Okay, let's face it, the new Thundercats just premiered on Cartoon Network in all of its highly anticipated glory. But, did it stand up to the original, did it surpass it? Did it even live up to the hype!?
Iiiiiit's....too early to tell folks, at least in my opinion. But from what I can tell from the pilot it's going to have top notch animation and an epic soundtrack but the voice acting left a little to be desired. But perhaps that will fade with time or be overshadowed with a hopefully epic storyline. Only the future will grant the cat's eye's glance into the future!
I didn't see this, but the voice acting shouldn't be a long term problem, hopefully. This is the case with any show, but I'm going to use Pokemon as an example. Remember how rough Ash sounded in the first several episodes of the show? Eventually, Veronica Taylor's vocal performance evolved (no pun intended) into the Ash voice we knew and loved until PUSA took over.