or was that my first 3 HUNDRED posts :D

Welcome to the forum ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on June 02, 2009, 11:33:24 am
Wow. Just three posts, and we already love ya. I think that's a record.


And thus was I welcomed into the community, thank you so much. Not to worry, I don't plan on joining and just leaving because that would be...kind of pointless actually.  :huh:

And I don't know about your first 300 posts potato but to go from welcomed to hated in 3 posts takes some serious talent and lots of noob speak. As for the above stated project involving a character named Razrgiz...now I'm kind of confused. *Needs to dig around more*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: YoshiAngemon on June 02, 2009, 03:32:52 pm
I'm a newcomer of the Forums! The name is YoshiAngemon, and I went by two other names: Strong Suck (after the ever-sucky Strong Sad from Homestar Runner Universe), and a recent name tag opting in Digibutter.nerr - Sammer Guy Pizza Cat! I, like many of you, happen to like the Pizza Cats more than any other Tatsunoko properties. I happen to have a DeviantART account, with stuff relating to Animaniacs, Tiny Toon Adventures, and plenty of other stuff. Unfortunately, I can't really draw the Pizza Cats well, or even make a Sammer Guy rendition of one of them. I hope I don't end up sent to Prisoner Island, or worse... BANNED!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on June 02, 2009, 04:08:03 pm
welcome to the forum!
i take it youre a megaman fan as well?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on June 02, 2009, 04:16:53 pm
Strong Suck? lol XD  :D

You sure that wasn't your porno name?  ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 02, 2009, 05:14:20 pm
Wow. Just three posts, and we already love ya. I think that's a record.


And thus was I welcomed into the community, thank you so much. Not to worry, I don't plan on joining and just leaving because that would be...kind of pointless actually.  :huh:

And I don't know about your first 300 posts potato but to go from welcomed to hated in 3 posts takes some serious talent and lots of noob speak. As for the above stated project involving a character named Razrgiz...now I'm kind of confused. *Needs to dig around more*

Well lets just say I tend to be annoying when I can =D

Welcome to the forum Strong Suck

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on June 02, 2009, 05:16:16 pm
welcome 2 newcommers!
(wow it's a record in 1 week I guess, and both are artists!)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: YoshiAngemon on June 02, 2009, 06:37:02 pm
Strong Suck? lol XD  :D

You sure that wasn't your porno name?  ;]

Nope. I don't have one. It was used as an alternate name to refer to Strong Sad, because he sucks. But as for the MegaMan Volnutt Avatar, it's because Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is coming to America, and this is the MegaMan that is used in the game.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on June 02, 2009, 08:29:18 pm
As for the above stated project involving a character named Razgriz...now I'm kind of confused. *Needs to dig around more*
You won't find it, Methid Man deleted it a long time ago.

Well that's awfully unfortunate. And a good ole welcome to Strong Suck, joining less than 24 hours after me.  :D

Now...back to whatever it was I was doing...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: YoshiAngemon on June 02, 2009, 09:25:31 pm
Well, I prefer to be called "Yoshi," as a part of my username - YoshiAngemon, originating from both Mario and Digimon - specifically Patamon's Champion form, Angemon!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on June 03, 2009, 08:30:51 am
Well, I prefer to be called "Yoshi," as a part of my username - YoshiAngemon, originating from both Mario and Digimon - specifically Patamon's Champion form, Angemon!

Yeah, I kinda figured that ... since I do watch and currently downloading every season of Digimon

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on June 15, 2009, 09:26:58 pm
welcome make yourself at home

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: petros on July 07, 2009, 10:50:54 am
Hello everyone,I'm peter and I am very happy to be here. I'm from Cyprus and I am 16 years old.  I love watching anime,especially Dragonball,One Piece,GTO and of course Samurai Pizza Cats =] 

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on July 07, 2009, 11:41:08 am
Hullo Petros!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on July 07, 2009, 11:56:42 am
Hello everyone,I'm peter and I am very happy to be here. I'm from Cyprus and I am 16 years old.  I love watching anime,especially Dragonball,One Piece,GTO and of course Samurai Pizza Cats =] 

welcome petros! hope you're getting along with the rest. oh and since you like anime, you probably know naruto if not, you should really watch it... well the Japanese version that is, not the English one, that ones really bad...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on July 07, 2009, 02:44:36 pm
I guess I should say welcome as well. So...Welcome! Make yourself at home, there's food in the fridge, and watch out for dark alleyways filled with crows and other nasty things.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on July 07, 2009, 03:33:11 pm
Welcome to Hell, fresh meat.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 07, 2009, 06:36:01 pm
Welcome to the forum Petros ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on July 07, 2009, 07:17:36 pm
welcome petros

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Edward of Damcyan on July 09, 2009, 04:37:38 am
Hi. XD  I dun really know what else to say other then hiya.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on July 09, 2009, 04:40:43 am
i like your avatar  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fureon on July 24, 2009, 08:14:15 am
I had a game entitled "Ninja Cat" on my NES (well, it wasn't the original NES, but a hardware clone named "Dendy" for which tons of games were pirated, because official NES and games for it were never sold in Russia). I enjoyed it, and one day, in 2003 I turned on TV and saw the announce of "Samurai Pizza Cats". I looked at the characters and was like " 8O ! These are from that game! There is also a cartoon? WOO-HOO! :3". And so, I started watching SPC and I loved it forever. Now I got all the eps in English from Daisensei's server and bringing myself the awesome memories ^_^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on July 24, 2009, 09:34:55 am
hi there fureon and welcome the the forum! (btw its not a cartoon but an anime X3)
ofcourse it's sadly there is only 1 game of it, though one fan made it's own mugen of spc, if you want to play, here's the link: http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=2203.40
anyway, enjoy the forum ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fureon on July 24, 2009, 10:36:18 am
hi there fureon and welcome the the forum!
Thank you ^^

(btw its not a cartoon but an anime X3)
Yeah, I know, but I said "cartoon" because back then I was only ~11 and seen no difference between anime and cartoons.

though one fan made it's own mugen of spc
Thanks, I already downloaded and tested this MUGEN fighter(s) about a month ago, but I wasn't registered on EE :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on July 24, 2009, 11:03:22 am
Welcome to the forum Fureon ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on July 24, 2009, 11:08:08 am
Welcome to Hell all newbies.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on July 24, 2009, 01:17:31 pm
'sup fureon!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Zeke on July 24, 2009, 02:35:10 pm
holla fureon  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daisensei on July 24, 2009, 04:37:58 pm
I had a game entitled "Ninja Cat" on my NES (well, it wasn't the original NES, but a hardware clone named "Dendy" for which tons of games were pirated, because official NES and games for it were never sold in Russia). I enjoyed it, and one day, in 2003 I turned on TV and saw the announce of "Samurai Pizza Cats". I looked at the characters and was like " 8O ! These are from that game! There is also a cartoon? WOO-HOO! :3". And so, I started watching SPC and I loved it forever. Now I got all the eps in English from Daisensei's server and bringing myself the awesome memories ^_^
Interesting, same thing happened to me. I never watched the series because it wasn't aired long enough in Brazil. A pirated game had drawn my attention to SPC/KNT series and now I'm a great fan.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on July 24, 2009, 04:40:20 pm
I didn't even knew the game till 3 moths ago I guess....

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Bubble_Rabbit on November 06, 2009, 01:04:55 pm
Um hello everyone. I'm new here obviously, and I thought I'd sign up for the pizzacat community when I was browsing some videos on youtube. I haven't seen the show in a long long time and it was nice to see something from my childhood. So... Hello once again everyone. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on November 06, 2009, 02:13:29 pm
Been a while since someone legitimately new showed up. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Emporium! Sit down, relax, poor yourself a drink, and don't aggravate the spam. (That would be TGLucario in case you were wondering  ;-) )

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on November 06, 2009, 02:32:25 pm
I agree, it's good to see an actual person stop in. :)
Welcome Bubble_Rabbit. I hope you enjoy your stay. ^_^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on November 07, 2009, 12:18:53 am
Welcome. ^^

As you will soon see, our community is a small model on how Utopian society should be.

A large male populace kept in check by fear of a minority of female superiors.

Oh, but indeed we are happy. *nervous grin*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on November 07, 2009, 01:46:06 am
Hey, I take offensive to that, I've only done 38 [39 count this] posts since the start of October, so I've done less spam than the spambots itself

Welcome to the forum nonetheless

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on November 07, 2009, 03:31:41 am
Welcome... to Edoropolis! A forum where the artist would not fear the flames, where the fanficwriter would not be one-stared by petty haters, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the typing of your fingers, Edo can become your forum as well.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on November 07, 2009, 03:37:38 pm
A large male populace kept in check by fear of a minority of female superiors.

As it should be. >:7

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on November 08, 2009, 01:22:36 am
Welcome, Bubble_Rabbit, it's always nice to have a new member that isn't a spammer, like the ones I just eliminated. Enjoy your stay and don't feed the BurkeWorld/Darcstorm (he eats souls).

A large male populace kept in check by fear of a minority of female superiors.

As it should be. >:7

Darn right! ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on November 08, 2009, 01:24:51 am

I don't know if I should welcome our female overlords, or be afraid.
... Eh... I'll just go and play StarTropics or the KNT NES game instead. No one gets mad at me when I do that. ^_^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on November 08, 2009, 01:31:48 am

I don't know if I should welcome our female overlords, or be afraid.

Both! >;3

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on November 08, 2009, 02:34:06 am
No women can control me.

Welcome new member what's her name.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: usbcheater on February 24, 2010, 10:22:53 pm
Hi i`m Usbcheater from Holland

I logged on to this site to follow Tsuneko`s encodes of SPC (thanx 4 those btw) actually logged on yesterday but it was late and i had to call quits without posting anything lol and now its 2.00 am again. :D Lets see where to start I`m a big fan of Tokusatsu and Anime i`m especially a big fan of Tatsunoko anime like SPC and Yatterman and also Super Robot series.
I`m also a Wiki/Forum moderator at AnimeVice.com a one year old forum and i keep being told that i`m doing a decent job, well at least i always get the spammers banned on their first post. :)
I`m also on top of the wiki list mostly because i worked on all those Tokusatsu pages.

That about it see you guys around :whitecat:

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on February 25, 2010, 12:06:59 am
Anyone sporting a Harvest Moon avatar is certainly welcome here. Make yourself at home.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on February 25, 2010, 01:03:18 am
HM is ok game.

Welcome forum.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on February 25, 2010, 01:09:50 am
I like HM too!
Welcome USB!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on February 25, 2010, 01:16:16 am
*gasp* Could it be!!? An actual human!!!

Welcome!!!!!!!  :O

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on February 25, 2010, 01:48:06 am
...oh crap. Almost forgot. Don't feed the Fureon.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on February 25, 2010, 02:22:12 am
I`m also a Wiki/Forum moderator at AnimeVice.com a one year old forum and i keep being told that i`m doing a decent job, well at least i always get the spammers banned on their first post. :)

Welcome, new member. Enjoy your stay. ^_^ I'm glad I didn't decide to delete your account as spam when I first saw it (the username made me think of someone signing up to sell something). Speaking of which, I'm off to delete some real spammers that just snuck in.

...oh crap. Almost forgot. Don't feed the Fureon BurkeWorld/Darcstorm.

Fixed your typo for you.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on February 25, 2010, 04:17:43 pm
welcome usb! hope you'll stay a little longer on the forums then most newcomers are
(btw, woon in zeeland, redelijk in de buurt XD)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on February 25, 2010, 10:40:52 pm
Welcome to the forum!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: usbcheater on February 26, 2010, 05:59:48 pm
Thank you guys for the warm welcome :)

welcome usb! hope you'll stay a little longer on the forums then most newcomers are
(btw, woon in zeeland, redelijk in de buurt XD)
Ik wil eigenlijk niet eens in Delft leven, ik zit liever in Den Haag, Leiden of Dordrecht XD
Sealand is awesome i went on vacation there more then a few times, the only thing i didnt like about it was that once the car was so full that my dad and i needed to take the bicycle over the delta works. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on February 26, 2010, 06:57:20 pm
so you go to neeltje jans with the bike? (if you're on vacation in zeeland)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on February 27, 2010, 06:12:15 am
Sealand is awesome i went on vacation there more then a few times, the only thing i didnt like about it was that once the car was so full that my dad and i needed to take the bicycle over the delta works. :)
You've been to Sealand?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on February 27, 2010, 09:21:26 am
no, he's been in a place in the netherlands called zeeland, if you translate it to english it's called sealand  :D. it's the province where I live

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: usbcheater on February 27, 2010, 11:55:25 am
so you go to neeltje jans with the bike? (if you're on vacation in zeeland)
Only once from Haamstede over the Rijksweg 57 to a beach near Zeedijk, it was very windy and the cars where going 100 kmph and i was like 7 and scared XD
Sealand is awesome i went on vacation there more then a few times, the only thing i didnt like about it was that once the car was so full that my dad and i needed to take the bicycle over the delta works. :)
You've been to Sealand?
Not that one but it does look like that piece of the pier in Scheveningen the Hague that people aren`t supposed to use anymore.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on February 27, 2010, 12:12:24 pm
I'm just messin' around.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Daniel P. on March 06, 2010, 09:57:37 am
first time i saw them was in here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbYMq6b80Xc
Look at about 21 seconds
I first thought that the name was edro police

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Me85LH on April 10, 2010, 06:39:57 pm
Oke, let me introduce myself  ;) hahaha
i'm Linda from the Netherlands and I love SPC!!  :D
I remember when I was a little girl I always watched this show!! Too bad that they don't show it anymore :( I really missed this!!
I recently downloaded a torrent with Azureus, but most of the files are bad quality, accept the files from Tsuneko!!  :D
So I searched the internet for Tsuneko's file and finally!! After 2,5 hours I found this website. I saw the Tsuneko uploads new episodes here, but I can't get to them for some reason  ?:| Can anyone help with that?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on April 10, 2010, 06:48:38 pm
Nice to meet you Linda from the Netherlands...always nice to see someone new!  ;]

Glad to see another SPC enthusiast...though as far as episode downloads go, I'm not the person to talk to. I just deal out welcomes. Oh, and a warning: Don't feed the Darcstorm!

Have a pleasant stay!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Cloud-Boy on April 10, 2010, 10:14:29 pm
http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=1855.0   <-------------All Episodes.

Anyways, welcome.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on April 10, 2010, 10:16:43 pm
Hello, and welcome to Edoropolis.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on April 11, 2010, 06:04:06 am
welcome linda! (last time a dutch person joined...it left the day after XD)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Me85LH on April 12, 2010, 06:23:52 am
Hahaha, I wont leave ;) You're stuck with me :P
Thnx for the warm welcomes!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on April 12, 2010, 08:29:43 am
new people are always welcome, and also new ideas/topics  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Kara-kun on April 13, 2010, 12:40:18 am
I remember when I was 8, I saw SPC on some channel I can't recall. But it was funny to see Speedy get blown up by one of Lucille's missiles.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on April 13, 2010, 01:06:09 am
I remember when I was 8, I saw SPC on some channel I can't recall. But it was funny to see Speedy get blown up by one of Lucille's missiles.  :D

That it was.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on April 13, 2010, 10:46:08 am
Welcome, new members.

Me85LH: Dag! Hoe gaat het met je? (Was that right?)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on April 13, 2010, 10:52:52 am
yes that's correct  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on April 13, 2010, 11:07:56 am
yes that's correct  ;-)

Good. ^_^d

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Me85LH on April 14, 2010, 09:38:39 am
Hahaha Yep, that's correct fluent Dutch :D
Met mij gaat het goed, en met jou? ;) (I'm fine, and how are you?)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on April 14, 2010, 09:51:44 am
Welcome to the forum new people!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fureon on April 14, 2010, 10:40:05 am
Welcome  ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on April 14, 2010, 01:32:16 pm
Hahaha Yep, that's correct fluent Dutch :D
Met mij gaat het goed, en met jou? ;) (I'm fine, and how are you?)

I'm good, but I can't converse in Dutch any further than that. I had to ask someone else for the translation. ^^;

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on April 14, 2010, 02:12:40 pm

is a very useful site, I've done some Spanish conversations with it and most sentence were right :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Me85LH on April 16, 2010, 04:12:04 am
Hahaha Yep, that's correct fluent Dutch :D
Met mij gaat het goed, en met jou? ;) (I'm fine, and how are you?)

I'm good, but I can't converse in Dutch any further than that. I had to ask someone else for the translation. ^^;

That's why I wrote in Dutch and English ;) (First Dutch then translation in English)
But that doesn't matter, I will write in English from now on.  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on April 16, 2010, 11:39:16 am
I use online translators occasionally, but I don't trust them very much, as they usually mangle even the simplest of sentences, and sometimes they can't even translate basic words.

All in all, it's nice to see that we have so many Pizza Cat fans from all around the globe gathering here. ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: san-evd on April 25, 2010, 11:48:20 am
Preview on channel "REN-TV".  08/2~/2003. In program like "lessons instead Foxkids".

(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v724/Ambidexter/Anime/th_SPC_01_00-37.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v724/Ambidexter/Anime/SPC_01_00-37.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v724/Ambidexter/Anime/th_SPC_01_00-39.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v724/Ambidexter/Anime/SPC_01_00-39.jpg)
First reaction: "CARTOON?! О_О :))) "

Я был приятно удивлен, что по вселенной "Ninja cats" есть еще и мульт :) Вернее, игра была сделана по мульту, о существовании которого я даже и не предполагал.

К сожалению, меня подвела антенна, поэтому мультсериал был просмотрен не полностью. Тяжело смотреть без знания английского, а на русском сохранилось всего четыре серии..

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: usbcheater on May 23, 2010, 09:07:33 pm
welcome linda! (last time a dutch person joined...it left the day after XD)
Hey i didn't leave! i lurk waiting for new encodes :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: CaptainHawkins on May 28, 2010, 07:14:40 pm
Hmm, I heard of the Samurai Pizza Cats when I stumbled across their existance on YouTube. When I first saw a few episodes of them, I was like... :huh:

"This is sooooo cheesy, yet I'm strangly attracted to these cute and deadly felines. I think I found my new fandom!" And thus began my relationship with the SPC.  :D

Now I haven't done much with these critters but I would like to start up my SPC Fan works.

Someday, maybe during the summer. 

ROCK ON SPC!!  ;)  =]  ;]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on May 29, 2010, 01:16:18 am
Hmm, I heard of the Samurai Pizza Cats when I stumbled across their existance on YouTube. When I first saw a few episodes of them, I was like... :huh:

"This is sooooo cheesy, yet I'm strangly attracted to these cute and deadly felines. I think I found my new fandom!" And thus began my relationship with the SPC.  :D

Now I haven't done much with these critters but I would like to start up my SPC Fan works.

Someday, maybe during the summer. 

ROCK ON SPC!!  ;)  =]  ;]

Finally, a new artist! And a happy Welcome to the forums!  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on May 29, 2010, 07:07:09 am
welcome Hawkins!
what kinda artist are you?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Iván el Terrible on May 29, 2010, 08:13:29 am
I heard about SPC and then I watched the first episode. I liked it, it's one of the best 90s animes

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on May 29, 2010, 10:30:17 am
Hawkins... for some reason that name makes me think of you as a cockney english pilot from WWI.
but your profile says you're from colorado, so... yeah.

Hi anyway, I'm Gabya!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: CaptainHawkins on May 30, 2010, 03:14:52 am
welcome Hawkins!
what kinda artist are you?

Hello sjonnoh! I'm a mixture of a writer and a traditonal artist trying to go digital. Nice to meet you by the way!  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: CaptainHawkins on May 30, 2010, 03:17:18 am
Hmm, I heard of the Samurai Pizza Cats when I stumbled across their existance on YouTube. When I first saw a few episodes of them, I was like... :huh:

"This is sooooo cheesy, yet I'm strangly attracted to these cute and deadly felines. I think I found my new fandom!" And thus began my relationship with the SPC.  :D

Now I haven't done much with these critters but I would like to start up my SPC Fan works.

Someday, maybe during the summer. 

ROCK ON SPC!!  ;)  =]  ;]

Finally, a new artist! And a happy Welcome to the forums!  :D

Thanks for the welcome! :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: CaptainHawkins on May 30, 2010, 03:21:28 am
Hawkins... for some reason that name makes me think of you as a cockney english pilot from WWI.
but your profile says you're from colorado, so... yeah.

Hi anyway, I'm Gabya!

Hello Gabya, my name isn't really Hawkins, its something from a theater production that I was in. lol On the Cockney English Pilot comment though.

Anyhow nice to meet you.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on May 30, 2010, 07:07:07 am
well I'd like to see some stuff you're going to make, and btw, next time you can post all replies in 1 post

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: TGLucario475 on May 30, 2010, 10:28:20 pm
Welcome CH and as Sjoh said, post all replies in the one post, you won't have mods on your ear...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Bring emBack90 on July 08, 2010, 05:29:51 pm
I was watching a video on youtube called the " THE LAZER COLLECTION by B.D." and there was a clip with the Samurai pizza cats in it, I wondered what it was so I looked into it and found my favorite cartoon of all time

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on July 08, 2010, 06:46:22 pm
I wondered what it was so I looked into it and found my favorite anime of all time
fixed  :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on July 08, 2010, 07:35:17 pm
I call 'em all cartoons, me.
Hi by the way!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mr.NoName on July 08, 2010, 10:31:16 pm
Well, an anime is just a Japanese cartoon... So either one is correct.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on July 09, 2010, 08:45:45 am
but still animes have a different style than cartoons

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on July 09, 2010, 09:58:01 am
I wondered what it was so I looked into it and found my favorite children's card game of all time
fixed  :D


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on July 09, 2010, 04:11:18 pm
but still animes have a different style than cartoons
If an animated show is made in the USA its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Russia its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in South africa its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Sweden its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Korea its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Brazil its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Japan its called an anime.
Since cartoon styles differ in all corners of the world, I call them all cartoons (or "drawn series" as the swedish term litterally translates).

Anyway, we're off topic.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on July 09, 2010, 08:44:24 pm
but still animes have a different style than cartoons
If an animated show is made in the USA its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Russia its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in South africa its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Sweden its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Korea its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Brazil its called a cartoon.
If an animated show is made in Japan its called an anime.
Since cartoon styles differ in all corners of the world, I call them all cartoons (or "drawn series" as the swedish term litterally translates).

Anyway, we're off topic.

*applauds Gaby for being right*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fureon on July 10, 2010, 05:41:11 am
Well, I have nothing against using the term "anime" to designate japanese animation and I do so, but I don't deny that anime are cartoons, either.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fureon on July 12, 2010, 07:19:36 am
Well, I have nothing against using the term "anime" to designate japanese animation and I do so, but I don't deny that anime are cartoons, either.
Best introduction ever.

How about READ THE GODDAMN TOPIC (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=74.msg33141#msg33141)? I made my introduction 4 pages ago. This was a reply to the previous messages. Are you dense?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on July 12, 2010, 08:46:46 am
Chill, Fureon. You can just point that out nicely instead of getting all upset.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on July 12, 2010, 11:55:54 am
hey fureon, nice to meet you!

just kidding

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on July 12, 2010, 06:26:42 pm
Well, I have nothing against using the term "anime" to designate japanese animation and I do so, but I don't deny that anime are cartoons, either.
Best introduction ever.

How about READ THE GODDAMN TOPIC (http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=74.msg33141#msg33141)? I made my introduction 4 pages ago. This was a reply to the previous messages. Are you dense?

Someone has a bee in their lil blue bonnet.

Welcome new members; don't feed the Tigriss and ignore the Fureon.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: UFAlien on August 10, 2010, 06:03:33 am
Hey guys! I'm UFAlien, Patwell in meatspace. I'm a seventeen-year-old boy headed into my senior year at Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public High School. Most people just call it PVPA. It's a great school, even though it's a mouthful and you need at least a B in every class to pass. There's lots of interesting classes (in filmmaking, acting, singing, dancing, costuming, set construction, etc.), lots of less interesting classes (physics, Spanish, Roman history, etc.), and my favorite - an open mic almost every week ^^

I'm an aspiring filmmaker/actor/singer (whichever people wanna pay me for, although so far that's just been the acting and singing  :D ) who loves horror movies, 80's music (Milli Vanilli especially), and theme parks. I'm also an RPer, and I co-admin an RP site for Mega Man fans.

My first Samurai Pizza Cats viewing was three days ago. I'd heard it was funny, so I checked it out. It was funny, so I kept checking it out. I'm trying to watch all the episodes in order, just finished number 9. My favorite character is Bad Bird - I always seem to like the villains more than the heroes.

So hi, and, uh, sorry about the long-ish introduction.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mechadon on August 10, 2010, 10:17:56 am
You're a sight for sore eyes, sir. We're in a bad way here. We need enthusiastic people like you to put some life back in these forums. You also look highly qualified to make some fan creations for SPC.

Please stay. We need you.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: UFAlien on August 10, 2010, 10:35:41 am
Well thank you, I suppose! You know, that's almost exactly the post I got when I showed up at the Mega Man site, also a fandom I was new to. Deja vu.

One thing I totally want to do - perform the SPC theme song at an open mic, with a band, and post it here. Soooo catchy...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on August 10, 2010, 11:41:00 am
welcome, I always knew there were aliens on earth.....just kidding  :D
feel your self at home and hope to see your creations  ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: rcom88 on December 15, 2010, 10:13:44 am
Hello people. I just activated my account and decided to come here to post my first experience. I didn't know about this show until around 1996 or 1997. I remember my brother recording a random episode of it, and I was hooked ever since. This wasn't until around the Summer of 1997, so I didn't have much time to enjoy it before they took it off the air. Shame, really since I enjoyed the show.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Razgrizblaze1 on December 15, 2010, 03:44:56 pm
Well then, let me be the first to officially welcome you to the forums. And of course, waking up, seeing your name and the posts everywhere, I actually thought you were a spam bot! But of course, this disproves it...or you're an incredibly intelligent spam bot that can emulate human thought... ?:|

Heh, no, anyway I hope you enjoy your stay here. Be sure to visit the chat sometime too...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mr.NoName on December 15, 2010, 04:39:37 pm
Yay, another member! Welcome, and enjoy your stay at our little slice of fandom.

Edit: Poor choice of words. Fixed.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on December 15, 2010, 04:56:50 pm
correction, it's just 1 new member  :D
Anyways welcome new one! Enjoy yourself here and tell us all you want to talk about samurai pizza cats or other stuff you'd like to talk about, or share.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: vonhorz on December 15, 2010, 07:32:44 pm
welcome to the board...if you want to get known to the members you should come around the chatroomhttp://www.edoropolis.org/forums/chat/ and for the saturday sensation.....http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=4382.0
its quite entertaining^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: rcom88 on December 15, 2010, 09:33:56 pm
Thank you for the warm welcomes. I'm sure I'll be enjoying my stay here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 23, 2010, 11:11:15 pm
Going to be honest and say I heard about this show a couple of weeks ago. Yeah I never saw it on television since I was not born yet at the time it was on the air and ended. Once I saw the first episode of it I couldn't stop watching it, I'm halfway done with watching all the episodes.  ;) I'm recommending this anime to my friends for sure.

Oh yeah I forgot to make an introduction about myself. I'm currently a high school student (11th grader). I like to watch anime, draw, hang out with my friends and bug them, listen to music, and play games. I been a fan of SPC recently, my most favorite character is Speedy. Don't know what else to say right now but I'm glad to be here and hopefully I can find this forum fun. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 26, 2010, 05:06:09 pm
It's a little late, but welcome to the community.  It's always nice to see some new blood around here as it gets pretty lonely talking to the same people day in and day out.  Hope you'll stick around and make yourself at home.  We have a live chat room built into the forum if you can find it, and we meet up weekly in there to watch an episode or two as a group.  We're always looking for new writers or artists if you have a latent skill that you'd like to show off.  There's also the RP and Nihonbare boards if you're feeling brave.

Most of all, just be yourself.  There's no need to try to impress us; we're an easy crowd.
Okay sure but if only there was a suggestion forum to suggest ideas or what kind of forums we can come up with like say have a forum where you post games or anything related to have fun. I think that would help raise some activity around here.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 26, 2010, 05:36:30 pm
If your talking about discussing games, we have the Tech and Video Games board for that.  If your talking about making your own games, we have the Game Projects board.  Feel free to post anything else in the Off Topic section, since that is what it's there for.
Well I actually meant forum games, like "Comment on the user above you" and such.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on December 27, 2010, 11:07:39 pm
Welcome aboard, Speedy_C, enjoy your stay and don't feed the Burkey (unless you want to lose some fingers). ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 28, 2010, 12:12:58 am
@Anon: Okay thanks and I'll be sure to keep that in mind. ;)
Welcome aboard, Speedy_C, enjoy your stay and don't feed the Burkey (unless you want to lose some fingers). ;)
Haha thanks for the welcome and sure I won't hehe. :P

Btw, can you really bump old topics without getting in trouble?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on December 28, 2010, 10:47:57 am
If you Necrobump threads, I will feast upon your soul.

Welcome aboard, regardless, newfish.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 28, 2010, 04:13:15 pm
If you Necrobump threads, I will feast upon your soul.

Welcome aboard, regardless, newfish.

Haha what's necrobump? :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mr.NoName on December 28, 2010, 04:54:32 pm
If you Necrobump threads, I will feast upon your soul.

Welcome aboard, regardless, newfish.

Haha what's necrobump? :P

When you bump a dead thread.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 28, 2010, 04:55:50 pm
If you Necrobump threads, I will feast upon your soul.

Welcome aboard, regardless, newfish.

Haha what's necrobump? :P

When you bump a dead thread.
Well how am I supposed to know if it's dead? Like ones that have not been posted on for a past year or something?

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Mr.NoName on December 28, 2010, 05:05:40 pm
If you Necrobump threads, I will feast upon your soul.

Welcome aboard, regardless, newfish.

Haha what's necrobump? :P

When you bump a dead thread.
Well how am I supposed to know if it's dead? Like ones that have not been posted on for a past year or something?

"To revive a long dormant forum thread by adding a new post, thus bringing it to the top of the forum list." So yeah, that's basically it.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on December 28, 2010, 05:06:43 pm
Okay I understand now... I think. :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on December 29, 2010, 08:08:47 am
I don't mind if someone bumps an old thread as long as it's relevant, so don't worry too much about it.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on January 08, 2011, 05:17:06 pm
I don't mind if someone bumps an old thread as long as it's relevant, so don't worry too much about it.
Okay thanks.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Fireimps87 on January 10, 2011, 12:20:28 pm
Yeah, I'm very new here...I remember seeing this place before..but never actually joined until a regained interest.

I've first encountered SPC/KNT when Disney Adventures Magazine existed, and they talked about new cartoons for fall, including this...loved it as a kid, still love it (and the Japanese version) too.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KyoZaber on January 11, 2011, 12:10:18 am
Yeah, I'm very new here...I remember seeing this place before..but never actually joined until a regained interest.

I've first encountered SPC/KNT when Disney Adventures Magazine existed, and they talked about new cartoons for fall, including this...loved it as a kid, still love it (and the Japanese version) too.

Well then, welcome to the forums Fireimps87.
Enjoy your stay, and stay warm!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 16, 2011, 07:11:42 pm
Let me rephesr this a bit...
I was getting bored with the same shows over and over agian... so i went on to wikipedia
and looked at kids anime and under 'S' was Samurai Pizza Cats i was thinking  :huh: so being my couries self i clicked it
i wasn't very interested but enough to make me watch it, but i forgot to do that for a week, so next week the power went out
the power later came back on, but there was no internet or phone so we went to my grandma's house, she let me use her computer, and i was hooked...
of course internet and phone WAS STILL OUT so we went back one week later watched another episode and the additcon began...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on January 17, 2011, 11:17:51 am
And so... A new generation has been corrupted...

I wonder of kids today can get all the jokes that we didn't get when SPC was originally broadcasted...

Welcome to the forum Noah!!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Crow on January 17, 2011, 01:14:55 pm
Damn, can't mess with the young kids.

He's off the hook........ For now.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 17, 2011, 08:15:44 pm
And so... A new generation has been corrupted...

I wonder of kids today can get all the jokes that we didn't get when SPC was originally broadcasted...

Welcome to the forum Noah!!
I got all of the jokes  :) Besides i like 90's cartoons better  ;-)
Oh and thanks for the welcome ;-)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Romero Anchovy on January 17, 2011, 08:32:50 pm
Then you get the Giant "H" joke then from the KNT version of Hot and Cold kitties

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 17, 2011, 09:48:43 pm
Then you get the Giant "H" joke then from the KNT version of Hot and Cold kitties
Yep ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Gabya on January 18, 2011, 01:12:19 am
Hey Noah!
Nice too see someone new here  =]

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 18, 2011, 10:06:14 am
Hey Noah!
Nice too see someone new here  =]
Thanks ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on January 18, 2011, 04:20:39 pm
Also welcome! (I thought I actually replied on this but it looks like I didn't had).
I think you must be the youngest member, and you also got good taste when you say you like 90's shows more than recent shows ;)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 18, 2011, 04:36:08 pm
Also welcome! (I thought I actually replied on this but it looks like I didn't had).
I think you must be the youngest member, and you also got good taste when you say you like 90's shows more than recent shows ;)

90's FOR THE WIN!!!
Oh and thanks too :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on January 18, 2011, 04:41:26 pm
And I don't know if you already tried this show but you should try to watch biker mice from mars (bmfm) and then ofcourse the 90's version, used to be my favorite show back in those days.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: KageReneko on January 18, 2011, 05:59:04 pm
SWAT Kats eat Biker Mice in their breakfasts...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 18, 2011, 06:12:34 pm
And I don't know if you already tried this show but you should try to watch biker mice from mars (bmfm) and then ofcourse the 90's version, used to be my favorite show back in those days.
SWAT Kats eat Biker Mice in their breakfasts...
And i might try SWAT Kats.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on January 19, 2011, 09:42:19 am
FYI, further discussion of other TV shows should go here: http://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?board=5.0

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on January 19, 2011, 04:57:58 pm
SWAT Kats eat Biker Mice in their breakfasts...
Yea, that's what I would figure out....or they also would chase Limburger since he's a fish :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: YEAH_Mperorseb on January 19, 2011, 07:56:37 pm
I used to watch this show at like 5:30m in the morning on Fox Kids, first anime i ever watched regulary

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on January 25, 2011, 01:03:35 am
Welcome newbies. :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on January 25, 2011, 09:45:46 am
Welcome newbies. :)
Also i watched every episode of SPC on youtube

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on February 05, 2011, 12:00:12 am
Welcome newbies. :)
Also i watched every episode of SPC on youtube
Haha I did too :P

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on February 05, 2011, 07:56:34 am
Speedy_C, please try to keep your signature size reasonable. Giant animated (or giant non-animated) images are discouraged, so I've removed them for now.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Speedy_C on February 13, 2011, 04:04:59 pm
Speedy_C, please try to keep your signature size reasonable. Giant animated (or giant non-animated) images are discouraged, so I've removed them for now.
Yeah I know I was quite unaware, fixed now

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: runningfromgodot on June 12, 2011, 12:24:57 am
Hi.  I used to post as coffeewombat on SPC related stuff years ago.

I can't quite remember the first time I saw the show, but I definitely remember watching it when I was six or seven.  The strongest memory I have from watching it then was thinking that a crossdressing rat that exploded was incredibly funny.  I got back into the series in high school, but I haven't seen it in a very long time.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on June 16, 2011, 07:53:27 am
Hey, glad you made it! Welcome aboard. Please mind your P's and Q's (or an H will fall on your head), stay behind the white line, and don't feed the Burkey when he gets back. You could lose a hand that way.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on July 18, 2011, 01:41:00 am
Hi.  I used to post as coffeewombat on SPC related stuff years ago.

coffeewombaaaaaat!  :-*

'course i remember you. welcome back  :7


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tsuteto on July 24, 2011, 07:47:19 pm
Hey, I'm Tsuteto ^^

My experiences with the show were back somewhere inbetween 94-96, since I was living in California at that time.  All I remember was watching it every morning practically before I went to school.  Was my favorite thing ever to do ^^  Then things weren't the same when I didn't have it at that time.  But now that I'm finding it around again, loving it absolutely, just like I used to :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Someone who does Something on July 24, 2011, 08:16:52 pm
Welcome to the fourm! Enjoy. (Awesome siggy btw :D)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tsuteto on July 25, 2011, 12:22:42 am
Good to know about the necro posting thing ^^  Each place is different about such an issue

And yeah, pony phase, right ^^;;

Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm still your friend

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yakko Cerviche on July 29, 2011, 12:51:06 am
Oh, the ponies are here, too?  Yikes...you leave for awhile, you miss a lot.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sjonnoh on August 06, 2011, 05:43:21 pm
Times changes, unfortunately this time most people suddenly love ponies, I still can't be convinced X3
And welcome Tsu-Teto!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Musashisuya on April 04, 2012, 11:26:43 pm

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: spartacat on November 12, 2012, 06:49:21 pm
I am both amazed and thrilled that this has kept going. I stopped being active within the SPC fandom back around the time edoropolis.org was launched... got to busy to move my old Jerry Atric shrine off geocities before that got shuttered.

I wonder if anyone remembers that...

anyway... I am overjoyed that it's still here for me to return to!  :-*

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violet on November 13, 2012, 08:09:13 pm
I remember the old Jerry Atric shrine, back in those days if you didn't have your own web page, you were nobody on the internet.  Now with forums and places like Deviant Art it's much easier for people to make their mark, so to speak.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Blackcat on November 20, 2012, 12:55:42 am
I remenber the first version of my site had a version in geocities, but way back in 2002 the place was a mess, so it did only last a few days. I should really update the "new" site someday...

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on March 01, 2013, 02:23:23 am
I remember the Jerry Atric Shrine too! Haha Geocities. That just took me back.


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: robley on March 06, 2013, 01:17:28 am
Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I'm robley, the maintainer of That Overflowing Bath of Wonders (http://endpo.0catch.com/spc/index.htm (http://endpo.0catch.com/spc/index.htm)) from many years ago. It's been a long time! I've been considering making a reappearance for ages and the time finally seems about right, so hello!

My first experience with SPC came when I was in the 5th grade of elementary school. One of my friends introduced me to it. I was a pretty big Beast Wars fan at the time, and unfortunately in my area the two shows ran at the same time on different channels every morning. As such, I only watched the show on days Beast Wars was a repeat. Still, the more of it I saw the more I liked it and I was pretty sad when it stopped airing. Then in Junior High I was introduced to anime and the internet and rediscovered the Samurai Pizza cats via the great fansites of old. I was finally able to rewatch and see it all years later once higher quality episode rips were made available on the web, and from there I and decided to finally make my mark in the fan community by launching That Overflowing Bath of Wonders. Unfortunately I wasn't an active member of the community for very long, but I've been quietly checking in and seeing how everyone was doing and what was going on on semi-consistent basis since then.

Anyway, everyone. I hope you are well. I'm not sure you can expect much from me, but It would be fun to chat a little bit and reminisce with you as we all rewatch the series when the DVDs are released.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: cuchulain on March 06, 2013, 06:28:33 am
Hey Robley, I still remember your site.  It's pretty cool to see it still exists and that you're keeping up with SPC.  It seems like this board is starting to pick up in anticipation of the DVDs, so I hope you stick around.  It would be really fun to get viewing threads going for individual episodes, as you alluded to.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on March 07, 2013, 04:01:07 pm
I think it would be interesting to compare and contrast KNT's episodes to SPC.  Saban did lots of cuts to the animation, partly to speed things up, partly for ad time.  As such, KNT, once released to the masses, will be a new experience as there's little snippets and things that didn't make the final cut of the English adaption.

Nostalgia will certainly be overflowing with the SPC set, and I'd be more than happy to contribute opinions / views on each episode.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on March 10, 2013, 10:21:59 am
Hey spartacat, I'm pretty sure I remember your Jerry Atric shrine, seeing as it was probably the first and only of its kind. I'm having a hard time picturing it, though. Any chance you'll revive it some day?

I definitely remember you, robley. I liked how you themed your site after the (in)famous Engrish "poem" from the T. Souma manga. But my favorite part of the site was the "Lipstick and Eyeliner" section. I used to check back now and again to see if it was updated and was disappointed when it wasn't. But it's nice to have you here again.

And as usual, everyone mind your P's and Q's (or an H will fall on your head), stay behind the white line, and don't feed the Burkey unless you weren't using that soul of yours anyway.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: robley on March 11, 2013, 04:32:26 am
Thanks, cuchulain, I'm kind of surprised my site is still up as well! Of course it seems to be more riddled with ads than it was back in the day. It would be fun to do a semi-organized rewatch. I've seen it done with other shows before and it seems like if it's kept simple it could be a fun thing to do.

Thanks, Tigriss! Sorry about how I disappeared and stopped updating my site. I guess I just got wrapped up in life and other things. Admittedly I thought about revamping the site a couple of times in college, particularly after taking a html/css class, but in the end I never got around to it. Lipstick and Eyeliner was pretty much the only original thing I offered on my site compared to the others, so I feel particularly bad I never got around to completing it. :-\

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on March 13, 2013, 01:47:10 pm
and don't feed the Burkey unless you weren't using that soul of yours anyway.

Does that include me? >;7


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on March 24, 2013, 11:55:24 pm
Sorry about how I disappeared and stopped updating my site. I guess I just got wrapped up in life and other things.

I know how that is. Maybe you'll work on it again someday?

Does that include me? >;7


Yes, yes it does. My advice to all newcomers is: Don't feed either of the Burkey crows, whether it's Aster or Burkey himself. Even if they don't eat your soul, you'll still most likely end up missing a hand or some other vital body part. Goggles are also available upon request to prevent having your eyes pecked at.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yuuki Hikari on May 02, 2013, 06:08:41 pm
Well, this seems like as good a spot as any to make a first post.

I'm Yuuki and my first experience with SPC was on YTV in about 1992, thanks to my brother who took a couple of stabs at getting his big sister to watch the show with him.  Good thing I relented LOL.  I keep finding this show and losing this show and finding it again.  It's always fun when I find it again.

I've been in the fandom before, but haven't been active in the SPC community for over a decade ~ I wandered off into the wilds of the internet.  At one point I was responsible for SPC Online, but it kind of went dormant.  It seems to still be there though, but I haven't a clue what my login info was to give it CPR if I was able to (compatability for Netscape 4.x or lower LOL!!  Ugh).  I keep up a tumblr for SPC (which isn't much, just scans I dug off my old HDs and random clips).  I'm currently in the process of converting my roommate (she was home when I found out SPC was coming to DVD and didn't quite understand why I was so happy, so I hit up the internet and dug out my VHS tapes.  Now she's all "HOW DID I MISS THIS SHOW!?" hah XD). 

So hi! I still recognize the handles of posters here from way back when - I'm so impressed with the fandom dedication people have <3.  I'll see if I can entertain people with fanart shortly :)

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on May 02, 2013, 06:28:19 pm
I seem to be like that, Yuuki.  Usually happens around January every year.  1997, on that month, was when I first took SPC as a serious passion.  Whilst there are many who are just into SPC but aren't really into the whole anime medium, for me I now consider it my gateway to the realm of anime.  At the time, I didn't think I'd get much into anime beyond SPC.....didn't even hear the word 'anime' until getting Internet access in 1998 and their wealth of chatrooms dealing on the topic.  No, in my days of watching SPC on the tube, it was for a fun, action-filled show to 'play sick' for, just so I could watch it and not put up with the humdrum and clique-y nature of highschool life.  It would be one of those 'deserted island' series I'd want to have on hand.

A few months after SPC was yanked from the airwaves, I did some rough fanart of my own.  It's not the greatest, as I've no artistic ability.

Fast-forward to now and I now have KNT in my hands in its full, uncut form, and plan on getting the still-vividly-remembered by me, SPC set that will be released over the summer.  As for that fanart.....I'm still pondering on whether to even contribute or not.  If I did, I'd probably first work a little Photoshop magic to clean things up a bit.

Welcome to the forum.  =^_^=

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on May 02, 2013, 11:45:28 pm
SPC Online :)

Glad to have you, Yuuki. Also, please feel free to spam the fanart board :D

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Yuuki Hikari on May 03, 2013, 12:20:32 pm
At the time, I didn't think I'd get much into anime beyond SPC.....didn't even hear the word 'anime' until getting Internet access in 1998 and their wealth of chatrooms dealing on the topic.
A few months after SPC was yanked from the airwaves, I did some rough fanart of my own.  It's not the greatest, as I've no artistic ability.
Welcome to the forum.  =^_^=

Something I've always appreciated about SPC - it came in before the term 'anime' was a thing.  So the show referrs to itself as a 'cartoon', and it also played with its Japanese roots once in a while ("what do all those squiggles mean?"  "That's Japanese!  This is a Japanese cartoon" - still amuses me).  I think my actual anime foray came via Sailor Moon though.

I did SPC fanart initially while it was airing, and for a bit after. I find my old SPC fanart once in a while and I either cringe or laugh at myself LOL.  It makes me feel better about how I draw now XD

Thank you :D

SPC Online :)

Glad to have you, Yuuki. Also, please feel free to spam the fanart board :D

LOL... poor website is so dated.

Thanks :D will do!

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: PizzaCatFan on May 03, 2013, 03:27:18 pm
Something I've always appreciated about SPC - it came in before the term 'anime' was a thing.  So the show referrs to itself as a 'cartoon', and it also played with its Japanese roots once in a while ("what do all those squiggles mean?"  "That's Japanese!  This is a Japanese cartoon" - still amuses me).  I think my actual anime foray came via Sailor Moon though.

I did SPC fanart initially while it was airing, and for a bit after. I find my old SPC fanart once in a while and I either cringe or laugh at myself LOL.  It makes me feel better about how I draw now XD

Thank you :D

You're welcome.  :)

Likewise with me when I look at the fanart and notes I took down while SPC was airing and thereafter when it went off-air.  I chuckle and shake my head.

Having been into anime now for nearly 16 years running, and SPC being my launching point, I think once I have the SPC boxset and rewatch it, will only give me more an appreciation towards it.  My first SERIOUS anime, for the record when I finally knew what I watched was 'anime', would have been 'Akira'....I tried getting into Sailor Moon shortly after SPC went off (as it replaced SPC on one of the two stations I was able to watch it on, but it just didn't click.  Nor did DBZ.

The fandom of anime today is a spoiled lot compared to back then.  Speaking only for myself, I took what I could get, little as it was between what was on TV, and what was offered at the mall chain stores and rental places.  Sometimes I do miss those simpler days where the number of fans were smaller, but they were more passionate and knowledgeable about it, rather than just consuming it once and forgetting it shortly after, throwing around annoying internet memes.  I don't let today's fanbase get to me, though it does make me shake my head at times.

Maybe it's just my old age making me take it all too seriously.

Meh, I ramble too much.  I guess I still have that passion in me despite it all.

Just let me know when late July comes around.  I'll have the SPC set in my hands, a piping-hot pizza and ice-cold Coke off to the side for a snack as I take it all in.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Tigriss on May 04, 2013, 09:06:13 am
At one point I was responsible for SPC Online

I remember youuu! I used to love that site. It's a shame you can't access it anymore. :c

And I see you're a pretty good artist as well! Any chance I could beg bribe convince you to join the new SPC Impromanga (https://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=5222.0) project?

Either way, enjoy your stay, and don't feed the evil crows.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: sans soul on May 04, 2013, 01:57:18 pm
Any chance I could beg bribe convince you to join the new SPC Impromanga (https://www.edoropolis.org/forums/index.php?topic=5222.0) project?
Yeeessssss!!! Definitely! :D

Either way, enjoy your stay, and don't feed the evil crows.
Muahaha.... >;7


Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Clover on July 08, 2013, 01:48:32 am
I was coffeewombat a long time ago.  I meandered off and came back a bit two? years ago and am now back again.  I have a bad habit of lurking in general.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: AlienCat on July 08, 2013, 10:18:54 pm
I was coffeewombat a long time ago.  I meandered off and came back a bit two? years ago and am now back again.  I have a bad habit of lurking in general.

I prefer skulking, myself.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: Violent Violet on March 07, 2014, 03:25:46 pm
Well... Hello everybody!!
I'm very excited because this is my very first time in this Edoropolis Emporium.
The first thing I must to say is this! I tried to be part of the group for two times, with this nick "ViolentViolet" but nobody accepted me as a user yet... so I remembered that my sister IRL was part of this group, and she kindly gave me her account.
Now I can introduce myself! My real name is Silvia and I'm 26 years old. I'm from Italy and I'm very sorry if my English isn't perfect (stereotypes about Italian are right! We can't speak English very well ahahah^^). I fell in love with KNT since the first time I've seen them, when I was only a child, and I had a crush on Karamaru and Ko'on-no-Kami. Well, my feelings aren't changed during these years and I still love this show and its characters!  :-* :-*
Thanks to Discotek Media's work I finally have all the episodes and thanks to the English subs, I finally understand everything! ^^
I worked hard and I translated EVERY episodes in my language, and now I've got a little website about Kyattou Ninden Teyandee!
Unfortunately I know that there's something censored with Discotek Media's sub, and I hope to solve this problem with your help! ^^
Eheh, of course, I can give you all the info about the Italian version of Samurai Pizza Cat that I can have!
Minna, I really love this anime, and your Emporium is... simply wonderful!
Thanks for your big job! You all are great and I would say thank you to everybody!
I hope to become friends with you all, soon! ^^

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: DashStPierre on March 10, 2014, 09:40:28 am
I dont think I ever gave a proper introduction so here goes,

My name is Benjamin "BJ" Williams, Im 31 years old and I have been a fan of Samurai Pizza Cats since 1993 (around the same time I caught the Power Rangers bug). My first experience watching SPC actually came on a Thursday while I was waiting for my turn at piano lessons. they had a TV in the store where we took lessons (The Center of Music) and I was watching to pass the time until my turn came up and I came across it and decided to watch. Because of my parents rules on excessive TV watching (and the timing of the school day) I only got to watch it on Thursdays but it became a highlight of that day to watch Speedy, Polly and Guido kick butt.

Title: Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
Post by: rcom88 on October 24, 2015, 09:53:54 pm
I dont think I ever gave a proper introduction so here goes,

My name is Benjamin "BJ" Williams, Im 31 years old and I have been a fan of Samurai Pizza Cats since 1993 (around the same time I caught the Power Rangers bug). My first experience watching SPC actually came on a Thursday while I was waiting for my turn at piano lessons. they had a TV in the store where we took lessons (The Center of Music) and I was watching to pass the time until my turn came up and I came across it and decided to watch. Because of my parents rules on excessive TV watching (and the timing of the school day) I only got to watch it on Thursdays but it became a highlight of that day to watch Speedy, Polly and Guido kick butt.

I'm way late with this one. Anyway. Do you remember the first episode you saw?