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General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Who's who in the SPC fandom?
on: May 16, 2005, 01:00:21 pm
Name: Adam S
Nickname(s): adamofthetable, adam808
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Occupation: College student
Resides: Florida, USA
Closest PizzaFan geographically (AFAIK): ???
Favorite good guy: Francine
Favorite bad guy: Big Cheese
Favorite "others": Narrator, Princess Vi (prisoner ISLAND!!)
Favorite character overall: tie between Polly and Francine
Favorite episode: Wet and Wild Weekend (ping pong, it's the only waay!)
Favorite animes: KNT (one day must collect them all), Eto Rangers, Bubblegum Crisis, Cat Girl Nuku Nuku OVA, Slayers, Tekkaman Blade (very few series I have watched all the way through)
Hobbies (other than SPC): Until Uru (online myst game), other comp games, listen to music a lot, walk around places with family, etc
SPC/EE-related pet peeve(s): dunno
Most famous on EE for: who, me?
Most infamous on EE for: nah
Samurai Pizza Cats / Fan Works / Re: Late-Night Screen Caps~
on: May 09, 2005, 10:50:34 pm
Oh yeah those! I think I did those lol. Nero Showtime has a little button that screencaptures at whatever resolution you are using. Those were 1024x768 right? If you can get your hands on that try it out, it's good if you are having trouble finding a good screencapper like I was. I made my avatar image that way. Oh and some were done from RM files by turning off Overlays and using Print Screen. That works too (I didn't put the great subtitles there though, awesome!)
Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: Untranslated Episodes
on: May 02, 2005, 12:32:48 am
That would be "Ki~! Ko'on-no-Kami no Dai Kenkyu" (Frightening! Ko'on-no-Kami's Big Research), right? At least there is an AVI of it now among us. Before it was just that rm.
Really? I could have sworn it was ep 51.
Yeah I was hoping I didn't mix the eps up.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Pizza Cats DVDs
on: April 29, 2005, 11:10:22 pm
I'd like to know exactly how they set up releasing that. It must be an interesting story. If they paid for it, how did they get the owners of the content to allow their release? The owners must be feeling generous of late, actually allowing someone to license 5 episodes for DVD.
Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: KNT Music
on: April 29, 2005, 07:11:04 pm
I think I have that episode, I could record that bit of audio. That is, if you mean you want a clip with her saying the attack and all. If you just want the background music, SPCPolly's site has all the soundtrack mp3s there for ya.
Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: Creepy ~KNT~
on: April 29, 2005, 12:15:17 pm
Yeah the UFO ep. Yattaro imagines the aliens are squidlike things and, well, you can figure it out from there. I think Pururun whacked him on the head for it. I'll have to watch the ep again, it's been awhile since I last saw it.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Pizza Cats DVDs
on: April 28, 2005, 11:05:38 pm
Yeah I finally got around to that. My first attempt at ripping a DVD, using the DVX software. Supersonic says it looks good though. Grab one of the DVDs for yourself though, those 5 eps are great quality.
Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: Creepy ~KNT~
on: April 28, 2005, 10:54:44 pm
Did you see in the one ep where Speedy (edit: I meant Yattaro oops) is imagining what the aliens are doing to Usa Hime? That's just wrong. And the tail shaking is supposed to be cheerful I guess.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: What have you learned from SPC?
on: April 17, 2005, 12:48:50 am
1. Don't make fun of singing talent when your coworker is prone to throwing cash registers 2. Watch out for the manager and that pocket calculator, she's keeping track of you you 3. Humor the temperamental villain or get blown up 4. Anyone can be sent to a desert island if they become too troublesome 5. The boss man sometimes accidentally rolls into a ball and hits the alarm for no good reason 6. Emperors don't need to talk if they can sing scat well enough 7. Silly robots just can't seem to beat a big mecha and that flying armor it shoots out apparently
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience
on: April 17, 2005, 12:31:10 am
My memory of specifics of that time is a bit fuzzy, but I think it was '96 or '97 that I watched it. Since I only had area stations, not cable, I came across it on one of those by chance and watched it on my old b/w TV in my room. I thought the show was the weirdest, funniest cartoon of the time and watched it until it got cancelled. I mostly forgot about it until I saw a flash animation that made reference to it (Arfenhouse 2). That brought it flooding back. Good times. I remembered something else about that time recently. I think that must've been when I had decided to throw out all my toys (star trek ships/hotwheels, etc, don't worry they didn't actually get thrown out I later recovered them from their laying about in a box) and didn't watch TV as much. I was in an overserious phase thinking I was all grown up or something, so I was embarrassed that despite that I secretly liked SPC a lot at age 14-15 or so. Nowadays I don't care, but back then it was my guilty pleasure. I remember turning off the TV if I thought my parents were coming. My sisters watched it with me a bit later and I didn't mind then, but upon singing the theme song as an act for joining our cousin's impromptu "Club" I was given strange looks. Some time afterward I checked to see if the show still was running and it was gone. Cool, Vi joined in! Welcome.