That song is definitely on one of the soundtrack CDs, although I can't remember where exactly. I'll find out where and add it to this post soon.
EDIT: This song is included in the track titled "The Rival (Karamaru VS Nyanki)" on the first soundtrack CD. An MP3 is available
here (Track 9).
As far as titles for KNT BGMs go, the second soundtrack CD gives no titles whatsoever, the BGM tracks are simply titled "Musical Theatre" 1-8. The first CD has titles for the BGM tracks, although each track often contains several songs so it's difficult to tell exactly what the titles are referring to.
Anyway, as much as I love KNTs soundtrack CDs and am glad they were ever released, there are several very nice pieces of BGM in the show that weren't included on them. I'd love to see them released someday on a new soundtrack CD, although I doubt that's likely to ever happen.