It's incredibly easy to rip WAV files with VirtualDub.
If you want me to, I can do it for you
How do you think I got most of the SPC episodes onto my iPod?
I suppose I might as well be perfectly honest here. I've had all the episodes (cept for the real player ones) ripped for some time now.
I posted this thread for 2 reasons...
1) To see if the fan community would actually like to listen to episodes.
2) If there was enough fans, I'd have asked our Audio/Video folks for their blessing before blasting the audio out to the entire fandom. (Out of respect for what they've done for us.) ((Heck, they might've had access to better audio than I did.))
So far, folks don't seem to be very gun-ho about the idea, so I'm not going to worry about it that much.
Anyways... Thank you all for your responses.
And regarding the KNT Audio Rips, I've gotten all the episodes already ripped. Took some finangling, but it was worth it.
Now I've got to work on getting 3.46 gigs out there on the internet somehow...
... I also wish I fully understood all aspects of the Japanese language(s) so I could listen to these an enjoy them. -_-
Edit: Thank you adhdyoshi for offering to help. You sound like you know your way around Audio / Video stuffs. Might have to keep our eyes on you... Never can have too many AV dudes an dudets around!