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General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The "I'm Not Dead!" Thread (member updates)
on: October 16, 2023, 11:00:09 pm
No way, this place is still alive?! O_O
I was just thinking of this place after someone on Discord happened to ask if I wanted to become a mod at a server, to which I declined, mainly because I don't think I'm the mod type. And yet, here I am, at a site that I thought had completely become a ghost town by now still alive somehow...and still a global mod. Although looking back, I don't think I ever was an effective mod... I'm not sure how I feel about being a mod today because it's a big responsibility and not something you can just use like some fancy new toy or anything. That and it's a thankless job with virtually no reward (and no pay) so it's something that requires a lot of personal motivation, motivation that I'm not sure I really have.
...But enough about my ramblings. I'm just somewhat pleasantly surprised this place still has some activity here and there.
In case anyone wishes to contact me on Discord, it's methidman. Yeah, that's it, just methidman.
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: OFFICIAL SPC and KNT Boxsets to be released by Discotek Media!
on: April 01, 2013, 11:17:28 pm
I'm certainly not nitpicking myself. I hope my previous post didn't elicit a misunderstanding that I was criticizing the DVD release. I'm just saying Tatsunoko's romanizations suck, if it is indeed their romanizations.
It won't really matter to people like us who have been fans of the show for years since we already know their official names through our own years of research. What does bother me, though, is that it will mislead potential future fans into believing that those are the actual names.It's just nice they're finally allowing a US distributor (Discotek) access to their vaults and getting all this classic stuff out there that other players have ignored for years. I wouldn't exactly say 'ignored'. None of the players, at least not the American ones, were able to do anything about the series due to the 20-year contract that recently expired. If you ask me, it couldn't have happened at a better time. We're currently in a period where old 80's and 90's shows are making a comeback. No doubt to cater to the nostalgia crowd.
Even shows that faded into obscurity have been revived. Look at Filmation's Ghostbusters, a show that was only around on TV for one season in the mid-80's. Despite having been forgotten for two decades, it gained a new following of fans ever since it was released on DVD in 2007. Now it can even be seen on Qubo on late night schedules. If it can happen to Ghostbusters, it can happen to SPC/KNT.
...Which brings me back to what I mentioned earlier. While it would be heart-warming to have new fans coming in, I'd be a little disappointed if I found some of them saying things like "My favorite character is Lord Korn!"
Samurai Pizza Cats / General SPC Discussion / Re: Ways to get people posting...
on: March 30, 2013, 12:11:18 am
Ugh, I can't fuckin' stand Facebook...
As for re-airing the show, I think the most likely place for that would be Netflix. They've brought back lots of old shows like Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros. Super Show, Bobby's World, He-Man, Rocko's Modern Life, etc. I could see it happen.
General Discussion / Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Impressive... I never thought I would actually visit this place
on: April 07, 2012, 11:32:38 pm
Another environmental disaster caused by Soviet mismanagement would be the Aral Sea, which started shrinking after the southern river that fed water into it was diverted for irrigation of cotton crops in Uzbekistan. Aral Sea in 1989 (left) and in 2008 (right) ![]( I would like to visit what's left of the southern part of the Sea before it completely dries up. I wonder if you can visit Kantubek (ghost town in what used to be an island in the middle of the Aral) without getting sick from the toxic salt being kicked up by duststorms in the area. Fortunately, the northern part is saved thanks to the construction of the Kokaral Dam in 2005 which has brought the water level back up enough to revive the fishing industry. So at least there's some good news there.
General Discussion / Tech & Video Gaming / Re: Music and video editing for beginners
on: May 06, 2011, 02:57:17 am
I've looked up a list of good alternatives to Windows Movie Maker that are free, and Avidemux is often the first one mentioned. Now that I've seen it mentioned again, I guess it's safe enough for me to trust it.
Just one question: does Avidemux allow you to splice videos together? See, I have a few videos that I downloaded from Youtube through RealPlayer but many of them are split. Could I merge those together?
-- Sam the Methid Man