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General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Time Attack Vids.
on: March 16, 2006, 01:43:16 am
Dude, its for GCN, I'm sure the rom would be several Gigs
I have the Dreamcast version which has the beta version on it also >: ) And the game isn't that big at all. I think it's only around 20-50mb.
The game is an overhead shooter where your ship can switch between two colors. One side is black, one side is white(Hence why it's called Ikaruga which means speckled dove). The bad guys are either black or white and shoot bullets of their color. Depending on the color being shot at you can absorb them by changing that color. When you've absorbed enough bullets it will bring your power shot bar to max allowing you to use a super shot(a bomb). It's really not that hard of game once you get the hang of it, but it will play tricks on your mind and eyes 
Here's a site if you wanna see vids and stuff.
Actually, this game is the sequal to a just as insane game called Radiant Silvergun which IS now playable in MAME, but I play it on Saturn so I don't know if it runs as fast. One of my friends said it plays just as well as the Saturn one so you might wanna try it.
General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Time Attack Vids.
on: March 14, 2006, 09:25:18 pm
I also saw a website that had a time attack of Ikaruga. Ikaruga = PURE UNADULTERATED PAIN
Ikaruga is simple in concept: dodge bullets of the opposite color you are. And thats the only easy thing about it. Look it up, and I'm sure you will see why hospitals have a mental ward just for this game
Time attack vids of Ikaruga are MAD! MY gosh that game is nuts.(But it sure is fun )