(OCC: Ok guys. No promises, just an attempt to see if I can hit a story that we can all enjoy & contribute to... like we used to.

The clock that loomed over the schoolyard clanked to the top of the hour as the sun crested overhead.
It's series of bells followed shortly behind with a beautiful tone signaling the beginning of the school day.
The students all lined up in a formation that'd been rehearsed many times before, and most likely would occur many more times after today.
Before them rested a large assembled platform where their school's principal, Amoto Tio, would be giving an important announcement.
Principal Tio : *Looking out over the students and faculty from behind the podium, a warm smile over his face as he began to speak in a forceful voice.* Good morning students! I hope you're all ready for a new day, however as you all know well today's not going to be quite like any of your normal school days.
Kyo : *Standing with his homeroom class, his eyebrows inquisitively perk up.* -=At least he's kind enough to warn us
before one of those crazy days hits today...=-
Principal Tio : As any of you whom have been paying attention in home room should know, today is the first of what will hopefully be many, annual job fairs to be held here at Little Tokyo High. *He gestures to the school building.* Over the weekend many businesses from around the city & surrounding area have set up inside the school, and gymnasium and are looking forward to meeting every one of you.
Sheena : *Stifling a yawn.* *In a low whisper.* Blah blah blah... Sheena doesn't know why she had to show up to this.
Camma : *Standing at proper attention.* *In a similar low whisper.* You know why we must be here. Please take this opportunity and make the most of it big sister.
Principal Tio : Now, as you enter either of the buildings please be sure to pick up a worksheet to take with you as you visit the various businesses. *His face turns stern.* Be forewarned, you are to treat each business here with the respect you'd show to any of your teachers. Not your version of respect, the school's version. Any student caught causing trouble for any of our guests will find themselves assisting the janitorial staff here every day until graduation.
Sheena : O_o ... *Stands up straighter, swallowing hard.*
Principal Tio : *Lightens his face back to his original smile.* Now... Have fun today, but think carefully. While this isn't exactly college, it still is important for you to look and see what you may find your calling in life. Some of you may not be destined for college after this. That is why you must use the time you have now before you become a full adult and find out what you wish to do for most of your life. *He then gestures towards the school.* With that my dear students, the last thing I shall say to you all today is... Carpe diem!
With that, the students began cheering, the ranks began breaking up, and everyone began filtering into the school.