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Author Topic: Finally discovering Cardcaptor Sakura...  (Read 22959 times)
Princess Vi's Companion
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« on: September 12, 2007, 02:02:19 pm »

...And it's so much better than the English dub, it's not even funny. Nelvana totally ruined the series. It's like watching a completely different show, aside from the artwork. Whereas Cardcaptors was vapid and tried (unsuccessfully) to be the next Pokemon, Cardcaptor Sakura is one of the greatest animes I've had the pleasure of watching. It's too cute for words.

What are your thoughts on this show?


1. You're a princess, and other people have to be whatever you say
2. You are entitled to temper tantrums for no good reason
3. You are obligated to make illogical demands of any innocent bystanders (even peach ice cream w/chocolate sauce) during said tantrums
4. If someone or something bothers you, you must send it to Prisoner Island (people, objects, comets, etc.)
5. You have the right to threaten defenseless villains and/or peasants with a naginata
6. You have the right to kidnap evil-looking birds and force them to marry you
7. Sugar is bad for you...
8. ...But exile immediately anyone who dares mess with your munchies
9. You may be the single cutest character in the show as long as it does not impede your ability to follow the other rules
10. You need a loyal companion to avoid being an 18-year-old burnout
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« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 02:15:40 pm »

O_O i remember that show its EVIL!!!

TGLucario475 - TEN YEARS OF TGL, awesome!
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« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2007, 08:32:47 pm »

I saw the Spanish Dub, so I like it...
Kits'Okami (fr. Dragonfox)Offline
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« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 05:53:13 am »

Hehe, I remember this show. It was quite cool for a shoujo. Nick UK shows Cardcaptors once in a blue moon.

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« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2007, 09:58:24 pm »

Cardcaptors was literally a joke.  They take a shoujo and try to twist it around into a more 'action-oriented' boy's series....or at least try to appeal more to both genders.

You think what Nelvana did was bad, you probably know by now what Kids WB did here in the U.S.  It went from bad to 'worse' in their hands....rearranging episodes, doing further editing to make things more 'friendly'.....ugh....

Nelvana only handled distribution to all markets outside Japan / Asia.  The series was aired in episode order, and all eps were aired in the rest of the world outside the U.S.  Only romances were cut out.

Trouble is, as a fan of all things dubbed, the English version just didn't agree at all with my ears.  Only halfway decent voice was that for Li Syaoran.  This is not a knock on Ocean Studios (who dubbed the series......NOT Nelvana, contrary to popular belief)....they're the same folks who did Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku and Inuyasha for Viz Media and did Dragon Ball (ep 1-13 US) and DBZ (ep 1-53 US) / (Both series dubbed all the way through by them for Canadians) for FUNimation.  Thus proving they can pull off decent dubs of anime.  Cardcaptor Sakura, was just sadly, not one of them.

You wonder why shoujo in general gets no respect at least in the U.S., both in not airing on TV, or gaining low sales numbers on DVD.

I have CCS uncut and completed.  Watched through it all twice (it's a long series).  It's a cute heart-warming shoujo that's being forgotten mostly because people now are getting introduced to new versions of the same characters in the anime / manga Tsubasa.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2007, 10:02:40 pm by PizzaCatFan » Logged
Ninja Crow*
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« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2007, 12:24:49 am »

Well, it was also dubbed during the height of Pokemon's popularity, when networks were buying the tv rights to any children's series they could get their hands on, so dubbing in general was sub par.
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« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2007, 05:20:58 am »

Yeah, they (The CW) thought they could gain another 'cash cow' out of Cardcaptors, but we all know how -that- went.

Ah well.  I already own it all, so no worries here.  Trouble is, Geneon put it out of print early this year, and it's highly unlikely it'll be licensed again, so for newcoming fans, you're outta luck if you want to buy it new.  Only route is the used / secondhand market.

Tsubasa is CLAMP's new baby right now, and despite mixed reviews of the anime series, both the anime and manga have a devoted following.
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« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2008, 11:33:27 pm »

While I was searching around for more anime to download, I saw Cardcaptor Sakura and just skipped it.  Same, every time I was out buying manga.  I figured Cardcaptors sucked and there was no way that I was going to buy/download anything related to it.

After seeing this thread, I decided to give it a chance.  I've only watched four episodes, but I'm really starting to like it (still going to watch behind closed doors, though).  I am only missing one episode now...

The dub had that Ash vs. Gary gotta-catch-'em-all feel to it, and it wasn't done tastefully.  The original is much better.  I like Yukito-san, though I think I remember something about him from the dub, I try not to let that influence me.

It really is too cute for words, but no one will ever hear me say that outside of the seclusion of the internet.

Sakura-chan has the cutest voice.

Awww, someone is getting in touch with his feminine side. Grin

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Jyarei monsutaa

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« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2008, 02:52:19 am »

This is a Cardcaptor Sakura fan room...

* Sakura.jpg (271.58 KB, 1191x992 - viewed 1215 times.)

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« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2008, 07:56:51 am »

I hope to god that's a girl's room, otherwise someone has a deep seeded pedo problem.

~Burkey o_O
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« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2008, 12:48:02 pm »

I hope to god that's a girl's room, otherwise someone has a deep seeded pedo problem.

~Burkey o_O

When it comes to deep seeded pedo problems, Cardcaptor Sakura is nothing compared to Azumanga Daioh.

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Jyarei monsutaa

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« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2008, 08:11:40 pm »

Actually I don't think my room really betrays much of an anime interest. It does show a computer geek preference as it has a 286, 486, and other computer stuff laying around. But if you look closely you see traces, like a nonfiction book of someone analyzing anime and cultural stuff, and an Eva DVD. Also boxes with Japanese on them containing my KNT collection off Yahoo Japan stored. Don't have a display case or anything to put them in.

Edit: and the Animedia magazines poking out of a stack of stuff. Then not exactly anime, but Ultraman candy I never ate.

I need to at LEAST have the mandatory Nadia figurine somewhere from Secret of Blue Water. And some poster of a Yamato or Ideon movie. Oh and Dirty Pair. Currently I have to make do with a 1997 Star Trek First Contact poster on my door...
« Last Edit: February 18, 2008, 07:43:30 pm by adam808 » Logged

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« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2008, 05:43:39 pm »

This show is awesome, I recently started watching this. I'm on episode 22.
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Palace Aide

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« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2010, 04:01:35 am »

I hope to god that's a girl's room, otherwise someone has a deep seeded pedo problem.

~Burkey o_O

When it comes to deep seeded pedo problems, Cardcaptor Sakura is nothing compared to Azumanga Daioh.

Oy! Azumanga Daioh is hilarious, and awesome. In fact, it's been a decent inspiration in some of Little Tokyo High's staff. ^_^
My favorite part of the series is when Ms. Yukari drives. Ahh... It makes me happy.

As for Cardcaptor Sakura, I liked the series. ... For the most part.
The issue for me was it suffered much like most early anime TV series did. The failure to keep the story going from A to B!

It was hard to keep track of, and to top it all off, one day I tune into it, and all of a sudden, Sakura has ALL OF THE CLOU CARDS!!!
Seriously! I missed what should've been an important turning point in a pretty good story, because the damn network couldn't figure out how to keep the series in the same flippin time slot!

I was thankful to at least catch the series' conclusion. In true fashion, it ended with an open ending that felt somewhat satisfying.

Amongst all of my other video purchases to be, I'll have to keep my eyes open for this one. It wasn't too bad.

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« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2010, 01:24:15 am »

Ha ha, magic girls.

 -- Phil Ken Sebben
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« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2011, 06:25:54 pm »

(still going to watch behind closed doors, though).  
That is same thing i am going to do when i try it, only when my dad and my brother's not up.
Cheer's to blind2d for giving me the idea to watch it! Wink Speedy Wink Polly Wink  Guido Smirk
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« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2012, 04:10:15 am »

I watched the show a few years ago, and I really liked it. I watched a few episodes recently and I still like it as much as I did back then.

I'm a huge retro fan and I love talking about it on Twitch: https://mixer.com/Gamb190

Gamb190 merchandise: https://www.teepublic.com/stores/gamb190?ref_id=8834
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