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1  General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Favorite Video Game characters on: October 11, 2007, 02:43:54 pm
Cid from Final Fantasy.  Wink
2  General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Jack Thompson sees self in GTA IV on: October 11, 2007, 02:37:39 pm
Jacky gives himself too much credit. The game doesn't specifically say it's Jack Thompson. And he's not the only anti-game lawyer around.

Then again, I can't name the other ones of the top of my head.  Tongue

But, that's what he gets for being a media whore!  Angry

He's certainly the most outspoken one.

I wondering if he realizes how much of a twit he looks like.
3  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: 5 least favorite bands (Just to offset mah other thread... :p) on: June 08, 2007, 01:48:41 am
Ya... Nickelback is probably one of my least favorite bands of all time.

I think Creed beats them out though. Whiny Christian rock = bad.

And whoever sings that "You're beautiful, it's true..." song. Ugh.
4  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / 5 least favorite bands (Just to offset mah other thread... :p) on: May 31, 2007, 11:05:56 pm
List em. You know there's bands out there that are like fingernails on a chalkboard to ya.

I think I may have to think more about this one than my favorite bands, hehe.
5  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What are you listening to? on: May 31, 2007, 11:01:57 pm
Chris Cornell - Steel Rain
6  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Top 5 Favorite Bands (or music artists) on: May 31, 2007, 11:00:57 pm
OK... I've had a day to think about it... (actually... I just logged on and remembered I posted this last night... :p)

In no particular order:

- Alice in Chains
- Faith No More (or anything that involves Mike Patton, since he's a music whore...)
- Pantera (Or Down... the other band the lead singer is in)
- Clutch
7  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Top 5 Favorite Bands (or music artists) on: May 31, 2007, 12:31:50 am
List 'em.

I'll post mine in a bit once I actually figure out who they are. :p

8  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Username on: May 31, 2007, 12:27:19 am
My username came from a Ralph Bakshi cartoon.

He's the guy that did the original Lord of The Rings and Hobbit cartoons in the 70's in case you've never heard of him.

The movie that my name came from is called Wizards. The character was this very odd assassin. Watch the movie some time if you can find it.
9  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: My DevArt page on: May 31, 2007, 12:24:20 am
Yeah... I've got one, though I haven't updated it with anything interesting in a bit, aside from my finished tattoo from this weekend.

10  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What are you listening to? on: May 31, 2007, 12:20:57 am
Down - Bury Me In Smoke

11  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The Dark Crystal on: May 14, 2007, 05:07:32 am
This was the first movie I ever saw in the theater.

It's been awhile since I watched it. Mebbe I'll toss it on my Netflix queue. Though, I've got 150+ movies on my waiting list, so I'll probably be rewatching the movie in about 3 years. :p
12  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What are you listening to? on: May 01, 2007, 02:52:05 am
I was listening to NIN's new album in the car just before I got in tonight. Good stuff.
13  General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Now Playing on: May 01, 2007, 02:50:16 am
I've been playing Black alot lately. Apparently killing Russians is fun... :p

And Diablo 2.
14  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / My user account was deleted. on: April 11, 2007, 08:58:10 am

I went to visit the site this morning and noticed that I wasn't logged in.

When I tried logging in I got a message that my username didn't exist.

Ah well.

We should celebrate this occasion by snorting a kitten.

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