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Author Topic: Question about the Ghostbusters cartoons on the GB1/2 DVD set  (Read 5181 times)
« on: August 16, 2005, 11:45:17 pm »

So I bought the Ghostbusters 1 and 2 set two weeks ago, and finally got it yesterday (damn you, DeepDiscountDVD). I watched the first cartoon episode and it seemed fine (and I almost cried at my memories of the show from when I was a kid!), then I started watching GB1 to remember that time back in '85 when the sight of Onion Head / Slimer made me hide under my aunt Rosa's bed. blush.gif

Then I tried watching the second cartoon included in the GB2 disc (Partners in Slime), and... it seems... strange. It doesn't -feel- right. How can I explain...

It feels like I'm watching an episode at a slightly lower speed than it should. The intro sequence theme sounded kinda slow in comparison to the other episode, and when the episode starts, the background music sounds slow as well. I -can't- be the only person that's noticed this... I was a huge fan of the show when I was a kid, and I would've noticed this back then.

So does anyone else own the set or know what I'm talking about?
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