Posts: 645
« on: October 10, 2009, 05:09:12 am » |
In addition to SPC Wikia, I`m opening a KNT Wikia to show the KNT-specific elements of the cartoon. The first article is Nyanki NinpouFeel free to discuss the KNT Wikia and releated subjects here. For discussion of Nyanki special moves (Ninpous and Hissatsu) please follow to Wikia is not going to copy SPC one, it will only show KNT-specific articles such as Ninpous, Teyandee! - the elements that never appear in SPC (generally because of dubbing)
Posts: 645
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 09:44:11 am » |
I want to know your opinion: Currently I am making screenshots for Wikia from SPC episodes because they have better resolution. But today I accidentally discover that some episodes are cropped. (They was cropped by the publisher). See the difference for yourself: KNT19:  SPC 20:  Should I continue using SPC for screenshots or should I use KNT for episodes? Please, poll and write down your opinion. As for me - Resolution is Number 1 in selection.
wields the pan of justice
Posts: 661

[insert witty quote or comment here]
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2009, 07:37:43 pm » |
Use KNT screenshots. This is a KNT Wikia after all, and yes, the cropping gets annoying. I'm glad someone noticed that besides me.
Left my heart in Edoropolis
Posts: 645
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2009, 10:57:57 am » |
Tigriss,Yes. This is KNT Wikia. So the KNT screenshots will be used. Today I added new articles: Ninpou (new design) Nyanki Ninpou Otasuke Ninpou Gattai Ninpou Karakara Ninpou Hissatsu More special attacks, more pictures, some formatting is done for better view. The information in articles is based on 30 KNT episodes. Don`t worry - all episodes will be processed. 
Posts: 804

The Shaman Pizza Cat
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 11:34:22 am » |
Hmmm... About the Nyankee Ninpous... You forgot the shuriken attack, it is the most basic Ninpo but it still being a Ninpo (Pururun's shurikens have different effects in different episodes like to burn things, to make enemies fall in love or just to hit the enemy)... You also forgot that huge heart-shaped bomb that Pururun uses in the time travel episode...
Also the Pikboke Flash doesn't produce a heat wave, it just produces a blinding light...
The balloon technique, I think the balloons are a kind of object for scare crows not hypno dart-targets...
In the episode 9 the copycat who uses the Neko Me Slash isn't Karamaru... It's the robot of the week...
I don't think you should include Koon's explosions as fiishing moves or Ninpos since those aren't a fighthing technique, just a body function (Like OmiChan's missils)
Also... Why do you list Pururun the first? The correct order would be Yattaro, SUkashi and Pururun... It isn't really important but the fanboyism really irks me...
Posts: 645
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 12:12:01 pm » |
You forgot the shuriken attack No, I haven`t: also forgot that huge heart-shaped bomb that Pururun uses in the time travel episode.
This Ninpou will be added as soon as I rewatch this episode again. Right now, "Nyanki Ninpou" contains attacks whtch I found watching KNT not very fully  Also the Pikboke Flash doesn't produce a heat wave, it just produces a blinding light...
Will be fixed. The balloon technique, I think the balloons are a kind of object for scare crows not hypno dart-targets...
The idea of hypno attack is given me by SPC where  says "Don`t stare at them [baloons]". I don`t think that crows can be scared so easy In the episode 9 the copycat who uses the Neko Me Slash isn't Karamaru... It's the robot of the week...
My mistake. The correct name is (in SPC) Big Bird (as  called the robot) I don't think you should include Koon's explosions as fiishing moves or Ninpos since those aren't a fighthing technique
They do neither the Ninpous, nor the finishing moves. It just was able to destroy the robot. But, I think I better exclude the part "In some episodes Neko Me Slash attack doesn`t finish the enemy." Why do you list Pururun the first?
I was following the alphabetical order of the KNT names. But as soon as  is the leader of Nyaknee his name must be first. I hope it will be Ok to put  after him.
Posts: 804

The Shaman Pizza Cat
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 02:43:44 pm » |
The idea of hypno attack is given me by SPC where  says "Don`t stare at them [baloons]". I don`t think that crows can be scared so easy If you are making a KNT Wikia you must use just KNT aspects... Remember that SPC is a totally different cartoon so to mix the concepts would be confusing... The gag of that scene is to make fun of their animal conditions... The Yami no Yon Nin Syu used stuff that the normal cats love against the Nyankee so they use any kind of thing for scare crows... I'm not sure about this but I think that Felineki, Violet or Daisensei would know more about this... My mistake. The correct name is (in SPC) Big Bird (as  called the robot) Again don't mix the series... KNT is totally different to SPC... I you don't know any robot of the week name try asking to any of our japanese speaker fellows... I was following the alphabetical order of the KNT names. But as soon as  is the leader of Nyaknee his name must be first. I hope it will be Ok to put  after him. The correct order would be Nyankee Ichi Go (Yattaro), Nyankee Ni Go (Sukashi) and Nyankee San Go (Pururun)... Let's give Sukashi the love that he deserves... I'm really tired of the people leaving him behind...
Posts: 645
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2009, 03:00:49 pm » |
If you are making a KNT Wikia you must use just KNT aspects...
Ok. We will need help from japanese speak fellows. The Yami no Yon Nin Syu used stuff that the normal cats love against the Nyankee so they use any kind of thing for scare crows. .. I'm not sure about this but I think that Felineki, Violet or Daisensei would know more about this...
I`ll ask them. Again don't mix the series...
Sorry. Will be Fixed. The correct order would be Nyankee Ichi Go (Yattaro), Nyankee Ni Go (Sukashi) and Nyankee San Go (Pururun)... L et's give Sukashi the love that he deserves...
Ok. So we have  ,  and  .
Posts: 645
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2009, 04:43:17 pm » |
KageRenekoDon`t say like that - you are helping me to improve KNT Wikia. Based on your post a few changes were made: 1) Added  `s Ninpou 2) Some SPC names/titles changed to KNT 3) Changed some special attacks descriptions 4) Removed the unimportant part of the articles about the NMS. 5) The Nyankees special attacks is now listed according to this order: 
Ninja Crow |  |
Posts: 34
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2009, 12:32:05 am » |
Hey there! If I can help contribute to your website by offering descriptions for several of the other elements of the Nyanki Ninpos (or other things in the KNT universe), let me know, ok? I love to write about this sort of stuff. 
Posts: 645
« Reply #11 on: October 25, 2009, 01:16:01 pm » |
Feel free to join. Right now you may add the missing names of Ninpous. You may also wite about the Nyankee`s Hissatsu attacks.
Posts: 645
« Reply #12 on: October 30, 2009, 12:00:06 pm » |
40 episodes are processed. I have made good progress: 1) The more I watch KNT the more I love it. There is much to tell about. One of the parts is Mecha Mecha Ninpo Hidenchou2) Nyanki Ninpou article: 2.1) Added new episode numbers in which the Ninpous are used. 2.2) 2nd  Ninpou is recognized as RISTA [wrist] Shuriken Source2.3) New picture for  +  Ninpou (episode 40) 3) Hissatsu article3.1) Every Nyanki Hissatsu is now has its own page: Neko Me SlashIchimonji Fire HeartbreakerA video is added for  and  `s Hissatsus (video for  attack will be added) 3.2) Added Hissatsu attack by The Sundance Kid. I`m not sure about it`s name: In SPC these scene is missing. gives us "Cat's Eye Shooting" In KNT I hear "no dai shori". Is this the name of attack? 4) Karakara Ninpou2 More Ninpous by Yami no Yon Nin Shu and a powerful "Hi no Tori" by  5) Otasuke Ninpou and Gattai NinpouA Wikia "See also" reference added. Plans: All episodes processed. All Nyanki Ninopous and special weapons (Toritsukkun Armors and Nyaggo King) are added. And other KNT-specific details (such as  missiles, Narrator appearances).
Posts: 645
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2009, 11:36:02 am » |
50 episodes are processed. 1) More Ninpous added. 4 Ninpous needs to be identified - see Nyanki Moves for details. 2) More information about Neko Me Slash. Please visit KNT Mysteries to help me find the correct information about using the Youtou-Masamasa sword in episode 44. 2.1) Added video for Neko Me Slash 3) KNT Wikia Main page is now
Posts: 645
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2009, 01:55:33 pm » |
54 episodes are processed. 1) Neko Me SlashAdded video of a powerful Hissatsu from 53rd episode. 2) Karakara NinpouAdded "Majin Shinkuu Giri". 3) HissatsuAdded video of Nyanki`s combined Hissatsu attack used against Karamaru. 4) Nyanki Ninpou `a heart-shaped bomb gets its real name - "Tokimeki Poppun Bakudan". I hate when Wikia gives me an error about a non-existing video. Maybe it has something to do with Youtube. Maybe, I would have used but it is not currently supported by Wikia video embed tool 
Posts: 645
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2009, 03:17:27 pm » |
Articles update: TeyandeeNarratorNyanki Ninpou - added a new variation of "umbrella-throwing technique" by  : 
Posts: 110

« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2010, 11:49:31 am » |
I don't want to criticize but you should have made articles about the characters (not only the Nyankii Ninpou).
"I hate this idea that you're the best...because you're not. I'm the best. I'm the best in the world." CM Punk
Posts: 645
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2010, 03:12:05 pm » |
I know. But there are much fact about Nyanki that one might tell. Not sure if I can`t handle it all.