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Question: which animation company has really gone down the drain
cartoon network

Author Topic: what happened to the cartoons?  (Read 216531 times)
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« Reply #320 on: April 07, 2011, 07:19:14 pm »

Well, not the ones what become great hits, they usually are original enough.

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« Reply #321 on: April 23, 2023, 11:19:34 pm »

I know it's pretty bad on me to necrobump such an ancient thread, especially with a lot happening. It does seem like over the past decade that TV cartoons had a revival and cartoon movies went right for CG, and it's gotten a lot better, we've come a long way since Toy Story. I've also changed a lot since 2008, I'm no longer a dumb emo 12 to 14 year old, and instead a dumb 27 year old... I didn't say I changed for the better mind you, but I really don't want to look at my old posts. I still like Hannah Barbara stuff, yeah, but I'm no longer that old CN fanboy kid.

But One thing I've noticed is that Disney seems to be in an animation slump again, after having it come back after tangled and Frozen being a mega hit (regardless of you're opinions on it, I do appreciate how it seemed to reignite Disney's spark in animation), they seemed to have slumped with their last two movies.

I guess I already said it best in my journal on my Furaffinity a few minutes ago (typed on my phone... ouch), so I'll just repost it here.

Quote from: My FA journal entry
Does Disney hate animation again?

Why do I say again? Well, I remember the mid to late 2000s, they didn't do much animation outside of Pixar. Their main product was dumb tween sitcoms and movies, Hannah Montana was more the face of the company than the mouse himself, it was kinda a rough time to watch Disney.

Then Princess and the Frog happened, it was good, but didn't do well commercially... but something about it reignited something in Disney, after that was Tangled, which was 3d cg, but did well enough, and led to Frozen, which did gang busters. Regardless of your thoughts on Frozen, it seemed like Disney went all the way back into animation with it.

But recently, it seems like Disney would rather make soulless remakes and pump their marketing into such, occasionally they'll trickle out an animated movie, but give it next to no marketing. I doubt anyone noticed strange world existed, but... it did, I didn't watch it, but I heard next to nothing about it aside from some guy on /co/ or something saying it's like journey to the center of the earth. Before that was Raya, which I did watch and liked... but again, barely any marketing, Raya and Strange world both did horribly [in the box office].

So my issue with Disney's live action remakes are... many, mainly their colors and lighting make them look soulless and depressing, compared to the originals which looked warm and colorful. Another is... these movies didn't need remakes in live action, many said it was copyright renewal, but seeing as even very recent ones like Moana are getting the treatment, it doesn't seem to be that... or just that. Is it to appeal to the (dare I say) normie audience, who have the thought of "If it were so good, it would be live action, we have computers, no need for kiddy s***"? Does Disney hate animation again and wants as little to do with it as possible?

Is animation dead? Well, the Mario movie was pretty damn good, kicking Disney's ass, pretty embarrassing that Illumination is dabbing on Disney. But yesterday, I watched the new Puss and Boots on 4k under bluray on a damn good TV, and... it exceeded the hype everyone has for it. It was a very, very fantastic animated film. It really was like the type of movie Disney abandoned, it's almost perfect in just about any way I can think of. So I guess that settles it, animation is not dead.

So is Disney going to learn anything from it's competition, make great animated films again and actually put marketing into them? I'm not holding my breath, but I guess one thing we could look forward to this 3rd Disney Dark age is everyone but Disney filling the void with what Disney won't give us, just like 80s brought us Heavy Metal and many Don Bluth films, hopefully DreamWorks,... Illumination... maybe even Sony can bring us quality animation.

So animation isn't dead, even anime is doing pretty all right in American theaters. Like I've mentioned, the new Puss and Boots was fantastic in every regard and the Mario movie was pretty great as well. But it is a shame to see Disney in a slump, considering they were once (well, twice really... or thrice) the leaders of western animation. Seeing the new Puss in Boots, it makes me wonder what Disney could do at their best now, if they were into animation.

Oh yeah, that new Spiderman movie... Isn't that sony? I don't know, I don't really do super heroes, never did.

And I guess TV animation is in an interesting spot, just wished adult cartoons could be more than just random sitcoms and we can get one that will run for a decent length of time, but whatever. I guess the trinity of Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park is still going alright and Bob's Burgers seems to be doing well.

Also children's cartoons, not exactly a fan of their art directions, and honestly I haven't paid much attention to them (I can't really tell the difference between Amphibia and Owl House), but I hear they're alright.

Oh, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss seem to have really strong followings, not bad for indie cartoons. I still need to give them a look.

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« Reply #322 on: April 27, 2023, 05:40:08 pm »

A bit of a followup, since I sorta accidentally wrote myself into one, though I wasn't expecting a new animated Disney feature to be announced in under a week.

Seems liken they're playing it safe, but it looks like it could be a fun movie, might check it out.

Are they playing it safe because of previous financial disappointments? Nah, I know enough about animated features to know they take a long ass time to make, this was most likely in production for a decade. Hopefully they market it this time.

The title might cause some confusion, since there's another Disney Wish
« Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 05:46:45 pm by MitchZer0 » Logged

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« Reply #323 on: November 27, 2023, 12:20:07 am »

So I haven't watched Wish, but all I've heard about it is that it's not very good. Shame, considering I also heard that it had a lot of interesting stuff left on the cutting room floor.

Not sure if I'll see it in theaters or wait until it inevitably hits Disney+ just to see how it went.

Oh yeah, New inside Out that looks pretty mediocre, and Toy Story 5 is also eventually coming, looks like Disney really is flexing their creative muscles lately. Legally obligated to say that was sarcasm.

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« Reply #324 on: December 20, 2023, 10:03:56 pm »

Since the year is ending, I have to say it's an interesting year for animation.
Disney on their 100th birthday of all the times is struggling, the more I hear about Wish, the worse it sounds. The rest of this year's Disney Catalog isn't doing so hot though... Thankfully like the 80s Disney slump, others seemed to have stepped in.

Mario was pretty good, surprising for Illumination, but I'm sure Miyamoto was basically breathing down their necks during the production, making sure the studio didn't mess things up. It should be interesting to see where the inevitable sequel will go, as for other Nintendo franchises jumping to cinema, Zelda is confirmed getting a live action movie. But what else could get an animated movie? Maybe a Donkey Kong spinoff? A Kirby movie? Who knows. Not really animation related, but I think an Elite Beat Agents movie would be really good.

While I didn't see it yet, I've heard really good things about Nimona, I have to check that out soon.

There was a Trollz movie... another one, not my thing, I'm not the target audience honestly, but the detail in the trailers looked pretty good, I'm sure the target demographic would be pretty happy with it.

There was some other movie... was it some squid movie or something? I heard that did really badly financially, ouch. Shame, looked interesting, but I'm kind of afraid it might be rather middling.

I'm ashamed to admit I didn't watch the newest Ghibli movie, I did hear many have hype around it.

What about stuff to come? I hear Sony is working on a new project that sounds like it could be interesting, but Sony tends to not hit as hard honestly. Could Disney redeem themselves (Nah, I doubt it, unless Iger goes or some shake up happens, and even then it's going to be a long while, animation takes time)?

Oh yeah, Toy Story 5 is something that will happen... not sure why, Toy Story 4 had great visuals, but ended on a sour note for me, would be worth checking out just to see how Pixar's visuals look, Toy Story always tends to be a good representation of the state of CG animation, and we have come a long way since the first one.

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« Reply #325 on: February 10, 2024, 12:11:06 am »


Welp, I guess WB isn't doing well

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« Reply #326 on: August 09, 2024, 11:54:14 pm »

Bumping the thread once again for another bit of unfortunate Warner Brothers news, Cartoon Network's Website (at least the USA english one) now redirects to Max's (the streaming service, formerly carrying the HBO branding) Cartoon Network section. Now I'm not going to completely doompost and say "Yeah, the brand is dead", considering they have a hotel operating somewhere in the North East of the US with the branding currently (albeit, a themed motel with a fancy lobby with meet and greets, and eating space), but it's a shame their web presence is gone, many good days were spent playing their games. Well, at least the one that matters got a source port. https://mattbruv.github.io/ccsr/

Moving onto Disney, Zootopia 2 has been confirmed, and watching someone's stream of D23, Pixar has a Baseball movie series coming out that looks kind of cute.
Edit: Frozen 3 and Toy Story 5, as well as Elio from Pixar

And with Paramount, they're streaming a new Ninja turtles series, the art direction looks nice, but honestly the animation leaves a bit to be desired, but that's just me.

So the old WB isn't looking too hot lately, Zaslov's policies have scared away creatives and their finances aren't looking so hot from what I have heard, I predict that once they're in they're bankrupt, Disney, Paramount and Universal will probably be circling their properties like vultures. Who will get what? Well, Disney owning WB properties honestly sounds pretty nightmarish, I could see paramount or universal owning their properties.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2024, 01:29:27 am by MitchZer0 » Logged

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The Shaman Pizza Cat

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« Reply #327 on: August 12, 2024, 01:11:08 am »

Haven't watched TV or movies in years; I just don't care anymore... I hear about remakes of classic shows and I just say meh...

Anyway, there are rumors about a Gravity Falls revival, I totally would watch that

Posts: 804

The Shaman Pizza Cat

(MSN) yattarokun@hotmail.com
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« Reply #328 on: August 12, 2024, 01:12:10 am »

Haven't watched TV or movies in years; I just don't care anymore... I hear about remakes of classic shows and I just say meh...

Anyway, there are rumors about a Gravity Falls revival, I totally would watch that

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