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1  Samurai Pizza Cats / SPC Merchandise / SPC T-shirts and Pins at Udon Entertainment on: November 06, 2023, 02:30:30 pm
Finally remembered to post about Udon Entertainment's range of Pizza Cats merch:


One currently one t-shirt design and a collection of very tempting looking pins, all officially licensed.
2  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Francine's on: October 24, 2023, 04:09:10 pm
Cool! I guess it could be http://www.francinesrestaurantwindermere.co.uk/ ?
I sometimes see vans or things from https://www.speedyservices.com/ which always makes me think of the show.
3  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates) on: October 24, 2023, 04:04:12 pm
Yay! Glad to see this is back :-) Hope everyone is as OK as can be.
4  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Samurai Pizza Cast on: December 13, 2022, 06:52:20 pm
An SPC podcast can be found here where you can find the Samurai Pizza Cast which ran from September 2019 to September 2021, and I've only just recently found out about it and my password for here
Each episode compares a SPC episode to its KNT counterpart, plus there are bonus episodes where other Saban or Tatsunoko shows are looked at. And finally here is a warning that it contains strong yet hilarious language.

5  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates) on: December 13, 2022, 06:07:53 pm
I'm not dead! And I hope you all are doing well. Speedy Wink
HEY! I was just thinking of ya! I hope *you* are doing well!

For those not in the know, I've been working closely with a hedgehog lately...


Hope all here are doing well!
6  General Discussion / Anime & Cartoons / Re: Helluva Boss / Vivziepop ? on: May 23, 2021, 01:35:42 pm
Helluva Boss? Been meaning to watch that, just a moment...

some episodes later...

...haaaaaaa. That's quite a show; 'tis very red and Richard Horvitz is in it. Won't go into more detail here, but thanks for the link and it looks like I've got more to watch from Vivziepop
7  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Youtube video: The Many Controversies of Samurai Pizza Cats on: May 23, 2021, 11:48:07 am
Yay, an SPC video! Thanks for the link.

I'm always glad of SPC/KNT popping up in modern videos. Didn't know that Disney was actively preventing appearance and releases; I had just put it down to the show being on the Disney Dusty Shelf...
8  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: SPC's Voice Acting on: June 05, 2020, 05:12:25 pm
Brilliant last few posts here - great work A-Log on the voice actors! And no prizes for guessing what YouTube interview I'm watching now  Polly Wink
9  Samurai Pizza Cats / EE Technical & Edoropolis.org Hosting Support / Re: Edoropolis.org down for a week! on: April 07, 2020, 09:14:11 pm
Thanks for the fix Purrcat - hope things are OK for you.
10  Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: New KNT Toy To Be Made?! on: January 27, 2020, 06:39:38 pm
Out now? It looks like it. Time to hide the wallet....

 Polly Wink
Fewture Shop
HobbyLink Japan
1999 Hobby Search

And not forgetting...

Guido Smirk
Fewture Shop
HobbyLink Japan
1999 Hobby Search
11  Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: KNT Art at Character Designer Tenko's Blog on: January 27, 2020, 06:21:05 pm

Which could be about https://fewtureshop.com/esgokin_prurun.html
And not forgetting https://fewtureshop.com/esgokin_sukasy.html
12  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Reboot of KNT/SPC series. on: January 20, 2020, 08:09:35 pm
Please leave Teyandee ago, they probably would ruin Koon in order to make him non offensive and politically correct.

Well, you could say Saban already took the edges off from most of the KNT envelope pushing moments.
Mmm, that got me thinking, what would be changed if Sotsu/Tatsunoko dusted things off....
I would like to see some reboots being made in 4:3 and matching the style of hand drawn animation.

I just want producers stop ruining classic cartoons in order to cash in our nostalgia and limit their SJW crap to original shows like Steven Universe.
Well, money talks and the people in charge now are of the age who would have grown up with this stuff. Or at least that's why I'm thinking things like ThunderCats Roar! are showing up.
(Not seen any of that, by the way, nor have I seen much of Steven Universe. What's so Slam Jam Watermelon about it?

I did groan at the "horror" straight-to-DVD Banana Splits which recently crawled out from Warner. Not seen it, and don't want to. Absolutely pointless waste of time, and effort, even if it was some kind of contractual obligation.
The recent Peter Rabbit movies can be blasted off into the sun and all.

Remaking Teyandee would be like trying to remake the Monty Python movies

Unless you remake Monty Python sketches with Teyandee... hmm....

Quote from: Python (Monty) S1E8
Big Al Dente: No, no this is silly.
 Speedy Wink: What's silly?
Big Al Dente: No, the whole premise is silly and it's very badly written. I'm the senior officer here and I haven't had a funny line yet. So I'm stopping it.
 Yikes!: You can't do that!
Big Al Dente: I've done it. The sketch is over.

13  Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Unused Character Deisgns on: July 03, 2019, 07:20:33 pm
It's things like this that I find fascinating. I guess these (and others) were just available characters to use if needed. That dragon...
Thanks for posting these felineki :-)
14  Samurai Pizza Cats / SPC Merchandise / Re: Kyato Ninden Teyandee Figure on: May 20, 2019, 01:19:41 pm
It's been about a month, but here's another!  https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/robototenko/41729286.html   Polly Wink  Speedy Wink  and  Guido Smirk  hiding in the corner.

And from following this little tip off about ES合金 (and some Google Translate) I visited Art Storm's page.
It looks like the Polly Wink and Guido Smirk figures will be due out August 2019 (perhaps?)
15  Samurai Pizza Cats / Teyandee! Discussion / Re: KNT Art at Character Designer Tenko's Blog on: May 20, 2019, 01:11:10 pm
Thanks for keeping an eye on this blind2d, that is a very sneaky  Guido Smirk...
And a mention of ES合金 (and a spot of Google Translate) made me have a quick look over on Art Storm's page...
16  Samurai Pizza Cats / Fan Works / Re: Mr.NoName's Art Thread on: March 19, 2019, 08:36:22 pm
Excellent work there KitlingLD - and I think I need to start re-watching the series too; I forget the little things from the show your drawing has - like a small tap from Polly Wink can have large consequences...
Love the tilt as well (is that the right word?).
17  Samurai Pizza Cats / SPC Merchandise / Re: Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book (Udon Entertainment Inc.) on: March 19, 2019, 04:09:56 pm
A quick review - and I now admit that my copy arrived some time last week thanks to...well I've no idea. Maybe it was my nice bookshop.

So, everything in the original fan book is in this one: interviews, episodes guides (except for the clip shows) character introductions and more. You get something which is part reference manual and a behind the scene peek as to how the staff worked on the show.
At the moment, my favourite part is the interviews which go into details such as the small problems with ad-libs and the amount of fun everyone involved had. And alcohol.
The only issue I can see is that some of the captions in the episode guides are not under the correct screenshot - but that to me is a kind of minor detail. Other's may find that kind of this distracting, but I'm just more forgiving Polly Wink

This book is fantastic.
18  Samurai Pizza Cats / SPC Merchandise / Re: Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book (Udon Entertainment Inc.) on: February 09, 2019, 06:48:47 pm
Time for an update, and you can find all the information you need here.
It has some sample pages there, so take a look Smiley It looks like this will be a translation of the KNT fan book, rather than a SPC fan book and the date for your diary is March 19th 2019.

19  Samurai Pizza Cats / SPC Merchandise / Samurai Pizza Cats: Official Fan Book (Udon Entertainment Inc.) on: October 23, 2018, 03:52:21 pm
Well it's already popped up here and there, but after a monthly scroll down Udon's Schedule reveals the one and only Official Fan Book in English.
It's listed at Forbidden Planet, Waterstone's and Amazon at 35.99 pre-Brexit pounds, and worth every penny of it.

Like I say, not the latest news, but somehow I think it still needs to be posted here.

20  General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates) on: August 01, 2018, 04:52:33 pm
Tokyo - Only there for over a week, and need to go back again. Amazing place, was there in May 2017 and the shops were never-ending...Donki in particular. Think of something, and they sold it. I managed to track down a shop selling a little something which I think was on 7F here (but checking now reveals that store may have closed)... While there I seemed to eat mostly pizza. I can also say that the lift in the SkyTree is the smoothest I have ever been in.

Back to the present, and my first day in Chemical Plant Zone went very well, for the first time I have my own office, door and everything Smiley (After working in open plan offices or factories since 2001, to work in an office room is quite odd and takes a bit of getting used to.)

Writing - ah yes. I had an idea way back in 2007-8, sketched it out more a few years after, then since then I've been slowly making may way through chapters, but mostly writing pages of notes on character backgrounds, plot threads and even more notes. It's...kind of connected to SPC, but not from the start.

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