After a long delay, I finally translated one more page.
Honey shows to be as dumb as Omitsu in that page.
Such situation would be really fitting for a hero's girlfriend, wouldn't it?
Page 51Frame 1Pop Koon “Yagai live de hitobito wo torippu sasete sen'nou shi live tsuke ni shi”
EN “With the outdoor live show we'll make people enter in a trip, we'll brainwash and immerse them into the show completely”
Pop Koon “Soshite sara ni hito wo yobasete yori ooku no shimin wo kontorooru suru”
EN “Further, making them call more and more people, we're going to control a huge number of citizens”
Frame 2Pop Koon“Soshite N.Y City daiKOONran ni otoshi ireru no yo!”
EN “Finally we'll put NY City in a great chaos!”
Box 1 “Secretary of State Pop Koon”
[NOTE: Pop Koon = Poppu-KOON, sounds like KOON-no-kami. “Koon” is a fox bark in Japanese.]
Genchan “Hai, ma mo naku mokuhyou de aru zenshimin no 16% ni tassuru mikomi”
EN “Yes, the prevision is to reach soon 16% of all of the targeted citizens”
Box 2 “Interi - Genchan”
EN “Intelligence - Genchan”
Frame 3Pop Koon's voice “16%? Tatta no?”
EN “16%? So few?”
Genchan “16% no shimin ga panikku wo okoseba, sawagi wa hakyuu shite 97% no shimin ga makikomare masu”
EN “If 16% of citizens causes a panic, the uproar will propagate and soon 97% of citizens will be involved”
Frame 4Pop Koon “Ato no 3% wa?”
EN “What about the remaining 3%?”
Genchan “Haa, sorekurai irun su, nibui yatsu ya yo wo suneta hinekure mono ga... Konchan mitai na,”
EN “Yeah, that figure corresponds to thick-headed persons, or rebellious ones who hate the whole world... like Konchan”
Frame 5Pop Koon “Nan desu TTEE!?”
EN “What!?”
Frame 6Genchan's(?) voice “.. tonikaku sakusen kaishii yott..”
EN “...nevertheless, let start the plan...”
Honey “Miss Rabby? Daitoyryou reijou no”
EN “Miss Rabby? The president's daughter...”
Frame 7Honey “Suggooi Michael tte VIP to oshiriai datta no,”
EN “Amazing! Michael was an acquaintance of a VIP...”
Michael “Sono toori dazei my honey”
EN “That's true, my honey”
Michael “Miss Rabby wa damatte”
EN “Miss Rabby please stay quiet”
Rabby “Mu...”
Box “Honey mo saiwai na koto ni seken shirazu datta.”
EN “Fortunately Honey was alienated too.”
[Note: that's a reference to Omitsu, who shows to be alienated all the time.”
Frame 8Miss Rabby “Kono burei mono getsumen okuri ni se...
EN “Sent that insolent to the moon's surfac...”
Michael “O, hajimaru yoo dazei”
EN “Hey, it's beginning”