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1  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL SPC and KNT Boxsets to be released by Discotek Media! on: April 21, 2015, 10:01:29 pm
The Discotek stall at Megacon had both DVDs. I was pleased to see it represented there.
2  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates) on: April 21, 2015, 08:01:28 pm
In early 2011, I got my first real IT job maintaining VoIP. I have been away on the journey of life and I may now report that I am still alive.
I have a moment to breathe at last. I found my old password hidden in an archived txt file.
3  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Eto Rangers Music on: April 21, 2015, 07:51:21 pm
Yes, it is memorable.  Smiley
4  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Eto Rangers Music on: February 12, 2010, 10:38:27 pm
The cue sheet divides it up. You either have to uncompress FLAC to WAV then point the CD burning program to the CUE sheet to burn it, or edit the CUE sheet to say FLAC not WAV so that foobar2000 or some other program can play the CUE sheet plus FLAC file as separate tracks. This is an archival copy, not already track separated, so that it can be burned straight back to CD-R and have the full CDs.

Update: I used to have the FLAC megaup links above but that is defunct.
5  General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Timidity on: January 11, 2010, 09:48:53 am
XMPlay is awesome for Windows. It let me play a bunch of modules inside a 7z archive, the keygenmusic collection.
6  Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: KNT Music on: January 11, 2010, 09:45:06 am
You are welcome. For the Eto Rangers ones I just made a new sticky thread so it is easier to find. Before it was in the middle of a thread somewhere. Should we put this up top, or in its own thread or something? I will let the mods of the rest of the board, oh not like I can anyway never mind. Today I goofed up and edited another person's post by accident in Eto area, sorry.
7  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Eto Rangers Music on: January 11, 2010, 09:33:29 am



8  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 11, 2010, 09:30:53 am
I wondered why that looked funny, I accidentally modified your post, sorry!
I almost spilled my drink thinking the megaupload got removed already.

I will have to add the download links to the top post or something. It was in a reply in the middle.

Ok, I created a sticky thread just for it.
9  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 06:46:22 pm
The romanized track list is at:
10  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 06:31:59 pm
The online CD database had entries, but they had mistakes. I think on my other computer I have the corrected ones. I might have to go fire up my other system so I can just go ahead and add the track listings to my web site for everyone.

I need someone to verify if my romanization is correct anyway. At first I messed up and put "Shuugoshin" when the correct one is "Shugoshin" and things like that. It was too late to fix the deadfrog torrent back then.
11  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 06:21:12 pm
It was write Image to Disc. Usually that would be an ISO, but in this case CUE. I hope you left it wav and WAVE for this in the CUE file. It still needs to be like that for burning.
12  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 06:16:25 pm
I should make a guide about this. It is kinda technical but useful to be able to back up CDs with stuff like Exact Audio Copy, and be able to get it back to CD again, while saving 50% space versus just having the CUE+WAV or ISO image.

Once the flac file is back to wav, ImgBurn should let you pick the cue file and burn it to audio CD.
The flac file is just one big file, like a zipped wav file, no internal separation. One big long audio file of the whole CD.
13  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 06:10:06 pm
You need their program. I forget if there are other ways to do it with players you might already have. Offhand I can't recall.
I wonder if one of the audio players can burn it directly without uncompressing to wave.

What CD burning program do you have?

This player does FLAC natively
14  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 05:58:15 pm
Ah I see what is messing you up. You don't burn these files themselves onto a Data CD. The burning app needs to support selecting a CUE sheet to get its raw CD data from and burn that whole thing to Audio CD. For instance, once I use the Flac app to return the *.flac file to *.wav, it is ready to be burned to CD. Programs like the free ImgBurn should then let you pick the CUE file (the CUE and WAV have to be next to each other in the same folder) and burn to CD. It will use the tracks in the CUE sheet to split it up, and write back the ISRC number identifying the recording I think. The ISRC is how the apps can use online databases to pull down the track names automatically.

In the CUE file it points to the wav file, and is type WAVE. This value is what tells the burning or player app what file the sheet is pointing to and what decoder to use. If you change the value from wav to flac and WAVE to FLAC, then programs like foobar2000 will play it directly without even changing it back to wave file, saving space. Also, you can make your own mp3s or anything you want from it without even burning the CD in foobar2000 or something else.
15  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 05:41:30 pm
It's the way to get the full CD audio without sending the huge 700 MB ISO image. The CUE sheet gives the ID and track separation, and the wav file is compressed to flac to save space. FLAC preserves the original data, it is like zipping the wave file (raw CD audio) but optimized for audio.
I am also going to try and put up the MP3 version for people who want it already 320K mp3 and do not need the archival copy.
Even flac is 300-400 MB, only saving like half the space of the original. But mp3 is lossy and discards information, meaning it would be bad for trying to redo it to another kind of audio codec. For that it is better to have the raw wave audio (2 channels x 44,100 samples per second per channel × 16 bits per sample = 1,411,200 bit/s = 1,411.2 kbit/s).
When CD ripping, all apps start by pulling out *.wav they just hide it from you sometimes, then compress down to mp3 or whatever and delete the wave file.
16  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Welcome to the Eto Rangers section of Edoropolis Emporium! on: January 07, 2010, 05:56:28 am
I have returned. I need to get more of my website back up. My profile points to the correct address now.

2015: I am not a very diligent mod  Tongue
17  General Discussion / Eto Rangers / Re: Anybody have the music? on: January 07, 2010, 04:30:04 am
Megaupload links of the FLAC+CUE (either use the FLAC app to uncompress to WAV, or edit the CUE text file to say .flac and FLAC instead of .wav and WAVE).
You can either uncompress and burn to CD-R, or edit that CUE sheet and listen with track separation in foobar2000 or another player.

Eto Rangers CD1:

Eto Rangers CD2:
18  Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: KNT Music on: January 06, 2010, 07:15:48 am
Here are 2 megauploads for KNT:

KNT CD1 (KICA-24, the "BGM" CD) FLAC

KNT CD2 (KICA-37, the "Music" CD) FLAC

Hope that works. Lemme know if they don't extract or something.

SHA-1 Checksums (they should match if my upload worked hehe):
6644ca7aa082542a743c69e9b5ad3c2034a1029c  Kyattou Ninden Teyandee CD1-FLAC.zip
f0583dbd8a91840eaf72fa3bb2837656473a173d  Kyattou Ninden Teyandee CD2-FLAC.zip
19  Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: KNT Music on: January 05, 2010, 02:19:27 pm
Back in 2007 I made lossless rips of my KNT CDs. However, I did not get scans of the liner notes. They fold out bigger than my little scanner bed. I don't know how SPC Soundtracks guy did his. I guess one day I will have to try to scan it carefully not to damage it, and try to rejoin the images.

Oh and if I edit the cue sheet file to say .flac instead of .wav, and FLAC instead of WAVE, it plays directly in the right music player like foobar2000. With that you could transcode to mp3 or whatever without burning it to CD-R first. Always having the original to do mp3s from...
Same thing with the 2 Eto Rangers soundtracks, FLACs of those. I don't like actually taking out the CDs and risk damaging them.
20  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What are you listening to? on: January 05, 2010, 05:03:40 am
Ashes to Ashes opening theme
Morph! theme
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