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General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
on: August 09, 2024, 08:28:34 pm
Can't remember the last time I posted here. Anyway, I'm dong more or less alright, normal health issues notwithstanding. I find it difficult to believe that I'm 40 now. When I had my own little fan-site, I was in high school and college. Feels weird looking back on that... Anyway, I'm stilll doing more or less the same stuff I mentioned the last time I posted in this thread. I also got to sit down a few years ago and finally watch KNT in its entirety, which was nice.
General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
on: January 12, 2022, 03:41:37 pm
I'm still around, if barely. I've been spending the bulk of my time recently watching Worms Armageddon videos on YouTube, working on Casual Failure, playing The Sims 4, and writing a Mega Man Zero/MLP crossover. Sadly, the idea I had for an SPC/Touhou crossover didn't hold water, so I had to put the kabosh on that.
Samurai Pizza Cats / Fan Works / Back in the Game... Maybe
on: May 24, 2021, 01:55:41 am
And I emphasize the word "maybe". I highly doubt anyone remembers, but back when I was in high school circa 1999-2000 I wrote some Pizza Cats fanfics featuring my namesake and his friends. In the years to follow, I considered them old shames and had them deleted from my Fanfiction.Net account. They were written by a 15-16 year-old who really didn't know what writing a proper fanfic entailed (heh) at the time, they didn't really do the Cats justice, and the original characters were bottom-rung where their descriptions and dialogue were concerned. There are ways to make even self-inserts look decent in the eyes of readers, and those weren't it. I think once someone told me that they were going to do a MSTing of one of the fics without my permission, but I never heard anything more from him and I don't think anything really came of it (and I'd rather not look). Fast forward 22 years, give or take. I improve my writing abilities, little by little, and since 2012 I've finally been able to write a few things that I can look back on and not view them as the trash of the Internet. Within the past few weeks, I finally got around to sitting down and watching KNT in its entirety after taking a break from it partway through in 2015 (ironically, because of my cats ). I'm reminded of what drove me to get involved in fan-related stuff back in the day, and that old desire to write fanfiction is trying to make a comeback. Even now, an idea for a crossover with the Touhou Project is percolating in my brain. There's yet to be such a pairing at FF.Net, it's been a while since anything SPC-related has turned up on the site, and it'll give me a chance to succeed where I failed before, so yeah: three Ninja Crows with one stone, if this works out right. Fair warning: I don't know if I'm going to be able to write anything of worth before the plot bunnies scamper away. Nowadays the urge to write comes and goes due to constant tiredness and general apathy, and I'm going to have to watch SPC for a bit to get myself in the mood. But I have a few days coming up ahead of me when my workplace isn't going to be busy (barring a dentist's appointment for a replacement filling on Wednesday), so I'll see what I can do. Who knows? Maybe something worthwhile will come of this. So as a just-in-case measure, I'm setting this thread aside for any updates on that front. That'll do it for now. Ciao mein, and see you later! --EDITED a minute later-- Ah, bad gateways and double-posting. A fun combo, not really. ()^_^
General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
on: December 02, 2019, 12:38:14 am
I have a bit of a bad history where chat programs are concerned (including an incident last year where I got banned from the only Twitch channel I ever really watched ). I use Discord from time to time, but I prefer to stay off of it when I can. It's why I prefer forums over IMs; thinking things through before I say them does me a world of good. At any rate, I've been recording small-time Let's Plays (which I like to call Casual Failure runs) and the odd bit of audio readings on my YouTube channel in recent years. Doubt anyone's too interested, but the link's in my signature regardless.
Samurai Pizza Cats / EE Technical & Hosting Support / Re: Trouble accessing Edo
on: May 22, 2018, 08:23:25 pm
Lol, right? I mean, it is what it is. I still love coming here. I also still love the SPC, and a big part of that is indeed nostalgia (a lot of great memories are attached to it).
Ditto that. Now if I could only set aside some time to watch the rest of my KNT collection, that would be peachy. On a side note, judging by the lack of recent posts in this thread, I can only assume the website's permanently running again. I wonder just how long that problem was carrying on for.
General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
on: April 06, 2017, 02:31:54 pm
Yeah, that's...pretty much the same reason why I decided to check this site.
I have been going to junior college since 2014. It's been a long road, and despite it being hard, it feels right to have gone back to school.
How about you?
What has everyone been up to?
Mostly, struggling to write and draw. I got the urge to do the latter within the past few days, so... here's hoping. Which reminds me, I'll have to change my signature when I get home from work later...
General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
on: April 28, 2016, 01:15:10 am
Forgive me if I disagree. As Glenn Frey of the Eagles once put it: "For the record, we never broke up, we just took a 14-year vacation." (Yeah, I'm a bit stubborn when it comes to the things I like.) Still, life has a way of dragging a guy through the mud. College; moving out of state; getting a job; alternating between apathy, creativity, procrastination, and flat-out tiredness; being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (and suspected to have Asperger's, but that's something else entirely); shifting through multiple interests; getting introduced to Touhou and 4th-gen MLP... I've been through all that since 2002 (though I like to think I've at least matured a little since then; for the curious, I became an honest-to-goodnes fan in late 1998, 1999 or thereabouts). I abandoned my website in 2007, deleted my SPC fanfics from my Fanfiction.Net account because I felt they were an insult to the Pizza Cats, and (I'm ashamed to say) forgot about this very site for long periods of time. I'm still interested in the Pizza Cats, though, and at the very least I have both the SPC and KNT disc sets. (Ironically, it's my cats that are preventing me from watching the KNT discs from start to finish, as they like to lurk behind the television and threaten to chew on all the wires back there if I don't pay attention to them. Crazy critters. ) I'd like to be able to write an SPC/Touhou crossover sometime, but the trick is mustering up the time and energy to do so, as well as getting myself reacquainted with the characters.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Times sure have changed
on: September 08, 2012, 04:37:47 pm
It used to be that this show was on my mind almost nonstop, back when I didn't have a more general knowledge of anime cluttering up my skull. I was happy to contribute what little I could. Nowadays I barely give this show any thought, and any ambitions I used to have are gone.
Don't know if that's going to change after I get the DVDs or not, but I hope it does. It's been far too long.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL SPC and KNT Boxsets to be released by Discotek Media!
on: March 14, 2012, 09:11:15 am
I've been waiting 15 years of my life for this moment. There are no words...
I can think of a whole bunch. Just find an online thesaurus and search for all synonyms pertaining to the word "awesome". I have never been so anxious to be able to buy something in my entire life. Ever. From a "Cat Fancy" review to an honest-to-goodness collection... one of my dreams shall soon be realized.