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Author Topic: Finally a Spritz story! "Soggy Knight"  (Read 5839 times)
Romero AnchovyOffline
Posts: 538

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« on: February 16, 2009, 05:51:01 pm »

I always thought that out of the Rescue Team Spritz was the least used, so i decied to try to fix that and come up with a Sprtiz fanfic. Hope you all like it, and if so I might consider continuing with it.

BTW this is my 100th post here

The Soggy Knight: Little Tokyo’s Wet Hero

By: Romero Anchovy

Note: I do not own the right to the Samurai Pizza Cats. I’m just a fan making a story…I also don’t hold any rights for mute butlers.

Narrator: It’s late at night in Little Tokyo and everyone appears to be fast asleep. But who’s that standing on top of the old water tower?

Camera zooms in on two individuals on top of the water tower.

Figure one in a low rough voice: It is I the Soggy Knight, here with my young ward.

Figure two: For the last time I’m not your young ward. I’m Bat Cat, and besides I’m older than you Spritz, and what’s with the voice?

Figure one, which turns out to be Spritz: Why can’t you just play along sometimes?

Bat Cat: Because, I’m sleepy

Narrator: Hey!  What are you guys doing here? Where are the Samurai Pizza Cats?

Spritz in a rough voice again: Some say they abandoned little Tokyo when it happened, others say that couldn’t take it anymore…

Bat Cat hitting Spritz on head with his fist: Cut that out!

Narrator: I’m confused…

Writer: So am I…

Narrator: You’re the one writing this thing!

Writer: Hey I was just going off of Spritz’s idea. It sounded good at the time, but then again I did just get back from that party…


Spritz: Sure! Speedy, Polly, Guido, Francine, Meowzma, and the General are all on Sea cruise vacation, and while they are gone I was left in charge, watching over little Tokyo until they get back.

Narrator: Well… Bat Cat why didn’t you go?

Bat cat a little annoyed: Because, I get seasick easily, and I lost my ticket!

Narrator: Well can someone please explain to me why everyone is now calling Spritz the Soggy Knight?

Spritz: Sure, I’ll do it. Cue the flashback!

Narrator: Cue…the what?

Bat Cat holding his head: Not again.

Flash back to Spritz as a little kitten playing on a boat.

Narrator: Hey! I’m the one who’s supposed to cue the…Ah, whatever.

Spritz: It all started when I was a little. I was playing on boat when out of no where …

A Pirate appeared.

Pirate: Give me all your booty now!

Narrator: A Pirate?

Spritz: Yep. A Pirate. He proceeded to take everyone’s booty.

Narrator: Don’t you mean money?

Spritz: Yeah, and when he was finished he did the cruelest thing I’ve ever seen.

Narrator: What was that?

Spritz: He spat in the bubbler.

Narrator: All right that’s it end the flash back!

The screen becomes wavy as it comes back to the present.

Spritz: Why did you do that? I was going to tell you all about how a family of narwhals raised me in their ancient ways.

Bat Cat: That’s not what happened at all! I’ll tell you the real story.

The screen gets wavy again.

Narrator: Hopefully this one is better. Looks like we’re at the main Pizza Emporium.

Speedy, Polly, Guido, Francine and the rescue team were standing in front of the videophone listening to Big Al.

Speedy: How do we know this isn’t another mission Al? Remember that whole accident at the hot springs?

Big Al: This time is different. I thought that you all could use a real vacation at sea!

Francine: But what about the money?

Big Al: Money? Francine when was the last time you’ve been away from Little Tokyo?

Francine took out her calculator and started typing in numbers: Let’s see if I carry the seven…

Big Al: See what I mean? Now look I have seven tickets, and…

Polly: Wait, but there is eight of us!

Big Al: That is a problem. Well one of you is going to have to stay behind.

Francine was the First to raise her hand.

Francine: I’ll stay!

Big Al: No you have to learn how to relax. Why don’t you all talk it over and get back to me when you’re ready. The Boat leaves tomorrow.

Everyone watched as Big Al’s face disappear from the screen, and Speedy was the first to say something.

Speedy: Well, I know for sure I’m going, because I’m the Leader!

Polly: And someone has to watch after little Francine, so I’m going!

Francine: Hey I’m not that little!

Guido: Someone has to keep an eye out for the ladies so I’m going.

Speedy: So I guess that’s settled. Now let’s start packing!

Guido: Hold on there, we still have to decide who else from the rescue team is coming.

Speedy: Oh, yeah! All right then who else wants to come?

The whole rescue team lifted their hands.

General Catton: Hey there Speedy, buddy! You know you can’t leave your favorite of the Rescue team hanging!

Meowzma: Favorite? He said I was his favorite!

Bat Cat: Me too!

Spritz: Me too!

Francine saw that they where about to fight, and she wasn’t going to have that in the Parlor so she came up with an idea: I have an idea!...Narrator what’s my idea?

Narrator: Don’t ask me I’m trying to figure out what’s going on.

Francine: All right then. Line!

Writer: Francine says with excitement: Speedy, Polly, Guido and I will vote on who goes on the trip.

Francine: Thanks…what he said.

Bat Cat: That sounds fair to me. What do you guys think?

The rest of the rescue team nodded their heads in agreement.

Francine: All right guys be back here in five minutes and we’ll have the results.

Writer: Since the narrator is trying to catch up I’ll fill in. The Rescue team left the building, and the Samurai Pizza Cats got to work on one of the hardest tasks they’ve ever done!

Speedy: Actually, it’s the easiest! We’re already done!

Writer: Fine, Speedy. No one here bothers to read the script that I have to write do they?

Speedy and the rest shook their heads and said in unison: No!

Writer: Whatever. After five minuets the rescue team arrived came back eager to hear who was coming.

Speedy: We’ve made our decision The People who get to come are: Meowzma, General, and Bat Cat.

Spritz a little bummed out: But what about me?

Polly: Don’t worry, Spritz you’ll get to come on the next one.

Speedy: Plus you’ll get to be in charge while we are away.

Spritz cheering up: Really? I get to be the person saving Little Tokyo?

Speedy: Yep!

Spritz: Wow! I’d better get started there’s so much work that needs to be done.

Spritz quickly ran out of the pizza parlor heading for his own near the old water tower

Guido whispering to Speedy: Are you sure he’ll be able to do it by himself?

Speedy: Don’t worry; with Big Cheese gone I’m sure that there won’t be any trouble for him. Now let’s get packing!!

The Next morning…

Bat Cat: Where is it?

Bat Cat was looking around his room.

Bat Cat: I put it right here on the table!

Bat Cat picked up a book entitled “Tongue Twisters for the Totally Talented 9,” And flipped through the pages, but he still couldn’t find his ticket.

Bat Cat looked at the clock: It’s almost time to go! Maybe I can meet Al down there!

Bat Cat grabbed his luggage and started on his way down to the seaport, but when he got there he saw that a huge sea liner was starting to take off.

Bat Cat: Oh man, I missed the boat…well I better go and help out Spritz.

Bat Cat started to walk towards Spritz’s place, still wondering what happened to his ticket.

Bat Cat: That's strange, there’s a watermark right where I left the ticket.

Narrator: Import Plot Point!

Writer: So now you’ve caught up?

Narrator: No, I just thought I’d improvise, and point out the obvious. You stink at doing my job.

Writer: And you stink at doing mine, but this works for me.

Narrator: Bat Cat finally arrived at Spritz’s place, which was near Lake Otama.

Bat Cat: I should have known that he would have his Pizza Parlor here.

Bat Cat went inside and saw that there was no one at the counter.

Bat Cat: Hello? Spritz? You there? I came to lend a hand since I lost my ticket.

Bat Cat listened for a response but didn’t get any. He turned around to leave when an unfamiliar face greeted him.

Bat Cat was so shocked by the person that he fell back onto the ground.

Narrator: since the audience can’t see him I’ll describe him to you. Bat Cat has a white helmet…

Bat Cat: They already know what I look like describe the other guy.

Narrator: Fine. He was a skinny old cat that made Guru Lou look like he was a model for GQ magazine. One of his eyes looked right at Bat Cat while the other seemed to be staring off at something in the distance. He wore a butler suit and white gloves

Bat Cat still a little frightened: Uh…Hi there…Name’s Bat Cat…What’s yours?

Narrator: Bat Cat watched as the old man moved his mouth, but all he heard was...

Butler: …

Bat Cat: Okay…Have you seen Spritz?

Butler: …

Narrator: for about 5 minuets Bat Cat grilled this guy asking question after question trying to figure out where Spritz was. Until…

Spritz came through the front door.

Spritz: Oh hey Bat Cat! Right on time I see, we don’t have a moment to waste.

Bat Cat: Who is this guy, Spritz and why can’t he say anything?

Spritz: He’s my new Butler. He’s part of a new set we got for this fanfic.

Bat Cat: Wait, Butler?

Spritz: Yep! And the best part about it is that he’s mute, so he can’t say anything!

Bat Cat: What’s so great about that, and what do you mean I’m right on time were you expecting me or something?

Narrator: It was then Bat Cat had a realization!

Bat Cat: Wait a second, what do you mean right on time?

Spritz: Well…uh…

Bat Cat enraged: You took my ticket last night didn’t you? That’s the reason I found the watermark where my ticket was supposed to be!

Narrator: I told him to lock his door at night but he doesn’t listen to me…

Spritz: Now now Bat Cat, no need to get all upset now, besides now with Speedy and the gang out on vacation this is our time to shine!

Bat Cat thought about what Spritz said for a moment then turned to towards the door to leave.

Bat Cat: You might have stopped me from going on a cruise but I’m still going to have a vacation…Even if it’s by myself!

Spritz quickly ran up to stop Bat Cat

Spritz: Wait! Before you leave at least let me show you the cool crime-fighting lair I got!

Bat Cat:…Fine. Then I’m leaving.

Narrator: Spritz led Bat Cat to the men’s restroom, and went inside a stall with a do not use sign on it.

Spritz opened up the door and Bat Cat saw that the toilet looked like it hadn’t been flushed in years.

Spritz with a smile on his face: Hop in!

Bat Cat: Are you serious! That Toilet has got to be the most dirtiest I’ve ever seen, I’m not going near that thing!

Spritz as he prepared to jump in: Come on! A little water never hurt!

Spritz jumped into the toilet and made a big splash.

Bat Cat: No Way!

Bat Cat turned to leave the stall when he noticed that something was pulling his tail.

Bat Cat: What the… No! He Didn’t!

Narrator: Bat Cat noticed that there was a rope tied to his tail coming from the toilet. Bat Cat struggled to try to stay away from the toilet, but the force on the other end was too strong and pulled him in. Bat Cat closed his eyes, and held his breath as whatever it was pulled him through the pipeline. Bat Cat almost was out of air until he heard Spritz say…

Spritz: It’s okay now! You can open your eyes, and breath now, we’re here!

Narrator: Bat Cat looked around and saw that he was in a pool of water. Then he looked around and saw that that Spritz’s huge lair had lots of stuff. There was a big supercomputer and monitor, a car, a helicopter, a boat, a sub, and behind a glass case where two outfits. Then Bat Cat noticed the same mute butler everyone knows and loves holding the rope connected to Bat Cat’s tail.

Bat Cat: How did he get here?

Spritz: He took the elevator.

Bat Cat: You mean to tell me you have an elevator to get here and we took that nasty toilet to get here?

Spritz: Yeah, But the toilet is much cooler.

Bat Cat: *Sigh*…Where are we anyways?

Spritz: The old water tower in the back of the pizza parlor.

Bat Cat: But this place is so big and the water tower is so small…

Spritz: well maybe the professor can explain it better, Professor?

The Professor popped out of nowhere with a hand drawn picture of the water tower.

Professor: As You can see by this highly accurate drawing of the water tower, that it clearly uses a paradox of the Space Time Continuum Theory to generate 50 Newton’s, per square inch. Thus solving the age-old question of which came first, “The Chicken or the egg!”

Spritz: So what do you say? I can’t do this with out you!

Bat Cat reluctantly: Fine it’s something to do but, I have just one question Spritz…

Spritz: Yeah, what is it?

Bat Cat: Where did you get the money for all this stuff?

Spritz: Well, uh…funny story behind that…I had to take it out of the Pizza Cat emergency funds.

Bat Cat surprised: You What? Does Francine Know?

Spritz meekly:…No.

Narrator: Meanwhile on a cruise ship in the middle of the sea. Polly and Francine where enjoying themselves in the spa area having a mud bath when suddenly Francine sat up.

Polly: What’s wrong Francine? You didn’t leave something behind, did ya?

Francine: I feel a disturbance in the financial force…A disturbance I hadn’t felt since the time Guru Lou tricked Guido and Speedy into spending business money on getting Pineapple Chia Pets, and Mr. Coconut Head’s and trying to sell them to everyone. I need to call Spritz!

Francine started to reach for the near by phone, but Polly took it away before she got to it.

Polly: You need to learn how to relax, Fran. Ever since we got here you’ve been associating everything with money! I’m sure that everything is fine back home. Just Relax, cause later on we're going dancing!

Francine: Maybe you're right Polly…I’ll just relax…It’s not like Spritz spent the emergency fund on something stupid like a crime-fighting layer, and a mute butler. I wonder how Speedy and Guido are doing?

Narrator: Meanwhile on the poop deck, Ha! I said poop!

Guido was busy trying to talk to a lady.

Guido: You know, I’ve sailed across the ocean numerous times and I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you, the name’s Guido. Would you care to go to the dance with me?

The girl started to blush.

Girl: That’s very nice of you to say…um…what was it…Fido? But I’m here with my boyfriend, and I’m going with him.

Guido watched as the girl walked away from him to be with her boyfriend.

Guido: Not even out at sea do I have any luck…

Narrator: Poor guy maybe he’ll learn not to use that old pick up line book he got at that three-day garage sale. Meanwhile Speedy was standing in line to get to the All-you-can-eat table!

Speedy: Could this line move any slower? I’m still hungry!

Narrator: Hungry Speedy?

Speedy: Yeah, I’m going up for my sixth plate! If this line would move!

Narrator: Wow, he’s one hungry cat meanwhile at the game room in the ship…

Meowzma And General where playing pool. Meowzma was winning and had to put the eight ball into a pocket.

Meowzma: Alright, General, eight ball in the corner pocket.

General: I don’t know about that, buddy, that pocket is surrounded by all of my balls.

Meowzma: No, sweat! Watch this move!

Meowzma hit the cue ball in a way that started to make it spin like one of his drills

General: What the?

The Ball started to move to where the eight ball was like as if it had a mind of it’s own. It hit two of the General’s balls and then hit the eight ball and sent it into the corner pocket.

Meowzma: Like I said, no sweat, now pay up!

The General reached into his pocket and took out some money and handed it to Meowzma.

General: You know, with Spritz, and Bat Cat gone this vacation is really…

Meowzma interrupting him as he counted his wins: Peaceful?

General: You said it! Hanging out with those two can be more stressful than rescuing Little Tokyo!

Meowzma: I heard that, I remember when we where rebuilding Bat Cat’s Pizza Cat after the whole comet accident, and he came to work at mine how he wouldn’t stop talking, my wife said that she never knew a cat that could talk so much.

General: That’s nothing compared to what I had to put up with! Spritz, had came to do some plumbing, and long story short, I’d ended up with an indoor water park!

Meowzma: It’s nice to have a real vacation away from those two, although I do miss some of the conversations I had with Bat Cat …

General: and I miss the bottles of water Spritz gave me. They where always good, and cold…

Both Meowzma and General out loud: We Miss Spritz, and Bat Cat!

Narrator: Well now that we know how everyone on the boat is doing let’s see how everyone at the Palace is doing…

Princess Vi was sitting at the head of the console holding her head with her hand.

Princess Vi: I’m bored, hasn’t that stupid writer come up with anything for me to do yet?

Big Al: I don’t think so your highness. He’s been busy, and is probably using this scene as filler until he can come up with something else to add.

Princess Vi looked up set at this: What? How dare he use me as just filler and not give me anything to do! Writer, you better come up with something for me to do or else IT'S THE ISLAND!!!!

Writer yawns: Sorry, Princess. It’s just that I’m writing this at around 12:30 am and I’m tried…

Princess Vi throwing a fit: I DON’T CARE!!! I WANT SOME ACTION OR IT'S THE ISLAND!!!

Writer: Okay, okay…let’s see… how about this…

Suddenly Princess Vi finds herself in the middle of what seems to be a space ship on a sci-fi set.

Princess Vi: Where am I?

Writer: The set of Battlestar Galatica.

Princess Vi: What am I suppose to do here? I can’t go shopping if I’m on a space ship!

Writer: The key to this show is to not admit you’re a Ceylon.

Princess Vi: A what?

A man with a patch over one of his eyes walks up to Princess Vi.

Man: Are you a Cylon?


Writer: Okay, you don’t have to yell…maybe…this?

The scene changes Princess Vi finds herself back at the palace.

Princess Vi: What? This boring place again?

Writer: Give me a second, Hey Narrator I need for you to read this.

Narrator: Fine. Let me see it…uh huh… you spelt, “money” wrong.

Writer: Just read it so that I can go to sleep!

Narrator: And so Princess Vi decided to go out to the Mall to spend money, and see what she could buy since she was getting a pay raise, by the writer/director of this thing.

Writer: How was that Princess?

Princess Vi: I could have done better, but I guess it’s all right.

Narrator: Now that that’s settled let’s fast forward to midnight where we find the our new protectors standing on the rooftop.

The screen gets all wavy again as we come out of a flashback (yes that was all one long confusing flashback.)

Bat Cat: …And that’s where you came in.

Narrator: Wait, that was a flashback? But I was narrating like I knew what happened…

Bat Cat: Yeah…blame the writer.

Writer: Blame Spritz, he was the one who gave me this half-baked idea…

Narrator: we haven’t even introduced the villain in this thing.

Spritz: Don’t worry they will make an appearance in sequel.

Narrator and Writer: Sequel?

Narrator: You mean to tell me there’s more to this?

Spritz: Yep it’s a whole series saga that will lunch the Soggy Knight into a hit movie with multiple sequels, and toys and everything.

Writer: What did I get myself into?

Narrator: And so I guess we have to wait until the sequel until there is any real action…if any.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2009, 05:54:51 pm by Romero anchovy » Logged

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« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2009, 03:43:04 am »

Yay, u put it up!  Good job  Polly Wink
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« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2009, 02:20:59 pm »

I really like the way how you make sentences like: I feel a disturbance in the financial force…A disturbance I hadn’t felt since the time Guru Lou tricked Guido and Speedy into spending business money on getting Pineapple Chia Pets, and Mr. Coconut Head’s and trying to sell them to everyone.

just how do you get on these things  Grin
« Last Edit: June 18, 2009, 04:54:27 pm by sjonnoh » Logged

                                                     This is were I'm from!!
Ninja Crow*Male
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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2019, 05:53:33 am »

I like the part where you put words on the screen.

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