Speedy: Are we still in Little Tokyo, or did we just wake up in San Francisco?
1 (7.1%)
Bad Bird: Are you smoking catnip again, Speedy?
4 (28.6%)
Bad Bird: Hey Man, thats just wrong.
4 (28.6%)
Bad Bird: Would you look at that.. Insta-Sauna!
1 (7.1%)
Speedy: "Déjà vu! First you are chasing a bird, next something explodes, and finally a big rock falls to crush you." ; Bad Bird (with Road Runner's voice): "Meep meep!"
2 (14.3%)
Bad Good Bird: Well so much for THAT oven. D'you know what Polly's gona do when she sees this? ; Speedy: I'd prefer not to think about it. *Sniff* so long buddy, tell Guido he can have my baseball cards if I don't make it.
2 (14.3%)
Total Voters: 14
Topic: They Said What!? - 12 (Poll) (Read 4972 times)