Guido: Here Speedy, hold this old cheese sculpture of me while I go talk to Lucille
Guido: Sorry about that Speedy, a little too much anchovy for lunch...
Speedy: Theeerre~ Oncee was a cat from Mandew~ *Hickup, burp*; Guido: Here's some more MSG Speedy~
Guido: Speedy, Halloween isn't for another couple need to be actin like a zombie. Besides, how was I supposed to know that I had a limburger an anchovy special?
Speedy: "Gaaaahhhhh! My scarf is... gggg... fastened to the pizza box!"; Polly: "Run, Speedy, run! Guido must deliver the pizza within ten minutes!"
Speedy: "BLECH! Why do cats clean themselves this way?!"
Topic: They Said What?! - 7 (Poll) (Read 5512 times)