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Samurai Pizza Cats / Fan Works / Re: Non-SPC/KNT Art Thread
on: March 10, 2009, 02:15:36 am
The first level of Gradius III. The sand dragons are actually a bit cuter-looking in-game.
I remembered good times with this drawing... OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLOW MOTION!!!!!!!!! represent.
Awesome!!! Normal on aster's work! I like the love that you have for your character
International Community Boards / Foro de discusión en español de Los Gatos Samurai / SPC / KNT / Re: Yankee the Cats- Gatos Samurai de Nueva York!
on: March 10, 2009, 01:39:47 am
Que bien que te habientes a hacer otro proyecto Cloud-Boy Buena suerte , aunque tu teclado no tenga Ñ Esque no encotraba las malditas letras. Gracias. Voy a volver a editar la pagina. Porque? Pues porque yo empeze esto, y yo lo voy a terminar, pase lo que pase, digan lo que digan.
El permiso fue dado a mi.
Muchas gracias.
Sargento Javier Garza Marina de los Estados Unidos Retirado
Hay algo que paso por mi mente al leer estas lineas, y es que de un modo o de otro te debo una disculpa Sargento, ya que tu otro proyecto no lo terminaste, y siento que fue gran parte mi culpa, ya fui que yo el que pidió perrmiso para continuarlo, espero que eso no te haya molestado Cloud-Boy, si fue así, una sincera disculpa...
General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Anyone play brawl?
on: September 24, 2008, 08:14:07 pm
Brawl is very similar to the old SSB of N64, in order to enjoy the game, you must play with three more players, is the unique way to maintain fresh and funny the game. The game on Line simply does not exist (too much time of delay). in addition, it lacks of diversity in the suits and in new options of the game, and the balance of the caracters can be very unequal.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Favorite cat from "Rescue Team"
on: September 06, 2008, 08:14:12 pm
Meowzma [¡¡¡ Gataladro, para los compadres!!!] lHe is the leader of the rescue team Really? What episode was that mentioned in? Nonmemory if in some episode it is mentioned (at least in the chapters in spanish), but in the book where the SPC character model sheets come from , in the information of the villains it says: "Zankaa[(bad max in english) (y cuervo mañon en español) ] - The Dark Quartet's leader, their counterpart to Gotton[(mewsama in english) (y Gataladro para los campadres)]..." pag 40 So I assumed that Mewsama is the leader of the rescue team (upps, I hope not to be mistaken…).