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1  Samurai Pizza Cats / Fan Works / mya~ on: June 09, 2005, 08:24:10 am

yes, i'm deviant, too.
2  Samurai Pizza Cats / EE Technical & Edoropolis.org Hosting Support / Re: reopen old account? on: June 09, 2005, 01:44:45 am
This is a whole new forum made about 2 months ago, so there was no record before. So a new account is just fine here.

Ehh? Are you sure you read her post properly?

Meg, Purrcat doesn't visit the this forum that often, so you should try e-mailing him about your account. (qdk@quickdekay.net)
He should hook you up with a new password pretty quickly. Smiley

oh. i was under the impression that since the forum was titled and described the way it was, that purrcat would answer the inqueries here. thanks anyway, though.
3  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Who's who in the SPC fandom? on: June 08, 2005, 11:14:09 pm
Name/nickname(s): Meggy

Username(s): meggy, francine, mrlkitty, maple

Gender: female

Age: 20

Occupation: loan application specialist

Resides: saint john, new brunswick.

Closest SPC Fan geographically: atari. same city. same province. never met him face-to-face

Favorite good guy:  Francine

Favorite bad guy: Bad Bird

Favorite 'other': Lucille & Bat Cat

Favorite character overall: Francine

Favorite episode: gender bender butterflies

Spelling controversy beliefs: E-S-T-E-R, lovelies.

Other favorite cartoons/anime: chobits, inuyasha, sailormoon, hello kitty, digi charat, devil hunter yohko, gargoyles, duckman, family guy,.

Favorite video games: tetris, the legend of zelda series, the hunter: the reckoning series, most of the sonic the hedgehog series, the smash brothers series, chrono chross, final fantasy 7, most of the pokémon games, brutal: above the claw.

Hobbies (other than SPC): drawing, shopping, html/page building, collecting flavoured lip balms and jewlery.

SPC-related pet peeve(s): the fact that it was -always- on at inconvenient times, for me. and that merchandise is so friggin' hard to find. and that's it's all expensive.

Most famous for: the small spc website i maintained a long time ago. and my furry art.

Most infamous for: leaving, on bad terms with a few people in the community.

Favorite quote: "just because you're winnin' don't mean you're the lucky one" -axl rose.
4  General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / mya~ on: June 08, 2005, 04:20:37 pm
personally, i would like to see medli and makar [ from windwaker ] as a playable characters.
5  Samurai Pizza Cats / EE Technical & Edoropolis.org Hosting Support / reopen old account? on: June 08, 2005, 04:09:33 pm
hey there~!
i'm sure you remember me from a -long- time ago when i used to be francine, and maintained the 'francine' account. i noticed a -long- time ago that my ftp account stopped working, regardless of the fact i was using the same password i always used. now, one thing i'm wondering. i know i left a nasty note on the index page of my account, but i've been looking to relocate my remaining spc webside [ http://nickelback.host.sk/carla/ ] to edoropolis. is it possible to fix the login problem with my account, so'z i can update that account with an actual page?
6  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Introductions / Your First SPC Experience on: June 08, 2005, 04:03:11 pm
i have to admit, when i was first exposed to the cats, i was a mere young'n~ i think it was some time in the early nineties, when the show was all fresh and new to north american audiences. i watched it every day, after i came home from school. ytv was the channel airing it, at the time. oh, the days of pj phil and jenn... how i miss those two. then, the show disappeared from the ytv lineup, only to reappear on fox, years later. by that time, i was in middle school... so before i left for school each day, i would set the timer on my vcr to record the show. this continued until the show ultimately got the boot from fox, too. -then-, the show got some ill-timed slot on ytv, latelatelate at night. i think it was about 3:00-or-so in the morning, so i had to be extra careful watching it in the morning, because my mom got furious with me, when she found me up -that- late. but that is a part of this that is irrelevant.

so, in the midst of all of this, i eventually created a spc website. yes, i was that little chica that most knew as otama/francine. and yes, i did leave on bad terms with a couple of people that were in the community, that -continue- to pester me, to this day. i also aided the background production of the savespc website... which i also plan to work on in the near future.

either way, i still have -another- virtually unknown website that i -really- need to update sometime in the future:


sometime in the near future, i'm looking into updating that site, and adding/removing/modifying some links.

and, to make the show -even more- special to me, through the spc web community, i met the love of my life... <3
7  Samurai Pizza Cats / Fan Works / Re: Do We Have What It Takes To Make An SPC Flash Cartoon? on: June 08, 2005, 03:39:26 pm
if you're looking for volunteers for voicing, i would like to offer my services.

... plus, i know someone who does an -awesome- jerry atrick, if you need one.
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