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What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
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What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Fan made heroes/Mary Sue
New villain who replaces Big Cheese
Overuse of narrator
Guido bashing
Topic: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic? (Read 14678 times)
Posts: 1324
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What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
April 07, 2011, 09:01:33 pm »
What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
1- Fan made heroes, in a story about the Samurai Pizza Cats, they don't want to see you saving the world, you know?, Mary Sue, same as the first only with a character that's insane powerful and takes over the story
2- New villain who replaces Big Cheese, some people likes it, while others do not
3- Romance, I don't think I have to explain this one
4- Overuse of narrator, the show is called the Samurai Pizza Cats, not Narrator and Friends!
5- Guido bashing, why the hell has to be Guido the one who is injured to near death while Polly and Speedy aren't? Or why he has to left the team, or be insulted? Why the hell you hate the guy so much?
Someone who does Something
Posts: 795
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #1 on:
April 07, 2011, 09:39:13 pm »
RE1- Fan made heroes
I totally agree on this one, it's anoying, and if there is one then i should be based on him, but then why call it Samurai Pizza Cats (Aside form the characters being there)?
RE2- New villain:
We have a villian, don't mess with it!
RE3- Romance:
It's, you know what, forget it.
RE4- Overused Narrator:
This gets very anoying, very fast.
RE5- Guido Bashing:
Yea, it's not fair, so
are prefectly fine, while
is the one to be always hurt?
That's not fair at all.
sans soul
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #2 on:
April 08, 2011, 02:26:44 am »
looks like i should just quit while i'm ahead, then..
Vengeful Warrior
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #3 on:
April 08, 2011, 03:32:48 am »
Poor plot and obvious inability to write a story that isn't immediate wish fulfillment...
Cum historia mutat valde Razgriz
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Posts: 1324
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #4 on:
April 08, 2011, 01:45:32 pm »
Quote from: Razgrizblaze1 on April 08, 2011, 03:32:48 am
Poor plot and obvious inability to write a story that isn't immediate wish fulfillment...
Wish fulfillment? that's pretty vague as its know not every SPC fan has the same tastes, and not every SPC fan likes every SPC episode...
Posts: 374
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #5 on:
August 31, 2011, 03:56:15 am »
I voted for Fan made heroes/Mary Sue.
I'm a huge retro fan and I love talking about it on Twitch:
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #6 on:
August 31, 2011, 08:17:39 am »
Quote from: rcom88 on August 31, 2011, 03:56:15 am
I voted for Fan made heroes/Mary Sue.
Majority rules.
I now propose we kill of all fan made characters.
Posts: 804
The Shaman Pizza Cat
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #7 on:
August 31, 2011, 10:33:19 am »
Fan made heroes are fine, when they are used in a correct way just helping a bit without stealing the damn spotlight, I also hate when the story is totally different from the SPC/KNT structure getting too much serious... I also hate when there are too many new characters, I mean you can bear line one of two of them; but having over six new characters in the story with their cool names is pretty annoying...
I also hate the overuse of one character ignoring the other ones, in fact I hate that in official animated series (I'm looking at you DBZ!!); what's the point of creating characters if you won't use them in a good way??
Anyway, lots of years have passed since I read my last SPC fanfic...
Vengeful Warrior
Posts: 450
We all fight for something selfish.
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #8 on:
August 31, 2011, 01:13:44 pm »
Quote from: Burke on August 31, 2011, 08:17:39 am
Quote from: rcom88 on August 31, 2011, 03:56:15 am
I voted for Fan made heroes/Mary Sue.
Majority rules.
I now propose we kill of all fan made characters.
Starting with Aster Crow and Alexander Darcstorm...
Last Edit: August 31, 2011, 01:26:44 pm by Razgrizblaze1
Cum historia mutat valde Razgriz
Revelat ipsum primum daemon scelestus est
Cum potentia caenum daemon fundet mortem in terram
Deinde moritur
Cum somnus finis Razgriz surget
Surget iterum
Magnus heros est
Posts: 1331
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #9 on:
August 31, 2011, 03:20:20 pm »
Fan made characters are fine, but the reason we like the characters in SPC is that they are well rounded; they have good traits and bad traits, strengths and weaknesses. A "
Mary Sue
" character is not like that, they just are all perfect, and if they have any faults they only exist to try to make the reader sympathetic for them. "__________ is a rock star with super powers, but doesn't know who his/her parents are."
The "Mary Sue" character is a trap many unskilled writers fall into, basically their fantasy about how they would like to be if they were in the world the story is set in, it's probably very rewarding for the writer, but the readers will hate it. But that doesn't mean all fan made characters are "Mary Sues". You just need your character to be well rounded. If it's a SPC fan fic (or any fan fic) don't forget your readers are going to be fans of that show and want to see those characters, so your character can't hog the spotlight.
If you want to write about your character and the setting just happens to be Little Tokyo, it's not really an SPC fan fic, it's your story and will have to stand on it's own merits rather than depend on the the appeal the TV show has. Only a good writer with a good character can pull this off successfully.
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Posts: 883
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #10 on:
August 31, 2011, 06:39:01 pm »
Quote from: Razgrizblaze1 on August 31, 2011, 01:13:44 pm
Quote from: Burke on August 31, 2011, 08:17:39 am
Quote from: rcom88 on August 31, 2011, 03:56:15 am
I voted for Fan made heroes/Mary Sue.
Majority rules.
I now propose we kill of all fan made characters.
Implying implicit implications.
Starting with Aster Crow and Alexander Darcstorm...
Posts: 345
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #11 on:
August 31, 2011, 07:18:17 pm »
"Death!" shouted Purucat, while running towards the deep cave.
"Death to the fanfic Mary Sues!" shouted all Little Tokyo citizens in unison behind him with their torches and spears and tridents held high. Spirits still heightened by his powerful speech barely half an hour ago, there was this kind of energy where no other outcome than total victory was imminent. Everyone felt it and it made them stronger.
Closer and closer to the cave, the thought was in everyone's mind: it was now or never, they had to be destroyed. He said so, so it must be true. Why doubt it? Ever since he exposed the Big Cheese almost singlehandedly, he was proven right and right again. The Francine money washing swindle, the uncovering of double-agent "Good Bird," exposing Lucielle as the mystery bomber terrorist, it just fit...
And so did this thing about the Mary Sues. They just had to go. Now.
Running just half behind him was Polly, fixated on his determined face.
"Someday he will be mine," she thought and immediately wondered how she'd ask him. She'd suddenly every so slightly bump into him when the last of the Sues were gone. And then... Then he'd look into her eyes and she in his, so deep all sense of time would be lost, the feeling of attraction and that deep connection she felt for him, and he surely for her, rushing through their veins, and in that moment of eternity, they'd be one.
She snapped out of it, still running. First there were things to do. Sues to destroy. As she entered the cave, there was a shout in front of her,
"Kill the Sues!"
Thundering roars of approvement answered behind her, echoing through the cave and back. There they were. The cowards. Hiding in a cave. It won't take long now. A shiver went through her spine...
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Someone who does Something
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #12 on:
September 01, 2011, 06:04:04 pm »
Best quote on this fourm ever.
Ninja Crow
Posts: 31
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #13 on:
July 08, 2013, 03:55:50 pm »
I hate it when fanfic writers go all grimdark on children's shows.
Princess Vi's Companion
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Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #14 on:
July 31, 2013, 12:28:08 am »
Quote from: Clover on July 08, 2013, 03:55:50 pm
I hate it when fanfic writers go all grimdark on children's shows.
I agree, grimdark is annoying. Some writers get so caught up in irony (i.e. "look how different it is from canon!") and violence, they forget about writing stuff that the rest of us would want to read.
1. You're a princess, and other people have to be whatever you say
2. You are entitled to temper tantrums for no good reason
3. You are obligated to make illogical demands of any innocent bystanders (even peach ice cream w/chocolate sauce) during said tantrums
4. If someone or something bothers you, you must send it to Prisoner Island (people, objects, comets, etc.)
5. You have the right to threaten defenseless villains and/or peasants with a naginata
6. You have the right to kidnap evil-looking birds and force them to marry you
7. Sugar is bad for you...
8. ...But exile immediately anyone who dares mess with your munchies
9. You may be the single cutest character in the show as long as it does not impede your ability to follow the other rules
10. You need a loyal companion to avoid being an 18-year-old burnout
Posts: 374
Re: What do you hate more in a SPC fanfic?
Reply #15 on:
October 19, 2016, 02:34:02 am »
I feel like elaborating on my previous post just because.
I voted for fan-made heroes/Mary Sue, and it was an easy one for me because, regardless of the quality of the new character, I only care to read about the adventures of the characters that I know and love.
I'm a huge retro fan and I love talking about it on Twitch:
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